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File: 27 KB, 691x444, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23944213 No.23944213 [Reply] [Original]

Like if I stare at my pc for 6-7 hours and wait for these to happen, buy at 15 sell at 16 am I not going to win some money?

>> No.23944226

yes but you have to 10x to 20x leverage else its not worth it.

>> No.23944227

I wasteds so muich ime like this, you will make 10 successfull trades for 5% and a bad one for -10%

>> No.23944237
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>> No.23944247

If by buy you mean buy, just hodl and you will have gains.
If by buy you mean long, kill yourself degenerate gambler.

>> No.23944283

not going to lie chief i dont even know what leverage is. i can understand you mean that unless i get a really steep rise its not worth?

>> No.23944291

i dont really understand. just dont sell at -10? like just hold until price goes up? idk ahaha

>> No.23944301
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If only the price moved in somewhat predictable patterns. Apparently there are enough people that believe in meme-lines to make it a self-fulfilling prediction.

Get ready for another jump in price in 5min or 65 minutes.

>> No.23944309

no it means that you put down $1000 but on leverage so a 20x leverage buys you a $20 000 position, for $1000. so if it then moves up 1pct you take home 1pct of 20 000 instead of 1pct of $1000.

>> No.23944321


And if it doesn't go up, you fucking retard? Or if you're trading with 20x leverage and it drops 5%, making you lose 100%? Do you understand anything about this? You stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.23944359


Looks like the next hour will be an upward candle. Here we go!

>> No.23944365

just wait til it goes up lmfaoooo btc bullish

>> No.23944378

shit idk im a neet so might as well do something

>> No.23944393

and if you dont leverage? :)

>> No.23944427

if you don't leverage with $1000 and it moves up 1pct you profit 10 dollars.

so thats useless

but if you profit 1pct of 20 000 dollars, thats more than a daily paycheck for a lot of people.\

>> No.23944463

but if it drops 1% you lose what is a daily paycheck for a lot of people

so I hope OP knows what he's doing if he's going to attempt this...

>> No.23944479

1% it's actually a fking lot for daily btc. Can you hold as long as you want though? I'm probably sounding retarded but if leveraging lets you multiply your position why not do it always? like i have only 1k and it suddenly transforms into 20k?

>> No.23944525

it’s called daytrading and 90% of you apes are to lazy, stupid or both to do it properly
so either read up on trading and study the shit out of it or just go to the casino
good luck pajeet

>> No.23944541

how do you measure your profit?
If I tether up at +5% and btc goes up 15% it's a loss to me. Retard.

>> No.23944545

no theres fees for holding the position open and if it goes sideways for too long or moves against you then you get liquidated. but its still better than the casino fren. the chance you win is 1/2. it goes up or it goes down.

>> No.23944563

because price never goes up or down smoothly, it bounces around all the time.

if you're unlucky, and if it bounces downwards temporary , your leveraged position will be closed and you just lost 1k for ever.

As soon as your profit goes negative by the amount equal to your "deposit" (1k in your example), the position is closed and they take your deposit.

the leverage works both ways, and you will lose your money in seconds if price goes in an unexpected direction (even if it's only for a few seconds)

>> No.23944569

oh you better believe im the hard working ape type. im just young. what can you recommend me? (no casino)

>> No.23944575

if you don't have a lot of money though leverage is the only way to make it. or shitcoin gamblng, but i think leverage is even safer than alts

>> No.23944583

dude sucker punched a 14yo 120lbs kid and didnt even managed to knock him out, pussy of the year

>> No.23944605

wow well that fucking sucks hahaha

>> No.23944619

yeah, sure, I'm not saying people shouldn't do it

especially since we're in a long-term BTC uptrend it's hard to not make gains with a safe amount of leverage

>> No.23944622

imo alts are just pure speculation. bitcoin is the only crypto that has a CHANCE of having a real use

but thats just my opinion

>> No.23944636
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true lmfaaaaao just buy at the yearly high after it just went up 500% within a few months and wait until it goes up there again ^__^ even if it crashes to 5k, you just gotta wait a year or two and it'll be up again cause it's long term bullish don't worry

>> No.23944648
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Thinking about trying this.
Can you tell me what you think the best exchange for this is and why? I hope it's not Binance.

>> No.23944668

i know it is yearly high but it is overtaking gold as a safe value vs inflation (which will no doubt go up -moneyprintergobrrr.jpg) and some say it will keep going up. opinion?

>> No.23944678


>> No.23944740

and if you dont leverage? and work with like 500€? shit idk getting like 10€ per day would be a start

>> No.23944743

you have to understand that there will never EVER be mass adoption of crypto as you know it, the jews will never let it happen
they are already on the move, digital euro could come as early as 2024

>> No.23944765

i know, man.... so whats the move

>> No.23944767


do the math. Imagine bitcoin goes from 16k to 20k, thats a 25% increase.

