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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2401458 No.2401458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

::::::/BIZ/ COALITION::::::

:::::::::IM 12 WHAT IS THIS:::::::::::::
we are the /biz/ who wants biz to return to normal, we want /biz/ to be great again and we are planning on shutting down the following threads:
>blatant shill threads
>n1ggercoin threads (put the 1 because lots of bizbros have been filtering them)
>/pol/ threads
>/b/ threads

::::::::::::HOW TO DO IT::::::::::::::::
Report any of these threads you see, and our combined snitching power will force the mods to take action, remember if someone makes a general thread don't report it, try and contain them to general threads and sage them.

::::::::::::::::WHAT WE WILL ACCOMPLISH::::::::::::::::

most of the n1ggercoin threads are made by one person who created a shit load of the coins to shill on here and he is going to dump them soon, most of the people in on this shill are dgb bagholders who lost their life savings, we can't let them feed off us for anymore, we will take /biz/ back

>> No.2401495 [DELETED] 
File: 797 KB, 760x552, EYNIGGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Niggers?

>> No.2401506


>> No.2401521

i invested early into EY niggers and they have been working hard for me

feel free to give me your EY niggers!

>> No.2401539

I will stop for .1 BTC

>> No.2401547

How much weight do you give the idea that offensive content is being used as chemo?
How much would you agree with the notion that since the election there are too many people here?
Are they welcome? Are you one of them? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then you need to leave.

>> No.2401564

they've even taken over the takeover thread
I don't think we can stop them
Maybe we should just give up hope, mods have stopped caring a long time ago

>> No.2401565

Interested in some neggercoins myselves


Also, sorry but ever since cryptofags found /biz/ this board has become a fagget's paradise.

>kill all cryptards

>> No.2401567

i would believe if this niggercoin shit is actually soros funded
this is very reminiscent of the correct the record shit
soros follows 4chan closely it seems

>> No.2401578




>> No.2401603

If anything this just confirms that there are zero mods.

Also, trade your edge tokens, just keep it to a single thread you idiots.

>> No.2401604

The only reason the threads were spammed is because of the copycat dickheads that were trying to steal the idea and co-opt it for a bagholder jew meme.

>> No.2401704

That's how they operate, all right. Are they known to be doing anything else?

>> No.2401706

>How much
>If the answer is yes
Yes, anon.

>> No.2401737

No, it's CTR doing the copycats and also the whining about racism threads. They aim to choke us /biz/raelis out because we're growing too powerful. They must have /pol/ chasing their tails for a minute, or perhaps they've set them chasing our tails instead.

>> No.2401752
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What we need is the pedo spammer from /tv/. He's the only person who's a bad enough dude to drive out everyone but the 4chan veterans. He's the hero we deserve right now.