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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, 9DEFFF7D-4011-401E-B9E6-CBD120E33E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23927549 No.23927549 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this for the wifey with my crypto gains.
I want to thank my biz frens

>> No.23927673

Why larp faggot, kys

>> No.23927677

prove it by showing naked pics of her

>> No.23927681

checked and this. OP won't

>> No.23927683

I looked at your wifes feet and she doesn't have unisocks

what are you, poor? hahaha

>> No.23927687

i hope this white dude crashes that car and dies but i wont hear about it

>> No.23927717

jesus fuck, this much jealousy can’t be healthy

>> No.23927756

Good on you man....

Other posters here are just salty, never mind them....

>> No.23927757

>negative canthal tilt
> skinny
>pasty white
>balding NW2.5
>low tier Asian wife
>into crypto

beta confirmed

>> No.23927770

She's asian and he looks like a fag. How unfortunate

>> No.23927786

>Asian wife

>> No.23927828

I wouldn't buy my bitch a uber ride if I cashed out millions your just a straight simp and soon a cuck

>> No.23927831

Why are you wearing a mask next to your wife. I know shes chinese, but come on.

>> No.23927834


>> No.23927843
File: 228 KB, 1200x800, 1447880288984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a low-effort larp. Have some chink for your dubs.

>> No.23927848


>> No.23927850
File: 564 KB, 810x1097, 1554340398262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice OP
bought the wifey a nice chronometer from my xrp earnings

>> No.23927863

incel confirmed

>> No.23927869

bad larp, at least 3 bad financial decisions in one picture.

>> No.23927901

We were at the car dealership

>> No.23927935

>we were told to

>> No.23927966

Wow! Congrats on being middle-class.

>> No.23927967

>taking a picture with masks on

I wish this shit was real and that it actually deadly so that it would kill these fucking faggot normie cattle by the millions.

>> No.23927978

Do you have sex with your wife?

>> No.23927986


>> No.23927992
File: 288 KB, 599x640, three.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her purse and jacket actually match well, but I don't care for guys in skinny jeans and his shoes are awful actually. But these are the men who rule over you.

>> No.23928006

her boyfriend has

>> No.23928024

She told me i look good in those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.23928047

What is there to be jealous of ? 90% of us can buy 10 of those cars with our LINK gains so shut the fuck of about us being envy of something, especially about a literal normie tier buying an expensive car

>> No.23928056 [DELETED] 

never understood why ppl buy mid range priced vehicles... if you got money than you gotta go all out. its like buying bmw 3 series you look stupid for buying it for the brand

>> No.23928071


>> No.23928088
File: 166 KB, 600x953, 1605182560054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait

>> No.23928133

>best sedan in its price range
>doesn’t understand why ppl buy it

>> No.23928174

how is a cayenne mid range?

>> No.23928175

OP thinking 'fuck why did I post this' kek.

>> No.23928189

>living, breathing basedjak
i worked with hundreds of these types at a (((professional services firm.))) they are absolutely unbearable.

>> No.23928236

nah, these levels of salt are pretty normal around here.

>> No.23928300

>qt azn gf
yeah I think it's based

>> No.23928348

>tall and white
>resorts to fucking bugs
sorry to hear about your microscopic penis

>> No.23928370
File: 222 KB, 198x200, costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posing for a picture with masks on

>> No.23928375

You bought an asian woman for your wife? No offense but i doubt she will like her

>> No.23928382
File: 52 KB, 501x507, 5C52E44A-FDBA-4747-BA54-FD0188E3590E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute feet

>> No.23928478

Why's she the only Asian I feel has a personality? Her face has a soul, unlike all other Asians.

I don't watch anything she does but idk, guess it's difficult to forget something unique

>> No.23928606

Sharpie in pooper or didn't happen

>> No.23928634

Trash Porsche, hot wife. Cayennes and Macans suck.

>> No.23928637

asian people arent missing a soul because of their race. Its their chinese and some surrounding nations culture that destroyed the soul. American born asians are normal like the rest of us

>> No.23928666

>white male with asian female
you can tell the guy couldn’t get a white woman so he settled for an asian girl, and she obviously settled for a non attractive white guy which is better for her than the most attractive asian guy.

>> No.23928677

You have ended your genetic lineage.

>> No.23928688

hot wife/gf even tho the guy in the pic isn't you

>> No.23928690

imagine not realizing the strongest babies will be race mixed

>> No.23928732

Congrats on being a hero to your wife. Don’t listen to the haters

Buying your wife a fancy car with your crypto is very chadly and honorable

>> No.23928763

Hey dont post my wife without her permission, thanks.

