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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 512x512, ip.bitcointalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2391809 No.2391809 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the point of a currency? To buy shit with it. What do you want in a currency? Transactions to be fast cause no one wants to wait for buying shit. And high security because no one wants their money stolen.

This is literally what DGB has been constantly working on since its beginning: speed and security. http://www.digibyte.co/digibyte-blockchain-faqs

And not just tech, digibytes has ltierally been working on buying shit with their coins such as gift cards and that recent ebay thing. This is what should be emphasized the most: what can people actually buy with my currency?

Now look at all these other alt coins:

STRAT: only purpose is to be easily usuable by business as their own personal currency because its written in C#. This is retarded because why the fuck would you want many different kinds of currencies instead of just one? Thats like a future where you can trade chaturbate tokens for steam points.

SIA: Is literally just storage software. Thats all it is: just a fucking cloud service like mega co, except all the data is transfered via SIA coins. This is literally not a currency. Its a tech.

ETH and XRP: Their problems is that they are not even meant for common customers. They are only meant for transitioning large amounts of money between banks and business

XBY: Who the fuck would want to put their money into a static node owned by a bunch of 4chinners.

>> No.2391956

people tend to follow the rising coins and ignore the falling ones.

just like how they ran away from BTC years ago when it ''''''crashed'''''' and are now buying NIGGER coin by the bulk.

>> No.2391996


Dont forget that they also have the partners and the connections now to enlargen themself even further...

>> No.2392023
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Actual fucking competition, of which they're the finalists for, is in July.

No "Bad" news came out. Just typical wales etc. DGB will soar again and continue. If there's some improvement from the dev's side too then all the better.

>> No.2392057

No bad news, but Jared's presentation was ass.

>> No.2392091

Bullshit. That was just Jared trying to keep his coin from crashing. Digibyte has great potential, but nobody cares this time around. The "connections" they made were with people who know them as "those guys that lost". Silver medalists don't get on the Wheaties box.

>> No.2392112

I'm sure it could have been better, but we've seen like what, one slide? The only info we have to go on was FUDDers.

It's not like we have a full video to watch, or everyone in that room came streaming out muttering "wow, digibyte, what shit", is it, nope? We only have some dorks posting "IT'S OVAHHH" in boards like this (so they can accumulate more for cheap, ready for the actual competition in July, rinse and repeat).

Meanwhile actually in that room & after, Digibyte has garnered interest from corporations and GOVERNMENTS, which will give it a great boost.

Seriously in a thread last night, some dude, 3 hours apart posted over 21 messages in the same fucking thread, putting SO much effort into shittalking it. Ask yourself, why?

>> No.2392116
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This is not some sports event dude, investors tend to take the untapped potential in these kind of meetings.

Nothing is certain of course, we just watch and see.

>> No.2392131

People are gonna cry again.

I predicted it exactly what is currently happening.
The pump before and the ugly dump.

How could I know?

In 2 weeks the hyping starts again, slowly.
In 3 weeks it gets pretty high with a little crash.
In 4 weeks, guess what, when the winners will be announced.

As soon as DGB is going 1-2 days sideways (or maybe up) BUY BUY BUY.
Sell AFTER the first crash happend and it went back up again (no, you can't predict when it will happen the first time).


There this is how you make money.

>> No.2392240

Stop deluding yourself kid. Digibytes is an asscan of a coin

>> No.2392296

You know he said the exact same thing after a big name presentation a year ago, right?

>> No.2392349

See, lol, just pure and simple, baseless FUD. No reasoning. Heck we all know with the speeds of Bitcoin atm, there IS a market need for fast, micropayments.

Fuck the people doing this are probably the ones screaming "ZOMG BUY DIGIBYTE!" the other week.

The only things to learn is to hop on early during the next soar, take it as a high as fucking possible, then sell in time, rinse and repeat.

