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24034957 No.24034957 [Reply] [Original]

Currently have a job that would let me work from almost anywhere. I make good money over 100k. I've been considering become a digital nomad. What are biz thoughts on this? What are some pros and cons? I'm in my mid 30s if that helps

>> No.24035000

Did this for a short time. I worked from a family cabin for 2 weeks. It was great.

>> No.24035212

Make 100k a year, live in Asia for 400 a month = profit..

>> No.24035227

I'd do it for a year or two but I gotta settle down somewhere eventually

>> No.24035262

I was gearing up to do this. Tested it doing 2 weeks in some american city, then 1 month in singapore, then tried 3 months in japan. It was fun and I was going to keep ramping up the amount of time as a digital nomad but accidentally got a gf pregnant back home and my dreams got crushed.

>> No.24035270

It's nice but it's a waste of time. Rather than traveling around the world and have ice latte's all over the place you are much better off getting a routine and establishing yourself somewhere. Rather than be a nomad pick a place and build a life there, better. start working out, etc

t. a nomad of 10 years, am also in my mid-30's now and got a great flat and am happier now than i have ever been

>> No.24035300

wow that sucks why didn't you use a condom

>> No.24035364

Yes, I also have gf right now and probably would have to end the relationship.

>> No.24035432

Would you do it again? Also where did you end up?

>> No.24035611

Fell for the cant get pregnant first week after menstruating meme. She always mentioned being unable to get pregnant in previous relationships and we talked about going to fertility clinics down the road if we wanted kids. I didnt think the relationship would last that long. Never coomed inside and it was a one time thing as I was having ED and couldnt get it up with the condom. Normally id just say oh well next time, but this time I thought it would be safe since she just had her period. Be careful out there anons.

>> No.24035656

I honestly wouldn't instead I would've visited various places and travelled a little, until I found a great place to settle and then start I would start working on myself

I did it on steroids. Dominican republic, jamaica, bahamas, mediterranean sea, greece, turkey, i was all over the place
I make a lot too so I could afford it
But rathe than sucking on a pina colada in the dominican republic, which is nice, but honestly such a huge waste of time I would've loved to have just discovered london from the getgo, bought the flat I have now and just got into the routine I have now from the start

>Wake up without any tiredness whatsoever
>Make a morning latte from my coffee machine
>Open all the windows, just take everything in as I enjoy the view a little and get ready
>Head to cowork space I rent when I feel ready
>Hang with the people, chat and get my work done
>6 PM go to the gym
>Work out until 7-8
>Get dinner from some place to take home or cook some meal at home
>Get home and shower, shitpost and do whatever I do nighttime
>Sleep with all the windows open, hearing city life in the background
Honestly it's the best I've felt and i've been everywhere
Wish I had this from the start but to each their own
Took me 10 years to get where I am so i don't regret anything but i prefer this over nomad-lifestyle all day everyday

>> No.24035773

what do you do to make >100k in a wfh type situation? that's the dream right there. you could live anywhere with that kinda money, but in SEA or something you could live like a literal king.

You a developer of some sort?

>> No.24035909
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where in london are you, fren? I'm renting in a shithole apartment in Bow, but wondering where to move with made it money

>> No.24035940
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why didn't you a/biz/ort

>> No.24036026

I did this until the coronavirus hit. Was really cool, especially when earning average wage in high paying country and living in mid tier ones.

Some cool stories.
Worked from tablet on a ferry in the middle of the sea off the boats wifi.

Remote in whilst standing on a rock in fjord in the Arctic circle.

Working from an apartment in the RLD in Amsterdam.

Working from airports in the free wifi.

Driving around Eastern Europe in a rented sports car working on mobile and tablet.

Flying to different places in Europe when I felt like it, or nipping off to Air BnB somewhere because I can.

Fucking coronavirus.

>> No.24036033

a nomad learns to work with the ecology as they migrate through it, achieving symbiosis.
if you do this work online thing, you'll eventually find that you miss having roots in the society you surround yourself with, or you'll realize you could easily live the same shitty hermit life in boise idaho or some other backwater as you could jetsetting between tourist hotspots.

>> No.24036126

I do software. Managing a team now. WFH even before covid hit. Used to work from co-working space before the covid-19 hit. I kinda want to buy a cheap place in no tax state and then travel, while still having a home base.

>> No.24036198

How old are you?
How long did you do it for?
What was your fav place?