>> No.23928769

Buy her a pair of tits.

>> No.23928785

fuck off roastie, no woman would do the same for a guy

>> No.23928789 [DELETED] 

Non white wombs are worthless

>> No.23928804

At least you didn’t park it on the grass to take the picture. Congrats fag

>> No.23928807

Post pic you coping incel.

>> No.23928841

>t. never been in a womb besides his mums

>> No.23928843

>t. ugly virgin that frequents lookism and /r9k/

>> No.23928873

Doesn’t matter. When a man provides for his spouse it’s always based. If he is being a faithful husband and provider he is winning

>> No.23928894


>> No.23928945

based attitude fren but OP is obviously Larping

>> No.23928973

A Porsche Cayenne is a car for a parvenu. If you get a Porsche, you get a vintage air cooled 911 turbo.

Also I don’t recommend race mixing with Asian women. If you get a son he’ll probably develop some mental health issues.

>> No.23928977

This exact same FUCKING thread was on /o/ yesterday but without the crypto larp.

>> No.23928990

hahahaha where does he win?

>> No.23928997

damn she is pretty hot fucking race traitor

>> No.23929020


Spurious correlation. Hapa boys tend to be dysfunctional because their dads are betas who are settling. This guy's clearly somewhat chad.

>> No.23929032

king shit op. Probably now getting your dick sucked on the daily.

>> No.23929039

simp faggot
or larp

either way

>> No.23929063

congratulations, you got the worst porsche.
Should have got a Range, faggot.

>> No.23929072

it's because you're mentally ill

>> No.23929095
File: 559 KB, 605x746, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929096

Non white wombs are worthless. Do you have an objection to this statement?

>> No.23929098
File: 690 KB, 1536x2048, larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, that's where I bought my porsche and wife as well.

>> No.23929105

I’m not a faggot

>> No.23929112

congrats chad anon. waifu is gorgeous so is the car.

>> No.23929159
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 6B7BDEFF-6A84-455D-BB24-72A313F8B317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian girls have cute feet
That’s a fact

>> No.23929178

>going out of your way to have short ugly kids


>> No.23929212

Imagine never going outside or talking to a girl

>> No.23929232


>> No.23929235

It’s is. Especially if she has your white children. Seethe more ancaps

>> No.23929238

cayenne is driven by slavs living in eastern europe commie blocks with their grandma

that's how its mid-range

it lacks exclusivity

overpriced garbage.

if you want an expensive SUV get a Bentayaga or Rolls Royce one not this cayenne shit

>> No.23929255

he has clearly weak beta face (can tell from lack of suborbitals and negative canthal tilt) and beta coloring with no muscles and twink skeletal structure. Its over for him, he won't get laid with white women despite being lanklet

>> No.23929294

wtf even is a canthal tilt
fuckin /r9k/ I swear

>> No.23929317

tilted alien eyes usually achieved with botox

>> No.23929370
File: 1.37 MB, 3120x2317, IMG_20201115_002032_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my feet

>> No.23929386

Hah, I actually bought my wife a Macan as well. We got a fully loaded S though.

>> No.23929390

ahh wtf ive never had a foot fetish and my dick is erect right now. Is this a psyop

>> No.23929406

very vute

>> No.23929426

If only you spent as much time at the gym as you do admiring other men. Can't believe you're getting mogged by a LARP. Definite sub 6 male. The mindcel is real.

>> No.23929430


>> No.23929437
File: 257 KB, 1600x1600, bray-wyatt-firefly-fun-house-7-video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every gopnik in bulgaria is rolling in an old cayenne or some other german suv trying to larp as a tough guy.
these are people who make 800$ at most.
They went to pick strawberries in england like slaves, made 2000gbp, finally managed to buy an old cayenne for 12,000$ and now work in some factory making 800$ a month, trying to act like they are a business owner.

And buying a chinese wife a cool suv, means she will want a newer one next year or divorce rape you hwailo

>> No.23929450

I do spend time in the gym. I'm ripped and on a roid cycle.

Also, this thread is not about me, it's about HIM.

I was not the one who made bragging pic on /biz/

>> No.23929468

exactly, it's pleb luxury car of choice

>> No.23929471

They do. At least they tend to. Would share some of my OC from years of being with Japanese girls but funnily enough I respect them more than the whores usually posted here, so I'll refrain. Will say, some Asian tomboys have really jacked up feet, though it is great if you enjoy smell.

