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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 560x315, nHRa3D7XxjCp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2391491 No.2391491 [Reply] [Original]

Considering this coin has the best chance of mooning like ETH. Why aren't you buying it? Hard mode: No nigger card.

>> No.2391503
File: 75 KB, 256x256, 1496508938284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has already mooned, and is due for a massive correction, if you want to buy it, buy it when it hits the 50 cents area again

>> No.2391523

Wow nice FUD. Explain why.

>> No.2391536

i just did

>> No.2391543

This is the dumbest statement I have seen on /biz/ today! That's quite the fucking accomplishment.

>> No.2391544

He did stupid

>> No.2391555

No, you didn't. You just said because it went up it's going down. Retard logic.

>> No.2391658

The trips of truth.

>> No.2391715

This coin is like an angry animal that's being caged at the zoo, and soon it's going to break out like there's no tomorrow and moon like a motherfucker

>> No.2391802

This. Stratis is going to break though the stratosphere and uppercut the crypto gods right in the taint.

>> No.2392418
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Gonna play easy mode and say cause nigger

>> No.2392424
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Can't stop. Won't stop.

>> No.2393219

Das it mane. Baiters gonna bait. Just sit back and enjoy the rats fight over crumbs.

>> No.2393267

I know man. It's funny watching people panic sell now after it already bottomed out yesterday. Everyoine is waiting for a dip now.

>> No.2393663

It's great. But I want to buy more at 220k. So please keep selling.

>> No.2393702
File: 311 KB, 566x848, iStock_000015568904Small1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 200 STRAT enough to get me a Lambo by 2018?

>> No.2393732

I'm stuck between getting this or ANT.

>> No.2393746

Probably not, but you would have better gains than if you bought ETH now with the same amount.

>> No.2393791


Let STRAT correct a little lower before going in. Hype brought it up last night, and there's no news to keep that hype going. It's gonna peter out slowly like the big moon it had before. Probably get in before the end of the month because they'll have the wallet coming out soon

>> No.2393809

Thinking it's going lower after everyone and their mother are waiting for it to.

>> No.2393819

Correction you say?

>> No.2393975

It just corrected you dumb shit. It litteraly hit rock bottom. Probably sold there haha stupid fuck

>> No.2393998

See ya at 20k breh

>> No.2394014
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 7lId21u1b49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: my ass

>> No.2394046

You wish noobie. Hahaha

>> No.2394058

DESU I actually believe in STRAT as a product, not just as a coin...

>> No.2394089

Haha totally wasn't a bull trap or anything right guys? Glad all that selling pressure is gone now :^)

>> No.2394110

Feel you man. Been in strat since 6 cents. Don't tell me i'm not a believer

>> No.2394133
File: 51 KB, 431x267, 3031736.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah totally a bull trap. Also bitcoin will be back at $1800 tonight. Right guys?

>> No.2394178

That's cool!

I only heard about it about 2 months ago, and I jumped on in. I think it would be amazing to see what tech people make with it.

>> No.2394187
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No it will correct back to 50 cents

>> No.2394207 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 416x500, ben.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a believer
>it will crash to 50 cents


>> No.2394236

newfag here, if the company is gonna do great thenn the coin value will go up aswell, or am I missing something here?

Or do u mean u like the product but dont think it will be succesfull?

>> No.2394247

Yeah, fairly sure he was using sarcasm...

>> No.2394252

I'd like to refer all FUDers to this video regarding STRAT, thanks.


>> No.2394269

I am really enjoying these higher highs and increased buying volume. Yeah like I said, cya at 20k on monday or tues.

This coin is completely manipulated and crashes and pumps like crazy. If you think the people riding this coin won't crash it again you are high. Breeze wallet is coming out soon they want everyone out of the coin.

>> No.2394289

Oh I believe the coin will be successful, definitely. I really do think their are gains to be made if that's what you're after.

But more importantly, unlike many other coins that represent literally fuck all, this one represents a stupendous idea and function, and that alone I think is going to propel it forward.

Tl:dr epic gains while also supporting something worthwhile

>> No.2394329

ohhh I see. Im a retard, sorry. I read it like this
>DESU I actually believe in STRAT as a product, just not as a coin...

>> No.2394338

>Tl:dr ETH investor scared of STRAT having an effect on my gains.

>> No.2394344

I thought STRAT wad being hardcore manipulated by a bot?

>> No.2394356

Haha all good

>> No.2394361

It is, which is why I laugh when people say it's not going lower. Until breeze wallet is out, the bot will push this coin lower over time.

>> No.2394371

It can only pushed down so far before the market pushes back and we found out yesterday where the flood is. It won't go there again.

>> No.2394376

i put 15k in to this at about $1.50. ended up panic selling a couple days ago at 8.75.

Currently only holding about 300 strat and im starting to think i fucked up. strong hands are always rewarded

>> No.2394390

Huh? I'm pro STRAT not against it?

Also for the record I actually think both ETH and STRAT are great.

The catch for investors now though is ETH is wayyy higher than where STRAT currently is, and the % gains are looking to be a lot higher in STRAT. Both are good though.

But like my original post, I'm saying I actually like the idea - it's more than just the money for me.

>> No.2394394

Its a great coin and im invested into it for the long haul. But if the bot's are allowed to continue fucking with it to the extent they have been (especially on bittrex) than the coin is not going to be successful.

>> No.2394404

>a bot can stop a market

>> No.2394421

I'm holding 660 shares. The CEO of Stratis also has several connections in the financial services industry in London, you'd have to be a moron to short this. Buy now,. Breeze Wallet is gonna make this thing go to fucking pluto.

>> No.2394434

That would make me sad.

