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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 745x733, Ersdl holyGrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24035233 No.24035233 [Reply] [Original]

I was outta town and missed the dump but DAMN eRSDL is a comfy hold

>> No.24035255

Nice blog faggot

>> No.24035269


>> No.24035369


>> No.24035868

what is this and why is it being shilled?
I got $1k to goof of with. Tell me your story.

>> No.24035895


>> No.24035960

ok, now why are you holding this scam-looking thing bc I'm interested..

>> No.24036094

the dev is the general janitor of a high school and does this on the side, what more do you need?

>> No.24036163


>> No.24036699

how the FUCK do I buy this with 100x leverage or just buy it at all?

>> No.24036730

website is a pleb filter

>> No.24036775

with money

>> No.24036792

It's not on Binance tho?

>> No.24036818

No, are you not familiar with things such as uniswap?

>> No.24036865

It's on uniswap. Buy eth, put eth on your wallet, connect wallet to uniswap, trade for ersdl. The website has the uniswap link. It's on coingecko list. It's all easier than it sounds. Standard procedure for erc-20 coins which are many if not most altcoins

>> No.24036869


>> No.24036893

thank you will investigate

>> No.24036925

Remember, this is still in the stealth phase. This is the perfect time to accooomulate.

>> No.24036963

Welcome, best of luck in all your endeavors. Using uniswap isn't too hard. You'll get familiar quick. People blast altcoins but I make much more from them than my btc hodlings.

>> No.24037107

how do i stake my ersdls?

>> No.24037181

you'd have to provide liquidity to uniswap but I wouldn't even bother now just accumulate farming isn't profitable any more

>> No.24037298

Dev presenting this to some of the largest janitorial suppliers in the US next week. Bullish.

>> No.24037300

>says he has high contacts in banking
>his wifes boyfriend is the branch manager for chase bank
>he claims hes the ceo of residual token inc
>in reality he pushes carts for walmart
>has a "big" conference at the wallstreet blockchain alliance
>hes only there to do the catering as a side gig

>> No.24037312

okok, thenks fren

>> No.24037510
File: 20 KB, 304x300, IMG_20201118_172333_910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna clean up this market, boys

>> No.24037754

Fucking comfy. That dip got eaten up entirely

>> No.24037917
File: 778 KB, 1135x1077, 1427686150883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok wtfwt

>> No.24038019

Can you guys stfu please? Someone made a larp thread just a few hours ago and managed to pump the price 40%. Stop it. Let it grow organically

>> No.24038128

100k whale here, never sold and never will.

>> No.24038135

today was the wall street symposium, they didn’t pump the price with a lark thread you autistic clown

>> No.24038170

ah it’s is i who is the autistic clown

>> No.24038311

You're retarded if you haven't realized what's happening

>> No.24038351

kek, these memes are unironically funnier than the pro-ersdl memes

>> No.24038466


>> No.24038897

That was my thread, I believe, and no it was not responsible for the MASSIVE DICK THROBBING PUMP that will repeat over and over again until I burst all over myself without ever once touching my sin place. That has to do with things happening in the background. Latecomers will post red wojacks and give them (you)s.

>> No.24039072
File: 298 KB, 828x1403, cozy pepe eRSDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.24039380

how much to make it?

>> No.24039570


>> No.24039660

This is you assuming it will go over $1, right? I don't consider 400,000 to be making it.

>> No.24039698

300,000 is making it to the pajeet scamming you right now. This is just a scam coin with ALOT of effort involved in pumping and dumping.

>> No.24039716

autism speaks

>> No.24039784

pajeet poops

>> No.24039811

Make it dip harder then. MetaCunt jew'd me out of buying another 30k on the dip.

>> No.24040000

I tried. Its not going any lower. this is the bottom before it pumps again.

Ima just buy back in now and buy more if it dumps again

>> No.24040034
File: 53 KB, 800x450, pink115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24040090

>scam coin
>buying back in

Pick one

>> No.24040113

gett ready to my more

>> No.24040132

this, they did the same thing last weekend, plenty of people bought some for next to nothing early and then make biz thread to dump it all

>> No.24040140

I tried to FUD but this coin is too solid. This is the bottom before another pump.

>> No.24040175 [DELETED] 

Everyone knows it's not a pajeet coin you idiot you have to think a new fud. Moreover you have to accept this is mooning right now despite your posts on 4chan. You wont regret buying in under .02. Just deal with it.

>> No.24040363
File: 684 KB, 1600x1689, 1605701952094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that is a good one.

