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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 887 KB, 629x1579, 4B6C8A49-E663-42B3-B8C7-57A0DA9AE2F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24000307 No.24000307 [Reply] [Original]

Is this ok to wear to my first job interview?

>> No.24000334

absolutely. you will be hired on the spot

>> No.24000344

Is your interview at a pawn shop?

>> No.24000354

As long as you wear a fedora to complete your outfit, you should be fine.

>> No.24000367

what is this question, of course, make it those blue colors like Sirgay have so they can see you invested in Chainlink.

>> No.24000370

pretty sure if you have a handsome looking face you can pull it off

>> No.24000392

Depends on the job. I usually turn away guys like you because they expect too much out of the shitty job theyre applying for.

>> No.24000444

If you're planning to be a door-to-door HVAC salesman, then yes.

>> No.24000448

You should wear a proper suit but yes this is acceptable. If you have a less designed tie wear that.

>> No.24000454

why is it so hard to just buy a fucking navy suit and white shirt? degenerates

>> No.24000473

Your grandfather's clothes are cringe.

>> No.24000549

Dare I say, pretty fucking based op

>> No.24000591


>> No.24000637
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rate mine

>> No.24000663

Doesn't fit on the shoulders

>> No.24000675

Corduroy pants a plaid jacket?

>> No.24000691


>> No.24000774

are you applying for vault tech door salesman?

>> No.24000814

Hey man work 10 hours a week making 150k a year. Love being a door to door hvac salesmen

>> No.24000830

I once wore a members only jacket to an interview lmao, got the job of course

>> No.24000908

you look like a fucking german cringe cuck

>> No.24001165

Thanks for the advice everyone
I got the job!

>> No.24001270

Invest in some decent shoes, always wear a belt. Buy a good fitting suit. A dress watch is a nice touch.

>> No.24001299

what you mean

>> No.24001331

are you interviewing at the homeless shelter for a bunk or something?

>> No.24001350


>> No.24001351

fuck everyone else OP
you look sharp as fuck
good luck!

>> No.24001363

Not in love with your tie, seems like you are trying to be edgy and not naturally eccentric. Lose the tie and tone it down 10% and you’ll look 100% better

>> No.24001369

This. Those shoes are fucking awful. I have a $300 pair of shoes (italian one-piece leather) that I only wear for public speaking, weddings etc. Invest in yourself. And seriously, are you not wearing a belt at all?

>> No.24001398
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I mean, I wouldn't hold it against you. Maybe try something more neutral though.
>pic related

>> No.24001404

How many times can you wear the same suit per week
I cannot go more than 1 day cuz I get embarrassed they will think that I have no other clothes

>> No.24001405

your shoes are 1.5 times what I make in a month
god that's depressing

>> No.24001432

Make sure you make a good fist bump

>> No.24001430

can be said about almost anything

>> No.24001442

Wear a tie you lazy faggot.

>> No.24001460

i wear my aldens to stomp on poorfags

>> No.24001465

Based and positive pilled

>> No.24001473

This. Every white name should own a navy suit, white dress shirt, brown or black dress shoes, and a silk tie.

>> No.24001510

not bad. A little cheap looking maybe. I would strongly recommend wearing a tie w/tiebar. Get some good brown shoes and a brown belt to match. Instead of wearing a white shirt, try blue pinstripe with a white collar.

>> No.24001524

ye but if he takes care of that shoe he will never have to buy another one

>> No.24001530

am not poor
I got hit by hyperinflation but working on making my life savings back

>> No.24001534

>brown or black dress shoes
You have to own brown shoes - you can't see the quality in black shoes. You want to see the skin patterns in the leather.

>> No.24001558
File: 161 KB, 1024x576, mmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer me pls

>> No.24001593

You should own 3 suits in three different colours - black, navy blue and grey.

>> No.24001607

That's because it was cheap lol. Yeah I have a belt now, and what colour tie would match a navy suit?

>> No.24001618

you pants are all wrong, other than that ye, why not

>> No.24001634

links a scam

>> No.24001646

Cringe lmao

>> No.24001687

Where from?

>> No.24001711

and how often should I rotate them?

>> No.24001712
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see what's under th-

>> No.24001725

Beirut anon?

>> No.24001738


>> No.24001750

I think 2 a week is fine.

>> No.24001752

fuck yeah bro
check thi sth

>> No.24001755


>> No.24001757
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>> No.24001779

It's the LebAnon. Sending good vibes to make it through your shitty economy.

>> No.24001780

this thread*
I got like 60 posts and one of the best conversations I've had in a long time on /biz wiht fellow argentinian bro
he knew exactly how I felt because inflation and shit

>> No.24001784

god I hate suits. too uncomfortable I don't care how they look

>> No.24001810

I fucking love you dude
and all of the based bros on this board
we're all gonna make it
stay based and HODL on for what's to come

>> No.24001873
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>> No.24001877

Looks excellent, classy but not anxious. Go get’em, tiger.

>> No.24001884

have a (you)

>> No.24001922

Are you going for a DUN interview?

>> No.24001942
File: 20 KB, 989x281, gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my crowdfunding page is like 9% complete now just because of the bull run lol