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23927547 No.23927547 [Reply] [Original]


Reminder Litecoin is making this impossible while Bitcoin is making it ensured. People who own BTC are lemmings and they deserve to lose their shirt, and left pinky over this. One coin will replace the dead, obsolete and honeypotted Bitcoin, it will be something in the top 10 right now, it will be faster and cheaper and it will be already in thousands of ATMs. Theres about 2 that fit that bill, and they arent XRP.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.23927570

>Litecoin is making this impossible

>> No.23927587

Extension blocks that make the coins fungible, aka you cant tell coin #100,000 is coin #100,000 its just "a coin". You cant censor wallets because the currency is one big mixer.

>> No.23927600

you still don't get it... if only a single miner don't censor transactions it will get through.

>> No.23927636

Yea maybe in the next 17 years, the mempools full 24/7 above 20k. Bitcoin is dead, stop fighting for it like a football team, its a very very shitty crypto and humanity as a whole would suffer for using it over the alternatives.

>> No.23927712

Every miner on every PoW chain has the ability to censor transactions in the blocks they mine. In part, that's what mining is.

>> No.23927814

Yea but this is an automated system where the pool blocks all US government disapproved wallets, or anyone whos a bad goy and lost a court case. In effect, this is a hijacking of Bitcoin by the US intelligence agencies, the people trying to crack Monero did this. What people should really do is figure out a way to censor all pools that work in the US, to block the Us as a whole from participating in the blockchain.

>> No.23927838

Is that possible? For all of the rest of Bitcoin to unite against anything US related and to cut their confirmations off as corrupt before they even get contributed? It would still be decentralized, it would still depend on many people to confirm.. its just the US wouldnt be allowed to confirm anything because the CIA runs their pools.

>> No.23927865
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>> No.23927886

>censor all pools that work in the US, to block the Us as a whole from participating in the blockchain.
sounds like a chink wet dream. The more countries contribute the better. I would definitely agree that any blocks submitted by pools attempting censorship should be rejected by the network though
>you cant tell coin #100,000 is coin #100,000 its just "a coin".
I still dont see how this would make any difference when you can still track every transaction

>> No.23927897

They provide some of the lesser bias news reporting in the sphere, it seems every bugman faggot straight out of sucking niggerdick class picked up writing about crypto so they could turn every crypto story into something about people being poor, wealth inequality, diversity and zognald.

>> No.23927916

>I still dont see how this would make any difference when you can still track every transaction
Think Monero. Yea, theres transactions.. no, you cant censor it. The extension blocks hide who sent what to who and how much, its not traceable after that goes live. Litecoin will be objectively superior in the most important way, on top of all the other ways. It will actually be private and invulnerable to censorship and seizure.

>> No.23927956

Well actually think MimbleWimble which I dont even understand fully but the way it was explained when MW itself came out, before LTC was adopting it is that it forgets the transaction information right after its used so its not encoded on the blockchain, cant be seen.

>> No.23928019

didnt realize ltc was moving towards privacy, pretty based ill keep an eye on them. whats interesting is they’re already getting widely accepted by boomer institutions and they have atomic swaps live unlike monero

>> No.23928065

I had a copypasta of like 30 different points people dont consider showing its an extremely good bet, but its on another computer and I dont really feel like digging my brain for them all. The most important one is that its #2 beside Bitcoin in almost every respect except market cap. Look at the ATM acceptance, you can pick an ATM at random, any bitcoin ATM and it has LTC too. Extremely rare they dont.

Ill just add this, when Maduro picked coins for his state program this month, he picked Bitcoin and Litecoin. Im no Maduro fan, but ask yourself why Litecoin as 1 of 2 choices and not anything else. The answer is that 30 page list of things, people are ignorant and they will miss out. Some guy made a post saying he bought 50,000$ of it yesterday or something and other people were mocking him, in other threads. I bet hes the one laughing in a few years.

>> No.23928086

So buy litecoin?

>> No.23928132

More like prepare for the fall of Bitcoin and include the possibility that Litecoin replaces it in your risk/reward calculations. Its most of what I have, but Id suggest skeptical people at least get 1 coin, its like 50 bucks and it could easily reach 3k if it only 10x's its former ATH, effectively guaranteed every cycle. 30x is easily possible and thats without even flipping Bitcoin. If it flips Bitcoin were looking at like 10k easy. For something you can buy for like 50 bucks right now. Reward potential>Small risk - its not tanking to zero.

>> No.23928153

I forget the number but if you took Litecoins market cap and swapped it with BTC its like 30k or something insane. Bitcoin can only do 7 transactions per second, thats not enough for billions of people. Its not getting fixed, BCH was the "fix" because people knew this years ago. BCH can do about as much as LTC, theyre both good choices.

>> No.23928304

You are making sense. I recently flipped 100 ltc to xrp stack building for the flare airdrop. Of course it started rising the day i flipped but oh well...i will be going back into ltc, might even flip some btc now just because.

>> No.23928322

youre getting too hyped imo. With privacy features ltc definitely deserves a lot more attention as most people dismissed it lately as boomer coin but the privacy features i read about are 1 year away from mainnet, bitcoin will not fall anytime soon and we have alternatives like monero and tornado on eth, dont forget that

>> No.23928329

Bitcoin is not decentralized since 2017, cuck.
Why do you think it forked in August 2017? Because Blockstream was capturing it. They promised us satelites and LN, which would run without a internet connection. They didnt deliver it.