That means if you put in 500eur, you will get 25% profit on that. So *IF* BTC goes to 20k, you would end up with 625eur. Take into account you will probably lose 25eur in fees to get it on an exchange, of an exchange, etc.

>> No.23944798

I day traded a $10k stack of bitcoin for a year. Went up to $30k. Then down to $8k. Now it's at $12k. If I had just held it would be worth about $30k.

>> No.23944802

ok i meant like daytrading tho, like in op. buy dip down 15.9k sell jump up 16.1k

>> No.23944814

bottomline: hold, right?
anyways its easier to know when you look back

>> No.23944866

if you have time and money to lose you can try day trading, just be aware that you will most likely not beat the market average ROI and probably lose money
but it's fun and you will learn a lot about markets, trading, regulation, stats, even signal processing, programming if you make a bot (which will also lose money)
see it as a hobby rather than a career, because those who make a career out of it are much smarter than you

so the correct move is to buy, set a realistic target price to sell (in both up and down directions) and sell when that target is reached

>> No.23944935


>> No.23944988

yes, yes u can

>> No.23945260

explain and im all ears

>> No.23945287

OP must be one of the dumbest people to ever post on /biz/

>> No.23945304

>what if you play roulette and always win, wouldn't you be rich

>> No.23945317

>imo alts are just pure speculation. bitcoin is the only crypto that has a CHANCE of having a real use
You're absofuckinglutely right chief, just use that computer thing the youngsters use and log into ebay and buy yourself a few bitcoins.
seriously kys newfag, even the rugpull pajeets don't say shit this retarded

>> No.23945394

i really am

>> No.23945458

You should be very careful then. You could lose a lot of money

>> No.23945469

First of all use candle sticks, second, trading the 1 minute is great for learning price action but you have to be quick thinking and ruthless in execution, if you drop the ball and miss the bigger picture it can swing against you hard and take all your gains

>> No.23945663

why candle? i fucking hate them for som reason

>> No.23945689

and be a midclass loser forever? might as well try get some money

>> No.23945755

Good luck

>> No.23945801

>buy dip down 15.9k sell jump up 16.1k
then BTC moves to 17K, finding support there, and you would have made more profit holding it

>> No.23945808

Open High Low and Close can give you information that a line can't.

>> No.23945880

like wat

>> No.23945995

thats an easy way to get liquidated

>> No.23946000

I bet you don't know anything about gold. I'd take 20x leverage on you not knowing.

>> No.23946632

tell me why gold is not obsolete now that we have btc

>> No.23946738

you are beyond salvation, sorry

>> No.23946759

cant buy an apple with a gold lingot but you cant with 0.00001 btc

>> No.23946857

can* with a fraction of a bitcoin

>> No.23946958

Don't listen to those tards, it's unironically very bullish and DOES NOT have to correct. The correction is the crabbing it's currently doing. And don't use leverage or you'll end up like them. If you don't use leverage, you don't have a pressure to sell if you believe the asset is fundamentally bullish

>> No.23946988

u can double ur stack easy, for example buy uni 2 days ago at $1.80 then sell at $4.00 today

>> No.23946990

Also keep in mind you are arguing with a couple of contrarian retards. The consensus here is that BTC is going to complete another bull cycle in the not so far future. Obviously the majority is often wrong, but many here (including here) has been here for years and have some experience with crypto/trading.

>> No.23946998

Hindsight is a powerful tool, fren
Try it and see how poorly you time the market, good luck walking away with a loss

>> No.23947012

Though I wouldn't do it with BTC and instead trade altcoins that have predictable looking charts - as in you see clear patterns enabling you to sell high and buy lower.
The reason I'd recommend alts is because the volatility is much greater, you can make 20% on a single daily RSR swing.
Only trade alts that are somewhat established, though, don't bother with uniswap if you're new.
And instead of day traidng I'd recommend swing trading over the space of several days to 2 weeks or so, you can make better gains that way.

>> No.23947029

so if it goes down then what?

>> No.23947042

Don't waste time day trading. Learn a tech skill if you need to make money. Get some certs

>> No.23947057

stupid, you can definitely make money trading

>> No.23947079

also op listen to this guy, he's 100% right.
Trading is fun and teaches you a lot but if you're new you may not beat the returns you'd get by holding. Still, trading crypto is certainly viable.

>> No.23947123

I guarantee you will lose money and feel like shit because you know you wasted time looking at charts when you can learn real skills. You literally have to do this for 5 years to probably be good. Your a fucking shrimp in the ocean compared to the market and more experienced traders.

