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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 654x719, 5033294A-FD8E-42E3-B715-FC7894DDB0D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23986963 No.23986963 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom is better than Ethereum

>> No.23986996

fantom is better than link

>> No.23987002

Fantom is better than Cardano

>> No.23987019


>down 60% in a month
cope lel

>> No.23987026

it is and I'm not fucking selling my fanties

>> No.23987204


I have to make it so I don't have to work because I'm not taking the fucking sh0t

>> No.23987251

just take the rushed mRNA vaccine for a simple flu variant goy, it's totally safe despite being barely tested and mRNA never being used before because it's too powerful to control

>> No.23987313

Fantom is a scam, newfag. Here:


>> No.23987325


>> No.23987363
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, dannykek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those threads prove it's not fud if you read more than 1 paragraph

>> No.23987367
File: 150 KB, 1242x1038, 0BB1D34B-3B47-4F4E-AA75-D2185DEC615E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a weird way of saying ”AVAX”

>> No.23987389

I said scam, not fud. Fantom is a proven scam.

>> No.23987409

calling it a scam is fud
Fantom is legit as fuck and those threads are bullish as fuck
not selling my fanties you digital jew

>> No.23987427

You are yelling to yourself with no substance, moron. Try to debunk the proven scam in the threads, Fantom spammer.

>> No.23987469
File: 365 KB, 750x719, ftm garrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't missed a reply dipshit and just go read it yourself
the scam fud is BTFO almost immediately
tongue my anus nigger
Not Fucking Selling My Fanties

>> No.23987495
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The Eth killa with the best potential is Fleta.
Faster and cheaper, my trades don't get stuck on uniswap anymore

>> No.23987526 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.23987541
File: 46 KB, 457x416, kektana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up nigger

>> No.23987554

Aaand of course you didn't even try to debunk that Fantom is a proven scam. Fuck off, Fantom scammer. You are trash.

>> No.23987589
File: 34 KB, 680x817, chadheadphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the scam fud is disproved in the very links you posted you retarded gorilla nigger
how many times do I have to say that?

>> No.23987671

>the scam fud is disproved in the very links you posted you
Idiot investors too stupid and lazy to look into the threads will believe your lies. I have no problem with that. Now, fuck off scammer garbage. You are trash. Take your absurd lies and stuff them up your ass. We both know you will like that.

>> No.23987696
File: 69 KB, 539x565, 1604250886061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the real truth is that you're too illiterate to read the thread and you don't actually have any idea what it says at all
you were just told that's the link that proves it's a "scam"
well it does the opposite nigger and I just bought 5k more fanties thanks

>> No.23987737
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>> No.23987775
File: 43 KB, 477x695, 1596933677516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanties slap exactly like that bong rip
I'm selling link for even more if it dips tomorrow instead continuing its moon mission

>> No.23987863

Only reason why your crashed shitcoin is not worth its real value, zero, is that you have paid scammers to spam biz. Here >>23966861

>> No.23987976
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>> No.23987996

I am fucking 3M in at 0,04$
Kill me

>> No.23988059

You're a fag and you shit in the street, debunk that. Literally kill yourself your fud is worse than the ftm schizo who held DAG.

>> No.23988128
File: 46 KB, 596x628, Keksimus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a fag and you shit in the street, debunk that
my sidesssssssssssss

>> No.23988164 [DELETED] 

>t. desperate morons unable to debunk their crashed shitcoin and scam with anything substantial.. Must retort to hysterical pajeet nigger ghetto mudslinging.

>> No.23988198

>t. desperate morons unable to debunk their crashed shitcoin and scam with anything substantial. Must retort to hysterical pajeet nigger ghetto mudslinging and trash talk, thereby proven themselves to be paid POC fantom scammers.

You fantom losers will never be white. Sorry.

