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23957367 No.23957367 [Reply] [Original]

Are the American Elite batshit insane?

>> No.23957410

as we all know, the more people there are competing for limited resources the higher everyone's quality of life becomes!

>> No.23957461

they want to get rid of all nature and natural beauty and turn everything into grim megacities inhabited by legions of wage npcs without a thought on their mind other than what is presented to them
It's literally already there they just need to pump more NPCs in (why are there 10s of millions of illegals for decades and there is no political will to uphold law? how can upholding the law be political?)
the whole race baiting thing is just to give yt something to fumble with and to distract with until demographic shift is complete and irreversible

>> No.23957489

judge dred lyfe incomming

>> No.23958086

Fuck the premise of this book. The fucking last thing we need to do is triple the population of this country. I don’t give a shit if it grows the economy. To what end? Jesus....

>> No.23958103

>1 billion brainwashed mutts
God forgive them, for they know not what they do.

>> No.23958105
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We are Chinifying. China is Americanizing.

>> No.23958115

But anon, imagine how rich you could get off of crypto when they are using blockchain data analytics to track every one of the billion people running around!

>> No.23958170

>Matthew yglesias and Glenn beck
These people are pariahs in their own extremely niche tabloid fields.
>reaching 1 billion people even with radically expanded immigration and a doubling of birthrates
Not happening

>> No.23958215

The USA is russifying
>false democracy
>oligarchical rulers control entire industries
>hegemony enforced by copious amounts of legacy military hardware
Russia has been unable to reverse its demographic death despite last resort measures.

>> No.23958234
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>> No.23958260

Yglesias is an idiot whos mind is ruled by misinterpreted statistics. He is incapable of seeing the impracticality and frankly the uselessness of poomping america up to 1 billion poor people and instead only sees the correlation between higher populations and increased GDP. Just read his twitter to get an idea of the level of intellectual you're dealing with.

>> No.23958829

one billion mutts and niggers. A literal cesspool of kike directed degeneracy.

>> No.23958982

whatever is happening, just remember this was not an accident, this reality was deliberately crafted and prepared for you by other humans

>> No.23959024
File: 189 KB, 632x724, 8639338C-0F9C-4B8B-9612-60988BECB6FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and nothing more. Just a billion hungry mouths that also yell and cry

Useless, insignificant existence

>> No.23959043

Just wait until I can build out a platform to forever cuck the U.S.A. on Fuse.

>> No.23959291

As an American I find this repulsive. It's bad enough there's over 340,000,000 of us. I don't want to be like rats and bugmen.

>> No.23959469

Midwits for some reason think that immigration doesn't effect things like wages or quality of life, but as any historian knows, immigration and population growth are correlated with a bad turn in just about every qol statistic imaginable, wages, marriage rates, average height, average IQ, social mobility, relative inequality, and more!

>> No.23959494

how long until we have gulags?

>> No.23959514

Do you use any new Defi now?
What is your opinion/view about DYMMAX: dymmax.com
Found this platform on Probit, they added a referral program there, looks amazing. They have super liquidity and professional team

>> No.23959960

Isn't their birth rate higher than the USA now?