>> No.24036234

Estonia is good for this. Cheapish, good quality of life, huge tech scene, cheap AF to fly to most places in Europe. Rent and Apartments are cheap, solid AF fibre internet. Can start a business here without residency, just launched the digital nomad Visa. Women are smoking hot. Beer is cheap. It's my home base now. Will travel again once the coronavirus is over or restrictions eased in EU, but happy to call this place my home.

>> No.24036297

there are better places than where I live, Richmond, but london is london, just get a place somewhere central and safe and nice and close to everywhere and it's all set
For me London is foreign, too, and i wasn't raised in city-environment, so living in the city is amazing for me where dining is abundant, there is life all around you all the time and just regular city-life is compelling to me
if you are from here it might be nice to go travel a bit, maybe settle somewhere else, i just find that nothing really beats the city life and working on yourself is time much better spent than getting a tan all over the world
you enjoy those days but they will pass, having something real and building a life is so much better

>> No.24036307
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If you are young 20s and move to asia for a few years to sack away a ton of money, it can be worth it, especially if you use your time there to learn the culture/language or other skills.
If you are mid 30s you need to settle down bro.
Basically this guy is correct >>24035270

>> No.24036312

I'm 40ish. Did it for 3 years. Tallinn is my favorite place (Estonia, see my other post). The Baltics are really cool, Finland is boring, Sweden is OK, Northern Norway is fucking beautiful (but expensive if you don't free camp and buy groceries). Amsterdam is great, but don't stay too long. Eastern Europe is cheap AF but I wouldn't live there. Portugal is great and cheapish. Asia can be hit and miss, but I really like KL Malaysia, cheapish and not dirty SEA. Georgia Tsibli is really great and the country is beautiful. Canada was too expensive, but I had free accommodation there.

>> No.24036330

I kinda am right now. I get royalties on my work so usually I spend like a month straight working and then I coast for a few months. I have family in many different parts of the US, so no matter where I am I usually have a "home base" I can crash at if necessary, but I have spent weeks at a time just sleeping in my car or in motels. I enjoy the nomad thing because I have a dog and he's a really enjoyable travel companion. I don't think I would enjoy it so much without him though because I'm kinda autistic and rarely make friends with people in new places so I would get pretty lonely.

>> No.24036349

Same question: have now made it and returned to the UK after 20 years abroad, currently in the SW but know it's not right. A recent stay in Stoke Newington confirmed this. Gimme neighbourhoods.

>> No.24036428

>Fell for the cant get pregnant first week after menstruating meme. She always mentioned being unable to get pregnant in previous relationships and we talked about going to fertility clinics down the road if we wanted kids. I didnt think the relationship would last that long. Never coomed inside and it was a one time thing as I was having ED and couldnt get it up with the condom. Normally id just say oh well next time, but this time I thought it would be safe since she just had her period. Be careful out there anons.
Did you 2 ever discuss abortion?

>> No.24036431

If you never came inside her, there's a 97% chance the babby isn't yours anon. Get a paternity test or get ready to pay for Tyrone's spawn for the next 18 years.

>> No.24036453

You in Tallinn or Tartu? Eesti is comfy af. Lived there for 2 years and discovered that the tradthot meme is no meme. Also, if you haven't, get yourself to the next laulupidu, anon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTdOiCa0-4o

>> No.24036500

>Never coomed inside
It's not your kid

>> No.24036527


>> No.24036555

Tallifornia baby! And yep the hot women are no meme. It blows my mind all the time just walking down the street. Old Town is beautiful and Teliviski is hipster central with a good scene. Glad I ended up here. Had never heard of it until 3 months before I first came. Bought a house here now, solid partner. Waiting for coronavirus to ease then we will be fucking off to Portugal during the dark dark winters.

Love Tartu too....and Pärnu of course!

>> No.24036566

Ah, just saw your other post, anon. Tallinn. Choice. Agreed on all the others, but had a great time in Chiang May, Thailand. Used it as a base for years, living in a former 10 acre tree plantation at the base of Doi Suthep. I had a piano delivered to the jungle and used to sip espresso in the mornings while playing to a herd of curious cows.

>> No.24036589

I meant never coomed inside besides that one time, otherwise used condoms. Im having him dna tested this month. Im essentially raising him full time now since she makes a lot more than me, 250k+.
Just go be a digital nomad guys while you are young and dont coom inside no matter what.

