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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 390 KB, 1125x1125, Fren thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24028453 No.24028453 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We tell our frens about our favorite shitcoins and why they will make them millionaires.

>> No.24029345

I'll start, haircomb token.

>> No.24029388

Favorite shitcoin mmh, I'm between RSR and PNK

>> No.24029428

YUI won’t make you a millionaire but it is pumping hard today. DYOR but liquidity is locked. Long term, I have faith in RSR

>> No.24029506

synlev, can live off the passive income for life

>> No.24029514

The schizo XRP threads have achieved a critical enough mass that it's not an obvious pajeet scam, and they're super comfy.
Even if you don't make it, who cares, it's only a couple hundred bucks. Shouldn't be in this game if you can't afford to blow money on a meme.

>> No.24029543
File: 4 KB, 225x224, C47221C3-D5C5-4853-A85E-D619B64AC198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Defi oracle play that hasn’t mooned yet
>Released after the defi bubble
>Only sitting at 2-3 million MC
>~1500% APY staking for the next month to reward early investors
>Can unstake whenever with no fees besides gas
>Staking rewards given out weekly
>Some are immediately available to sell/stake but others are locked up and will be released in 15% intervals every month from Dec-April to prevent large scale dumping
>Non-anonymous team

High IQ anons will take this info and make the right decision

>> No.24029549

GRIN, it was up at 6 dollars earlier this year and is real cheap right now.

>> No.24029564

ignore the shitposting

>> No.24029568
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Aoba loves you

>> No.24029583

>pajeet scamming each other
pick one.

>> No.24029622
File: 325 KB, 487x499, farmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI trained to create women and deepfake them into porn
>Staking it earns you NFTs of their women, which you can put into porn yourself or rent out to other coomers so THEY can put them into porn
>I basically get to be the pimp of a flock of 2d whores
>Plus there is this group of journos over at Vice who have tried to shut them down twice and just got laughed at both times which I find hilarious

what's not to love?

>> No.24029632
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Statera's on sale right now, no whales, good projects, and communicative dev team.

>> No.24029717

eRSDL because the usecase makes suit boomers cum and the memes/FUD have been link vibe levels of insane for how young it is (months old). It is getting big attention and swings for the size and age of the project and hasn't even gotten started yet. Fully doxxed team combo of gen x github autistic savant and smooth 80's big 4 filled-rolodex boomer businessman type.

I'm excited for it and even shorted some bitcoin to buy in as I predict it will pump as bitcoin corrects and I will be able to pick up massive undeserved sats from the timing of it.

>> No.24030292
File: 52 KB, 1437x785, Exceptional Analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KPR because it will catch the long tail of jobs that are too smol for chainlink.

>> No.24030575
File: 15 KB, 400x400, zLOT_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


zLOTfinance is a layer on top of HegicOptions.
In HEGIC users have to stake a min. of 888K HEGIC in order to get a staking LOT.
A staking LOT entitles stakers to receive a portion of the WBTC & ETH fees generated by HEGIC.
zLOT is forever limited to an 8,888 supply.
As HEGIC grows, zLOT grows more.

>> No.24030609


>> No.24030685

6 Millions all in LINK and FTM

>> No.24030807

Lgcy, unironically comfiest hold besides pnk

>> No.24030899

>no whales

>> No.24030925

Holy shit this sounds hilarious. I can't wait for deepfakes to become evolved enough so I can mimic Leonardo DiCaprio for my shitty indie films.

>> No.24030944
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you have to be retarded to not realize its RLC

>> No.24030981

PNK, because if you buy enough of it you will never go to jail

>> No.24031004
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>> No.24031032
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>> No.24031042


Lmao do not do this. just go poke your head in the telegram and watch all the despair

>> No.24031061
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>> No.24031086
File: 102 KB, 563x916, 44FFEC64-DCC4-4F22-87B2-ACD57474D10A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24032215


>> No.24032348

Wtf is this token? Where do you even get it?

>> No.24032439