>> No.23988247

>mRNA never being used before because it's too powerful to control
Can you elaborate? I looked it up and found nothing. Which isnt a surprise since big tech wuld want us to get this vaccine and they hide everything that goes against their interests in search engines

>> No.23988265
File: 18 KB, 395x387, 1535594468513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't capitalize White
kek okay shitskin
as a wise and divinely gifted man once said
"You're a fag and you shit in the street, debunk that" lmaooooooooooooooooo

>> No.23988321

our understanding of genetics is simply not as great as they like to pretend
and for no discernible good reason they are all of the sudden rushing the first ever mRNA vaccine out for a flu that has a 99.997% survival rate

it makes no sense, the reason we've never even considered using mRNA before is because we know the least about it, and it's the most powerful.
It's the only genetic material that can re-encode anything, DNA, RNA, and other mRNA

the worst part is I don't think I can convince my family not to take it. Pretty sure I'll be watching them all die in 5 years tops if they take this bullshit, or least run into some crazy fucking "random" disease/cancer/tumor/tremors/organ failure that has never run in our family ever

>> No.23988323

You talk like a POC, you walk like a POC, you smell like a POC, you are unable to use logic like a POC. Your comment is pure drivel, like POC. No wonder you push scamcoin fantom.

>> No.23988343

goes without saying

>> No.23988371
File: 925 KB, 2448x3264, ntmaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aryan actually
now fuck off whatever degenerate retarded mutt shit you are kek

>> No.23988382

This is a guarantee pump... Followed by a guaranteed dump. I’ll wait for the bottom again before I hop on this ride

>> No.23988388

You are very hairy, muttboi. Looks like an Arab rape-baby.

>> No.23988401

i had a nice run with it so far
dont know if it will drop
but def made good use of the recent pumps :)

>> No.23988404

What corrupt third world hell do you come from, muttboi?

>> No.23988429

Because there's nothing to debunk.
>the sky is blue
>no actually is brown like your skin
>oh yeah debunk my claim?
It just fucking isn't true, that's why nobody is "debunking" shit. Nice snopes phrasing btw, did they teach you that in your discord?

>> No.23988434

>now fuck off whatever degenerate retarded mutt shit you are kek
>t. Arab rape-baby with the vocabulary and pseudo-logic of a ghetto nigger on meth

>> No.23988437

lmao you wish. half Irish half German nearly exclusively, less than 1% of anything else
you can call me a potato nigger at best kek

>> No.23988473

I wasnt gonna get the vaccine anyways, not since the rich like Bill Gates started talking about chipping us and all that shit early this year. Your post just cemented it further

>> No.23988482

You will never be white burger. Your culture is that of the Jewish parasites and niggers. South Germans are very dark, on par with Italian rape-babies.

>> No.23988497
File: 41 KB, 500x489, EAD793A7-9D2A-43F4-BDD3-4F53197E6FD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom reserve is better than fantom and shartdano


>> No.23988507

>half Irish half German nearly exclusively, less than 1% of anything else
Doub it. Looks like you must shave your hands every time you put on a suit, like Arabs and other POCs.

>> No.23988529

You can start with the promises in your scam ICO. Do you have ANY of the promises in the ICO fullfilled? Where is the ICO team now? They ALL run the hell away from their lies and broken scam promises? What does that tell you fantom scammer?

>> No.23988540
File: 61 KB, 412x481, 1603899658235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally blue eyed blond and pale faggot kek
let's see your hand
and no washing your hands first I want to how many layers of shit you keep caked on on a daily basis Ranjesh
hahahaha do they really shave their fucking arms???
>using POC unironically
you gotta join the 40% after you post your hand though tranny

>> No.23988541

You are 100% not aryan, by the way. At best you're italian

>> No.23988552

>hahahaha do they really shave their fucking arms???
I said hands. Why would you shave your arms when putting on a suit? Do you even know what a suit is, nigger?

>> No.23988558

>totally organic posting by the way.

Do you have ANY of the promises in the ICO fullfilled? Where is the ICO team now? They ALL run the hell away from their lies and broken scam promises? What does that tell you fantom scammer?

Guess how I can tell English isn't your primary language.

>> No.23988570

Flend and swap are about to drop. Check the github

I've got a small bag so I can grab a 2x at least from here

>> No.23988576

It's late in burgerland, muttboi. Are you on meth that you got from your local ghetto niggers, fantom scammers? Is that why you can't sleep?

>> No.23988586

lmao discord trannies trying to get a free photoshoot from the Aryan guy
not happening just like you'll never be women
less copium, more ropium
shrooms and coffee

>> No.23988602

>just like you'll never be women
Says the mutt burger scammer, that rage and yell at people about his Female To Male (FTM) coin.

You POC scammers will end up in jail.