>> No.24036590

Thanks anon. How're COVID times in the big smoke?

>> No.24036673

Sounds wicked mate. I'm a big foody, and Malaysia is best for that IMO. Plus it's only 4 hours to Singers and then you can fly pretty much anywhere for cheap if you watch google flights like a mofo...and I know you probably do!

Places I'd avoid. China, Russia (well except for St Petersburg) Belarus (though it can be alright) Germany and France are too expensive as is UK, plus UK is just fucking miserable.

>> No.24036776

Fuuuck sounds like you have it good. I'm tempted to return to Estonia. Lived in Tartu before but really liked the Telliskivi area. Friends just bought a village in Portugal and have invited me to join/invest in the rehab. Although it's great to finally be back in the UK I'm curious to spread some options around. And yes, fuck those long, dark winters... the eternal black to grey to black. I've never drank so much in my life.

>> No.24036886

I thought I could drink like a champion until I came to Estonia. They don't fuck around!

Man Portugal is where it's at next I reckon, especially with the Crypto 0% tax and Golden Visa through investment strategy. I'm looking now at houses and apartments there. Some absolute bargains going for a song. Good place for a second, warm weather base. Don't discount Georgia either.

>> No.24036892

Hah! UK fucking miserable?? Blake's "Jerusalem" says it all for me: green and pleasant land, indeed. As long as I can get out walking I'm a happy man. But still... the grass always remains greener. No clue where the future is dragging me, but yeah, takes one to know one, always watching flights.

>> No.24036986

Yup, I have friends in Tbilsi - thanks for the reminder, I'll def visit them when the big coof dries out. And agreed that Portugal has had this sort of storied "next big place" thing going for it. I last went there with an Estonian gf, highly recommend the national parks in the north. Soajo is a sweet place to base from with a fucking top notch steakhouse.
How do you structure your property arrangements? Do you own personally or through a shell?

>> No.24036989

I'm originally from the land down under. I probably have a cultural bias about the UK. Spent a bit of time out in Bristol that was ok. Drove around the south in BMW 540 for shits and giggles. Not to bad I guess, but not for me.

>> No.24037006

I did some traveling in my 20s and early 30s but never had the option of nomad travel. I have two group of friends, one group that is married and another one that isn't married not even with gf.

>> No.24037059
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Pro globohomo zionism psyop

>FUDs raising children
>FUDs property ownership
>FUDs strengthening local communities
>FUDs nationalism

>But anon, you get to fuck women who are not of your own race! Miscegenation? That's a conspiracy theory!
>But anon, you get to own nothing and be happy about it! Imagine how much more freedom you will have without possessions, you'll feel light as air!

Get cancer you transparent Niggers we know promoting nomadic globalism has one of your Satanic talking points for literally decades.


>> No.24037100

Good question, often overlooked. Family Trust setup and a few LLC businesses registered in different countries. Highly recommend it. Just know your tax situation well so you don't get caught out with double tax (Americans are fucked either way). In Portugal though you can register as a sole trader if need be to buy property there, plus the Non Habitual Tax Residency Status is calling me, and probably a lot of other people.

>> No.24037215

Forgot to add. If you don't know about it. Portugal has a golden visa through investment, if you buy between €280,000 to €400,000 worth of property (depending on location) or start a company there and employ 8-10 locals full-time, they give you instant residency, and citizenship if you hold it for 5 years. The residency gives you Non Habitual Tax status, you only have to be in the country 7 days of the year and get a personal Tax holiday of 0% for 10 years. Company tax is fucked there though, so register another one in Estonia and pay IP fees to that company from the Portuguese one.

>> No.24037254

if youre young, probably good. but if youre an oldfag and need to settle down, family, children, etc.

>> No.24037477

Thanks anon, will look into that. I'm aware of the Portuguese property visa and may take advantage. The family trust/LLC setup sounds intriguing. Is this something I should seek professional help to establish? I'm in a weird position of having "made it" but have always been fiercely independent, and now feel out of my depth.
I have family in Oz but have never been. Would actually really like to go somewhere warm where I can call someone a cunt with good feeling. Will you ever go back do you think?

>> No.24037591

you can but without starting your own family, you end up nowhere.

Just bouncing around, and if you disappeared, no one would even notice.

