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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 540x702, ERSDL -..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24038969 No.24038969 [Reply] [Original]



1- The founders have huge connections in traditional finance.

2. Support from AAVE Ceo ( Stani). The project will be similar to AAVE but target big lenders and will help them move toward DeFi on the blockchain.

AAVE market cap: +- $905 M
eRSDL marke cap: +- $5 M

4. Andre Cronje "watching"

5. Wall Street Blockchain Alliance today...

6. One of CHAINLINK's early adopters tweeting about eRSDL as hidem gem

7.Almos 80% of the total supply is already circulating, so the inflation is low.

8. It is almost impossible to find a gem below $ 5 million MC and with low inflation. Just 933 holders...

Check the pictures

>> No.24038985
File: 206 KB, 1695x1357, ERSDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink early adopter bullish on eRSDL

>> No.24039014
File: 15 KB, 242x537, andre-ersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andre Cronje "watching"

>> No.24039049
File: 3.01 MB, 1242x2688, AAVE CEO-ERSDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aave ceo

>> No.24039066

Absolute scam.

>> No.24039084
File: 18 KB, 720x239, aave & ERSDL .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aave 2

>> No.24039123
File: 3.54 MB, 1242x2688, wall street- ERSDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wall street

>> No.24039178

1.Chainlink early adopter tweeting about eRSDL:

2.Howard sharing panel recently with Stani (AAVE), Jason Jones (Centrifuge/Consensys), Adam (Springlabs) and Andrew Beal (EY) :


>> No.24039487
File: 56 KB, 1280x712, 156757655567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev connected with certain people last night

>> No.24039517
File: 80 KB, 1280x1199, 1564564567676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted these in the TG. Very nice to have them active there btw.

>> No.24039535

Scam, delete this thread right now.

>> No.24039540

Suicide stack amount?

>> No.24039574
File: 19 KB, 363x530, hainersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/biz/ is always the same lol. see you kids at $10

>> No.24039597

This is a total scam. Krieg's reddit is a massive redflag. He doesn't even work at a bank. Jannies should delete this thread immediately.

>> No.24039651

Not gonna lie that name is really retarded could they not find a better name for their shitcoin project?

>> No.24039697


>> No.24039732

still early anon. under 5m usd MC..

look at this !

>> No.24039765

>a boomer's le reddit account
Is that you, rinthell?

>> No.24039828

Comfy af

>> No.24039842

>he's insane
It's totally him following MY HOWIE WOWIE from site to site lol I'm suprised you even edited the text you copy and paste on his every comment.

>> No.24039864



>> No.24039974

So you, and you alone, comment SCAM on his every comment with absolutely no argument ever in your whole post history as to what's wrong with the usecase, whitepaper, tokenomics, fully doxed dev team etc etc, and then you come to 4chan and link to a 50 year old man's reddit account. You have tiny baby IQ sir. Please stop accumulating and dump immediately if applicable. You do not deserve a single HOWER WOWER.

>> No.24040026
File: 171 KB, 292x306, 23423434423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.24040043

$ersdl - Residual Token (dba unFederalReserve)'s Thoughts on Structuring DeFI
We are listed on uniswap ... here are some domain thoughts.

This is all rough, but basically think of those old stick-and-ball molecule models, where in this case each ball is a different tokenized element. For the sake of this email, here's a glossary of sample balls (tokens):

- B(n) = Borrower characteristics as of a date
- C(n) = Collateral characteristics (if applicable) as of date
- L(n) = Lender characteristics as of a date
- T = Terms and Conditions of a debt agreement
Each letter is a non-fungible token, and combinations of those letters form either:
- D = Debt (Funded Loan) = B + C + L + T
- F = Fail (Unfunded Loan) = B + C + L + T [note, good to keep a record of the unfunded loans too]
To price, we capture relevant market inputs (M), and based on D, calculate price AND a slate of other necessary pricing information (Pi, Po):
- M = Relevant market data as of given date (e.g. rate curves, spreads, liquidity)
- Pi = Pricing metrics [inputs] (e.g. CPR/LGD/LS assumptions, servicing costs, capital costs)
- Po = Pricing metrics [outputs] (e.g. cash flow timing, duration, etc.) ... this comes from a centralized pricing model/oracle.
-D(1) = B + C + L + T + M + Pi + Po


>> No.24040070

And almost like cellular mitosis, on day 2, the characteristics of each token may change, and swapping in new balls (or even sub-balls, if the borrower ball was divided into small tokenized characteristic elements) may be necessary.
If D is being considered for sale, then the newly priced debt may look like the following depending on what availability the potential new owner (O) has to updated information:
D(2) = B(2) + C(2) + T + M(2) + Pi(2) + Po(2) ... note there's no lender for pricing purposes, but borrower, market, and pricing elements have changed.
If the O is a securitization trust or a whole-loan buyer, then on the actual acquisition day as part of the settlement process they will like reprice again (in part for accounting, but also to manage the securitization cash flows):
D(3) = B(3) + C(3) + O + T + M(3) + Pi(3) + Po(3)
If you are building a securitization, then you would take the information from D(3)i, where i = {1 to n loans} to create the waterfall for Tin / Drop.
The beauty of tokenizing the discrete elements is the plug/play nature works for varying purposes, and added security, frankly.
I don't need to be transferring my pricing history or assumptions along with the D tokens. I can also share Ts and generic information about my Bs and Cs so that buyers can price in the market. ALCO committees can also obtain metrics on Ds and Fs with respect to the Ms for that day to improve pricing.
I can go on, but this is a basic idea behind what we were thinking at Residual. It would work great for supply chain or digital asset-backed finance, because you have novation/consent opportunities available also. The GUI can mimick what's being used today with logic programmed to write encoded to the different ball types. The back-office/middle-office systems can also have read/write/ball swap capabilities.
Debt Molecules.


