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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23963206 No.23963206 [Reply] [Original]

I think its time.

>> No.23963323
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RLC was always reddit

>> No.23963395
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Imagine this scenario.
>There's a coin only /biz/ knows about, and it's known as digital oil. This branding alone will get thousands of normies fomoing into it as they want to buy the next "digital gold" type investment. What they don't realize is they're also buying into the literal epitome of "blockchain technology", which will end up paying much more than the idea of digital oil.
>We can use the knowledge that the use cases are nearly infinite in an ever increasing digital world and the value is probably limitless to some degree.
>The scarcity of it alone will make most of us millionaires, or even billionaires if you hold long enough. There are only 25M RLC on binance, but most likely way less available on the actual liquid market.
>/biz/ does it's thing, accumulates as much as they can in as short amount of time as possible, and begins the awakening process to the normies outside of biz.(It only takes 870 to make it, and only 28k people can own 870 from this point on, plenty enough for biz to get in and start shilling this year).
>As time goes on, we keep accumulating, shilling it on all social media platforms as "the world computer" and "digital oil", and pump memes into the world like all of the other top % gainers did in the past.
>This is when it gets interesting
>All of a sudden people realize there is almost no RLC left available to buy and a crazy mad-dash "oil rush" occurs.
>News hits the media that "digital oil exists" and people start to lose their minds.
>People start selling their cars, houses, taking loans, etc and try to get a single RLC for under $11,490.
>After most of this is done, people begin to realize what iExec truly is, and what RLC truly is, and how it's a limited resource used to access the world computer that will eventually drive new technologies and stuff, it will be harder and harder to sell, propelling the price of RLC into the tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.23963420

>There are only 25M RLC on binance

>> No.23963461

and I couldn't fit this
>ETH is taken on a ride with RLC since ETH is the settlement layer backbone system of it all.
>ETH will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future thanks to RLC and projects like iExec.

So basically, TLDR: Accumulate 870 barrels right the fuck now and begin to learn and understand why there are a bunch of autistic nerds excited about it here then shill the fuck out of it when you think you have enough to be happy with

>> No.23963477

True, last time i looked it was around 25M
Wonder what happened hmmmmmmm

>> No.23963625

I'm buying up as much as I can... but I'm ready for it to moon.. I have enough.. anything I get now will be going to charity and/or friends.

>> No.23963712

Very wholesome and based of you anon. Sadly I have been extremely slighted by this world so I will go on a complete degenerate spree of enjoyment and eternal investment wealth while I look at all of those who doubted me as peasants.

>> No.23963843

Those who doubted you, those you will leave behind but those who believed in you, you must reward with gifts.

>> No.23964083

fuck plebbit niggers

>> No.23965352

there is a gender neutral word in scandinavian countries. if you didnt already knew about that, you probably wont know about DUN either?