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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 1366x768, Shareblue-logo-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2392968 No.2392968 [Reply] [Original]

The left have realized that DGB will make a lot of people they fear very rich. They have launched an all out offensive on DGB because of this. Don't let them steal your coins!

>> No.2393002
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>> No.2393005


i want to believe

>> No.2393044

Lmao here comes the internet boogeyman

>> No.2393139

It's pretty obvious to see. Just look at >>>/biz/catalog
More evidence will be posted in the coming week.

>> No.2393172
File: 53 KB, 680x510, Trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DGB crashes because it's shit
>I know, lets try to get /pol/ types on our side by claiming that this is some type of Shariablue offensive even though this has literally fucking nothing to do with politics at all. That should do it! They totally won't see though this overt attempt at manipulation at all!
>Ok great, but what do we do if people figure out our scheme?
>We'll just call THEM Shareblue!

Fuck off. Digi a shit. Your coin is failing because the retarded dev seriously thought that slides with giant dumb pictures of boats and no design whatsoever (just black text on a white background) was a good method of presenting their shit product to executives. Just sell and take the loss for fucks sake. It's over

>> No.2393201

Are you retarded? Shariablue was a memename, the company is called Shareblue

>> No.2393220

Yeah obviously. Where did I imply that shariablue was the actual name?

>> No.2393225

the hype was built on lies, many bought into them
it's not a bad coin but also not a winner

>> No.2393229

/pol/s first pump n dump

>> No.2393252

oh no,
Stablecoin was first.

>> No.2393278

>Shariablue offensive
>Call THEM shareblue!

Implying that shariablue was the company posting on pol and that 'shareblue' is a ruse


>> No.2393286

>Just sell
This is their motivation behind every shitty post. Why? Ask yourselves. Why?

>> No.2393324

REMINDER: /biz/ is being raided. We are undergoing an attack orchestrated by Cambridge Analytica. DO NOT fall for selling your coins. DO NOT fall for the FUD. Many anons have previously made great conclusions in other threads that are being slid. We are witnessing massive market manipulation.

>> No.2393371

Dude what? How are you getting this interpretation? The "ruse" would be trying to pretend this is some type of organized campaign when you know full well that it's just that DGB sucks and everyone other than the Digicucks sees it. But whatever, I hold zero DGB so if you really thing mr. meme boat man is going to take this coin to the moon, go ahead and HODL.

>> No.2393376


See the problem is, how can we know it's not you who's shilling to keep us buying so you can sell your massive DGB bags?

>> No.2393419

You've either been watching it happen, or you have not.

>> No.2393472


I have my position in DGB. As do many other DGB holders. DGB is in a position to create more millionaires than any other coins in the top 10, even top 15. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the manipulation that is taking place.

My intent is not to have people buy DGB. My intent is to make people start to question the events taking place.

>> No.2393506

Reminder that there is currently a concentrated effort to scare people into selling their DGB. Campaign is currently active on both Reddit and 4chan. Methods include altered quotes, propaganda images (including the particularly sadistic broken robot image), and hundreds of planted posts. Campaign possibly has links to India in some form.

And on a lighter note, some fun dgb facts to bring up at your next dinner party:

- DigiShield (difficulty readjustment algorithm developed by Digibyte) is used in many highly regarded 'blue chip' cryptos such as Zcash, Dash, Ubiq, Dogecoin and more. Not bad for an alleged shitcoin...

- Digibyte had an entire chapter dedicated to it in the book "Blockchain For Dummies" by Tiana Laurence, one of the co-founders of Factom. One of just five featured along with Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum and Factom. Again, this from a supposed shitcoin.

- Jared is good friends with CNBC regular Brian Kelly, who described by him as being one of the best in the business. Eager eyed viewers may have heard him namedrop Digibyte on Fast Money recently.

So long and happy holding!

>> No.2393570

Dgb is my biggest bag. This dip is nothing. We'll see who's laughing by December

>> No.2393586


> some fun dgb facts to bring up at your next dinner party

If i was at a party and someone tried to talk to me about fucking digibyte, I would immediately leave that party and never return to that house

>> No.2393599

idiots on 4chan told lies
idiots blindly believed everything without doing research
DGB is at fautl


Watch from the side as a neutral person.
Question everything.
There is an real attack against DGB.

We got warned in the telegram group that there are some bad guys out there that want to harm DGB.
At that time, no one knowed WTF he meant.
Now we know it.

>> No.2393611

buy the shill and stay poor my faggot

>> No.2393664

yes honey, I will stay poor with these bags of ETH.

You enjoy those sagging bags of DGB. What a wealthy man you will be! Soon, I'm sure... Why, you'll be able to afford a Sharpie made of solid gold!

>> No.2393684
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pajeet pliiz

>> No.2393780

Bump. Don't let this slide. This is possibly the first time any coin has amassed this type of resistance. Anons need to know what's happening.