>> No.24040377


>> No.24040507

>Howard wakes up
>The B2B problem still isnt solved
>He grumbles as he eats his porridge that ryan made him
>he dons his overalls and starts working
>"how will the b2b problem be resolved" he thinks to himself as he sweeps the halls
>He adds more liquidity into his mop bucket and an idea hits him
>"YES BRILLIANT HOWIE" he exclaims
>He begins researching crypto but gives up on page 1, he calls up ryan and screams "B2B CRYPTO"
>Ryan instantly cums in his pants and begins to type frantically
>Howie knows what must be done, not knowing what a max supply is he just says a number out loud "SIX HUNDRED TWENTY TRILLION BILLION"
>Ryan a bit worried tells Howard that it's too many but Howard screams "ONE HUNDRED MILLION BILLION STINKY TRILLION"
>Ryan cums again and collapses exhausted
>Howard goes to sleep knowing he solved the B2B world crisis

>> No.24040576

AAVE market cap: +- $905 M
eRSDL market cap: +- $5 M

all is said.

>> No.24040586

>Janitor entering crypto

>> No.24040728

Make that his origin story.
"It's time to clean these streets."
Someone shoop an image so that his Borg form is a Janitorial Superhero kinda like the dude from Space Quest.

>> No.24040868

lmao I love this meme

>> No.24040899

dont buy its a pajeet coin

>> No.24040903
File: 101 KB, 1154x1080, bobo-wears-bull-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys buy the dump, this is the next chainlink

>> No.24040991


>> No.24041045
File: 313 KB, 300x182, 1468287737386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He adds more liquidity into his mop bucket

>> No.24041094
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 1599425809229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24041241

Heil howard

>> No.24041492
File: 3.47 MB, 2560x1440, 16057469224325852319500015355525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale here

Got plenty of bags to unload, I sincerely want to thank all the new fags and based anons that make these threads

>if pink ID, I make it go below 1.50

>> No.24041528

nice stack also HOLY is at .84 niceee

>> No.24041551

Damnit, I've been at work all day. Where did the janitor memes come from? These green texts are better than anything I've seen an the YLYL threads.

>> No.24041560

Lol I know who's wallet that is! You're either a faggot larper... or awesome!

>> No.24041576

Kek you just took a pic of the whales wallet who was dumping. If its really you post a pic from uniswap on your PHONE

>> No.24041597
File: 516 KB, 727x403, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw him walking out of Janitor Supplies today, no joke.

>> No.24041649

How can I join the whale discord? Is 900k even enough to be considered a whale? Probably not aye

>> No.24041685
File: 25 KB, 582x625, am I whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this I wanna be in the secret club

>> No.24041696

>ow will the b2b problem be resolved" he thinks to himself as he sweeps the halls
>>He adds more liquidity into his mop bucket and an idea hits him

>> No.24041741

I've already got a crap server for biz ersdl boiz, lets see if we can make something of it WHeCJZyj

>> No.24041765

based thank you anon

>> No.24041769
File: 89 KB, 272x403, 51PrE-kaytL._SY445_QL70_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no

>> No.24041811

A new whale has been buying today ERSDL


he bought 2.5M eRSDL 2h ago.

and he has a second wallet with 800k usd in tokens and 47.237 linkies...
this one: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9e2fd3b4326b42bf8e9aff43b994cbaa645c7c5b#tokentxns

Follow the whales.

>> No.24041942

>Follow the whales.
How do I profit off this?

>> No.24042048

Sell before he sells?

>> No.24042162

To navigate whales you buy what theyre buying and time a sell so they don't dump on you, however, following one whale in such a way would only be effective very effective early on in market cap as the whale movements begin to constitute a smaller and smaller proportion of all trades. Once the volume gets to a certain point whale movements are typically considered to be blase buy/sell signals, and even then they aren't always accompanied by a mass dumping or pumping or what have you. eRSDL is so small atm that every time a whale dumps it affects the price by like 0.00X +/-1 or something like that. Like a whale can move the price by a thousandth of a cent, which is pretty high, but it's getting that amount of change is going to get smaller and smaller per token traded as we go so I don't let it bother me. A good hodler is gonna make out like a devil ignoring all this.

>> No.24042185

tenth of a cent*

>> No.24042478
File: 88 KB, 853x1280, papakriegersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24042665
File: 43 KB, 478x260, Cute Krieger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24042997

Can we talk about Ryan's jawline? Those masseters are HUGE

>> No.24043279
File: 2 KB, 89x125, KRIEGSTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow its almost like anyone can take a shitty photo of someones wallet on etherscan, post uniswap or u are a larping faggot

>> No.24043906

Post wallet ID. I will send you exactly 1 Luigi. Post ss of Luigi to confirm you are not indeed a faggot.