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23936747 No.23936747 [Reply] [Original]

Is there still a chance Trump could win? I don’t understand why they’re dragging this post-election circus out if Trump actually definitively lost.

>> No.23936783

respecting law

>> No.23936792


>> No.23936802

No chance, but he's hoping to crown himself dictator and a few of his toadies might be willing to try to help make it happen.

>> No.23936817

Trump won
Fuck off truth denier, unironically you should be ostracized from society with the rest of your ilk

>> No.23936836


no chance of a trump win, but he seems to be aiming to set himself up as "president in exile" or something.

>> No.23936865

No chance is only possible if the electors already voted which they haven't

>> No.23936930
File: 142 KB, 846x1038, EkALn86WkAEKZpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump won
>calls other truth deniers

>> No.23936949

His republican allies in the house and senate don't want to explicitly confront Trump because their constituents are all heavy Trump supporters. It's political suicide. So right now, it's either they keep silent and appear complicit, or they speak out against it and lose their base. That's why they're dragging this out: his allies don't want to speak up. Trump lost, man. He's just a sore loser. I mean, why else isn't he contesting the ballots in states where he won? Because I can guarantee that you can find fraudulent Trump votes too. And why isn't he whining about the Senate votes? The choices were literally right on the same page.

>> No.23937009


Look fren, I hate biden's guts and I have better reasons for it than most, but you need to get a fucking grip. There is no timeline in which donald trump wins either the popular or electoral vote this election. Doesn't matter if that is due to fraud, legit votes, or anything else. The fix is in. Adapt.

>> No.23937023

i'm pretty sure the answer is no but i want it to be yes

>> No.23937354
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Of course there's a chance Trump will win and it has to go through the courts at this time. Those of us that are old enough to remember Bush v Gore know that the Supreme court has the final say. It's NOT merely showing fraud; they MUST show procedural laws being violated to have a chance. Disenfranchisement, and so forth. Trump's team is NOT going to publicly show their evidence backing their suit claims....if you think the media will be fair in showing and sharing the evidence, you haven't been paying attention over the past 4 years. For example, the Pa Supreme Court said it was ok to allow ballots to be considered up to 3 days after election day, whereas the Pa Law says no, only the day of the election. This is a valid, legal point of appeal to the Supreme Court that can potentially discount thousands of ballots.
Bottom line...it won't be over til the Supreme Court says so and the Electoral College ACTUALLY votes. Anything else is just FUD.

Personally, I think Trump won't come out on top, there are simply too many people against him just because. They can openly commit ballot fraud and get away with it...this slavery always existed in the US, just now 'they' took off the velvet glove and are striking us with the Iron Fist. Get used to it...it ain't getting better in your lifetime.

>> No.23937382

The electoral college hasn't backed biden. He is not president elect. Media does not decide an election, god help us all when it does.

>> No.23937515

Well said fren

>> No.23937573
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>Media does not decide an election