This whole day trading meme is a sign that the macro market is nearing the top. Every joe blow thinks they can day trade

>> No.23947157


I have tech skills and certs. In the end it's just wageslaving though. I earn multiple times the wage of a McDonalds employee, yet I still won't be able to afford a house/apartment in the next 10 years.

I'm not going to give up my dayjob. However, crypto is my only hope to truly "make it" and live a comfy life. For me, this makes it worth spending time on.

>> No.23947179

rec any crypto i can watch for some time and then trade?

>> No.23947183

Day trading I agree.
Swing trading is likely to be profitable with enough experience.

>> No.23947216

literally fucking same. any tips to help a wagecuck bro out?

>> No.23947252
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>if you're new you may not beat the returns you'd get by holding
i don't know man some of you guys are way too optimistic, i've been trading for over 5 years and i'm up about $300k this year, that said i've spent literally all my time doing nothing but trading and educating myself for those 5 years, and here comes the joke, i still got outperformed hard by the market this year and would have a lot more money had i just held btc/eth the whole time without a single trade. that's kind of depressing if you're sacrificing all of your time for this shit and knowing that most of you guys have so much less experience and skills than me i don't see how you can even tell something they should try trading when you damn well know that everyone loses money for a good amount of time after starting out

>> No.23947417

Daytrading works well in strong trending movements. Leverage up during big bull and bear moves. Any crabbing, ranging or uncertainty just hold. You will get bocgged. Youll likely get bogged at some point regardless. Daytrading is much more about risk & bankroll management.
Swing trading is where you make money buying a position holding until a target is reached then selling and moving on. You must be acutely aware of retail sentiment to time a top. Price targets can be better for profits
btc is going to be the top performer in the next 4-6 months. All alts look like theyll range.
Dont try so hard, your over analysis is noise to your gut. Our brains, especially us autists, are wired to spot patterns and numbers. How much do you focus on narrative? Just look at the chart, trade the chart. Crypto is in price discovery. Its a new asset class with accelerated hype and speculation cycles, TA works very well for crypto. Just remember that its in price discovery and that violent big moves are likely. Manage bankroll accordingly.

>> No.23947429

must be really cool to be making all that kind of money. can you tell me where to start? just starting to get my first wagecuck bucks

>> No.23947462

your risk for that 300k was likely much lower than the people holding an asset that may go to nothing at any time

>> No.23947528

Just buy and hold btc eth and link. Dont try to trade you will experience pain you never knew existed when you lose your stack and then see how much it woud have been worth 6 months later.. if you must try then limit yourself to a few hundred dollars and once its down the drain consider that a cheap price for a valuable lesson. Buy and hold till at least next christmas bare minimum

>> No.23947602

Wait a second, wasn't there a specific kind of futures, where you couldn't be liquidate even if it went down until the contract actually expired?

>> No.23947626

yes, i dont fear loss bc honestly ill take it a a lesson. the problem for me is when to sell. so you are saying next month on the 25th? thanks for tips. also for some reason i dont really trust link. the shill is unbelievable but maybe thats just me not knowing shit

>> No.23947641

You're wasting your experience or you simply learned the wrong way and have 0 talent.
You should have longed LINK on Binance during the Corona crash when CZ stole 1 million LINK by liquidating everyone under 1 fucking cent.
You should have aped into every YFI farming clone scam you saw. They had insanely good liquidity and insaley good 100-1000x gains for a bunch of shitcoins. Normal shitcoins barely go 10x and barely have 50k liquidity.

>> No.23947693

leave this board and never return.

>> No.23947703

Its the kind of loss where you lose a thousand dollars then look at a chart a month later and realise you should now have 10 thousand is the problem with it. I meant Christmas 2021 minimum, ideally about 10 years

>> No.23947715

oh im staying and you cant do nothing about it

>> No.23947732

nah, you'll realize you can't make any money with your chucky cheese five hundred eurobucks and get bored then leave.

the way for you to make money when you are poor is not through investing, it's by getting a job and saving money then investing that. you're trying to invest when you have nothing to invest. so fuck off loser go back to your mcjob

>> No.23947742

i really really wish i knew what you know ffs why cant i meet any of you autists irl and learn and work my ass off

>> No.23947764

why are you so pressed man, chill. im trying to learn. rather be doing this than wasting time on videogames or netflix like 90% of the world

>> No.23947767

we're all learning anon

>> No.23947783

because you're not trying to learn you're begging for others to teach you. trying to learn would be lurking and reading and googling what you dont understand. youre not gonna make it.

