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23948706 No.23948706 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who know about this shit, this thread is for you. I'm not going to spoonfeed what the Great Reset is here.
This is about brainstorming what form of wealth will survive the Great Reset and their new digital currency used to control you and keep you from owning most forms of private property.

Maybe. Very big maybe. If crypto is used in this future, it will likely be outlawed by (((them))) as it will be seen as direct competition. If it isn't outlawed, be aware that big banks and institutions are buy up bucketloads of Crypto. Money is of no issue to them so they might be planning on rugpulling the entire thing to force a panic sell.

>Precious Metals:
Genuinely have no idea on this one. I believe that you will be able to trade in Precious Metals for (((currency))) but I'm pretty sure they'll artificially manipulate the price to keep the rates from spiking too high. At the very least, your wealth will likely be preserved.

Very likely stocks will be preserved and their value will just be switched to the new electric currency, as it will be easy to do so. HOWEVER, not all stocks will make it. What will be tolerated under the Great Reset? Think about that. What will thrive under it? 5G, Palantir tracking, breads and circus, mega-corporations like Microsoft and Amazon, etc. Big companies or companies in industries that will thrive off their fucked up shit.

Most likely will greatly increase in value in the right areas. Cities like New York? No. Property is worthless because people are leaving. You need to think about where people are leaving to go before investing in land. While they plan on fucking over private ownership, I can't see them fully fucking over land without fucking over many of the elites that want to participate in this.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.23948810


Desu the great reset is mostly european and european think thanks forcing everyone into it to "not look as bad" in respect to the rest of the world.

I think crypto will be used as a hedge by them during the transition.

>Precious Metals:

The muh bretton woods 2.0 shit is a scam they won't return to a gold standard , gold will be abolished even before crypto , hell european countries already did last year by basically adding capital controls on pms.


Yes as preserved as venezuelan stocks always going up in bolivar terms.


Depends on where , land close to cities will collapse in price land away from cities will probably go up but demand for food will collapse if the world economy is balkanized and population goes down so maybe even land loses value tough this is very dependent on the place and the power of law in every country.

>> No.23948831
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>I think crypto will be used as a hedge by them during the transition.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.23948871

The entire world economy isn't Venezuela. They aren't going to let their precious Mega-Corps and Brainwashing machines become worthless. They need them to kill the Middle Class.

>> No.23948880

it's simple they are going to inflate their fiat shitcoins to evaporate debt , they sure as hell won't allow gold , but they can't control crypto.

They are probably going to try to bribe cryptoanarchist by letting them cash tax free to their CBDCs literally bribing the strongest anti system force.
It's fucked up but i can see them doing this.

>> No.23948889

The Great Reset literally isn't possible without crypto

>> No.23948906
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Look at bonds for fucks sake , inflation in food is 2% , in real estate 6% in the usa & eu.
Yet in both cases pension funds are forced to buy bonds that give 0% return or negative returns , literally they are forcing people to pay pensions for the privilege of losing money.

How long do you think it will happen to stocks what already is happening to bonds?
At some point stocks become the only fiat worthy to save and the banks need to keep pumping them with qe to the point that they will give returns below inflation.

They build a total clown world for real.

>> No.23948914

I only got 500$ into BTC and 200$ into ETH, does that mean im gonna make it?

>> No.23948933

Doubt it, maybe if you move them to monero as a suicide stack you will make it in one of the scenarios.
Otherwise you will just be able to buy a new car with that.

>> No.23948995

>Maybe. Very big maybe.
The fourth industrial revolution book goes deep into how blockchain will be used and even namedrops chainlink by name.
Didn’t read further, you have no idea what you’re saying.

>> No.23949006

Dude that’s why I’m starting a conversation. Help us out then and tell us what’s up.