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File: 239 KB, 1242x1422, EC568497-81B0-42C1-AE18-827B634B614C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24011772 No.24011772 [Reply] [Original]

>he still doesn't understand why bitcoin is mooning

>> No.24011778

this guy zoomed out

>> No.24011779


>> No.24011810

zoom in

>> No.24011824

>Doesn't know about the most important chart of the decade: Bitcoin S2F chart

>> No.24011841


>> No.24011859

muh magic pattern

>> No.24011916

Deluded. It's going to zero.

>> No.24011939

>he draws meaningless lines on a chart

>> No.24011956
File: 95 KB, 2400x2400, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If wasn't Tether, price would be 10x lower. Thanks Tether printer.

>> No.24011971

Cope stay poor

>> No.24011975

what am i even looking at besides btc price.

>> No.24012005


>> No.24012039

Jesus Christ, you're truly a brainlet, don't you?

>> No.24012057

Bitcoin is a ponzi for econimically illiterate nazis

>> No.24012062

you fucking faggot

>> No.24012073

The purple line / blue line increasing is the halvening.
The dots are the price of bitcoin.
The color of the dots change as they get closer to each halvening.

>> No.24012199
File: 494 KB, 1567x2040, just hit enter and create more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called tether you damn nufag, they literally print 10,000,00 tether hit enter and market buy BTC it's a complete joke. And wait get this, new tethers backed by bitcoin, so the ponzicoin known as tether is propping up BTC, pumps BTC, and is backed by BTC and not USD. In leaked correspondence bitifinex and CC even admitted to the above, stating that BTC would fall like a rock if new tethers are no injected into it. Just look at the goddamn charts yourself, tether's MCAP is now up $14 BILLION from this time last year, this shit is a joke. Tether Charts mirror BTC for a reason, it's only a matter of time before tether dethrones BTC as #1 on cmc

>> No.24012235
File: 67 KB, 550x512, all dissidents will die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high IQ

>> No.24012270
File: 114 KB, 600x600, 1554062341645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me if I dropped all my savings to buy one bitcoin now, I'd see +400-500% in a year?

>> No.24012328

So you're telling me Bitcoin is an infinite source of energy? Shit nigga we should look it up space ship and fly to da stars.

>> No.24012459

Wait so if tether is propping up itself by being backed by BTC and then pumping BTC, what's stopping anyone from shorting tether?

>> No.24012553

dumb 2018 tier fud

>> No.24012575

The delusion in this post. I guess they just decided to turn off the machine for 3 yrs to stop printing Tether during this recent 3 year bear market. Then because of COVID they decided to turn the machine back on right?

>> No.24012626
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>> No.24012706

These tether fuckers are beyond fucked. They even post charts showing the exact opposite to what they think they show.

>> No.24012724

Kek, keep repeating that to yourself.

>> No.24012790

nothing is stopping anyone from shorting tether, it's just that no one knows when the ponzischeme will collapse to zero, so it's a risk
Are you retarded or just a bitfinex shill son? Look at the fucking charts, tether is up 2 BILLION this month alone and is up almost 600 MILLION in the past week. You've got to be a special type of retard to not see the correlation
>I guess they just decided to turn off the machine for 3 yrs to stop printing Tether during this recent 3 year bear market.
what part about propping up BTC do you not understand? BTC would've tanked below $1000 (bitifinex and CC's words not mine) if tether stopped printing, just because BTC doesn't go up doesn't mean tether has stopped printing, They've been printing the entire time keeping BTC afloat

>> No.24012818

low energy shilling, you giving up Jean?

>> No.24012872

Here are the mathematics for when you will be a millionaire.

5 Years divided by the number of BTC Owned. Adjust for taxes.

>> No.24012881

>tether is up 2 BILLION this month alone
9 trillion actual dollars were printed this year. The BTC ATH was reached when Tether was tiny. What tether printing actually correlates with is volume on exchanges with tether trading pairs, obviously.

>> No.24012907

So has tether literally become a side USD printer? Aren't they required to be audited?

