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23953351 No.23953351 [Reply] [Original]

-only recently deep dived into chainlink
-found out its a no brainer
-regret not finding it when it was cheaper
-converted most of my btc when i felt the linkbtc chart looked good
-avg price i got in was 11.66usd

Will i make it?

To clarify i only found out about the biz 4chan section. I understand i will get alot of nonsense comments but my goal is to net one or two golden opinions here.

Thanks and i hope you guys have a wonderful day ahead!

>> No.23953364

>will I make it?
you're 3 years too late, faggot. You will not make it

>> No.23953398

You'll catch a 10x. If legacy systems remain for awhile possibly up to 100x

>> No.23953433
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>tfw bought LINK under $2
>anon can afford more LINK than me at $12
>been stuck in this hellhole for 4 years

>> No.23953437

>-regret not finding it when it was cheaper
I found out about it early, but didnt put much in it. I could've been a millionaire by now.. i get depressed thinkin about this.

>> No.23953438

At the very least, LINK is not likely to just die off, so you probably won't ever lose your investment. The sentiment from people discussing it around the web is that it will grow at least to $100, but possibly to $1000 over the next few years. So you be the judge, I don't know what making it is to you.

>> No.23953455

-56% in the coming weeks. screen shot this.

>> No.23953464

This is really a solid project

>> No.23953478

Alt season likely next, unless btc shits

>> No.23953503

Probably not from link alone. Keep searching more opportunities

>> No.23953507

Thinking of hodl or swing to increase stack, really is the best bet in top 5 mcap

>> No.23953565
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The best thing is for you to read through the archives.

>> No.23953581
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get a load of this retard

>> No.23953634

It all depends on which timeline they go down. If they can do what the memes/prophecies foretell and basically become the Amazon of crypto, this is like buying stock in the early 00s. They could follow ebay's trend and crab for over a decade before 5-6x'ing. They could yahoo themselves and fall apart into nothing, liquidate and sell-out (and literally softrug/borderline exitscam: https://www.barrons.com/articles/altaba-stock-finra-yahoo-nasdaq-alibaba-delisting-51570551636))

The point is, no one really fucking knows, a lot could happen between now and 2030.

>> No.23953644

Yes chainlink is really a no brainer.
The only question i have is sergey will become too powerful if chainlink plays out

Hopefully i can get some clarity on this

>> No.23953649

1 LINK = 0.1 BTC
do the math and congratulations

>> No.23953659

Missed out on getting a lot of chain link so I went for AXION

>> No.23953738

Too powerful in what way? If you mean in terms of wealth, then that's why the dumps for funding at this point are a good thing.

>> No.23953760

Chainlink is the one

>> No.23953790

I have double what u have lol

>> No.23953807

Nice pivot anon. Most btc holders will be kicking themselves for thinking $12 is too expensive

>> No.23953822

It makes sense for them to do that. I would not personally invest in chainlink if otherwise.

They are currently influencing the expansion of smart contracts adoption.

>> No.23953832

It is. I wish i found out about chainlink at 1usd lol

>> No.23953847

Yes I constantly feel that i am too late hence this post

Chainlink gives you exposure to the whole market

>> No.23953883

this is bullshit, I knew about link since 2018 and I only have 8K and this asshole decides to get in and already has more than me? Fucked up

>> No.23953907

Im almost all in. Im poor as fuck

>> No.23953937

Someone else(me) is buying your bags bro, thats a Good thing for chainlink and your investment

>> No.23953970

Have you tried not being a poor whiny faggot?

>> No.23954051

So what do you mean by "too powerful" then?

>> No.23954068

Btc will shit but it won’t affect the others as this has happened earlier this year when chainlink first hit 20, BTC is too crowded and towards 19k I expect a massive correction back to 15k but altcoins like link and Eth will moon

>> No.23954087

Listen to this guy.

>> No.23954089

You need at least 25k to obtain fuck you money in two years. You’re SOL and late

>> No.23954122

I would never ever swap 0.1btc for 1 LINK. Stinky gross linkers are deluded.

>> No.23954209

I believe that might happen but unlikely

Think btc and how its price reflects the health of cryptocurrency

But I understand anything can happen

>> No.23954227

Why so?

