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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2400001 No.2400001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post in this thread as a petition for mods to prune all nigger threads

its just 1 guy who made 9 nigger coins after the original nigger coin with the EY hash was made , constantly making threads shitting up the board

its ruining biz.

>> No.2400053

off by 1
close tho
also, one dude made EY. he dropped his bags, and someone else picked them up and airdropped a shit ton
the other "niggercoin" shills that followed were after they saw EY picking up, and they wanted to shill for pennies

>> No.2400081

Shut up retard. We're allowed to shill and buy whatever coin we want. Go to plebbit faggot if you want muh censorship

>> No.2400083


meh, i dont know about who sold what. all i know is EY was the first, and i dont even give a shit about that. i just want mods to do their jobs and delete ALL nigger threads

>> No.2400091

Shit was fun until recently. Now it's as bad as Yobit shills. 20 fucking threads all just shilling and begging.

>> No.2400093

shut up we can post what we want

>stop posting things i dont like! You need to be censored!


>> No.2400103

Yes. Purge them.

>> No.2400119

by far the stupidest shit ive seen on this board

and these fucking idiots think they are serious about making money.

>> No.2400123

Keep it in one thread fags like it used to be. We don't need this many threads just to beg for more ngr

>> No.2400144

In with this 100000000% percent

>> No.2400176

Who the fuck is censoring you bulb cunt, why is only defense to reee about your internet safe space. Begging is not allowed and your unironically all acting worse than a bunch of detroit niggers getting free chicken. Contain your edgy autism to one thread so the rest of us can talk about making money.

>> No.2400202

>GO To ReddIT Where Yu BEloNG!!

I get that overt racism is a 4chan tradition, but you retards really overdid it, in the most obnoxious way possible. Please shower you neet.

>> No.2400240

they need at least 1 thread minimum
probably two; one for EY one for not-EY

>> No.2400241

We need to keep it to one thread so Yeezy can rise instead and we can moon off the back of a demigod.
Stupid /biz/tards, you can make money by riding popularity, not by demonizing crypto as a whole

>> No.2400260

No one is censoring you, faggot.

Imagine if I named a coin after you, Faggotcoin, and spammed it until half the threads in the catalog were obnoxious Faggotcoin threads

Then when people complained about the board being shit, I scream about you going back to pleddit if you want censorship.

>> No.2400269

Shut down pajeet offspring coin and leave only 1 true "EY" "Nigger" thread.

Give me niggers, cotton ain't gonna grow itself


>> No.2400270

>overt racism
>most obnoxious way possible
negros like you are why things are still so fucking tense

if nobody gave a goddamn shit, none of this would even matter.

think of this as the culmination of years of "don't say nigger" all unwinding at once

>> No.2400283
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This needs to stop

>> No.2400309

You are the scrub who made the shitcoin EY that keeps shilling about it nonstop all day. GTFO nobody is buying your scam coin. I have reported it to WAVES. The whole buy/sell order history IS YOU just buying and selling it back.

>> No.2400311

Yet more proof that niggers ruin everything.

>> No.2400315

So basically you're a bunch of edgy pre teens who found 4chan on iFunny

>> No.2400321
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>> No.2400331

Nigger is fucking 2009 tier humor. Shit isn't funny, it's begging and it goes against the boards culture. GTFO or contain it.

>> No.2400361

Funny to see all the faggots buy into the latest pump and dumb.

>> No.2400380

all these nonwhites get off the board
toss some coin in here tho

>> No.2400405

Bullshit logic and reasoning.

>> No.2400408

What am I looking at?

>> No.2400423

i bet it's a penis or something

>> No.2400428

>it's bullshit because i say it is and i can't think any other way

nigger is a word. it could mean nothing or everything, but everyone decides to make it mean too much

>> No.2400440

Yes words don't matter.

>> No.2400461

>shilling and begging
/biz/ is suddenly all shuckin' and jivin'

>> No.2400473

>found 4chan
4chan hasn't been a sikrit club for over half a decade already. And after the latest US election everyone and their grandma and her grandma too know about it. That's why every board is overflowing with teh_poltard 13 year olds.

