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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23997066 No.23997066 [Reply] [Original]

lmfao why are plebbitors so cucked?

>> No.23997097

digits and every redditor will be cucked in the bullrun

>> No.23997113
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crypto is HARD
just like my cock

>> No.23997128


>> No.23997136

1. Buy BTC, ETH, and LINK
3. Profit
You're welcome newfag.

>> No.23997171

Buy it hwere

>> No.23997187

These types of posts are a bit misguided. Crypto isn't really that hard at all. Bitcoin will be the new store of value, it's fucking obvious. Look at Bitcoins market cap compared to gold. Expect it to blow away gold because it's better in every conceivable way and ways not yet foreseen. We've come a long way from MtGox, it's doubtful a reputable exchange is going to lose all your money. Regardless, a child could figure out a hardware wallet.

The narrative is clear. Buy and hodl. When it goes way the fuck up, hodl. When it sees a correction, hodl. 10 years at least. It's gobbling up digital finance. That's it.

>> No.23997244

That's why I just tell new people to use coinbase or a crypto on rails service like wealthsimple and just buy btc or eth and do more research from there.

>> No.23997260

Kraken and coinbase are popular, and PayPal just added a feature. It's not hard to google "Where to buy crypto".

>> No.23997332

this for most normans this is a once in a life time opportunity to make it with very low risk...
no trading or risky gambling necessary for monster gains.
some will lose their tickets trying to margin trade or swing trade and get rekt

>> No.23997346
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Because the more people understand and enjoy it the more money the early birds make
Is this that difficult to understand lol

>> No.23997384


>> No.23997406

But you should only buy when the price is lower. BTC is very high right now.

>> No.23997421

newfag here.
just put all my investments in XRP since it moved the most in last 2 days.
I cant afford a full bitcoin anyway

>> No.23997442


>> No.23997476

If your kind they will buy your bags. Simple as, no need to be an edgy faggot

>> No.23997489

I'm going to post this daily as a PSA, thanks.

>> No.23997494

polar opposite of biz >>23980499

>> No.23997513

One job fuckhead

>> No.23997539
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>> No.23997544
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You don't need full coins of anything, investing in fractions of tokens to start out is perfectly fine.
Be wary of Indians. And I'm not saying that to be racist, I'm saying it because people like you can lose all their money very quickly.

>> No.23997579


>> No.23997624

Well this pic goes in the wank bank

>> No.23997641

Crypto doesn't need normies, it has institutional money now

>> No.23997689
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>Bitcoin doesn't need to go to 1mil if it goes to 100k! Fuck off normies!

>> No.23997709
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>> No.23997780
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I'll help you redditors by dumping my heavy stinky bags all over you as pajeets drive you towards my scam coins with their curry posts and thread. You can enjoy the crippling lows of a two year bear market whilst your money pays for my holiday to Antigua.

>> No.23997872

fuck em and check em

>> No.23997904

1. Buy Ramifi Protocol, Link, BTC
3. Profit
You’re welcome poor fags.

>> No.23997944

This is where I want to be when I make it. This seriously looks like a dream

>> No.23997949

I’ll shill for your coin. Whatcha got?

>> No.23997980

God redditors are such utter faggots
>don't be mean on the internets plz :(

>> No.23997992

Shouldn’t be able to see a bitches butthole in this position. No cheeks on that broad. Pass.

>> No.23998002

They need newfags to pump their heavy ass vechain bags, and that means acting friendly in comparison to those racist 4chan incels who rightfully label it a chink scam

>> No.23998081

cuckchan in its good days was about excluding newfaggots, and thats why were not reddit even if we are plagued by reddit and their mindset.

>> No.23998082

>chink scam

>> No.23998133
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> They think this is 2017 and normies are gonna buy
It's institutions.

>> No.23998139

Buy high
Sell low
And don't buy scams
It's fucking simple

>> No.23998162

I remember back in 2011 when I was told something along the lines of "this isn't your little clubhouse anymore" and they weren't BTFO by the others in the thread. 2020 and it has only gotten worse, but at least we still haven't lost ourselves completely.

