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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23943080 No.23943080 [Reply] [Original]

Jelly pathetic losers? ;)
Yep i made it

>> No.23943094

>pays someone $450
>look at me, i made it

>> No.23943180

>faggot grandpa shows off its boomer plastic

>> No.23943255

Stay jelly fucking poorfags

>> No.23943264

you're paying them a fee so that you can pay them interest lmao

>> No.23943265

That’s it goy you’ve made it now go and charge it

>> No.23943308

if this post is genuinely you and you made it, congratulations mate. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart - Congratulations!

Here is my piece of advice:
1. Money will allow you to do what you want, but it will not give you happiness. Please do start your own investment company and engage yourself in a company or a business, do get hobbies and whatnot - boredom will otherwise kill you and you are at the risk of pursuing drugs and whatnot in the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness but it is not the way.
2) Just as fit will tell you not to lift because of some guy/girl, you should never pay for a girl or impress a girl with your money. If you really want to fuck a hot girl buy two hours with a luxury prostitute and get it off your bucket list but get a wife who loves you and doesnt know about your money. You will eventually realize that once people understand you have money people will be false as fuck in pursuit of your gold and not you. It's a fucking poison pill. Avoid golddiggers (male and female) at all fucking cost.

Unless you made it big time, business class is the way to go when travelling unless you are on a max two hour flight. That's the only perk I upgraded in my everyday life. I still live in the same apartment and drive a Ford because I don't need a lambo to go to Wendys but travelling business is pretty fucking nice dude.
3) Never ever buy a LV bag

>> No.23943316

Congrats on being middle-class

>> No.23943340

> made it
> got a fancy credit card.
Congrats King boomer consoooomer

>> No.23943341


>> No.23943370

You guys are pathetic and jelly

I bet you cant Even get this card
You losers cant Even get the platinum one lmao

>> No.23943393 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 2316x3088, 1594781649936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are pathetic and jelly
>I bet you cant Even get this card
>You losers cant Even get the platinum one lmao

>> No.23943412

how did you manage to spend so much in 1 year? t. platinumcard holder

>> No.23943439

Clearly a larp but ill bite. I don't pay for credit, I'm British and not financially illiterate.
The guy who co owns my company with me has a centurion over here, he had to pay £2,500 for the sign up and another £2,500 for activation. Supposedly its more in America ($10k?)
If you're paying $10k to borrow credit you're literally retarded.

>> No.23943466

Im not poor like you thats why

>> No.23943507

help me out and send me some money (i am not a communist and i will use that money for a good case)

>> No.23943521


>> No.23943538
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, furio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thousand dollars

>> No.23943641

I'll settle for $500, half price from what this guy was asking

>> No.23943710


>> No.23943974

hahaha this is the most pathetic flex ive ever seen, im lafffin

>> No.23944032

>Tom Ford Made in Italy

if making it is buying useless shit to compensate for micropenis then I dont want to make it.

>> No.23944077

I have discover platinum. No fees. get rekt.

>> No.23944093

I found that exact wallet in a Goodwill once. It holds my cro card

>> No.23944106

holy shit, this is even more pathetic than turkish beamer flexers.

>> No.23944131

>trolling outside of /b/
Sad larp

>> No.23944273


>> No.23944310

This. If you want to live a happy life give off the image youre doing well for yourself but never disclose your wealth. Find friends who like you for you and not for your chequebook. Ditch anyone who tries to get freebies and such they could be wearing a mask to leach your status and money

>> No.23944392


>> No.23944435

What does a black card do? What extra features does it have?

>> No.23944606

Look at world around you, western civilization is fucking dead, enjoy having money on this pathetic clown world.

>> No.23944625

>>faggot grandpa shows off its boomer plastic
literately unironically THIS.

>> No.23944666

id say congrats but you're acting like a giant cunt. hope your daughter gets raped to death.

>> No.23944677

>hope your daughter gets raped to death

>> No.23944708

Yeah I saw this the other day and don't quite get it myself either what is the point? You pay like a 5k initiation fee and 5k to keep it open. How do you even begin to break even? I only have 0 fee cards and churn the rest.

>> No.23944711

Yeah I'd like to know this too. Surely 0% credit with a high limit untill next month settlement?

>> No.23944778


>> No.23944788

Based Satan

>> No.23944806

this is what happens when /biz/ makes women rich without making them work for it

>> No.23944872

Seems like a stupid waste of money to me. $15k just to get the card lmfao. No I suppose I’m not “rich” like you, but when I DO get that wealthy, I’ll remember the value of money and be sure not to piss it away for a pretty black metal card

>> No.23944924

she doesnt care, shes just rubbing herself to the (you)s. again, this is what happens when /biz/ makes women rich without making them put effort in. be prepared for vanity posts for at least the next few years.

>> No.23944930

Only uncle oldfag can flex his centurion OP

>> No.23944951

Can someone explain how is this card any different to others?

>> No.23944963

it is very expensive and black

>> No.23944978


>> No.23945010

no not based. the discord assholes made sure this place is going to suck from here on out.

>> No.23945053
File: 3.03 MB, 498x498, 1600970166776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fucked OP or should I say your daughter is.

