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23934614 No.23934614 [Reply] [Original]

There are literally people on this board RIGHT NOW that still do not own one whole Bitcoin. What's their excuse?

>> No.23934637

I went all in on ETH instead... why wouldn't you want double your gains? BTC never wins the race in returns with that massive market cap

>> No.23934656

its not anonymous or quantum resist like haircomb token
which is the bitcoin blockchain anyway

i'd rather bet on the value of the bitcoin blockchain itself than on an arbitrary token that just happened to be the first on the chain and might be overvalued. what can you even do with bitcoin? send haircomb. that's about all.

>> No.23934677
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I don't have $17k floating around

>> No.23934683

>not holding both btc and eth

>> No.23934684

it's gonna do a x10 while my 100 different shitcoins are gonna do a x1000 altogether

>> No.23934695

you had 10 years

>> No.23934704

Because the Tether bubble will pop soon.

>> No.23934731

Sold it at 16k today
Went into DMG with most of it
Expect a dip fren

>> No.23934956

he sold? poomp eet

>> No.23934977

What are rugpulls (I'm currently planning one myself), and what is liquidity.

>> No.23934986

I went with xrp instead :^)

>> No.23934995
File: 287 KB, 750x450, tether-pump-edt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether is about to cause the most catastrophic rug-pull in human history.



New information on tether lawsuit:


More information on Bitcoin:



As of today, seven-day printing-rate of tether is $38 billion per annum.

I suspect that the CFTC knows that tether is a scam, but they won't audit it for the same reason that they won't audit the COMEX. Crypto is an Adam Back/Blockstream-created ponzi to split the anti-fiat community. The COMEX already would have gone bankrupt if our efforts had been fully concentrated on physical silver during these past ten years. Once fiat collapses, BTC becomes priced in gold, and all crypto (as being the fruit of the poisoned tree) immediately goes to zero.

"To overturn the history of gold is wishful thinking. Fully backed Gold and silver substitutes and circulating coins are practical and acceptable for 7bn transacting individuals. BTC will then have no role and sink to zero priced in gold." - Alasdair Macleod, 8 November 2020

BTC requires $100-fees and 3-day transaction times when even 0.1% of the world population attempts to use it as a currency; the only solution is to go through Blockstream’s second-layer solutions which track and trace everything you do. Blockstream is controlled by the banks and the Bilderberg Group. Projects like BCH are not the answer, since they are just as liable to human corruption as BTC was.

Not only is BTC worthless as a currency, but gold-backed crypto already exists. We don't need BTC for anything.



Also, gold-backed yuan and rubles will soon be used in the banking system.

>> No.23935012
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>> No.23935019

<poorfag :(

>> No.23935036

32 eth is better chance than 1 btc

1 btc at max hopium is like $100k
32 eth could easily be $200k

>> No.23935037

Tether fud in 2020, yikes stay poor

>> No.23935044

RSR will net me plenty of BTC later :)

>> No.23935051
File: 68 KB, 1447x900, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tether was given a poor audit in 2018 and found to have only "75% cash and cash equivalents" backing it. Its mcap is now 10x larger and it refuses to be audited. Look at this line on this graph. Does this seem credible to you? Why is BTC volume only 5% of what it was in 2017?

>> No.23935062

I got out at $5 when it was still a meme.

>> No.23935120

I worked for an otc desk till last year, so I know how many large investors would rather have exposure to usd through tether then fuck around with endless kyc moving US dollars around the globe, all that tether isn’t to buy bitcoin, nor is it claimed to be, I’ve seen large investors(chinks mostly) buy 9 figures of tether on the regular, think they’re stupid enough to lose it? Once that usd goes to tethers bank the buyer can then move it whenever the fuck they want without explaining every movement to banks, that’s extremely valuable.

