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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.23955945

>early retirement
>age 62

>> No.23956005
File: 257 KB, 412x408, smuuuug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A business you launch at age 60, for example, could easily keep you intellectually challenged and out of mischief for another 20 years or more.
>early retirement

>> No.23956013
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I started my retirement at 24, after 3 years of waging i decided i had enough of being a wagecuck so went on gibs.
Pretty comfy if you ask me.

>> No.23956026

Retiring makes you die

>> No.23956039

What country?

>> No.23956045

If you listen to jews, the best time for goyim to retire is when they are dead.

>> No.23956090
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>> No.23956520

What disability did you invent? Im thinking of telling the gov that i have an extreme fear of chipmunks and cant leave my apartment because of it.

>> No.23956648
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I'm ""lucky""" enough to have a rare auto-immune genetic disease called rheumatoid polyarthritis who declared itself at 24. I'm considered above 90% incapacited for life, so no need to cheat for handibux. On the other hand i'm constantly suffering and take morphin on a daily basis.

>> No.23956925
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I hope you'll make it financially enough to pay for more doctors and a better treatment. Keep your head high anon

>> No.23957060

im 32 and retired but like its really boring. you have no peers because 99.99999% are just working. im just gonna go back to work. i think this is why people who are much more wealthy than me continue working

>> No.23957095

Impressive schnoz

>> No.23957120

> 5. You might get bored and miss working
Imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.23957121

>Retiring at an age where your dick likely doesn't even function anymore and you are like 8 years max from wearing adult diapers.
>You will at this point be completly out of touch with the struggles and values of the youth of the current age. Totally fucking irrelevant. Better start a business.
Is their definition retiring before your body literally starts to decay and shut down around you?

>> No.23957153

Hope it improves for you anon, I know that shit hurts

>> No.23957250

Lmao 2 weeks of vacation

>> No.23957293

Bonded Finance means retiring early. We know this already.

>> No.23957459

You're not hanging out with the right people, then. If you go back to work, make sure it's on your terms and doing something you love and preferably in a business you own but doesn't own you.. that won't fall the fuck apart when you take a 3 month vacation and aren't there to personally run things.

Once you're unplugged from the job matrix, you can't go back to the way things were. You won't fit in, you wont be able to relate to being chained to a desk all goddamn day, bitching about politics and talking about sports. Since you have the ability to leave at any time, it's going to be very hard to put up with the petty workplace bullshit.

>> No.23957499
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I don’t know what to do.

I make 200k but disagree with my boss and it’s a high stress commodity sales job where everyone gains 40 pounds. I have 1.2 mill in the bank. Do I keep eating shit or retire?

>> No.23957526

just get dividend stocks and live on 80-100k a year while doing some lazy own business like lawn mowing

>> No.23957529

retire and do something fun
sitting at home watching anime for your whole life is a waste anyway.
it would require extreme introversion to enjoy being a hermit for life

>> No.23957531

>but you'll lose your sense of purpose!

I'll find a fucking hobby. Grow my own food and start prepping for the breakdown of society

>> No.23957569


I figure one more year, then 5 years of travel then try to make it in Chile. But I appreciate the input, I think your right about the hedonism.

>> No.23957611

imagine being so conditioned by slavery that you can't find a purpose without a day job

>> No.23957641
File: 541 KB, 1338x677, 1598942904160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are your cures brah- assuming karmic propensities etc etc:


Free audio example of the method:


Free Wednesday night class + audios:


Dr David Hawkins:


>> No.23957712

I don't even have to read it to know the 'cons' are going to be shit like "You can only live on a small amount of money month-to-month" or some retarded shit. Normies literally cannot fathom the idea of young people making it on their own at a young age and think that early retirement means living on a smaller budget per month.

>> No.23957727

bro we are both poor why are you talking like you have money lmao

>> No.23957761

No I actually took a chance in crypto 4 years ago and I'm doing alright. Posting numbers makes people say I'm larping but my point is that I hate being pidgeonholed as "poor" literally everywhere I go because of my age.

>> No.23957783

1.2m is poor as fuck.

>> No.23957796
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>> No.23957826

I'm not that guy, but my point is that being young doesn't 100% mean I'm poor.

>> No.23958450
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>it would require extreme introversion to enjoy being a hermit for life
it ain't that bad

>> No.23959488

Cant retire if I never get a job

>> No.23959686

Lol i seek to retire before 40, preferably before 30.

>> No.23959720 [DELETED] 

Lol ive been unemployed for over a year.

>> No.23959753

>1.2m saved up
>doesnt know how to retire

Your joking right. I could make 150k a year off of half that entire amount (600k) with minimal effort and risk. Not telling you how as if you dont understand it well youll likely screw it up.

>> No.23959765


>> No.23959769

Wish you the best, rheumanon

>> No.23959775

Normalfags will actually believe this

>> No.23959780

then fucking start gardening, or dog breeding, or something.
it shouldnt be office drone work

>> No.23959971

the absolute fucking state of jew media

>> No.23959979

Bad goy! Back to your cube cage now

>> No.23960356


>> No.23960973

> Your joking right. I could make 150k a year off of half that entire amount (600k) with minimal effort and risk.

How the fuck would you do that?

>> No.23961162

This has to be satire, do normies goy cattle really

>> No.23961568

by going allin hex, but he's a retard, ignore him

>> No.23961997

More meat.