>> No.24040107

How about you both go back.

>> No.24040131

Typical scam artists, not addressing the fact that he is not who he says he is. He doesn't even know what liquidity is, yet he claims to be in a top position in HSBC... yeah, sure! SCAM.
If any newfag is reading this STAY AWAY FROM THIS. This is a SCAM designed to get retarded newfags like you to buy. This is what we call a "brigade". They spam this shit to SCAM the people that are coming here because of the bitcoin news. Don't fall for it.

>> No.24040137


wtf is this galaxy brain

>> No.24040351


>> No.24040415
File: 19 KB, 474x266, RyanM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed devspeak

You are more easily identifiable with each post. It's not a pajeet coin so now Howard, who just spoke at a conference named "Wall Street Blockchain Alliance - Crypto Investors Summit 2020" on the "Cryptoassets, Global Markets and the Birth of a New Asset Class" panel, doesn't understand liquidity.

Just buy in and you'll be happy, you don't need to waste your time rotting your soul with fake fud, you're bad at it. Fuck it!

>> No.24040421
File: 200 KB, 1822x622, erdump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess which one of those wallets is me ?
Thx for the threads but seriously make another one this weekend, we can only attract so many retards per day

>> No.24040439

I hate you biztards
I was waiting to buy it with 10k and booooooom

>> No.24040510

kek based, i sold two threads too early, ill see you at 0.008-0.01

>> No.24040520

nice stack the Dane but your rain of terror is almost over

>> No.24040530

what website is that

>> No.24040561

dextools dot io

>> No.24040574


>> No.24040595
File: 359 KB, 1280x720, 1605300993518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of those three
Oh no he tanked it less than a third of half a tenth of a cent I'm about to PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANIIIIIIIIIIIIC

Just kidding, I'm mulling the name of boat #2. I think I want to name it after a space mission, but which one?

>> No.24040642

ehh.. people will forget about it in a few days.. hopefully howie doesnt have another talk

>> No.24040680


>> No.24041140


>> No.24041623

Sub 0.02 is a fine price and you're gonna get assblasted for waiting methinks

>> No.24041823
File: 40 KB, 1050x514, Screenshot from 2020-11-19 08-04-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this piece of shit up by so much?

>> No.24041838

A new whale has been buying today ERSDL


he bought 2.5M eRSDL 2h ago.

and he has a second wallet with 800k usd in tokens and 47.237 linkies...
this one: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9e2fd3b4326b42bf8e9aff43b994cbaa645c7c5b#tokentxns

Follow the whales...

>> No.24041906

Is this bullish or bearish?

>> No.24041924

>yfw that anons meme campaign actually worked

>> No.24041926

Incredibly bullish as far as this current run goes

>> No.24041994

bullish af
a wallet with 47.000 LINK buying this low cap gem...

>> No.24042459

Where is the github?
No wait, don't tell me, I know this pos vaporware doesn't have one.
I wonder who they hired to copy and paste the farming feature.
They sure as hell didn't hire anybody to make the website.

>> No.24042484

I looked into this and it seems like Relex 2.0. Have fun with it.

>> No.24042499
File: 177 KB, 550x297, 1605671386547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at around AUD $0.01.
250k Stack.
Won't be selling till $0.5.

>> No.24042567

Fuck i really wish, but dont think it will go over 1$...

>> No.24042589
File: 242 KB, 500x371, 1605389947206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choice is clear

>> No.24042644
File: 52 KB, 483x257, 1565489446548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that you deserve a link, you person who is quick to talk trash before putting literally any effort into research

On a lighter note, pic related right out from Howard

>> No.24042655

ok i bought
everything i bought dumps so i hope this time is different

>> No.24042681

thouight this was CUTE

>> No.24042734

He's right though, I will brag to the grandchildren austistically about blockchain and how I made my fortune.

>> No.24042793

Good luck chaps with the blessed double dubs. I think we're gonna 10x plus SOON amid some rocky whale road. Have fun

>> No.24042837
File: 86 KB, 847x960, 1594730717982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids and grandkids
No it's something I will be telling Taiwanese hookers about.

>> No.24042943

By then they'll accept sats. Not that I would ever relinquish

>> No.24043193

Is this actually a real comment?
I can't find it anywhere. I think it's fabricated.

>> No.24043225

You're posting a lot in this thread huh

>> No.24044587

Well yeah I have a bunch of tokens and believe this'll make me and a bunch of bizraelites rich.

>> No.24044716
File: 230 KB, 613x720, 20201118_225117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to biz get yer hodler approved home baked alt threads

>> No.24045928

Should I buy after the last pump?

>> No.24045972

yes it'll probably pump again around 12-3am pacific time it does it quite a bit