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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23997481 No.23997481 [Reply] [Original]

That this coin is being manipulated by a few summer-day IQ whales who run 90% of the FOMO and FUD for it (and some other tokens). They are aiming to accumulate at .01 but might not achieve it. Then it will pump very hard and buzz will flash, again. They ATH'd it twice this week before dumping and switching to FOMO to accumulate.

TLDR- dip buyers who are aware of these whales movements and buy red candles stand to swing an easy, very short term x2 at a conservative assessment. Easily x3 if the stars align slightly.

And yes one of the whales is likely to post in this thread under multiple ID's. That'd be poorfag I believe.

>> No.23997650

You'll thank me at .025, .03 even if you refuse to hodl as it picks up long term

>> No.23997759
File: 298 KB, 828x1403, cozy pepe eRSDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Kriegpilled.
Poor and fag-pilled.

>> No.23998501

Rumor has it that Poorfag is behind the election fraud in the US. Others claim that he's also behind the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. No one has been able to disprove it thus far.

>> No.23998553

All in favor of gassing Denmark?

>> No.23998621

nice try howie.
you played a bank manager on a san andreas rp server and think you can run a company?
this bozo still works at the car wash while doing this part time
you are a SCAMMER
buy pnk instead friends

>> No.23998684

Lol I just looked up individual tax rates in denmark... holy shit. And then- Capital Gains: 24%

>> No.23998685


>> No.23998694

I heard he was patient zero for the first mink-to-human transmission of covid-21.

>> No.23998919

The nigga unironically tried to sell me pokemon cards at a traffic stop yesterday

>> No.23998987

Capital gains tax is 53% on cryptos in Denmark. That's why I'm going to Portugal to cash out some day. Tax free down there, just gotta have an address/proof of residency to open bank account. No big deal.

>> No.23999423

I read that this krieg guy told everyone he had banking contacts and that he worked at big banks but he was actually a janitor or sth. Is this true?

>> No.23999530

At least they don't follow you around afterward I infer. My home is like a prison state in that once you escape they still follow you for exit tax on anything that occurred in taxable years.

>> No.23999533

connected banker? no, no. he cleaned the toilets at the empire state building

>> No.23999588

Can you serve jail time? Danish jail is probably playing Switch and ping pong all day

>> No.23999652

Bag holders love the Great Dane because he lets us accumulate more

>> No.23999658

No that is really stupid FUD. You can just look him up on LinkedIn. Howard Krieger. First result when you look "Howard Krieger eRSDL". When you browse biz remember whales make a living on the assumption that normal people are drones who follow others' memes and shitposts without doing their own thinking and research.

>> No.23999665

Lol what a fucking asshole. Thank GOD I got out early and didn't lose too much with this fucking scam. I feel retarded when I fall for /biz/ pajeet scams

>> No.23999735


>> No.23999744

I have three linkedins all with different positions. I have the modeling agent one to meet girls, the hedgefund manager to shill stocks and crypto and the nigerian bank administrative for simple scams.

>> No.23999810

post em my danish vpn user.

>> No.23999823

such pathetic FUD. have you not filled your bags yet? you had three weeks

>> No.23999875

Anyone can make a fake LinkedIn, dumbass. When Howard talks about “liquidity” he’s actually referring to the products he uses to wash my windscreen

>> No.23999905

He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.24000181

at least practice the most basic of OPSEC when fudding. the autists on this board have nothing better to do than identify you by the way you type.

>> No.24000284

he's a liquidity provider for the septic tank at the empire state building

>> No.24000291

Says the man who spent weeks shilling him as a reputable business man of 20 years, which is the case. You're STILL depending on people not actually looking at it.

This. But then, I think he enjoys being the single most easily identifiable poster on biz. Rent free! Lol

>> No.24000298

That's because it wasn't fud, retard. Look at the chart and kill yourself for not buying the dip. We played your little 13 IQ brain like a fiddle. Obvious fud is not fud, dummy

>> No.24000332

I did buy it. 350k now. Thanks, autist. Gas Denmark.

>> No.24000364

Based high iq anon, we got them brother.

How delicious was that dip? I hope you added more

>> No.24000465

Lmao I’m not Dane or that other poster, I the fud is obviously bullshit and the janitor memes are funny.


>> No.24000583


Howie has been fucking dead since February... The guy that made the token is just an impostor. RUG IS IMMINENT!

>> No.24000599

holy fuck my sides

>> No.24000600


>> No.24000736


>> No.24000753

A janitor AND dead? Fuck him

>> No.24000795

Okay fine Ill play, .01

>> No.24000800
File: 964 KB, 640x1136, CDE1BB7D-DA8E-4D93-A52E-E81F50EFDE2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he’s not an imposter, his death is actually his origin story.

>”Howard Krieger, janitor, plumber and car wash operator. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first b2bionic man. Howard Krieger will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.”

>> No.24000802

Who the fuck is the dane? Honestly. I bought in on saturday and haven't dumped my bags yet. Got in late but still up. That's why I didn't care much about yesterday's fud.