>> No.24012912


>> No.24012968
File: 216 KB, 1837x849, meltFaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard tier IQ in each poster listed above.
The only graph you need/explanation of where the price is going to go is pic related. S2f works too but newfags and fudders constantly prove they are too stupid to properly understand it. Pic related is a logarithmic price prediction rainbow that was created in 2014. Still holds completely true to this day and shows just how high bitcoin will go end of 2021 and beyond.

>> No.24013006

fuck man where are your other two personas that you are ghana use to shit up these threads. the only worse tripfag in the game is 42

>> No.24013188

I recall tether being up +200million in the month of the golden bull
>What tether printing actually correlates with is volume on exchanges with tether trading pairs, obviously.
yes because new tethers are being injected to buy more BTC so obviously the volume must go up. It correlates with marketcap too
>side USD printer
precisely but it is used primarily to buy BTC, nothing else
>aren't they required to be audited?
from what I remember there is still an ongoing controversy about the tether audit, they will not go public with anything whatsoever, and did a fake audit years ago they said was real

late adopter cope, BTC will never touch the ATH again let alone go too 100k

>> No.24013202

the tether printer is unironically mirroring the fed perfectly
it's not even fud, it's reality

>> No.24013282
File: 39 KB, 611x404, 9b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buffett actually REDUCES position in GOLD by 42%
>completely contrary to what all the dumbfuck goldbugs have been creaming over the last few months
>Schiff now red-faced kvetching at the top of his lungs on his podcast about it
Warren is fucking based


>> No.24013299

does this just go to infinity


>> No.24013355
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, grugboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock go up.

>> No.24013386

>but it is used primarily to buy BTC
And be sold for BTC, that's what people use a trading pair on an exchange for.
No but this is what you get when you combine the average long term rate of growth of demand with the regular reduction of new supply.

>> No.24013466

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.24013772
File: 3 KB, 110x125, 1517033259389s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't refute
>"MUH retard"

>> No.24013810

nice now we're back to 2017 and use logarithmic scales

>> No.24014286

That’s not the point the point is tether is the fed on steroids with the printing the ponzi is unprecedented
Bitfinex has designated shills on here to damage control, they have no argument because they are frauds

>> No.24014396

once this baby pops the top over 300k i hope you are man enough to post with your faggy trip code on my board

>> No.24014427
File: 44 KB, 1254x276, WHENBTCGOESOVER100K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24014597
File: 415 KB, 220x217, A9DFD986-4289-4F98-8C06-D10F90BD3FFC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusion the post

>> No.24014684
File: 49 KB, 1400x781, bondedmatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bruh it's just a cash exit. bullish for bonded.

>> No.24014728


>> No.24014734

Do you think everyone just forgot how retarded your predictions for link price were? Lemme just find the archived posts from you.
>June 5th LINK price: $4.36

Need I go further back to prove just how fucking wrong you are all the time. Btc will be over a million before 2030.

>> No.24014744

>"Schiff Will Win"

Jesus christ dude I thought you were in the dumpster with Uncle Old Fag. I can't wait to watch you swing from a rope like the tranny you are.

Why are you even here?

>> No.24014760
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, grugberryrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24014764
File: 122 KB, 1850x420, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24014976

>imagine being so late you are only getting 500-1000% returns.
you had 10 years but you wasted them.

>> No.24015006

can someone explain to me why btc goes up and down?

>> No.24015025

explain to me why you think the price would always stay the same

>> No.24015491

I have a secret for the poorfags here. Buy long dated call options on stocks like RIOT and MARA, or other crypto miners. Their stocks are already a leveraged bet on BTC and options increases the leverage further. RIOT mooned from like $3 to nearly $50 in the 2017 bitcoin bull run. It is currently trading at $6. Get in before its too late

>> No.24015844

Can someone tell me why I shouldn’t do this? Unironically blew 20k on options in March. Am regularly without food now

>> No.24015874




>> No.24015969

Because it’s highly speculative and has no real use

>> No.24016016

>stocks that pay no dividends
>ny prime real estate
>jackson pollock paintings
>etc x 10000
your point?