You would become a target to be disapeared

>> No.24037631
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I have a security clearance and I just move to different countries and get a job at the local military base. I've done germany korea and japan. Looking to do italy eventually and japan again. I make like 54k each time and collect money from my 2 duplexes in northeast U.S. it's a comfy world bros. Obviously with the pandemic I'm back in the U.S though.

>> No.24037710

Nah, no plans in going back. Australia is cucked now and it will only get worse. It too shabby though.

Yes. Talk to an accountant that knows International tax laws. There is a fine line between tax minimization and avoidance. Always some tax somewhere to someone. I'm lucky to have a family friend who specializes in international tax law. Cheeky cunt knows his shit. Trusts are good if setup correctly, because no one can take your shit if something goes down. LLCs are good for moving your earnings through and onto the Trust if they are the beneficiary of the LLC. It's different in different places ,so 100% get an accountant that knows his shit. They cost money, but they will save you so fucking much and keep you from having a huge tax bill somewhere you might want to return too.

>> No.24037782

How much were you eating per month & what were ave costs per month?

>> No.24037796

no one is disappearing me nigga

>> No.24037831

A working example of this in regards to Portugal, of you get the non habitual tax resident status, your citizen country or main country of residence might want to charge you tax on your earnings unless you stay in Portugal more than 185days In a row or 6 months of the year. Different countries have different rules. Don't play yourself anon. Find an accountant (and they will know lawyer who can setup your trust, and speak with lawyers in other countries to setup companies correctly with the correct structures) there is a whole industry just for international tax law for a reason.

>> No.24037979

Thanks for the rundown and warning, time to bite the bullet and find someone I can trust.
And yes, the cuckdom is ever expanding. I noticed that two emails I received today contained preferred pronouns in their sigs. What a weird time to be alive. Increasingly tempted to go very rural.

>> No.24037980

I mainly bought food in grocery stores and avoided take away and restaurants in the more expensive countries. I usually stayed in AirBnB's with a kitchen so I could save money on food / offset food costs with better living conditions. I'd blow my money usually on hiring nice cars to get out and explore. In Scandinavia you can free camp just about anywhere, so it's good to go in summer and just camp. It really depends on where you are, food is stupid cheap in some countries.

>> No.24038068
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this thread made me depressed af so many anons living a live i can only dream of... o well guess I am gonna kms now

>> No.24038245

Wrong. If you're an extroverted type, spinning a social web over the globe has it's benefits. You also may never know who you'll meet and what opportunities they can provide you.

>> No.24038264

if I would own enough BoringDAO, then yes

>> No.24038370
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Remote wagecuckery is still cuckery.

>> No.24038451

Right but how much were you earning & how much were the costs per month? In other words, how much do you need to make s month yoive a nomad life?

>> No.24038527

gold digger

>> No.24038835

That question is how long is a piece of string. Basically you tailor your expenses to your lifestyle and minimize any expenses in your home country.

If I had to give you a dollar figure, based on fucking around in Europe and not being a complete bum, you'd want to be making at least €500 a week but more comfy around €800-1000 a week. Some parts of Europe are cheap AF and others are insanely expensive. Spend minimum time in the expensive parts and max your time in the Eastern and Baltic countries. In Estonia (my fav place) the average wage after tax per month is €1250. You can live pretty decent there for that. Scandinavian counties are expensive too.
Be really good at finding ways to minimize your expenses, find cheap flights (you can fly from Tallinn to Vienna some days for €10) things like that. Be a master of AirBnB, Google flights and Booking.com. Having your international drivers licence is very handy too. You can buy a shitbox or rent a car, but that gets expensive some places pretty quickly. Most Euro major cities have really good public transportation though.

A bad month for me is €3200 after taxes, but I did have a few nightmare months of €1250 and still got by ok.

>> No.24038890

Thanks anon very informative

>> No.24039058

Pro tip: in the Netherlands you can get a cup of Pea and Ham soup at the grocery store for €2. And get €10-15 back on a crate of beer if you return the bottles and crate. Do shit like this. Find where you can save and know when to spend. Drink at home when you can. To give you some perspective a sandwich in Switzerland can cost €30 in Czechie you can an AirBnB and your family meals and few beers for around the same.

>> No.24039270

sounds dope anon. what kinda software? how good do you need to be to land like a 50k canadabucks remote work role? lol

>> No.24039718

I know someone that did code academy doing ruby or rails. 4 years later he's in Germany and traveling around. He was later 30s when he switched careers.