>> No.23935153

We poor or got in late

>> No.23935168

This, I’m all in on RSR while slowly filtering gains into ETH and then eventually Bitcoin. It’s the best option for poor fags

>> No.23935198


Explanation doesn't account for the facts. It doesn't explain why you see the mcap go up 10x in such a short period of time, just as the BTC volume is only 5% of what it was in 2017. Nor why tether refuses to be audited. There's also no interest for BTC in Google search results. It's obvious that what is happening is that the supply of BTC is almost exclusively going into tether's hands. Few real buyers and sellers.

>> No.23935217

The tether fudders really are the chicken littles of the crypto world, besides tether there’s now plenty of audited stable coins doing the same thing but tethers been around the longest, has the most volume and therefore is the most attractive to use. Why would the US care when they hold the correct amount of usd anyway, so it gives the correct utility to their currency, they had an account frozen due to allegedly someone sending dirty money to it, this happens on the regular due to aml and were short for a brief period on paper, banks are now more crypto friendly so they have even less issues then the past hence the increased printing, the future looks good

>> No.23935241

>New information on tether lawsuit
That's not really new information, but please keep us updated on every single legalese bs report that comes out of that case.
>Once fiat collapses, BTC becomes priced in gold, and all crypto (as being the fruit of the poisoned tree) immediately goes to zero.
At this point I highly doubt fiat is going to "collapse" although it will continue to lose purchasing power. But equities and cryptocurrency have proven to be a better place to park your money, and USD is a store of value for people in the rest of the world...
>BTC requires $100-fees and 3-day transaction times when even 0.1% of the world population attempts to use it as a currency; the only solution is to go through Blockstream’s second-layer solutions which track and trace everything you do. Blockstream is controlled by the banks and the Bilderberg Group. Projects like BCH are not the answer, since they are just as liable to human corruption as BTC was.
It's not 2017 anymore, we know that btc layer 1 has failed as currency but it's still superior to precious metals or fiat as a store of value.
> Its mcap is now 10x larger and it refuses to be audited
I'm a bit concerned about it too, but supposedly it's just being used to circumvent regulations intended to make it more difficult to trade cryptocurrency. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if glowies are responsible for spreading tether fud. Anyway buy xmr, and you have to go back.

>> No.23935265

Why should they be regularly audited by a bunch of nerds when their clientele want privacy? Think JPM want people to know theyre balls deep in btc since last year while they fudded it?

>> No.23935333

Btc is not likely ever to be a currency, why would it be, it’s designed to be bought held and stored like gold and that’s where the big moon comes from. It’s not designed to be transacted for a coffee then the shop sells it for fiat, why would that be valuable. People buy btc, one transaction to their hardware/paper wallet and they hold it for 20 years, then If someone wants to sell it they do so in another tx. We’ll have centralised digital currencies for day to day shit

>> No.23935351

so the jews can snoop duh

>> No.23935405

hello sir. am I gonna make it with chainlink

>> No.23935491


>Why should they be regularly audited by a bunch of nerds when their clientele want privacy? Think JPM want people to know theyre balls deep in btc since last year while they fudded it?

All an audit has to prove is that you have 1 dollar in tether's reserves to account for each unit of tether, so that 1 USDT = USD. Has nothing to do with compromising privacy.

>> No.23935643

whenever I contemplate getting BTC, I just look at the LINK/BTC chart again and decide to get even more LINK every time

>> No.23935680
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I used own like 3 or so and was a hardcore maxi but the march crash murdered me and now im diluted in between a ton of shitcoins of which high amount helps me to cope with the pain

>> No.23935986

I hold alternative currencies

>> No.23936645

i dont know how to buy bitcoin

>> No.23936658


>> No.23936992

BTC could easily go to $150k during the next parabolic run
$150k-$200k wouldn't be surprising