>> No.23988615
File: 23 KB, 462x372, 1605388362257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine asking the exact same fud that has been answered thousands of times. Come on dude, at least the ftm schizo had some creative fud and was dedicated, you're just shitposting now

>> No.23988618

Nigger confirmed.

>> No.23988639

Don't run away scammer. Again:
>You can start with the promises in your scam ICO. Do you have ANY of the promises in the ICO fullfilled? Where is the ICO team now? They ALL run the hell away from their lies and broken scam promises? What does that tell you fantom scammer?

>> No.23988642
File: 126 KB, 698x704, 1602351817564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao niggers know nothing of shrooms
post your fat ass diabetic hand already you sheltered cunt muffin

>> No.23988687

>Guess how I can tell English isn't your primary language.
Are you supposed to be a native English speaker with your primary school level of vocabulary and grammar?

>> No.23988693

All about the SK projects!!

FLETA and FTM ftw!!

>> No.23988706

>lmao niggers know nothing of shrooms
>post your fat ass diabetic hand already you sheltered cunt muffin
NO white would post that nigger talk. Are you desperate to escape from the ghetto? Is that why you are willing to scam people with your fantom fraud?

>> No.23988728

Time for you to shave your hairy palms again. You will never be white, Arab rape-baby. Sorry.

>> No.23988731

okay seriously where the fuck are you from?
because your english is weird and that's not how hood niggers talk
it was more like some lower class Brit speak than anything
where are you from you strange autistic fuck?

>> No.23988769

>some lower class Brit speak than anything
You really have NO idea how chavs are talking, nigger.

>> No.23989141

OK, so you can't name a single ICO promise from the Fantom scammers that were actually fulfilled and you are unable to explain why and how the whole chink team exit scammed. Getting in a new scammer, Andre Crojne, to keep the sinking project afloat, while they are dumping on idiotic "investors" like you, does not explain away the fact that chinks exit scammed.

>> No.23989160

The literally state of fantom faggots kek, better off investing in hotdog or scam.finance

>> No.23989179

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.23989234

Fantom is *literally* a pajeet tier scam

>> No.23989249

haha fantom is as good as metadium LULZ

>> No.23989798

Everything regarding Fantom is fraudulent and clearly organized. Either they are flooding a thread in a coordinated spam, or they are running the hell away in a coordinated way then their spam has been exposed. There is nothing organic with Fantom and that can be clearly seen as nobody, literally nobody is using that shit network nearly one year after the release of their mainnet. It's ALL a pump and dump scheme.

>> No.23990392

and PNK is better than the current justice system

>> No.23990458

Fantom? More like scamtom.

>> No.23990916 [DELETED] 

Fantom is a scam

>> No.23991713

Fantom scammers had to run away. Tragic.

>> No.23992446 [DELETED] 

Fantom is a giant scam, folks.

>> No.23992480

Fantom creeps in the dead of night and goes OOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooooOOOOoooo 200$ EOY OoOOooooOOOOooooOOooooo

>> No.23993121

Are you also on meth, just as the other Fantom scammer here?

>> No.23993367

Can you guys please stop associating Andre with Fantom scam, he left that pile of rubbish since he started yfi.

>> No.23993544

This. He sold all the coins he got for being an advisor to the project.
Given he never shills Fantom he clearly sold everything and moved on.

>> No.23994212

Can anyone please give me a more obvious scam than Fantom?




Even Bitconnect looks like an AAA investment compared to this garbage. Fantom is a 100% obvious scam.

>> No.23994240


>> No.23994267
File: 100 KB, 631x571, I CAN SEE FOREVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok im done.

Son, I know you are to young to remember the ETH crowdsale in the summer of 2014 but no worries, I still remember it like it was yesterday. The hype, the shills, the heated arguments about the technology, the relentless FUD, everything. So glad, I just bought 2450 ETH and ignored the "ETH is a russian scam" FUD.

FTM feels unironically the same. Here are the things you need to know:

1 - The Technology
FTM combines the scalability of a DAG with smart contracts. At the very least FTMs aBFT consensus model will reach between 20,000-300,000 TPS. ETH is at 15 TPS. Even if we assume, FTM will only achieve 20k TPS, this is still 1,333x faster than ETH.