>> No.23954267

Sad but likely true

>> No.23954417
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>this faggot has more than me and I bought LINK under 30 cents.

>> No.23954565

im ready to take the linkpill brehs
>watched the memes unfold since like 3usd
should i go all in or what? any other coins worth buying? I just wany to make it bros.

>> No.23954596

At this point of time, in my view chainlink seems to be the safest bet, even against eth and btc

>> No.23954601

AXION stake 1mill coins for over 4 years you'll be golden.

>> No.23954708

i have 1k link. Be fucking honest with me. Will I make it?

>> No.23954719

probably not. im lookin at other opportunities myself.

>> No.23954760

Think gold and its role in a economy of based on mmt

Cbdc is to continue mmt

>> No.23954793

It’s a fucking JSON parser that is open source. Any real adopters will just CTRL C, CTRL V it.

>> No.23954828

how does $13 million sound?

>> No.23954829

> 2018
> 8k link
what sort of third world shit hole do you come from?

>> No.23954831

A sword is only as powerful as the person wielding it.

>> No.23954853
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congratulations you have made band

>> No.23954883

If you had the chance to go all-in BTC at $200, would you? That's basically the question for you. Most won't be able to get over the fact that they missed out early. The OP has gotten over this and with a big chunk of money.

>> No.23954936

Not true. Im the op and i still have not gotten over the fact i missed out early.

Thinking of swinging to increase stack and the potential drawback of missing out on the potential hodl gains

>> No.23955047
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Go to Warosu and read /biz/ threads from the summer of 2018...you'll be comfy and better understand what you bought

>> No.23955091

Golden opinion. I will do that

Hope to see more golden comments !!

>> No.23955165

Bezos got richer than Bill Gates recently. Why would it be odd if Sergey did the same thing? The cats alreadys out of the bottle

>> No.23955224

Not money.

>> No.23955282
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hopefully link pumps tomorrow

>> No.23955711

You're missing the point newbie. The cats out of the bag, it doesn't matter how powerful Sergey gets.

>> No.23956020

Thanks for clarifying

>> No.23956259

>The only question i have is sergey will become too powerful if chainlink plays out
The threat to the value of the token is if/when blockchain projects realize Chainlink is centrally governed. Most projects are moving towards being governed as DAOs. I don't think many of these projects will tolerate centrally governed data feeds IMO.

>> No.23956459

start following the project more closely. this is old fud

>> No.23956495

Yep its a fud. Its the decentralised node that is key.

>> No.23956574

The current data feeds have node operators and data sources selected by Chainlink. It's no different than just Chainlink running their own oracle, in terms of trust.

If they actually had independent node operators it would be a different story.

>> No.23956638

Well done and welcome anon
You’re on the path of making it
But holding isn’t always easy
10k has always been considered the make it stack

>> No.23956718

Im contemplating to swing, i do not consider 10k as a make it stack desu.

Yes I understand flipside im looking at the risk of missing out of hodl gains if swinging done poorly

>> No.23956732

This doesnt hold water if you think big picture

>> No.23956740
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>10k has always been considered the make it stack
In all fairness the battle between what is a sucide stack has been on going for ages on here.. never met a general consensus. just buy what you can afford.

>> No.23956791

I only have 3k link and im gonna make it

>> No.23956818

I have the same amount and I don't think I will make it unfortunately. I also don't see link ever touching 1k more like $100.

>> No.23956835

how do you faggots swing crypto? I've only just held. But there are fucking gay ass fees for buying and selling so it seems hard to swing small ups and downs.

>> No.23956880

i really hope you're fudding

>> No.23957124

If "big picture" means an oracle network that is eventually decentralized with security guarantees like staking and some sort of sybil resistance, then I agree. But I don't see them moving in this direction at all. The focus seems to be on "partnerships" and "definitive truths" and whatnot. I don't see a movement to true decentralization.

>> No.23957290

what do you mean an oracle network? its a framework for composing oracle networks?

>> No.23957307

Big picture as in outside of how pure the word decentralised means to you and factor in state of current world affairs

>> No.23957373

this is really old but the best i could think of to help you: https://medium.com/@chainlinkgod/scaling-chainlink-in-2020-371ce24b4f31