>> No.2392363

Exactly. Didn't stop it going big time this did it, probably helped. DGB is WAYYY up from where it was a year ago. Don't you think it was BECAUSE of that? Over time.

>> No.2392372

DGB will literally be the global currency system.

>> No.2392398
File: 167 KB, 402x554, eJwVwVsOwiAQAMC79F8oj4bSyxCEFTAtS2AbbYx3N858prPv0zZlojY2zmMZAXtkg7D7BCwhph18K4MFPLgn8iEfUGlwJRZj9GyEFatdpNaWKynUss7GSm3-rOKUAQJWPMqgW8sItbxdAnIdfLzcA7t7Yd-jC2fvUMPl7peTs1jZs6Xp-wPsPjaJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2392411

I'll buy your trash when the big ones decide it has to go up. Not even gonna clean my own ass with it atm.

>> No.2392428

>The "connections" they made were with people who know them as "those guys that lost"

If this would be the case, what do you say to the new partners?

A store where you can buy PS4 games with DGB.
A australian company that sells outdoor-mobiles.
A site for learning where you can buy also with DGB.

And how do you explain the fecking talks with PwC?
PwC does not talk ith losers but with people that can bring them shitloads of money.

Did you also dropped out of school when you were not elected the class representative?

>> No.2392450

>A store where you can buy PS4 games with DGB.
>A australian company that sells outdoor-mobiles.
>A site for learning where you can buy also with DGB.
Gonna be fucking huuuuuuuuuge

>> No.2392454
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>everyone ignores my points in the OP and just proceeds to banter like its a dgb general
uh, thanks

But im serious, what the fuck other coin makes a better CURRENCY than digibytes? my points are here >>2391809

>> No.2392505

>purposely ignoring PwC

Nice fud.

>> No.2392512

No it didn't. Before the pump which happened only due to shilling and hype, it was sitting at the same price it did a year ago.
His supposed behind the scenes talking and connections he claimed last year did absolutely nothing to the price.
To fall for the same thing twice is just stupid and that's what you're doing right now.

>> No.2392563


They focus on other uses of blockchain tech, simple as that. That makes them not worse than DGB, they just use the tech in another way.

DGB is currently just focussing on improving and actual usability via expanding to partners. The fact that 2 new partners were announced one fecking day after the presentation is proof that they actually have success in this matter.

>> No.2392604

Doesn't matter. The point "uhh he did this before", didn't stop it going big this time did it, no matter the outcome, same with any other news. The exact same will happen in July, it will soar, people will make a profit, and it will come down. Till the next one, etc.

Also the market is bigger than just fucking /biz/. Coins go up, they come down, then they go up again.

As with the OP, there is a lot of competition between coins that are just "currency", and probably pointless with the adoption of BTC. However there IS a market for a separate, fast system focusing on micropayments, particularly those in gaming and other such micropayment industries, which is where nearly everything is fucking going nowadays.

>> No.2392606

The only people fudding DGB are paid shills. The posts all look the same. Same nonsense. Same FUD. Same typography. Easy to spot- but newfags fall for it because they don't know any better. Look for one sentence fuds ending in lmao lmfao lol or other valley girl fag shit.

Idk why there is a collaborated effort against DGB, maybe First Blood guys realizing DGB is succeeding. Maybe it's Jews who realize they can't stop the goyims from getting rich, so they attempt to make weak hands sell, so less resistance when it shoots to new ATHs. We don't know. But it is taking place. It makes holding DGB easy though... bigger the FUD, bigger the payoff.

DGB is fast as fucking shit. Don't believe me? Send LTC and send BTC to your wallet and see which one arrives first. It will be DGB. Also keep in mind DGB is a CURRENCY. Isint that the point of a cryptoCURRENCY? You won't be paying with stock shares at stores, you pay with CURRENCY at stores. DGB is grounded, expanding, desciplined and actually doing things in real world in front of real people.

Do not fall for the fud lads. And no, I'm not bagholding.