>> No.23937064


>BTC could easily go to $150k during the next parabolic run

This isn't realistic. BTC already has a $400 billion mcap. Appreciate how large that is. NEM, the largest gold miner in the world, only has a $50 billion mcap, plus has an excellent 13 P. E. ratio and pays excellent dividends. NEM is infinitely more likely to go 7x, to BTC's current mcap, than BTC to a $3 trillion mcap. At a certain point, who is going to gamble on BTC when they can buy a gold miner which is just as much an inflation hedge, and has no such downside risk? If you say "BTC will become the new world currency, so it can go infinitely higher," I say that is impossible. BTC can't even be a currency for 0.2% of the world's population even with the Lightning Network. It simply isn't going to happen. People are increasingly going to realize this. When fiat collapses, we inevitably go back to gold and gold substitutes (e. g. gold-backed rubles and yuan, or gold-backed allocated cryptos like Kinesis).

>> No.23937079

I had ten years...

>> No.23937390
File: 567 KB, 1440x1427, A6A8FC96-D5F4-4624-A968-8B9CE684FE87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store of value and a better one then gold by miles, keep shilling these mining companies which are literally diluting your “Investment” every year pleb

>> No.23937398


>> No.23937401


Bitcoin's shit. Simple as that.

>> No.23937442

Btc inflation in 2030 below 0.5% fixed, gold inflation will very conservatively be 2.5% unfixed so could be a lot higher as technology improves and miners get greedy, so with gold decaying at 2% a year to btc who will survive and take over? Miners have cuck’d gold forever, the higher price goes the more mines pop up and all they do is unload

>> No.23937584

there are people here who didn't get into bitcoin before 2013. let that sink in. i got 5btc from the bitcoin faucet FREE in 2010, and you are here scrounging for crumbs. actually pathetic

>> No.23937688


>Store of value and a better one then gold by miles

No value to store in BTC, either intrinsic or monetary.

"First of all, gold is incorruptible and perfectly malleable. Secondly, gold is the most prized ornamental metal in the world. Thirdly, the value of gold in industry is truly enormous. Electronics, medicine, dentistry. The only reason why we don't use it more often is precisely because it is so valuable--it is superior to other metals for many uses, but we make use of those ones instead because gold is too precious to waste.

In respect to monetary properties, BTC is not superior to gold in that respect either. We can back currencies with gold right now (as China and Russia are, in fact, intending to do,) and use gold in the modern banking system, which sends any transaction immediately, large or small. Whereas BTC breaks down if even 0.01% of the world tries to use it as a currency, and even the LN could only account for 0.2% of the world population. BTC is not ready for a post-fiat world. It will fail to serve any purpose in that world. BTC also, as I say, lacks the privacy of gold, because it can't be cashed out and exchanged in physical form--everything is done on a public ledger. People from the Silk Road continue to be arrested to this today, and the celebrity Twitter hackers were caught within days. By contrast, paying with a gold or silver coin allows 100% anonymity. You can "cash out" gold-backed currencies and gold-backed cryptos into real gold, but you can't do anything equivalent with BTC."

>mining companies which are literally diluting your “Investment” every year pleb

When you buy a mining company, you buy gold which is already in the ground. It's impossible to "shill" NEM, because it's literally the largest gold miner on earth. I don't even own it, simply use it as a basis for comparison with BTC.

>> No.23937696

I'm an adult, so I own stocks instead.

>> No.23937930

whatever makes you feel better boomer

>> No.23938022

What do you think wins in 10 years in a digital age, the immutable fixed supply bitcoin with .4% inflation, or shiney gold with minimum 2.5% inflation? who’s gonna lose that 2.1% a year holding gold? The smart goldbugs are already moving over, even peter schiff (through his son shilling btc)

>> No.23938087

I started lurking these pages last month, cut me some slack. Damn

>> No.23938101

with these gold shills it’s like a candle company fudding the first electric company “nobody will ever use this they could be electrocuted”

>> No.23939058

larp nobody actually held onto this shit back then

>> No.23939063

>I expect Bitcoin to dip but [shitcoin] won't