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File: 15 KB, 593x173, romano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2388944 No.2388944 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.2388967


nice fear tactic, who gives a shit what some nobody on twitter thinks?

>> No.2388979

>make a topic about your own twitter post

>> No.2388982

He's right though

>> No.2388988

who is this faggot and why should I care what he does with his cryptos?

>> No.2388989


Seems like the one who is more scared is this romano retard who wants Bitcoin to remain on top with no altcoins at all competing against it. That's the problem with Bitcoiners they've had their way too long in the crypto community and can't see their logical fallacies.

>> No.2388991

He's right, but ETH is going so much higher.

I would've at least waited till around August to dump.

>> No.2388993

He's the lead developer of via coin, newfag

>> No.2388996
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1497173196106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting, Romano. And stop abusing stimulants, they're not good for you.

>> No.2388999

ETH is not a store of value.

Please do not forget this.

>> No.2389002

Better sell your ETH and get in something that has actual upside and is not overbought. SWT only has a 35 million market cap. Compare that with ETH's 30 billion.

>> No.2389011
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Op thinking this is amateur hour and that I've got weak hands.

>> No.2389017
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Yeah, I got out of ETH yesterday, and am shorting today.

Burn baby, burn.

>> No.2389035

just because it was designed one way, doesn't mean it can't be used in another way
also, checked

>> No.2389036


> some random dev on twitter is selling his ETH

OH NOES lets sell everything right nao!

>> No.2389050
File: 21 KB, 775x475, SUPPLY2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2389054

Why do you faggots bash eth so hard? All the normies are buying ETH and it is guaranteed to go up. Easy money right? My guess is that youre all faggots who bought in at the top and are now tripping balls because it dipped.

>> No.2389056

Cryptoyoda convinced me to sell my ETH for ETC a few week ago.

Lets just say I feel equal rage and depression from that choice. Fuck me....... I don't know what or who to believe anymore...........

>> No.2389071
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>> No.2389072
File: 38 KB, 1060x162, death threat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoiners (USAF supporters) threatening Vitalik
>mad about the success of Ethereum

>> No.2389078

It's going back up dumbfucks.

>> No.2389106

When Romano says buy, you fucking buy.
It's that simple.

>> No.2389150



>> No.2389164

New to crypto but selling it right now.
What coins is he recommending to buy OP?

>Who is this Romano everybody is talking about?
>Where can I find this Romano guy?
>Why is he mentioned in every thread lately?

>> No.2389171

Isn't this the guy that created a panic when ETH hit its last ATH when he said he hacked a wallet or some shit?

>> No.2389174

>buy bags
>shill said bags
>dump on retards screeching "X TOLD TO BUY"

>> No.2389214

I just sold all my eth

>> No.2389229


most likely, hardcore bitcoiners will do anything to make ETH look bad

Bitcoin in general is mostly used by drug dealers and criminals.

ETH is different, it has attracted a totally new crowd of mostly good people who don't have morally corrupt ethics.

>> No.2389258

>dat timing

>> No.2389270
File: 31 KB, 479x479, 1494938508033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is this Romano everybody is talking about?
A smug autistic adderall abusing shitcoin developer and a pretty good trader

>Where can I find this Romano guy?
You can find him shitposting and bragging about his trades on Twitter

>Why is he mentioned in every thread lately?
He likes posting about himself

>> No.2389288

He hacked Ethereum a couple of weeks ago and is the new dev of Viacoin.

>> No.2389300

go home, romano.

>> No.2389316

Who is this pleb and why should I care about his opinion

>> No.2389341

His trading skills are really good, he used to trade forex with insane profits.

>> No.2389361

>Reading Vitalik opinions on UASF I notice he's actually very scared for it

No fucking shit, who wouldn't be scared of a proposal that threatens to split the community in half until they destroy each other? It's extremely dangerous. Without exaggerating, it might be the end of bitcoin as we know it in the worst case scenario.

Also, how is one guy's opinion on one cryptocurrency reason to sell a completely different cryptocurrency?