>> No.2400475

Here's your (you) faggot now go back.

>> No.2400484

Yeah, that shit is cancer
Give them a containment thread

>> No.2400502

Mods delete all the nigger coin shill threads.

Its invading the board and is going to put people off from browsing here and advertertisers will also not like it.

Delete this spam, its distracting from the good threads.

>> No.2400590

>go to /sci/ - 20 muh IQ, climate denying and race realism threads
>go to /lit/ - 15 Jordan Memerson and "redpill me on Evola" threads
>go to /his/ - it's basically nu-pol + vg/gsg/
>go to fucking porn gif board - every other thread is full of virginal autismos redpilling each other on wymen's infiriority instead of posting porn
It's just the way things are anon. There are new 14 year olds discovering le ebin ironic meme forum every day and /b/ has long been replaced by /pol/ as entry board.

>> No.2400640

Signed, delete these threads.
This will be on CNN.
You should have waited and did it on Bancor, you useless faggots.
You will ruin good crypto's name now

>> No.2400678

I am all for this, way too much spam... makes the board difficult to read

>> No.2400734

Im with you OP. This shit is Aids with cancer at this point.

>> No.2400744

Ban these fucking shill threads please

>> No.2401004


Lemme get some of those niggers, this cotton ain't gonna pick itself.

>> No.2401027

just to clear things up:

theres 2 major nigger coins right now

Nigger which has the hash ID starting EY (original)
NiggerCoin which has the hash ID starting 3P (new one)

both are being traded and both are shitcoins. the problem with the original nigger coin is it has no code it has no blocks and has no real backing whereas the 3P one which is the newest will end up being the "real" or "official" one in the long run. it was submitted to yobit and theres rumor it will be on bittrex too

EY coin = no devs no algorithm no blocks, doesn't even have secp256k1 support

3P coin = AN ACTUAL blockchain with real code and support. on the 4chan discord the NGR team is saying they are in the works of releasing the blockchain explorer soon and in the works of creating a PoS (proof of stake)

you choose which is real or not

>> No.2401070
File: 352 KB, 1190x1694, The Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the truth is already out. i think the EY shills got banned desu

>> No.2401078

I'm a fan of overt racism as much as the next guy, but this is turning into straight spam. I miss getting somewhat okish advice from here that didn't involve PnD's or 20 NGR threads. I mean, a couple is fine, but holy shit guys we get it.

>> No.2401093

nigger coin is for absolute idiots, sage and report all niggercoin threads

>> No.2401117

>nigger coin is for absolute idiots
We know. That's why it's called nigger coin.

>> No.2401398

I support this. I don't get offended by people saying nigger on the internet, this is 4chan, lets be honest.

But looking through the catalog and seeing a dozen threads on a shitcoin that is literally just trying to scam people is what pisses me off. It was annoying seeing 8 DGB threads but I get it. This shit is just annoying as fuck.

>> No.2401476



>> No.2401499
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>please delete, ban, and censor posts i dont like


>> No.2401543

3p was created today
3p trade history has like.01 btc total volume hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

>> No.2401554
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Except you literally aren't. Begging/soliciting (which is all those threads are) is against the rules, as per the sticky. Additionally, so is spamming by making dozens of threads on the same topic. NO ONE would care if you just kept this shit in one general thread.

>> No.2401870

I agree with op...desu it was funny to me at first...now it's just annoying...

>> No.2401883

kill these fucks!

>> No.2401971

>posts I don't like
>implying the niggercoin discussion, beg, and banter threads aren't clogging up the board with irrelevant bullshit

Fuck you

>> No.2402006
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>> No.2402013
File: 15 KB, 400x450, Gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to say it is ruining biz, these guys or this group or this single neckbeard is going to get ruin the internet. How do we get censored? Some dumb fag like this.

He's like the 3rd grade kid who writes nigger on the wall in school or some shit, everyone wants to know who it is, so they watch everyone.

It only takes one dumb fuck to ruin things for everyone.

>> No.2402034

Fuck off back to your hugbox

>> No.2402100

please ban these assholes

biz is being fucked