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24045477 No.24045477 [Reply] [Original]

There’s no place in this community for you. Sell your link NOW and buzz off.


>> No.24045501
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>own link

>> No.24045505


>> No.24045526

Good racist are low iq

>> No.24045530

I'm a proud gay muslim and I hold the ChainLink token.

>> No.24045534
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As the resident community leader I will NOT tolerate racist, sexist, religious or ANY type of abuse in this community.

>> No.24045538

This is bull shit. First Sergey made me rich and now he doesn’t want me to say rigger!

>> No.24045558

There will be NO MORE discussion of token price on this forum, and NO MORE shilling of the LINK token.

>> No.24045590
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ANY and ALL violations will be quickly reported to:


>> No.24045609

Will commence dumping 700k because of this. Don't over step your bounds pc cuck.

>> No.24045754


>> No.24045758


>> No.24045766


>> No.24045788


>> No.24045842


>> No.24045853


>> No.24045859
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>> No.24045863
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I saw Sergey Nazarov while visiting Auschwitz yesterday. Every time the tour guide started to talk about the camp he would interrupt by yawning really loudly and shout "Boring! Get to the good parts!" - I don't think he was even tired. When we got to the gas chamber he screamed "Fake, there were no gas chambers! The Soviets built this after the war" and then started mimicking a Jew suffocating on Zyklon B.

After the tour he walked straight up to me and said "they deserved it anyway", and praised the Nazis for their "decentralized" camp system, but they could have used an oracle to "improve the process." He then stood on a podium and informed everyone that Jews were "vermin" and that he had made it his mission to destroy the "Judeo-Bolshevic World Order."

Later that day the staff found pictures of the Chainlink logo stapled everywhere.

Even later they realized he stole most of shoes and striped pyjamas left by the gassing victims from the display. CCTV caught him walking around Salesforce HQ in the pyjamas pretending to be a ghost.

I can't believe anyone would buy a coin made by this guy.

>> No.24045865

Eat a toad, nigger.

>> No.24045868


>> No.24045869


>> No.24045875

Well done!

>> No.24045879 [DELETED] 
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>4chan Chainlink Community Leader !nN95twccO6
Quick question, do you do it for free?

>> No.24045885
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"KIKE NIGGER JEWS AGAIN!" Sergey roared stomping into his office decorated to look suspiciously like the Cayman Islands.
"What's the problem this time?" inquired Adelyn looking up from her wet dictionary with a jaded glance.
Rory and Thomas stood over in the corner by the coffee machine. Rory shrugged his shoulders, Thomas rolled his eyes and mouthed "not again" to Rory. Rory, not wanting to get involved in yet another morning 'incident', thought of his wife's son and all they had built together.
"Well..." Sergey began before staring into space for a solid 42 seconds. The others had grown accustomed to this inevitable delay and waited patiently.
"The media, in all their wisdom, cannot see the value of smart contracts; but flippantly share BLM bullcrap". “It’s like a torrent of shit published minute by minute hour by hour!” Rory and Thomas kept their poker faces while Adelyn blew a big bubble of blue HubbaBubba, seemingly immune to the rhetoric, possibly because she was an Asian woman on loan from the Chinese state department.
"And, what's worst," Sergey continued jumping up and down, his fat violently oozing, his chubby arms flailing wide around, "that Microsoft dude is coming today and I'm just not in the mood to talk about "how much I care about BLM"” Sergey fingered the air overemphasizing the quotes and the problem.
"Aww just focus on your oracles sweetie" said Adelyn cooing, "that's what he's come for. Try and stay focused!"
"yeah focused and 1keoy" thought Sergey. Out loud he said with a wink "You're right my little spelling bee, everyone come over here for a group huddle"
Rory and Thomas looked over at each other and sighed in unison and Adelyn complied with a ‘white people walking past you grimace’ expression on her face.
Each put their hands into the center, "One Two Three, We Just Win" they shouted together smiling the Smart Contract mandated smile

>> No.24045897
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Are these "riggers" in the room with us now?

>> No.24045904
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>4chan Chainlink Community Leader !nN95twccO6
Quick question, do you do it for free?

>> No.24045940

yay niggers! i love niggets with their big crimes and crazy shit. i love when niggers pkay me som ngood football. they runnlike crazy niggers.


>> No.24046268
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>> No.24046280
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>> No.24046533
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>Not criticising people on their body size is one of the first rules

Kek, the memes have gotten to him

>> No.24046549
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LMAO based as fuck

>> No.24046567

oh man they're gonna HATE when they find the old memes created over the last few years on /biz/. they'll get very upset and mad cuz it's offensive to them and these sissyboys that need everything to be safe spaces.

sick of the world trying to force everyone to be super nice and nonoffensive and pc. fucking faggot AF movement that needs to die. people dont NEED to be nice nor are they obligated to be but these sissyboy queers in society these days cant accept that and demand the world be nice so they can live in their little delusion bubble that the world is good and just.

I hate modern sissyboy faggots that demand others behave how they demand and try to force you to behave in such a way. they used to call those types of people facists and dictators and nazi's. but appearently now that the sissyboy queers are doing it and only when they do it its ok.

fuck this faggot must be nice safe space movement

>> No.24046584

IDO of primedao os crazy man hahaha

>> No.24046595

Adelyn absolutely hates us, doesn't she

>> No.24046655

Sergey and frens have said goodbye to being a dark horse token and now wanna go straight and boring :(

>> No.24046729
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>> No.24046753

>they used to call those types of people facists and dictators and nazi's
Nah. They called them commies and still do. Why do you think all commie regimes end in mass slaughters? Turns out when they can't force everyone to think and behave how they want, the next logical solution is to kill the dissenters. You know, for the greater good.

>> No.24046780
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>> No.24046810

I hate whenever "we will not discriminate based on race, sex, age, ethnicity etc" stopped being a 'yada yada' list and became a literal list of everything we say we will not discriminate against you for

>> No.24046832
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>> No.24046840

>id is "chud" with a k
>starts a gamer word chain

>> No.24046912

>Tries to fit in

>> No.24047620


>> No.24047635
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>> No.24047706

Can niggers even into link?