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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24022294 No.24022294 [Reply] [Original]

We post the other boards we lurk on.

>> No.24022322

You have to go back

>> No.24022348


>> No.24022351


>> No.24022362

I used to only come on /biz/ but ever since the elections I've been going on /pol/ everyday and it's honestly a better board than this shithole.

>> No.24022364

Literally a racist, sex pat, fat ass

>> No.24022403

In order of frequency:

>> No.24022423


>> No.24022439


>> No.24022449
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>> No.24022483

Not going to mention my comfy board to you newfags

>> No.24022494
File: 235 KB, 419x514, smug anime girl (48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24022501
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>> No.24022508


>> No.24022532

Sometimes /int/ and /pol/.

>> No.24022540

started using /g/

used to use /r9k/ and /pol/ but i grew up a long time ago and i suggest the rest of you do as well

>> No.24022565

brown boards are blocked on my machine

>> No.24022589

Just this shithole now, don't have time for anything else

>> No.24022599



You need nothing else and any other board is just poisoning your mind

>> No.24022605

Ngmi. Tell me what you hold so I can avoid it.
Making it. Tell me what you hold so I can buy it.

>> No.24022613

>/v/, /gif/, /vp/
I'm gonna make it right?

>> No.24022624

2x away from making so you can gargle on my cock faggot

>> No.24022651

Itt: all the nufags invading biz now that BTC is doing something

Pretty depressing

>> No.24022671

I lurk pol too but not as much, might remove it from my boards list

>> No.24022695

Honestly, once you figure the gym stuff out, you don't need to browse /fit/ anymore either. I check in once in a while to see what's up with the latest trends in the bodybuilding community but that's it. Dedicate a year of life to hardcore bodybuilding and keeping your nutrition in check and you can put that part of your life on autopilot.

>> No.24022784


>> No.24022809

100% BTC

and its reached a point that its now way more than i can afford to lose, but idc im HODLing

>> No.24022857

sometimes s4s

>> No.24023098

>Just this shithole now, don't have time for anything else
You had time to write this banal comment tho

>> No.24023119


>> No.24023132


>> No.24023171

Daily: /co/, /biz/
Regularly: /wsg/, /fit/, /lit/
Used to be a regular: /a/, /tv/, /mu/, /g/

>> No.24023178

/biz/ and /pol/ are tied for me but for different reasons. Pol moves super fast and the jannies are anal. I come here to relax

>> No.24023525
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NGMI. Go outside bro and make some friends. Way better than incel.

>> No.24023576

/biz/rael grew out from /pol/
Anyone here who didn't use to browse /pol/ is unironically ngmi

>> No.24023675
File: 11 KB, 318x313, 1590954157665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing jewish memes
I bet you look like this and dont want to be part of the stereotype

>> No.24023755


sometimes i go to /b/ to see how bad it still is

>> No.24023757

> everything I dont like is jewish
I wonder who is a bigger stereotype here

>> No.24023768

wait until there's a separate 4channel board for bagder.finance

>> No.24023824


>> No.24023846

I am the ultimate improover

>> No.24023879


>> No.24023939

Good memes though

>> No.24024290


>> No.24024329


Disagree. I haven’t needed /fit/ for years but it’s hands down the funniest board with the most autism

>> No.24024357

who would you say is responsible for pushing this meme if not "the jews"? it certainly isn't something that the site's organic user base would promote.

>> No.24024400

>adv (give shit advice lul)
>vg (ffxiv)
>red boards for other purposes