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File: 316 KB, 1200x1567, 1200px-Maisie_Williams_by_Gage_Skidmore_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23976038 No.23976038 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23976057

>that thing

>> No.23976058

Not against it, it just traditionally signals a crash

>> No.23976080

because stupid normie sjws do not deserve to be rich.
they deserve to buy at the top and panic sell and seethe after btc bottoms and goes up again.

>> No.23976107

That's a man

>> No.23976117

great now we gotta see this face on the board for a couple of weeks

>> No.23976132

>>23976117 >>23976117

>> No.23976144
File: 223 KB, 1280x628, diacrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this?

>It's a man

I bought BTC, then ETH, now i'm into top tier ERC20's like DIA.

I have a feeling, I'm probably going to make it.

>> No.23976145

Why is she so fucking ugly bros?

>> No.23976157

She didn't say buy bitcoin she said long bitcoin.
Wouldn't a normie say buy?

>> No.23976167

She's British

>> No.23976175

I got my mom to buy me some crypto for early Christmas for my 30th birthday. It's a lot less pathetic than it sounds. I told her it's already gone up 12% today and she's freaking out telling me to sell.

>> No.23976209

in b4 she gets v& for market manipulation and her fancuck normies are scared off

>> No.23976222

I'm not.
But the actress you linked is far from being normal.

>> No.23976305

Reading through the comments on her thread, I can say we are still pretty early, in fact, bullrun hasn't even really started yet

>> No.23976524

Hey guys let's promote some shit project like STA just to make fun of the normies. Do not allow them to buy BTC otherwise those retards are going to crash us. Let them buy a shit project like Statera, would be funny if they didn't run away the moment they saw the tranny and pajeet in telegram.
Even funnier if the Staggots finally faced hard facts that the normies hate them too and recognize them as a shit project.

>> No.23976750

Where the upvote button? heh

>> No.23976781

>I got my mom to buy me some crypto for early Christmas for my 30th birthday. It's a lot less pathetic than it sounds.

>> No.23976782

literally an 8.5 in England bruv

>> No.23976809
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 1597681187355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we had more time

>> No.23976904


>> No.23976917

Because normies alway buying the top

>> No.23976961

Only normies buy bitcoon anyway

>> No.23976996

There's always some normies who get in relatively early. Otherwise the price would never go anywhere

>> No.23977005

Oh good, she can participate in the murder of BTC just like she participated in the murder of Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.23977008
File: 185 KB, 600x865, goblina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23977011

this is what I do... keep fudding BTC publicly while accumulating

>> No.23977017

literally who?

>> No.23977049

it's to early

>> No.23977070

Man i wish niggers and nigger lovers would stop talking to me about race. That would be amazing.

>> No.23977088

How do British genes produce goblins like this but also Emilia and Jaime

>> No.23977114
File: 162 KB, 1080x746, Screenshot_20201116-161058_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job boys

>> No.23977141

>Elon shilling it in the replies

>> No.23977280

nigga you had 12 years

>> No.23977283

this is such sell signal holy shit

>> No.23977357
File: 10 KB, 251x242, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope this isn't one of you guys

>> No.23977385
File: 787 KB, 1391x2334, 765435789976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on this linkies, seriously

>> No.23977412
File: 30 KB, 311x362, 1605106011552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23977453

The autism levels tell me this faggot has definitely posted here at some point.

>> No.23977479

pretty sure her account got hacked

>> No.23977536

That's a very realistic goblin. CGI is pretty badass these days.

>> No.23977642

Dude, even Snowden has posted the Asuka meme last November. This place is pretty well known I guess.

>> No.23977786

We must scare the 2.5 million normies so hard that they won't want to invest into crypto for at least another 2years. The future of bitcoin is at stake, we cannot have 2020 being the next 2018, we are too fucking early, we're barely at 2017 levels.

Gentlemen we must divert all the cash flow into some shitty alternative coin that doesn't affect BTC's bullrun. Somebody must take the fall as the black sheep bitconnect of crypto.


So we divert them to this 1 shit token where all their gains will be locked. The moment their gains crab, bleed and dump and they understand what crypto is all about; incompetent pajeets and deluded holders they'll think twice before ever investing in crypto, not till at least a year.
Normies are dumb as fuck; they'll think an indian and tranny is very inclusive and the deluded holders will make them feel part of the family and convince them to hold, of course in the end they'll be horrified beyond belief.

>> No.23977812

But it’s supposed to be a new form of money, not a stock right? Isnt more people using your currency bullish for it?

>> No.23977813

based as fuck
but imho we will NEVER see bitcoin below 16k
mark my words

>> No.23977833

please god get no higher.

>> No.23977856

Lets get them to all buy Core LP, or something else that gets permanently locked in.

>> No.23977865

Bitch looks like she crawled out of one of those The Hills Have Eyes movies

>> No.23977876


>> No.23977897

Fuck sake we can't have sell signals already, we haven't even breached our previous ATH yet.

>> No.23977898
File: 11 KB, 211x239, 1577414039268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HELL NO. Not only is it an insane investment, it's disastrous for the planet

Why are normies such fucking cucks, bros?

>> No.23977936

Because they have weak hands and cause dumps.
How do we teach them to never fucking sell? Can we make this a normie meme? They need to learn to HODL

>> No.23977949

I'm pretty sure she lurks. I mean, with a face like that it doesn't matter how famous you are. Being ugly is just a way to signal that you are a creep and creeps lurk 4chan.

>> No.23977983

>How do we teach them to never fucking sell? Can we make this a normie meme? They need to learn to HODL
need to give them the Mike Saylor interviews.

>> No.23978048
File: 2.04 MB, 346x398, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's unironically an 8+. I want her to crush me with her thighs

>> No.23978068

I've been thinking about selling my entire portfolio for weeks now and this tweet is making me seriously consider doing it right now.

BTC is at $16.7k right now, ATH was $19.6k in 2017.

Is anyone holding out for 19k+?

>> No.23978207

she's a massive SJW NPC, no chance in hell she lurks this nazi place

>> No.23978241
File: 33 KB, 491x625, 1597730582820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23978257

mark your pants, faggot

>> No.23978312

not enough FUD, plz more nos to save the bull run

>> No.23978334

oh no fuck guise, i havent accumulated yet

>> No.23978374

ORB gets automatically locked in.

>> No.23978395

This board is 90% contrarian retards who are "too smart" to just take an easy win. They need to thumb through 5000 indie grundge hipster records at the record store while sipping a soi latte to find the super under ground shitcoin or else they won't feel validated for liking something "before it was cool".

By all means gamble on alts, but for your blood line own 1 BTC first.

>> No.23978475

that... doesn't make any sense

>> No.23978484

it's not illegal to ask a question

>> No.23978499
File: 76 KB, 349x356, 15871483118842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My niggas, realize that the normies are already priced out. If any normalfag, boomer or roastie """invests""" in BTC at this point it will be like $500.
This time around the normie fomo will slowly trickle in unlike last time. Too many people got burned.
Remember my niggers we have already won.

>> No.23978505

>902389239023 threads with her round face

GoT coin rugpull in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.23978577

thanks, just shorted 100x