>> No.2393797

"If video games have taught me anything, it's that if you encounter enemies then you're going the right way."

Digibyte is doing something right.

>> No.2393818

you can't be serious? it's always whales playing games.

>> No.2393869

>you can't be serious? it's always whales playing games.
Not always.

>> No.2393874

well, if shareblue (podesta and dmc's private shills) are behind destruction of dgb, you should consider investing in something else, martyrdom is okay on battlefield and people's memorabilia, not in business, quite the opposite

>> No.2393887

Are you new here? Those threads have always been around.

>> No.2393917

I'm not saying it's new. I'm saying it's feds. Room 641A. FBI has been infiltrating groups for a long time. Thus: Not always.

>> No.2393950

these daily btc tax evasion threads were also rather strange
some people do really feel safe in providing information about themselfes

>> No.2394347

The FUD campaign is obvious, but isn't it a billion times more likely that it's simply people wanting to accumulate cheaper, or at least bagholders of competing coins like MYR or 1ST?

>> No.2394391
File: 719 KB, 500x384, 1448814533489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding DGB but... this is some next level shilling guys

>> No.2394408

A mixture of real and fake responses to put you at ease. This is a natural result of what cryptocurrencies are used for. It's petty and annoying. The entire justification derives from a desire to Jew.

>> No.2394794

>still holding dgb

>> No.2394817


this is the most hilarious shilling I have seen yet for this shitcoin.

It's over. This coin isn't doing anything interesting and isn't going to be used for gaming. Look at mgo for a gaming coin that actually has a plan.

>> No.2394895
File: 833 KB, 200x150, 1497135222384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Oh no the coin I bought gave a giant crash and left me with rock size bags
>What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
> AHA, I'll say it was an attack on the political side, whoever was on my political side obviously will have to buy that coin
>Haha i'm awesome
So where does this stop? This is a whole new level of shilling.

>> No.2394923

nice try

now do an hero faggot

>> No.2394952


>sell me your damn bags goy


>> No.2395003

It's seems equal parts desperation and shilling.

you bought the top and got dumped on, it happens. move onto the next coin.

>> No.2395006
File: 71 KB, 620x466, 1497038814598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dgb buyers

>> No.2395038

jfc digicuck are trully the most delusional and annoying fanboy I've ever seen.

Disgusting desu.

>> No.2395057

It's bizarre how holders of certain coins tend to take on a distinct, collective personality. This will never stop unless DGB plummets to nothing because DGB holders are the single worst subset of /biz/. Nobody would even bother to criticize their coin if they were fun like BitBeaners, but instead, they act like annoying cunts, which causes people to talk shit to them, which in turn causes them to think that there is some /x/ tier conspiracy against their coin and their coin only. For fuck's sake, if Shareblue were responsible for even 1/100th of the shit which I've seen them be accused of across /sp/, /tv/, /pol/, /mu/, /biz/ etc they would be the most powerful organization in human history.

>> No.2395070

>keeping that on your PC

>> No.2395072

jesus u guys are retarded faggots.

>hurrr trump can't be retarded, must be shareblue
>hurrr i didn't buy into a pump, must be shareblue

>> No.2395110

>being this obvious

>> No.2395142

>/x/ tier conspiracy
What timeline are you living in, fgt? Conspiracies never happen in this one right?

>> No.2395168

Hmm, Now i don't own any DGB, But I've definitely noticed the uptick in fudding. Since i don't own it and i can say without any emotional bias, Something fisy is definitely going on.

>> No.2395195


All publicity is good publicity.

>> No.2395250


I'm glad to know there are other anons seeing what is right infront of their eyes. If anything else, more people are buying DGB now than ever thanks to a collaborated anti-DGB effort. The irony is beautiful.

Looks like Shareblue, Cambridge Analytica, CTR, and any other groups paid to sway public opinion fail, and always will continue to fail.

>crypto riches

Where will it end?

>> No.2395275

this happens after every pnd. people come to tell the posters still holding after the shills have gone that they should have sold.

>> No.2395291

The idea that there is a vast conspiracy centered around attacking ONE irrelevant cryptocurrency when a shitload of alts dropping right now is absurd. Many XVG holders have taken a solid hit this past couple of days, there have been plenty of "laugh at Verge" threads and such, and yet NONE of the XVG holders have acted as retarded and obnoxious as the Digicucks consistently do. Was Shareblue also responsible for the dogshit presentation Digi made? Did they choose to put black text on a plain white background and have a picture of a boat taking 75% of the slide?

>> No.2395297

Since this is a shit posting thread, I'll confirm that even though I bought in at 140 I'm fucking embarrassed I never bought and sold any of the dips of this shitcoin.

>> No.2395342

they are coming for our niggercoins

>> No.2395392

It could also be anons having fun making ludicrous stories and trolling. Blaming leftists is a strong hint, as they lack the intellectual capacity to appreciate absurd humor and get absolutely buttblasted.