>> No.23962102
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what is that article...?

>> No.23962725

how the hell he doesn't retire already?

>> No.23962731

>early retirement
Lmao. I retired at 19.

>> No.23962775

yeah this doesn’t count as retirement but as retardedment.. you will never have enough money to do what you want or live the life you could..

>> No.23963158

I have 2m and may reach 10m+ soon thanks to Sergey, but i am also a wage slave and a wizard who spends too much time watching vtubers and in /jp/ and my mother currently lives in my apartment due to the corona lockdown...
What am I supposed to do?

>> No.23963223

>buying scammers coin with origin address and copying of all bonuses and eth recycling


>> No.23963355

have sex

>> No.23963431

But after having read the manipulated man and the rationale male I prefer to not get more involved with women.
A vtuber can't destroy my life remotely...

>> No.23963444

dubs say you should, hire a call-girl or something

>> No.23963557

Your magic won't work on me!
I know janitors are reviewing posts before they appear here and control the post numbers through this process.
This is the reason it takes a lot of time for posts to appear and sometimes they don't appear at all when they decide to censor it.

But I suppose I may consider it in the future if I feel like it.

>> No.23963560

Yes, sooner or later every man Simps

>> No.23963607

This is a grey area.
Simping is the process of giving money away in hope of getting a better chance for an impossible relationship.
The problem with this is only when you don't know your real value and what you are really paying for.
Can it still be considered simping if you know you are throwing your money away and won't get anything in return?

>> No.23963718

Some anons around here jewed me into having sex with a whore, and then I wanted more and got addicted. Thankfully I have made it back in 2017 to support that addiction and not get cucked financially.
Was hard to get rid of, but never again. Stick to your principles anon, it feels good for a few times max and then addiction takes over.

>> No.23964128

That's even worse I'd say

>> No.23964334

>out of mischief

>> No.23964803

Thanks for the warning.
I tend to get addicted easily so this would be dangerous for me...

>> No.23964846

The problem with simping is when desperation and too high expectations make you go overboard. This doesn't happen if you know what the outcome is.

There are people who like to play with money in a casino to feel the rush but still do it despite knowing they won't win. It would be similar.

>> No.23964917
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Best of luck anon

>> No.23965109
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Girls aren't that bad dude, I watch shitty horror movies with my girlfriend on the weekends then we go up to her room and bang. It's all really comfy, would recommend. Don't let 4chan and shit make you think all women are out to manipulate and use you

>> No.23965249

I look at this and wish i got some DUN, do you?

>> No.23965436


With 2m, buy a house and move out! Get some self-respect

>> No.23965487
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Stay strong

>> No.23965575
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This doctor has cured many of auto-immune diseases, including yours, through diet alone. This is definitely info jews don't want you to know.

>> No.23965576

buy your mom a house, or at least one that you can both live in. Depending on where you live you can get good ones around or under $200k

>> No.23966664

She already has her own place I helped her buy first and she chose to move into my home because she made it a bad place to live with her manipulative nature and creates useless problems instead of solving them.
You could say this is shit testing but I don't want to have to bear this from my mother.
She is the main reason I became like this because she needs someone in her empty life to bring chaos.
She will try to invade my home again even if I buy her a bigger and better home because she needs a therapy and doesn't want to stop being codependent and attracting narcissists.

Unfortunately there is only one solution to this problem.
I will have to put a strong barrier around me and remove her from my life almost completely because she is a negative influence which slows me down and parasites my life.
It's sad that I will be completely alone without a family when I do this but there is no other way.

This is the result of growing up in a family full of narcissists and psychopaths.
You have to accept being an orphan to start your life because you never had a real family.
It was just a fake one made of monsters who wanted to destroy you.

>> No.23966695

Screw retirement. Just invest in assets during your 20's-30's and then blow it all on trips during your 40's and 50's.
Do some working from home job in old age and vote for UBI or something.

>> No.23966782

Based as heck. How did you gets gibs by the way? Claim mental illness or something?

>> No.23966887

>I know how to make a reliable low risk low effort 25% ROI
no bitch, you fucking don't.

>> No.23966942

Same, it’s a bitch to get rid off man.
I had to find the most ugliest whore out there and have literal nightmarish sex with her to finally break the addiction.

>> No.23967238

You know, that thing all those pesky middle- and lower-class peasants keep doing, where they try to claw their way out of poverty and into the upper economic classes where they don't belong. Or that other thing where they don't have any more sisyphean busywork to keep them focused on their busywork, so they start to think troublesome thoughts like whether or not they're being taken advantage of, and how to wrest power away from groups and individuals who were rightly born into said power.
Much better to keep their hands busy so their heads don't start doing all that troublesome "thinking", which eventually leads to mischief.

>> No.23967270

What did you do? Did you do something traumatizing or did you go all out with no restraint?
It seems we have to get addicted to something and learn to overcome it in our life at least once, if we want to remain in control later.
I just hope it can't happen a second time, but I haven't made a new attempt to find out.

>> No.23967611

based plants

>> No.23967666

Based and bizpilled. Most of the jannies are trannies here.

>> No.23967713

Satan confirms and jannies let this one through

>> No.23967748

I made it and tried retiring. I turned into a degenerate alcoholic whoremonger. Went and got another job and I’m better now. Some people self destruct if they don’t have a day job and I’m one of them.

>> No.23968740

it's anti plant you retard