>> No.2392756
File: 133 KB, 767x411, the_shill_among_us_by_lulzwillensue-d9jo0y9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DGB shills on the same payroll are upping each other's antes

poopersharipes when?

>> No.2392761

So you agree that its likely nothing will happen again then? That the only reason this coin has to go up is due to hype and nothing ever concrete?
Fine then, sure. Just so long as you realize his claim about talking with people is hardly an indicator that they will get partnerships of any kind.

Oh and by the way, because barely a single soul (I say barely but it seems more like 0) has done any actual research on the company is why he can say something like that now and not get called out on it. Also I dont get what you mean, "him saying that didn't stop it from pumping", duh, he said it after it pumped and they lost.

>> No.2392811

>some unknown force is paying 4chan posters to poke holes in speculations on a cryptocurrency with a cartoon mascot.
Guess how I know you're from /pol/?

>> No.2392840


The cheap coins are the payment.

>> No.2392886

Depends on whether you're in for the short or long term mate.

Long term, and I'm talking years, sure it will go up because of partnerships, development, adoption, the rest, as well as like I said, there's a need for a fast, micropayment system in the crypto world, (that more and more businesses are focusing on).

In the short term? Huge spikes and drops, like EVERYTHING else. Look at Sia, Strat, whatevs, it's all the same. People screaming that DGB is down now means nothing, of course it would be. In a month, it will be up again, then down again etc.

People are only piling FUD on this one because the next huge spike is pretty soon, relatively, so they want to grab as much as they can for cheap now, naturally.

>> No.2392919

>Like /pol/ wasn't right again.

>> No.2392964

I sold at 1050 fuck my weak hands

>> No.2392978
File: 73 KB, 1044x503, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long term holding when the DGB website and everything they produce looks like ass after 3 years of development

top kek

>> No.2392986

GTFO, shill.

>> No.2392992

I think someone needs to educate you on the proper meaning of shill

>> No.2392997

As much as I hate /pol/tards and disagree on the "paid fud" - part on 4chan (nobody pays idiots to shill/fud, they are easily controllable without money, so why pay them?), he is actually correct.

DGB has a future because they have something.
Fast use, broad base of supporters, partnerships, marketing & visibility, expectations and so on.

Fud all you like. DGB will rise again.

>> No.2393009

The server isn't ran by Digibyte themselves, it's some mook using it. The hype around minecraft is that it's a working model that shows how DGB can be used in gaming economies for micropayments.

Also who talked about long term holding. I sold at the peak, bought the dip, and ready to sell the peak again, like most others. Lot of money to be made if you do it right.

Why buy the peak and long term hold for years, when you can buy the dip and hold instead. Or just short and make a fucktonne either way.

>> No.2393014


Pretty accurate. good foreshadow skills anon.

And yes>>2392919 /pol/ is never wrong.

A lot of new fiends from /pol/ on this board. They are great company aside from the constant niggering. Which I don't mind. It's actually funny.

I'm bagholding DGB atm, it doesn't scare me, I've held a lot of bags that have been filled.

There really is no way DGB can fail, they are still trucking after 3+ years. Anybody frantic is just impatient. Can't wait for the celebration threads!

>> No.2393017

You've got a collection of anti-DGB memes for the purposes of driving the price down in return for the payoff of accumulated coins. That's the MOST benevolent interpretation. Where'd these memes come from? Are you a moronic p&d group? Butthurt bitcoiner?

>> No.2393041

>I can't rip into DGB without being called a shill
> everyone on 4chan has an ulterior motive

>> No.2393084

>can't rip into DGB without being called a shill
Goalposts moving. I notice you don't address any questions directly, but you move goalposts in order to pass me off as delusional. I've told you why exactly.

>> No.2393108

He's a paid shill. What do you expect?