>> No.23929476

Im not a bulgarian

>> No.23929485

It's a larp, you dumb nigger.

>> No.23929580
File: 105 KB, 1024x769, E059EDD7-EE0C-4071-91D0-0547E6D15866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought this house for my wife with all the coins I shilled to you guys, thanks to all my biz friends

>> No.23929583

So sick of asians, was in relationship with one for 2 years. Never again

>> No.23929609

You punching bro

>> No.23929615


>> No.23929656

what happened anon?

>> No.23929677

Holy shit her eyes are trying to escape her face.

>> No.23929686

all that incel talk for nothing.
i ve met fat bald short people that got laid with literal model types. its made possible by charms and personality and not unironically being the guy that mirco manages others guys suborbitals and negative tilts hell knows what kind of autist fuckery you are talking about. you learn about all this bullshit to feel better about your pathetic self right?
sad many such cases

>> No.23929691

where tf u find sid the sloth?

>> No.23929695
File: 1.30 MB, 320x180, J8DpFy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need an SUV, and an old rugged one, not an expensive piece of plastic.
That means some old mitsubishi or jeep.

Buying some q8/x5 just to tear and break it on the off-road is laughable. if anything i want the ability to not be noticed, and to be able to crush others and walk it off.

if i had disposable income, I would go for the ford-jaguar from 2005, or an old bentley. A car with REAL wood and chrome.

the thought of cashing out 9000$ to buy some 2nd hand BMW to "make the neighbors jealous" gives me shivers.
and those 9000$ can be used to pay my house loan on the spot.

so good luck with your "Cayenne" bro. im cool with my old audi a3

>> No.23929712

i'm not even incel, not sure why you are projecting so hard

and getting on with asian gf is borderline incel behavior. It just means you are a loser who can't get white girls

I can get white girls unlike that coper fuck

>> No.23929724

Notice they said that they're sick of "asians," which isn't very specific. If it was anything like what some of my friends went through, then I'm going to guess Chinese or Korean with princess syndrome. That'll turn you off of the whole group of people in a heartbeat.

>> No.23929737

"Asian" mannerisms that I found were cute ended up being cringe, cultural differences meant we had less in common than we thought. Low sex drive, total starfish in bed. I couldn't do it anymore, even if she was very attractive.

>> No.23929738

>wear a placebo patch
>still shake hands with dealer when signing
Very low IQ

>> No.23929750
File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, 1601832733522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sports car branded suvs and crossovers
Why do people do this

>> No.23929799

You're poor and mad.


>> No.23929811

Dated nothing but white girls in high-school. Dating within my race was fine; you can find a gem for sure. But why are you putting this current batch of BLM spray-painting, antifa-serving cunts on a pedestal?
Ok, I retract my previous statement. Sorry it didn't work out, fren.

>> No.23929903

>porche cayenne
cute toy for a mail order bride made in china
if you actually came here to brag you dont have the IQ to make gains in crypto please stop larping ok tnx bye

>> No.23929992
File: 386 KB, 554x524, Screenshot 2020-11-14 at 10.00.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bros i got my car at the same place

>> No.23930007

now thats a chad!

>> No.23930016

how do i profit off mixed race couple poursche sales

>> No.23930017


>> No.23930094

me on the right

>> No.23930122

She must be a very happy gal, I bet she'll remember you exist next time Tyrone fucks her, you cuck.

>> No.23930133
File: 1.13 MB, 3308x1960, DosJJ38WwAEFZO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad white boii?

>> No.23930155
File: 492 KB, 860x801, 8901230941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This exact thread was posted 3 days ago on /o/

>> No.23930264

That's why you date Asians born and raised in the same country and culture as you brah.. Better luck next time.

t. Been with one over 4 years and no problems

>> No.23930309

dont ask me

me and the wife got the fast car! remember to hit the gym today anons! no sense in making it if you arent in shape

>> No.23930310

>buying an ugly suv type car porsche

>> No.23930353
File: 306 KB, 1600x1600, ohnonon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking fashion advice from women
Chelsea boots are gay and you are even gayer for buying a depreciating asset to impress another depreciating asset

>> No.23930368

>buying a depreciating asset to impress another depreciating asset

>> No.23930459

I love my wife

>> No.23930484

me too

>> No.23930528

lmao, beta

>> No.23930535

we all do

>> No.23930536

Americans fucking disgust me. I work in collections in the auto industry and I can't tell you how many fucking retards put themselves into so much debt to get that shiny piece of crap shit box that will be obsolete in a matter of months.
American 'wealth' boils down to who can get the biggest loan, and that's disgusting.