>> No.24000928

kope and damage kontrol

>> No.24001083


One of the guys I autismed about in the OP and my favorite biz poster personally speaking. If you can dump when he dumps and accumulate when he accumulates, he's a blessing from white Santa Claus. But I DONT HAVE IT RIGHT NOW DANE your schedule is INCONVENIENT TO THE ANTHILL DAMMIT

>> No.24001622
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Based and Danepilled.

>> No.24001648

Admittedly I only bought in 2 days ago
Where did the cyborg shit come from?

>> No.24001848
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>> No.24001911

Guys, real talk,
As soon as the market crashes and we start accumulating this

It's nowhere near ready to moon right now, let' make it thr next LINK with relentless memes and shilling

I mean that btw, if you buy a bag of this right now, just put it in cold storage and forget about it

>> No.24002268

Personally I'm certain that Howie is expecting Q1 action that isn't being discussed atm. I think lots of people who are open minded to a medium hodl will look back at the lessons of the past and hodl long thereafter. It is less of a wild wild west thing every time, there is more history to reflect upon. For every successful swingie a thousand will get the rope but you can't protect people from themselves. Personally I suggest playing it a little bit both ways or just mining during bear periods. Once you get a decent stack you'll make back losses and fees from bear/crabbing as the apy is damn good. Just watch those impermanent losserinos if the market begins to ravenously unfuck itself while you're staking.

>> No.24002287

I literally only bought this because not many holders, doxxed devs and price discovery. It's going to be a mediocre shitcoin, but you can still make money off of a mediocre shitcoin if you get in early enough.

>> No.24002418
File: 123 KB, 1011x1600, howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a coin by this man

>> No.24002526
File: 686 KB, 1024x816, borgstronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try you dirt Dane dog.

>> No.24003074
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Based and Kriegpilled

>> No.24003135
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>> No.24003690

This shit seems like Relex 2.0

>> No.24004064

This. I don't give a shit about the coin, as long as it increases my BTC stack. Plus the website looks like it was made in year 2001. I'll likely dump it at 10 cents

>> No.24004106

How much do you have? You might regret it if you're carrying more than 100k

>> No.24004144

300k, Why?

>> No.24004255

Read white paper, dyor. Good on you if you make 30k on this, but the fact that this coin has an actual use and isn't even available on most exchanges yet is pretty bullish. You might be looking at $1 by next year. It's up to your own discretion whether or not you follow the team's AMA and their transparency, but I'm personally holding until at least .8, preferably more.

>> No.24004378

You have a lot of faith, I wish I could do it, I dunno.. I would been with you there if this coin didn't have any staking. I am a big skeptic of staking. The thought of getting free tokens for doing noting is scary and I don't want to imagine the bloodbath when stakers unlock their tokens with that sweet 600% APY or whatever redic number it was. If anyone can convince me that this somehow wont fuck with the price then I'm all ears.

>> No.24004434

Unironically wanna post this to the disc to see if I can force a dip

>> No.24004446

I'm not staking. Just hodling. In previous threads it was discussed that buying and holding is likely more profitable than staking ultimately.
Just out of curiosity, are you >>24004283
as well?

>> No.24004551

Yes, I figured someone would notice because of how I said "skeptic" twice kek.

And on the thought of holding is more profitable than staking, then yes they would be agreeing with me and >>24002287 that anon over there.

Basically, the idea is that this coin will shoot up so fast in the short term that the price will rocket before stakers can sell their coins. The idea is that holding > staking implies that this is just a short term gains thing so you can sell before the stakers get their rewards, basically.

>> No.24004589

Then maybe I should be staking. I just don't have the money to match my 350k stack.

>> No.24004686

I'm not sure how long you have to lock your coins up btw. There is also the chance that there were anons that staked on day 1 and have insane gains now ready to sell, or probably sold already along the way, who knows. I need opinions about this but I think if youre in it for the short-term then just hodl

>> No.24004720


i have 10k eRSDL but fuck me if i didnt laugh at this

>> No.24004724

Nah, I'm holding this until next year at the very least. This is too promising of a project.

>> No.24004778


where are you getting APY from this? I don't see any exchange that lets you accumulate

>> No.24004948

It's in the staking page in the website. Click "emit coins" and the pool page comes up showing the apy's. Only eRSDL-ETH is currently active, last time I checked it was a nudge over 500%. Fluctuates.

>> No.24005093

The future is bright frens

>> No.24005127

this fucking shit... i hate going to sleep like this. its either 3 cents tomorrow morning or .008

>> No.24005143


that makes me nervous, is it safe? is 5k enough to stake?

>> No.24005364
File: 137 KB, 1000x1022, impermanent_loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can tell you is to research impermanent loss, look at ETH and at eRSDL, take what you think will happen with these values and make your best decision. I hesitate to give you literal direction other than to say that I believe eRSDL is about to rocket out of its current dip shortly, so if you stake you're betting on ETH moving also.

>> No.24005540

By 5k I assume you mean $2.5k usd in both eRSDL and ETH. That would be enough to stake. For funsies: +500% apy you could expect around 150 eRSDL harvest per hour. Let's say your sell target is .02, in that case, it would amount to $3/hr against the action you would get from just hodling. When you remove, you get the harvest (which you can take separately), and the UNI V2 LP tokens representing your staked liquidity, which you redeem through uniswap pool tab. I hope this helps you make up your mind. Good luck. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.24005578

I forgot your (you)