>> No.23945279

They are everywhere in germany

>> No.23945300

you realise OP is 20-25 years old, right? nobody older than 30 with an iq over 100 cares about "flashing" materialistic consumer items

>> No.23945334

I think that the fact that you are seeking validation from peoeple browsing 4chan is really pathetic
but if you really made it then congrats anon

>> No.23945377

Truly the best goy.

>> No.23945386


>> No.23945390


>> No.23945450


>> No.23945535

>a credit card

what makes this one so special compared to the 20 other credit cards you have?

>> No.23945546

the jews profit more off of him with this one, so they make him feel special

>> No.23945561


its a her

>> No.23945653 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201115-061813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

specifically this her. send her a message with your thoughts on her credit card

>> No.23945705

>credit/cash card
>made it

>> No.23945785

I still like the reaction when I come up with the newest designer copy shit tshirts which would cost $600-900 and I bought them from china for $30.

I'm 30.

>> No.23946062

>card that benefits those who travel a lot.
During a global pandemic....

>> No.23946854

You keep trying to fix this girl. Aren’t you the same dude who made a thread offering people money to literally attack her? You even gave a location and everything. She cheated and broke up with you or something? Better chill before a harrasnent case opens up

>> No.23947005

blessed by satan

>> No.23947063

What’s with the LV bags?

>> No.23947222

if there wasnt a huge list of guys shes broken up with id be more worried.

>> No.23947290


>> No.23947340


>> No.23947376

I have a card that gets me 1 to 2% cashback and no fees... Apr not atrociously high (19 or so) but I never pay any interest so I don't even know
Am I missing something here ?

>> No.23947487

If you're not utilizing your credit properly (~30% of max) then there's no point to a credit card. If you use it at all, you're paying interest on your balance.

>> No.23947635


>> No.23948104

idk if saying "kys" and "jelly" are words of a man whos made it. good luck tho.

>> No.23948124

>calls others pathetic losers
>doesnt defend herself when people dox her
yeah okay

>> No.23948466

What ?
I pay no interest, always pay the amount and it's written 0 in interest fees on my bill

>> No.23948497


>> No.23948547

I don't know where you live but here, if you pay your balance when it's due, you pay no interest. Actually, you can use your card for free and get cashback.

>> No.23948571

No wrong

>> No.23948580

All this really says is that you spend a lot of money on dumb frivolous shit

>> No.23948601



Jannies give that man a sticky.

>> No.23948621

What is wrong ? It's the law here, retard.
I have an1-2% cashback card that I use for free. Never paid a single fucking cent to these VISA rats. Fuck you.

>> No.23948625

Toxic incel

>> No.23948735

congratz! wish you all the best my friend. excited to celebrate this triumph with you and the TOMO team next year

>> No.23948854

How did you find “her”?

>> No.23949058

youre acting like a cunt and expect zero repurcussions, you definitely are her :-)

>> No.23949147

No im a random guy in New york atm

Im not a girl

>> No.23949199

OP keeps calling everyone "jelly"
Jesus fuck dude, if you are that desperate for validation that you brag about a black card on an autistic anime forum, you are honestly the one who should "kys"

>> No.23949204

based financially literate britbong. reminder these are the same people who think keeping money in a .1% interest savings account is a great safe investment

>> No.23949214

Toxic incel

>> No.23949230

based, genuinely good advice (rare on biz)
i woiuld imagine not only because of tackiness, but probably draws unecessary attention (when made it status you want stealth mode)

>> No.23949292

I'm 18 and have probably had more genuine interactions with girls than you ever will

hope a black card and prostitutes fulfills dude, if not have fun being miserable until you inevitably kill your self

>> No.23949304
File: 618 KB, 900x647, 57-571660_collection-of-free-pepe-transparent-pepe-laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomers literally brag on (((social media ))) about PRODUCT he's CONSOOMED.
Do americans really?

>> No.23949325

So it is you.

>> No.23949641

Dumb adhd kid kys

>> No.23949933


>> No.23950246
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1585797145902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is Based, INCEL'S SEETHING . Shit I couldn't Get that card

>> No.23950313

OP is probably Kanye West or some faggot like that. Faggot at the end of the day it's a black piece of plastic. Your life is fucking pathetic if you have such an inferiority complex that you come on biz to flex on third worlders like Raj and Sanjeed just to make yourself feel better. I bet your dick is too small to fuck

>> No.23950440


>> No.23950555
File: 86 KB, 892x1440, 1604527096725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being THIS INSECURE about having "made it"
What have you "made" in life if you can't even cope with /biz/ bants?

>> No.23950625

>I'm British

>> No.23950735

Being a slave to the banking system

Kek i bet you think being a consultant is a good job. Go ahead and keep checking news world report rankings on college. Meanwhile the chads on biz will be making hella paper without the constraints of society and brain washing.

>> No.23950804

This top Kek so tiny manlet boomer comes to biz to brag about banker’s good boy points card

>> No.23950831

Way to dox yourself you stupid retard Tom Ford

>> No.23950885

poorfag seething, fuck you

>> No.23950940


>> No.23950952

I have enough money to get one of these but I just don't see the point. The only reason I would do it probably is the aesthetics, I hate the coloring and feel of the average pleb card

>> No.23951033

The perks are worth it, also 10k is nothing to some people man. I make 22k per day with a 100% passive income.