>> No.23930550

Disregard automobiles, acquire cryptocurrency.

>> No.23930606

>I love my used cock sleeve

>> No.23930611

how does one cash out their crypto?

>> No.23930621

epic. i would upvote you if i could

>> No.23930850


>> No.23930897

Lol at this grasshoper coping with his ugly gook golddigger gf

>> No.23930932

Lovely wife and awesome car
Also you’re tall and handsome

>> No.23930947

They cant breed

>> No.23930968

I'm asian and think thats the most lifeless bitch I've ever seen
you're just horny

>> No.23930981

If it was larp Biz is mad af when someone
Makes it lmao

>> No.23930999

Agreed Biz cant Breathe or Breed Real Chads congratulate OP

>> No.23931027
File: 105 KB, 1136x638, literallythistimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on people
>on /biz/

>> No.23931038
File: 233 KB, 528x625, 247365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up 20k this month bois

>> No.23931084

Have Sex

>> No.23931296

I've made enough money from crypto to buy 2 brand new Porche cars. What's the point of making it if I can't get a gf? :(

>> No.23931332

It's beautiful man, I like the attention to detail.

>> No.23931340

give me a car anon pls

>> No.23931381
File: 13 KB, 220x222, panic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is with white guys married to Asian/black women, and buying Porsches? This is freaking me the fuck out. I'm a young white guy that's about to marry an Asian girl this year, and this is making me have an out-of-body experience. Will I buy a Porsche in the future? Is my life this predictable and boring? Do I live in a simulation?

>> No.23931397

Wtf is a canthal tilt

>> No.23931423

if buying a porsche is your biggest problem, you will be fine m8

>> No.23931438
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, 1418940123962.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for people that are too casual/scared to drive a proper sports car, but they also want to ride that brand because of the brand name.

>> No.23931471
File: 360 KB, 600x580, 1510212521613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those seething (you)s
holy shit you struck a nerve anon, BASED

>> No.23931578

You are a fucking retard. Both the guy and girl are way above average looking.

>> No.23931583


>> No.23931635
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1857715946759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23931693


>> No.23931702
File: 784 KB, 240x426, 1510966094654.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only person ITT who thinks the wife is not Asian and is White/Latina??

>> No.23931708

unbased for being a cuck but based for being yellowpilled

>> No.23931791

This thread is stolen off /o/. He baited all you faggots

>> No.23931866
File: 115 KB, 776x748, 1537514691862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamo seething cucks are mad

>> No.23931869
File: 280 KB, 960x1200, 1579051496120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fundamentally based

>> No.23932144

that's one of my favourite fendi bags, good taste

>> No.23932265
File: 75 KB, 718x906, 44A9C5A9-C539-4C03-A8EF-FFCF0C2AC7B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23932605

u can tell she dresses him

>> No.23932609

congrats anon you deserve it.

>> No.23932679

Nah - it actually has nothing to do with being a white guy and everything to do with the fact that Asian - in particular Chinese bitches LOVE Porsche - I am not sure what it is about them but they just love it

>> No.23932695 [DELETED] 


>> No.23932710



>> No.23932727

No it's the same guy just showing off his new car to people in multiple boards!

>> No.23932729

based lookism incel

>> No.23932772

I think he means hidden bearish divergence on the 4h rsi

>> No.23933144

triggered by larp. Nevah change, biz.

>> No.23933186

shoulda bought a tesla retard. enjoy your carbon tax.

>> No.23933226

Congratulations bro. Don't let these other assholes get you down. You did this for yourself and you should be proud. Good luck going forward :)

>> No.23933612

Lmao I like this take

>> No.23933858

Tits or gtfo fag

>> No.23933999


>> No.23934014

>no timestamp
Kill yourself

>> No.23934051

What kind of investment have you done?

>> No.23934157
File: 36 KB, 480x640, 81gp3ewjgj101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife loves her new apple watch

>> No.23934184

you just know this guy has fantasies about being fucked by immigrants. what a freak

>> No.23934198

damn what a hottie

>> No.23934223

that missing toenail makes me feel something good

>> No.23934251

moped in the background is a nice touch

>> No.23934350

yeah, he fucks.

>> No.23934495