Fantom is downwards-compatible with Ethereum because it supports smart contacts for Ethereum VM (EVM) natively and out of the box. ETH devs can easily switch and deploy their dapps / smart contracts on FTM - there is NO learning curve. Solidity devs can easily code FTM smart contracts. No additional skills or programming languages required. This alone will catapult FTM into the TOP 10 by EOY, it's fucking revolutionary.

FTM is everything ETH wanted to be, just that it actually scales.

Transaction Finality / TX Confirmation Time:
FANTOM Transactions are confirmed instantly - it only takes 0.7 seconds for a tx to get confirmed. BTC transaction are considered finalized after 30 minutes and ETH transactions after 10 minutes. Fuck that shit. No one is waiting 10 minutes at a retail store to wait for the payment to go through. With FANTOM real-time payments are absolutely no problem. Google "FANTOM PAY" to learn more about Fantom's Payment / Lending service. FANTOM PAY might unironically be the catalyst for mainstream adoption of crypto payments / crypto loans.

NICE FANTOM TECH PRESENTATION BY ANDRE CRONJE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INCA7t-oc7w

>> No.23994303
File: 205 KB, 510x405, yeah sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 - The Tokenomics
The tokenomics are amazing, seriously. Total supply is roughly 3.15 billion and a huge part of that will be LOCKED FOR STAKING. This means that the actual circulating supply will be very low. Everyone can stake FTM tokens, staking reward is 15% per year iirc. Try getting that ROI at your local bank kek. If you own about 3.3 million tokens you can run a FTM validator node and even earn more FTM. Everyone who remembers the DASH master node gains, strap the fuck in! This is 10x better, unironically.

3 - The team
The team is extremely talented. A large part of the team holds PhDs in CS from Yonsei University (the Harvard of South Korea), the CEO is an award-winning tech entrepreneur. Not the type of guy that would dump on you just to pay rent.

The developers are writing high-quality, secure code 24/7 - check the GitHub. On top of that, FTM is available in Rust, Java and Go. State-of-the-art coding languages that are supported by all devices imaginable. How much more can you ask for? Most coders on the team have PhD’s in Computer Science from the Harvard of South Korea (Yonsei University) as well and Andre Cronje (Cryptobriefing Chief Code Reviewer) is working full-time on FTMs aBFT concensus model. I have been following Andre Cronje for years and absolutely love his work. He is a code autist / genius coder on the level of Vitalik. He finished his 3-4 year CS degree in 5 months. There are less than a handful people on this planet that know more about Blockchain concensus models than Andre. I personally went all In after I learned that he is working full-time on the project.

GITHUB LINK: https://github.com/Fantom-foundation

>> No.23994332

4- The partnerships
Danfoss Inc.
Terra Payments
Sikoba Research
Yonsei University
University of Sidney
Several Government Agencies
-- and many more --

SOURCE: https://fantom.foundation/enterprise-alliance

5 - The Mainnet Launch
FTM mainnet launch is imminent. According to the current estimates the mainnet will launch in 5-7 weeks from today (16th April 19). The whole thing is WAY AHEAD of it’s schedule. The original release was planned for Q4 2019, now it’s in Q2. Talking about operational excellence and project management.

Random FUD:

>muh Andre Cronje doesn’t own any FTM tokens.
That's bullish af, he doesnt hold ANY crypto because he isnt in it for the money grab he is a code autist like Vitalik. his goal as a researcher was to find the best aBFT concensus DAG. hint for the brainlets: its FTM. Andre joined FTM as a researcher because he is genuinely interested in the technology. A real leader who doesn’t care about 1000x gains. In fact, he hates moon boys, like Vitalik. They are on the same level. Just watch the FANTOM AMA with him on YouTube and I promise you will market buy immediately. >muh it’s a DAG. DAGs are scams
Even Bitcoin and Ethereum are DAGs. In fact, ALL blockchains are DAGs by definition. Let Andre Cronje explain it to you in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INCA7t-oc7w

>> No.23994400
File: 29 KB, 261x383, FUDDERR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh it’s a DAG. DAGs are scams
Even Bitcoin and Ethereum are DAGs. In fact, ALL blockchains are DAGs by definition. Let Andre Cronje explain it to you in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INCA7t-oc7w

