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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23976287 No.23976287 [Reply] [Original]


I'm just going to leave this here.
Up to 870% APY in the DAI pool, without impermanent loss. In 6 months' time, Bancor will be the largest AMM in the space. Uniswamp is finished.

Call me a pajeet, call me a nigger, call me a kike, call me anything you want. I know you're going to FOMO in anyway.

>> No.23976355
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as someone who is already staking a decent amount in the LINK pool this is win/win. it either brings in a lot of liquidity and Bancor makes it once and for all, or it doesn't, and I get paid a fuckton of BNT for the next 12 weeks.
It's a good time to be staking LINK on Bancor, thats for damn sure.

>> No.23976434
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you could end up getting BNT rewards for 72 straight weeks if you play your cards right anon. read the full announcement. https://twitter.com/Bancor/status/1328439884168761344?s=20 also noticed the the rewards are heavily weighted on the BNT side so if you're staking BNT you will get even more out of this.

>> No.23976541

I've had 10k LINK and 20k BNT in the LINK/BNT pool since v2.1 launch. Last month has been pretty miserable, but the way I see it now I can't lose.
Either liquidity comes pouring in and Bancor takes off (which should happen), or "worst case scenario" liquidity doesn't come pouring in and I just get about 25% of the 100k to 200k weekly BNT rewards, with a multiplier. It's a nice situation to be in.

>> No.23977052

Inshallah Ramadan Kareem
Allahu Akbar bismallah ir rahman ir raheem
Mohamed peace be upon Bancies the moat merciful

>> No.23977281
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bend the knee based bancie bro

>> No.23977442
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>> No.23977507

is BNT total supply uncapped then?

>> No.23977531
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>believing Nate

>> No.23977643

Nope, still elastic!

"The proposed BNT Liquidity Mining rewards program can mint a maximum of roughly 28m BNT over the planned duration of the program (72 weeks). This increase of BNT will represent a modest 28% inflation rate (based on the current supply of roughly 70m)."

>> No.23977740

Although this is a Jewish project, I have to say that, as a Muslim man, I am really turned on by the prospect of earning so much money under Nate Hindman.

Bancor is allowing me to earn interest through staking my Chainlink in a way that is Shariah-compliant. Despite being a violent anti-Semite, my local Imam has blessed the Bancor protocol as the most Shariah AMM.

I truly believe that Bancor can solve the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

Allahu Akbar
Bismallah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem

>> No.23977749

whats in for people who don't want to stake? getting dumped on? should I buy BNT tokens if I do not want to provide liquidity?

>> No.23977785

No way. There is not only zero reason to buy BNT if you're not staking, there is a negative reason, as you'll get inflated away. The whole point of BNT is for pretty much all of it to be locked in the protocol providing long term liquidity.

>> No.23977811

hmm ok. so basically its for whales.

>> No.23977828

why would you buy any liquidity protocol token and not use it?

>> No.23977879

This is dumb lol don't even know where to begin unpacking it

>> No.23977902

Why would anyone hold BNT and not stake it?

>> No.23977946

APYs during the liquidity mining program will be jacked, so I think if you have any decent amount of a token that you don't plan to sell for the next 3 months (especially LINK), put it on Bancor and make sweet gains.

>> No.23977965

sorry was replying to the one above you in the thread. agreeing with u

>> No.23978039
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all G, praise nate dogg

>> No.23978140

Hey guys,

I want to say that this project has the full support of my sub-Reddit: Single Crypto Mums/Dads. You must have 500 karma to post and a minimum account age of one year

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to the price of Bancor going up relative to satoshi units of measurement. Top kek as they say!

Kind regards,

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