>> No.2389371
File: 349 KB, 350x233, GO BACK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you came here from r/bitcoin KILL YOURSELF

>> No.2389378

>no cap on total number of supply of ethereum
yeah, it's not overtaking bitcoin, sorry

>> No.2389415

The important thing is that inflation is predictable, not that it's non-existent. Also, ethereum was never really meant as a currency, at least not a long-term store of wealth like gold or bitcoin. Ether is just a token to pay for processing power in the ethereum virtual machine.

>> No.2389428


>> No.2389443

>inflationary currency
>good thing
i'm not falling for those bernanke/yellen tricks again

eth is still useful, it just won't overtake bitcoin because muh 21 million will make bitcoins insanely valuable

>> No.2389459

ETH has averaged $158m new investment a day in 2017

>> No.2389469


It can be used as a long-term store of wealth.
There are many different ICO's being built on ethereum for numerous purposes, including national currencies.

Bitcoin isn't reliable, it's slow, it has high transaction fees, etc.. The dev's have had YEARS to do things to improve bitcoin but they were obviously to strung out on drugs to really give a shit.

>> No.2389513

You're talking about tokens on ethereum, I'm talking about ether. Never said you can't build a bitcoin-like currency on top of ethereum, but that wouldn't be ethereum itself.

>> No.2389530

buy byteball, the price wont be this low ever again, and you can get 20% free next full moon

>> No.2389573

based on fake market cap?

>> No.2389584

You should have waited till after the Bancor fundraiser that starts in about 24 hours

>> No.2389669

Romano how low will Ethereum go?
50% 70% 90% down?

>> No.2389722
File: 30 KB, 620x412, 1450803311431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH is different, it has attracted a totally new crowd of mostly good people who don't have morally corrupt ethics.


>> No.2389772

>muh russia

>> No.2389773

Except you can actually use BTC to buy normal stuff in many places, which isn't true for ETH.

>> No.2389911



In time it will be adopted.

>> No.2389967

Maybe but as for now, ETH is still a shitcoin. It's new and proved nothing yet. BTC is around since 2009 and proved itself to be a secure and reliable currency. The only problems that BTC has are technical and can be fixed.

The soon you understand that ETH is pure hype the better.

>> No.2390179
File: 72 KB, 683x760, 1492135634184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for interest.

>> No.2390279


>BTC is secure and reliable.

Haha, nope.

Many wallets have been hacked, bitcoin exchanges have gone down due to bitcoins slowness and other issues related to the bitcoin protocol, much coins have been stolen.

Devs haven't done shit to improve BTC in years. Not even the creator of BTC wants to be identified or known because BTC has proven to be unreliable, slow, and it will only get worse in the future.

>The only problems that BTC has are technical and can be fixed.

Haha, good luck with that. Why haven't DEVS done anything to improve it? They've had years to do so. ETH is easily scalable and works for our daily needs and futuristic needs. It's the fastest coin right now in existence.

>> No.2390296

>ETH is easily scalable
this is not a factual statement

>> No.2390321


"Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, has laid out an incredibly ambitious roadmap with “unlimited” scalability within two years (by June/2018) in a 43-page analysis of blockchain technology and its strength and weaknesses in a public or private setting.

“The long term goal for Ethereum 2.0 and 3.0 is for the protocol to quite literally be able to maintain a blockchain capable of processing VISA-scale transaction levels, or even several orders of magnitude higher, using a network consisting of nothing but a sufficiently large set of users running nodes on consumer laptops.”

>> No.2390417

Are u saying that hacking individual wallets is same as hacking bitcoin itself? Never go full retard nigga.

>> No.2390479

ETH can't just lose can it?
it's a longterm coin.
I'm going to hold

>> No.2390510

Eth has far surpassed doge in meme Lord hype status of scamcoins and im going to enjoy watching retards who put money into this get burned

>> No.2390545


I'm saying bitcoin has been ignored by large banks and large payment processors and large stores due to it's criminal/hacking reputation. No one trusts Bitcoin. It has a bad reputation that it will never be able to shake out of.

>> No.2390797

Post one historical instance of someone named Romano doing anything significant.
PROTIP: you can't.
Literal gypsy name.

>> No.2390836

he founded Rome, sounds pretty significant

>> No.2390854

Yeah totally not Romulus

Learn latin you saxon faggot

>> No.2390889

Eth is a russian ponzi scheme