>> No.23998174

okay fag

>> No.23998185
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Curio is probably most well known. It shills itself and as usual biz being fucking laggards will hop in once it hits 2 digits (and possibly 3 digits during the bull run). Massive partnerships. Legally compliant and big financial backers.

>> No.23998290
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2013 it was already getting bad with reddit, 2015 was the first year of election and there was a lot of meme power but it was still post-cuckening. 2016 killed it, never been the same, endless waves of Reddit coinciding with their ban waves ruined it over the years and then the zognald was gas on the fire. Before that was mostly just gaslighting and astroturfing by tumblr, muh stormweenies etc.
Technically /b/ was ruined first, stopped using that in like 2010 when it became half trannies and niggerdicks.

>> No.23998346

Would robinhood be adequate?

>> No.23998363

Jessi Slaughter may have been the board's Swan Song. I just think things are far too gone now. Then again. We might just be older.

>> No.23998395

dun goofd

>> No.23998439

I almost want to go back. All the Howie money in the world won't buy us a time machine, will it.

>> No.23998477

Whoops, thought I was in the eRSDL thread still.

>> No.23998505

Be mean. Be assholes. Normies crash the market. Keep them out.

>> No.23998607

Why are redditors such faggots? Jesus, it's so fucking cringy reading that shit.

>> No.23998656

Crypto is easy just buy protocol tokens that are required for the whole thing to work
also fuck reddit, fuck normies and fuck jannies

>> No.23998722


>> No.23998737


>> No.23998762

>be kind
>recommend only good coins
>xrp, nano, ada etc

>> No.23998967

This. /biz/'s racism is one of its greatest strengths. Everybody knows Pajeet and Xing are scammers, but always too scared to say it, and call out these projects. Reddit will buy shitty projects just to not look racist.

>> No.23999064

Real talk, I'm a typical Redditor-y "not racist but not SJW" type, but even I kept the pajeet/nigger/kike memes going because they're the only effective filter we have.

>> No.23999159

Just tell me which alt coin to get rich with faggot

>> No.23999296

Come on bros let’s screw these people

>> No.23999322

If he knew he’d never say.

>> No.23999369

Buy BSV you fking retard.

>> No.23999391
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>> No.23999598

For BTC and ETH yes but they dont have LINK on robinhood

>> No.23999675


>> No.23999737


>> No.23999799


>> No.23999978

yes. they are just like help them to help themself. good for us.

>> No.24000846
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>> No.24001378

finally, checked
fuck r*ddit trannies, jannies, and niggers

>> No.24001446

daily reminder to tell newfags that (((core))) is the correct implementation of bitcoin
the world was never meant to have P2P electronic cash, you have paypal for that silly serf

>> No.24001647

I am new from /fit/. I thought we are supposed to buy low and sell high? Why are you suggesting to buy high and sell low?

>> No.24001677

go back

>> No.24001706


>> No.24001861

Link is a rugpull anyway.

>> No.24001900

>I thought we are supposed to buy low and sell high?
That's a mentality for cucked plebitors

>> No.24001976

Yeah why is the correct way to invest/trade is to buy high and sell low? What is the intuition or the reason behind your statement?

>> No.24002009

If it's below ATH and trending up then it's not too high. In this cycle, buying BTC at 17k is like buying at 850 before the last run-up.

>> No.24002383

Who is this? She looks very stunning and brave in this moment.

>> No.24002506

Kek I saw that post on plebbit to. Redditors are fags I just use it for crypto,wallstreetbets, and coin collecting subs. Such a garbage leftist circle jerk site.

>> No.24002570

redditors will rule, biztards will get cucked instead

>> No.24002750

B a s e d

>> No.24003093

I'm gonna fud & shill so hard it's going to be glorious. I have multiple vpn's and twitter accounts on standby