>muh it’s an ERC-20
Every fucking crypto in history has been an ERC-20 before the mainnet launch. Look at EOS, they received billions of $ worth of ETH to fund the development of the EOS blockchain. How else would you want to fund a project of the scale of EOS or even FTM??? Tokens are either exchanged 1:1 or burned at mainnet launch. Has happened countless times, no big deal. Examples of projects who have leveraged the ETH ERC20 token ecosystem are EOS, NEO, Cardano (ADA), and Holochain (HOT), just to name a few. It's totally legit, go ask your friends on Plebbit. Taking this ERC-20 stuff out of context to FUD really reeks of desperation. Easiest buy signal of the decade. Unironically bought 100k.

>muh it’s a pajeet pnd / discord pnd
Show me ONE SINGLE screenshot that actually proves that curryniggers are pumping and dumping FTM and I will fill your buy orders ASAP by selling 3.5 million FTM. Actually believing there are Indians on /biz shows how mentally challenged most of you are. Ranjeesh and his friends left after the bullrun of 2017. The only “pajeets” that are left are eurofags/ameritards LARPing as Indians to FUD. You can’t imagine how much money I have made buying “pajeet scams”. It’s the biggest buy signal I know, seriously. Remember my words the next time you read curry FUD, sirs.

>> No.23994436
File: 75 KB, 622x647, smug anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh it’s a biz pump and dump
>muh thanks for buying my bags biz I was the one who did the pnd and now I am shilling X
imagine being so mentally retarded to believe FTM is only shilled on /biz or some shitcoin pnd flavor of the week. FTM has been the #1 in trade volume for weeks on all exchanges it's listed on. twitter is shilling it 24/7. this feels unironically like ETH. it's pointless to pretend this is a pnd - everyone who doesn't live in the biz echo chamber knows how big FTM is. it's the next big thing and you faggots will not get my bag. Everyone with half a brain bought the bottom below $0.007 anyways. No need to panic. Just hold, don’t be the faggot that sold ETH at $3 for a pathetic 10x. This will unironically reach $0.50+ in the next bull run.

>muh look it’s dumping I told you it’s a pnd
The recent correction was solely caused by the recent BTC movement. We would have seen higher highs for sure, if BTC had not mooned above 5k. If BTC goes up, altcoins bleed. Simple as that. How new are you??? ETH has seen similar dumps before it started to moon violently. Week hands get shaken out, that’s how it is and always will be. Don’t be that fag.

Besides that, it's very common for early moonshots to dump. Whales are playing with the newfags to accumulate more. Once they are happy and doubled their stack, all fake sell walls are pulled, the wash trading ("panic sellers") stops and you'll see one GIANT GREEN DILDO and the moon mission continues. Seen it a million times. If you sell now or sold already thinking to buy back, think again cause you will almost certainly miss the perfect entry and FOMO in at a much higher price. Whales aren't predictable. Just keep your moonbag and chill.
But what you don't realize is that 4chan doesn't affect the price. This isn't a tradeogre shitcoin with zero volume

>> No.23994451

>onsensus model will reach between 20,000-300,000 TPS
Fake. You have 8-10 TPS with a handful of nodes and then your shit network constantaly crashes. That's why you lying scammers had to introduce your fake one computer "test network" when you publicly "demonstrated" your crashed network. EVERYTHING with you fantom scammers is false. Here, check the "testNET" disclaimer.

Give me ONE good reason why you chink scammers are using a centralized one computer "network" to supposedly test your speed, laughable, and not your own crashed tech from hell network up of for nearly a year.

The rest of your insane comments is just more lies, BS and vile undocumented rambling.

>> No.23994454

thank you fren

>> No.23994467

Scamtom by Scamdre

>> No.23994477
File: 202 KB, 524x688, Struggle against FUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick tranny. You will never be a woman.

>muh the CEO can't code
It's not the fucking job of the top management to code. I don't expect Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos to do the coding. Top Management should manage the high-level business stuff, and software engineers should do the coding. That idea that CEO's in large companies should waste their time coding really reveals how little you fags now about business and efficiency.