>> No.2393129

>Fast use
if you mean fast transactions, this literally mandatory for every of the top 50 coins

>broad base of supporters
it kinda narrowed recently

first it was Valve lel, then EA top lel, then Microsoft dyson sphere lel

>marketing & visibility
their gaming site has been down for days, the CEO uses reddit to shill, they poach neets with anime girls

yep, i am with you on this one

>DGB has a future because they have something
emergency handouts of sharpie boxsets

>> No.2393134

inb4 "no I just name things 3.jpg in my newly made anti-DGB direct- oops"

>> No.2393145

holy shit, the delusions of DGB fags

>> No.2393152
File: 469 KB, 675x508, winning the contest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yes sure, people are paid to go on /biz/ and laugh at your shitcoin.

Enjoy your conspiracies, and keep those sharpies greasy, Digicucks!

>> No.2393180

>shilling for free
Boy you are an enormous-fgt

>> No.2393231


buddy I'm just laughing and grinning at the (few remaining) Digicucks in denial.

Which one of the half-dozen self-deluding "true believers" left over at https://www.reddit.com/r/Digibyte/ are you?

>> No.2393361

> some stupid people on the internet are telling something

> some random dude in /biz/ said something

No one is that stupid.
So stop using retarded arguments.

> they poach neets with anime girls

2 Myriadcoins has been depisot to your account.

>> No.2393392

>if you mean fast transactions, this literally mandatory for every of the top 50 coins
Please name some which have the prospect to be used as actual currency for micropayment not only in games

>it kinda narrowed recently
After hyping, some people start to hate the overvalued coin which they bought overvalued and now have to wait a month to regain their money or sell at a loss.
Natural, dont you think?
Other coins would have had crashed after such an incident, this one right now holds a support at double the value from one month ago. And literally almost 50 times the value two months ago.

>first it was Valve lel, then EA top lel, then Microsoft dyson sphere lel
They have connections. Just because they did not get definitive projects with them a year ago (when crypto capitalization was way lower as we see now) does not mean that they have lost any contact with them.

Rest is non relevant fud, no need to answer.

>> No.2393463

Reminder that there is currently a concentrated effort to scare people into selling their DGB. Campaign is currently active on both Reddit and 4chan. Methods include altered quotes, propaganda images (including the particularly sadistic broken robot image), and hundreds of planted posts. Campaign possibly has links to India in some form.

And on a lighter note, some fun dgb facts to bring up at your next dinner party:

- DigiShield (difficulty readjustment algorithm developed by Digibyte) is used in many highly regarded 'blue chip' cryptos such as Zcash, Dash, Ubiq, Dogecoin and more. Not bad for an alleged shitcoin...

- Digibyte had an entire chapter dedicated to it in the book "Blockchain For Dummies" by Tiana Laurence, one of the co-founders of Factom. One of just five featured along with Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum and Factom. Again, this from a supposed shitcoin.

- Jared is good friends with CNBC regular Brian Kelly, who described by him as being one of the best in the business. Eager eyed viewers may have heard him namedrop Digibyte on Fast Money recently.

So long and happy holding!

>> No.2393481


>> No.2393552

ahhh hahaha. anon, you have finally found your role in life: to be the dumber little DGB brother of that freak who posts "ETH is Russian Mafia SCAM" over and over again.

>> No.2393573

lol, that's why I will never buy DGB ever

>> No.2393793

>lol durrr hurrr
You sound like a retarded child. This is where you would ever buy if you missed the first few times /biz/ told you about this coin.

>> No.2393921
File: 25 KB, 600x512, nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same typography
>Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacing (leading), and letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space between pairs of letters (kerning[1]).

>> No.2394799

so you spend your time, not investing or studying other coins, but going into all of the various coins that failed and spamming multiple meme images, all for free?

yeah sure

>> No.2394902

I see you didn't address anything at all he said in his post. You need to switch proxies now that you're naked.

>> No.2394944
File: 974 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-11-22-00-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought in again at the dip. Good chance to ride the weekend lows back out into the highs at the start of the week as usual.