>> No.23947815

they "know" it after the fact
not before
they are just liars

>> No.23947825

>rather be doing this than wasting time on videogames or netflix like 90% of the world
how will you feel when you'll end up with less money than others who did that instead? Cause it's definitely a possibility.

>> No.23947843

i will feel like i learnt something

>> No.23947845

you can do all that with a tiny stack if you're trying to gamble a bit but when you're trading with a bigger stack you have to manage your risk and that's 100% impossible while doing anything you just said. i bought some btc and crude oil during the corona crash but trading with leverage would have gotten you rekt on that day

>> No.23947862

at least i wont be as bitter as you man. life is not worth when you spread such negativity. have a nice day

>> No.23947874

I went from net worth of 2k at the start of this year (graduated college) to 200k now all in crypto. wiping my tears with money fag

>> No.23947908

thats actually amazing, congrats

>> No.23948056

I'm not learning shit and I refuse to. I just click the buy button on cornbase and watch my numbers get bigger. Turned a 4fig investment into 6figs so far and I don't even know what a blockchain is. I just come to /biz/ because you fags have the best wojaks and pepes.

>> No.23948157

Okay based if true but I'm gonna need proof

>> No.23948231

any tips? want to same

>> No.23948623


>> No.23948797
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upppp chk

>> No.23948846
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Eth link UNi hodl for 8.5 months

Pic related are websites where you can find free books. I recommend the intelligent investor since you are intelligent enough to admit you're dumb

>> No.23948977

thanks a lot. i will buy it since i like reading in paper. any further tips appreciated :)

>> No.23949056

Whoa dude you just cracked economy

>> No.23949103

lmfao it was just a dumb way to get attention :)

>> No.23949111

He showed the faggot mercy, which is more respect than faggots show local businesses or children.

>> No.23949215


>> No.23949441
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>> No.23949643

>wait for these to happen
by then its too late duuuhhh!!

>> No.23949689

Why are you saying "upp" when bumping a thread? Why are you bumping your thread like 5 times? Do you think your question in the OP is a realization to anyone here? Go back to your 3rd world shithole

>> No.23949696

I make millions of dollars trading the 1 minute chart.

>> No.23949701
File: 702 KB, 500x500, sataniachan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a thousand ways to make money in the investment world, and a million ways to lose it. which techniques you focus on is mostly about your personality. whatever you do, DONT use a lot of money in the beginning, because right now your skills and experience are at their lowest points. just play around with small amounts of money and experiment with different things until you find your niche.

margin trading is only right for only a small percentage of (masochistic) people, you will need hundreds of hours staring at charts to start to get it. even then experienced margin traders only use like 5% or less of their total stack at a time.

day trading is not a good way to make money for most people in the long run, but having experience in it will help you enter and exit your positions more skillfully, so the experience you get now will pay off eventually. keep in mind that different coins have a different "personality", based on the type of people who hold it. for instance, UNI was given out to everyone with an eth wallet that had ever used uniswap, so there were a lot of idiots panic-selling it for the first few months. now most of the hodlers are true believers, and large dumps will be less likely. if you see a coin suddenly dump, check the news (the coin's discord, telegram, biz, twitter, etc.) and if there was a happening, try to judge whether the dip is temporary by gauging people's emotions. for instance, i saw VALUE dump over 30% yesterday, checked the news, saw it was hacked, went on the discord, saw that people were starting to feel bullish because the team was responding to it well, and saw it was starting to rise. bought at $2, sold around $2.40 for a quick 20% profit. it's only because I had been following VALUE for a long time that I was able to make that prediction.

>> No.23949719

UNI was another one I made a 2x on when it just came out, because i recognized how rare it was for a coin to be immediately listed by Binance and Coinbase on its very first day

but i usually don't do day trading. personally i prefer researching the hell out of a small number of coins (including bitcoin), and buying and holding them for a long time, so i don't have to obsessively check the charts. i also like to buy options for this current bull market (possible 50-100x when the next bitcoin cycle starts), and SELLING options is good during long crab markets. good luck finding what's right for you.

>> No.23949794

thanks a lot for your comment! hopefully i will get there too :)

>> No.23949811

do americans really?

>> No.23949852

It's called the knock out game and niggers have been running around randomly attacking old women/children for years now.

>> No.23949903

they are easy as fuck to read once it clicks. Watch raynor tao's candle stick videos bro he explains it very well

>> No.23949921

thanks a lot! definitely will right now

>> No.23949971
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True traders use this

>> No.23950203

imso behind all this lmao i just use lines

>> No.23950615


>> No.23950688

what would that be, 3x?

>> No.23950707


>> No.23950724


>> No.23950985

What is this option called and which exchange supports it?

>> No.23951652


>> No.23952051