>muh the team changed, they exit scammed
This is Reddit-tier FUD, just lies, zero proofs. Everything's going fine with the dev team. Re-watch the Andre Cronje AMA on YouTube or check the Telegram Channel. There were several teams working simultaneously on FANTOM. Some expert software engineers were actually hired by Andre Cronje. Overall however, the team is quite large and might have to get downsized in the future, simply because mainnet is almost ready and there is no need for 20+ software engineers anymore. Feel free to post proof that staff members actually exit-scammed, I am waiting....

>muh the team is criminal, they tried stealing funds at the ICO
Topkek, seriously?? Who is gonna believe this bullshit? If this were true, NO ONE, and I repeat, NO ONE, would touch FTM with a ten foot pole. Crypto scam news spread like wildfire on social media, so how come you are the only one talking about this stuff? I have never heard about it anywhere else. So if this isn't a lie again, please feel free to point me to the countless, outraged Tweets of those faggots who got supposedly scammed. If you can't provide them, I assume you lied and keep buying more every day.

>> No.23994511
File: 29 KB, 791x755, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here have a preview of what is to come.

>> No.23994521

scammer. Here. >>23994451

And you can't get more obvious and scammy than this:




Even Bitconnect looks like an AAA investment compared to this garbage. Fantom is a 100% obvious scam.

>> No.23994553
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>> No.23994613

They all exit scammed long time ago. The whole chink team

You Fantom scammers have nothing but your paid spammers and obvious fraud.

>> No.23994648
File: 11 KB, 198x254, Thinking anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot wait till years later and this guy shows up in the FUD screencaps.

I am the storm that is approaching.

>> No.23994698

fantom is a scam, but so is ETH. Fantom will go to $1 next year.

>> No.23994755
File: 61 KB, 700x467, 3243243243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the storm that is approaching.
Why are all you pajeet Fantom scammers constantly on drugs?

>> No.23994813

That's not even close to a reply to my comment, fantom meth head. Take some more of that crack, fantom scammer.

>> No.23994866

this year son

>> No.23994915
File: 75 KB, 1080x1080, stand up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take a look at this.
Shit flinging insults with no proof.
Fantom will rise from the ashes.
When I have my lambo, maybe ill drop some of my staked fanties.
Would u like that?

>> No.23995027

You post like a hormonal teenage girl. Hysterical comments with lots of emotions and zero factual and/or logical substance. Fantom scammers paying you idiots must be really desperate.

>> No.23995091
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>> No.23995126
File: 957 KB, 300x300, Jeez.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You post like a hormonal teenage girl. Hysterical comments with lots of emotions and zero factual and/or logical substance. Fantom scammers paying you idiots must be really desperate.

Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.23995176
File: 19 KB, 360x450, 0F701AEE-977D-4FCA-8492-2C00FC68B913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly, fantom shall be 6-9$ EOY and the fudders shall seethe.

>> No.23995272 [DELETED] 

Good job trying to convince potential investors that Fantom is not a scam, pajeets. Your inept comments inadvertedly is an admission of fraud and paid scammers.

>> No.23995362

Good job trying to convince potential investors that Fantom is not a scam, pajeets. Your inept comments inadvertently is an admission of fraud and paid scammers.

>> No.23995414

I could say the same about you.
Coordinated FUD is just pushing the price down so u can get fantom on the cheap.

You make me sick.

>> No.23995436
File: 66 KB, 680x597, EnAFRrnXYAEu-9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your mouth fgt and grow a pair, you stupid mouth breathing cunt

>> No.23995490

Yeah, we all wanted cheap BCC (Biconnect coins), that's what your scammy handlers and delusional meth head are telling you.

Stop yelling at your mirror on the wall, fantom scammer. You are scaring your neighbors again.

>> No.23995532
File: 1.05 MB, 320x385, 1604452656587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23995835

Guys iono but I find injective protocol very interesting, yeah they're solid DeFi they've achieved so much in a short period of time, we can look forward to yield farming thanks to StaFi protocol

>> No.23996512 [DELETED] 

Fantom is a scam.

>> No.23996653

Fantom is the best tech

>> No.23996820

>Fantom is the best tech
That's why you must fake your transaction speed on a single computer and call it "TestNET" instead of your own crashed mainnet, ryte scammer?

>> No.23996876


>> No.23996923

>Fantom is the best tech
You whole chink team exit scammed, nowhere to be found, because you have "the best tech", ryte scammer?

>> No.23997412

BTC (-10.08%)
This shit is going down.