>> No.2395396

You're a fool if you expect me to argue a position I didn't take. The position I have taken is there's a concerted shilling effort performed by a conspiracy of people who are wanting to buy coins on the cheap. "lol you're dumb and ridiculous you should sell your coins (to me)" is an oft-repeated sentiment. Also, your memes are named as if a concerted effort made and disseminated them.

Does anyone address the facts? No. You're probably going to avoid it or call me a nutter again.

>> No.2395399


I want to see proofs

>> No.2395416

That was one slide. You clearly didn't see the others.

>> No.2395421

>buying DGB above 100 sats

>> No.2395428

>there have been plenty of "laugh at Verge" threads and such

nah. dgb was singled out in a very bizarre fashion even when everything else was crashing along with it, and they had a totally different tone to the other threads - one meant to induce panic rather than simply mock. that's what triggered my suspicion that something was up. i don't think it's shareblue but i do think there's something big and weird happening behind the scenes. looking on twitter it seems like some major contributors (eg alttrade) have started dropping out too. something is going on.

>> No.2395429


How do we know CTR and others aren't the ones launching niggercoin to steal your money?

>> No.2395465

pretending to have seen the presentation (rather than one image of one slide) is a tactic they are using. the only reason someone would go out of their way to lie about that is to cause uncertainty. what we are seeing is not schadenfreude.

>> No.2395493

>shilling effort performed by a conspiracy of people who are wanting to buy coins on the cheap.
That's just a reasonable tactic which whales use on every coin, so naturally, it would be happening with Digi too. The whole premise of this thread though is that there is a politically motivated conspiracy (backed by left-wing groups like Shareblue) designed to crash digi because it's guaranteed to make a bunch of right wing 4channers rich. That is literally the theory that Digicucks are spamming right now.

>> No.2395505

I've been here long enough to spot the differences.

>> No.2395582

You're kinda dumb if you think anyone would know exactly what (((they))) are up to yet. This is memetic warfare basically. But go ahead and keep refuting minor points. You aren't winning the war, but by god you'll win that tiny battle.

>> No.2395636
File: 25 KB, 600x512, nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now it's the Jews? Or is it still Shareblue? Or is is just the globalists? For fuck's sake man.

>> No.2395668

Whoever you fuckers are.
People on 4chan may be stupid some times, but not as retarded as you may think.

That's obvious next-level fudding at the moment.

>> No.2395677

Wow, you really are dumb. Did you miss the point of that sentence?

>> No.2395690

I mean, Shareblue and Jews are pretty much synonymous, but I'm sure (((they))) have much better things to than forcing the price of DGB down.

>> No.2395707

Yeah, we don't know what they (who?) are up to and this is actually "meme warfare" and not just autism. Got it.

>> No.2395719

Losing profit due to easy and fast blockchain technology.

Oi they are stealing our shekels!

>> No.2395757

>greedy jews want you to sell your coin, every shill post mentions "just sell and move on. lol sell me your coins"
Hey, don't worry, I know what your response is too. "Haha you are so ridiculous digishit holder you should give me your bags".

>> No.2396055 [DELETED] 

Okay yes, are you happy? You found us out. Our sectionhas been the core part of the /biz/ operation of DGB FUDding for the past few weeks.
Our group was also the one behind switching the presentations at the last minute, and because not even that was enough we also were responsible for taking all the audience, judges, and other contestants family hostage to prevent them from talking about it. Of course, those events were handled by two different sections than us.
You want to know the truth? The truth is even with the switched out presentation, they still won all 3 awards. And of course they would, even in the incredibly crippled state he is in, a man like Jared can do something like that even working at .01% of his real capacity.

But you think you can fight us? This goes way deeper than you think, kiddos. WAY deeper. You will never be a threat to our operation which is why (I think) I can tell you all this much. However should one of you be smarter than you seem, I'd advise you not to dig any deeper than you have. If hate to see a good mind have to be disposed of.

You all have been warned.

>> No.2396112

>fake counter fud
Didn't even bother reading
Time to sell boys

>> No.2396189

L M A O, that was easy

>> No.2396193

>>selling at a loss
>>weird face dimensions because of literal retardation

>> No.2396225

This reads like parody obviously, but I wonder. You can't even jokingly present a puzzle and not expect some to undertake solving it.

>> No.2396399

I'm starting to think this NGR thing is related.

>> No.2396548
File: 93 KB, 1162x934, biz_conspiracy_parody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's stuff like this. I mean, there wasn't much FUDing for "3 weeks ago", there was the usual number of posts as far as I knew. This coupled with another FUDer's lack of knowing what "hodling" was... You guys are really conspicuous

>> No.2396678
File: 35 KB, 500x437, whaels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under attack
of course it is

>> No.2396878

do they pay you for making memes or do they provide those?

>> No.2397027

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.2397448

sooo... you're retarded? good to know? Move along.