STRAT has the chance to open up (in a good way) blockchain to so many things.

Have faith, good ideas will overcome Any bots haha

>> No.2394462

Isn't London banking sector going downhill because of brexit though?

>> No.2394494

No they'll be fine. They literally left the EU because they don't want to be responsible for all of the debt the EU is accumulating. You think Brexit is bad? Just wait till the EU collapses.

>> No.2394498

Did you see this bot? It's capable of moving a coin to whatever price it want's with almost no money (around 5btc), not just stratis.

>> No.2394518

I don't get it, Why is STRAT so fucking good, why is it mooning? What sets it apart? Is it being used yet? What's its use

>> No.2394534
File: 145 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-06-10-14-57-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the guy who runs traderdaddy.com, a website dedicated to bots that have been proven to have been fucking over ARK coin.

Do what you will with this info.

>> No.2394535

Rumor has it the CEO is strapped with an 11 incher with solid girth so needless to say the markets are pretty excited about that.

>> No.2394557
File: 109 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-06-10-14-57-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2394572

ETH's code is foreign to many devs out there. Most companies want a platform that their devs already know how to use. This is just one reason. Another would be Breeze Wallet which allows privacy. I'm not saying to hell with ETH but what I am saying is that you should diversify your smart contract holdings. Do you wish you got into ETH at $10? Well don't miss this one then.

>> No.2394617

Just bought 20. Hope this ETHs

>> No.2394767

kek this should be interesting

>> No.2394813

>77 tabs
>no adblock

holy fuck how do you live

>> No.2394836

is stratis like Ethereum in that it's turing complete?

>> No.2394989

>turing complete


>> No.2395020

I bought and are holding 10,000 STRAT since March. I literally traveled to Greenland and left my Ledger wallet at home to force myself into holding and not panicking tf out. Posting this from Greenland.

>> No.2395723

Well that's probably a good thing because you might of sold last night and would feel pretty stupid right now.

>> No.2396034

wheres the bot i want this shit to go down more

>> No.2396036

The fuck are you doing in Greenland?
Also where do you normally live?

>> No.2396173

Just threw up a 45 btc wall but they don't seem to be working anymore.

>> No.2396459
File: 118 KB, 1403x383, strat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like he's buying and selling himself

>> No.2396484

congrats anon happy for you

>> No.2396662

Oh wow the fake wall is down again. Go figure.

>> No.2396866

he's prob a professional miner

>> No.2397180

Because I would never directly invest in any project led by a nigger.

>> No.2397195

>t. intellectually lazy faggot

>> No.2398777

I'm from the UK. I traveled to Greenland because it's isolated, hard to return whenever I please. My brain tells me to hold STRAT, but my nerves wants to sell. Might as well put myself in this situation and force-hold for a while.

>> No.2399459

Where do you even buy this

>> No.2399587


>> No.2399606

It's real, hopefully it wont get resistance.

>> No.2399628

Well I guess that 18k buy order will never complete.

You could see the sell walls not working, the meme triangle was bursting at the seams for a long time. Will it break 33k resistance?

>> No.2399637

I'm afraid it's going to come crashing back down at like 350 like it did last night

>> No.2399665

we've waited long enough and the bot seems to be on our side now
pinkwhale also said the slaughter would end monday

>> No.2399666
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How many weak hands got BTFO?

>tfw never doubted

>> No.2399675
File: 189 KB, 888x1120, 1474531703686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Strat confirmed for MOON

>> No.2399676

congrats on the hold

>> No.2399681

Idiots like you said that at $0.50, $2, etc. Now look where we are? See you on the moon! Oh wait..

>> No.2399705

unfortunately i don't have enough strat. bought 8.40 at $8.67

Was going to add $500 more tonight but doesn't look like its going to happen now that im too late. fuck me

>> No.2399716

Bittrex or Poloniex

>> No.2399741

STRAT will reach $100 at least desu. You still have time.

>> No.2399742

Reversing back, not reaching the earlier moon last night

Plz no

>> No.2399747

>buy a coin
>starts going up
>then creeps down
>all other coin are going into the green

why did i buy lbry

>> No.2399753

Aw shit it came to a screeching halt

>> No.2399755

the bot will get it low for you again, dont worry

>> No.2399767


And all this time people told me the stock market was how you made money

>> No.2399765

Why do botters want to keep strats price low?

>> No.2399770

fuck that bot holy shit

>> No.2399794

to accumulate?

they dont give a fuck about 1 day, they think years

>> No.2399828
File: 40 KB, 998x456, 1497222126588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude was right >>2396947

>> No.2399881

>up 38% today
holy fucking shit dude
too bad my poor ass was only able to afford 40 STRAT

>> No.2399900

i thought i was a failure for only holding 202 strat
earnestly the most trustworthy longterm coin other than ethereum

>> No.2400443

nice, going to buy :)

>> No.2400613
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Shut it down, the crackers know

>> No.2401243
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>> No.2401274

>Still can't break upwards

RIP. It ain't moving until the wallet comes out

>> No.2401437
File: 194 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170611-233537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont count your dick before it itches
this is either a bounce on the way down or a continuation of a momentarily abandoned upward trene

>> No.2402111

It's not going lower now. It already bottomed out last night. Massive support at 290k

>> No.2402537

Looks like it's on a steady uptrend now desu.

>> No.2402584

>upward trene

u wot m8

>> No.2402595

I think half the people that post here are drunk.

>> No.2403077

I have already put my money into this i don't need to explain anything. Now my guess as to why someone else wouldn't invest? because they are too stupid investing in memes like DGB and ARK

>> No.2403092

It's literally a bot, when he wants it to go up it will, its a small 30min window daily.

Then he pushes it back down