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File: 229 KB, 997x326, BUIDL- DFOHUB .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23886018 No.23886018 [Reply] [Original]

undervalued gem
new video/update : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGHhs9qmHbY&t=558s&ab_channel=DFOhub
+DFO are more decentralized than DAO
+Holders have the power.
+DFO allows you to update the smart contract, without the need to create another new contract. (by Voting)
+They were invited to Edcon 2020. Ethereum Main Event. There were also: Vitalik, Nazarov, AAve, compound, Maker, Kain Warwick (SNX) etc etc etc.
Edcon 2020 wasnt a coincidence. They are building something big https://edcon.io/

The new ethereum order is coming

+2m usd MC
+1025 holders
+ V. 0.5 In 1 week




>> No.23886093

Whats a Make it stack??
Chart looks pretty bottomed out
Yuge correction from 4 usd to 0,30 usd.

>> No.23886340


>> No.23886429

been accumulating this gem

if you don't have a moon bag what the fuck are you even doing biz

>> No.23886505

SCAMMY SHITCOIN! It’s going to 10cents! Fucking buidl faggots! You will learn when you get rugged by those Italian autistic fucks

>> No.23886720

apu bro are u ok?

>> No.23887215

Totally agree on this. Not sure if they will rug or not but these Italian devs do not know how to concentrate on buidl. They keep developing other shitcoins. they just need to focus back on buidl. The platform is not user friendly and full of bugs FFS. It eats so much eth just to test it out

>> No.23887327


god damnit apu we tried to tell you not to sell

>> No.23887472

Shoo shoo apu

>> No.23887519
File: 28 KB, 345x438, 1605166843118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these Italian devs do not know how to concentrate on buidl

This though. I know they keep thinking of cool new shit they can do with the protocol, and they want to demonstrate that to other devs, but ffs get the fucking base protocol up to 1.0, and THEN start making wrapped NFTs and auto-balanced stablecoin baskets and stuff

They need a project manager to kick their asses and keep them focused

>> No.23887546

Yes anon. Those faggots are either interested in making money by creating more shitcoins instead of developing buidl. They will rug their entire eco system.
>muh ecosystem
How do you build an eco-system without even getting the foundations correct! Hence the only thing for them to do is to slow rug

>> No.23887609
File: 384 KB, 960x765, 1604551770071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For context, this dumb bastard bought in at around $1, held without taking profit at $4, then capitulated and sold at 40 cents, two weeks ago, despite everyone telling him he was a retard. And now it's at 75 cents heading upwards

>> No.23888017

Already sold the top at $5 and have never entered again after seeing the Italian faggots creating new coins. I have no clue who you are talking about you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.23888122

gtfoh benchot

>> No.23888489

Based. Sold at 5 here too, honestly dont even bother with these fucking pajeets, they deserve to hold this to 0. I remember there used to be a faggot here bragging about his 100k stack every single thread and how he is never selling, must feel like an absolute dumb fuck now that his 550k is worth 30k, fucking kek.

>> No.23888505

This is already up 75,000% dont trust this pump. Not a single new holder. Devs and insiders like mushroom loaded and are waiting to dump.

>> No.23889055

Yeah I remember the 100k guy bragging too. I hope he roped himself KEK he was literally given half a million dollars! Best thing to happen is that buidl rugs tonight and the headline news tomorrow would be anon found dead with his ethereum wallet open showing 100k buidl

>> No.23889124

I bought a large bag at 10c and dumped em all at $4 on the newfags. Thanks for your contribution guys, I sincerely mean that, I'll buy a fine hooker to whoever bought my bags

>> No.23889229


Lmao, sold about $100k between $4-5, started reentering between 60c-40c, now I have double what I did in the summer, and it's up 25% in two weeks

I would recommend getting back in, because you are going to be sad when this thing hits $10, which by the way will be a massive market cap of like $25 million lel

>> No.23889327

Smells like curry

>> No.23889436
File: 452 KB, 440x475, 1604118748186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that you Julian lel

>> No.23889973

new tweet: https://twitter.com/dfohub/status/1326972271731335169
marketing is starting... ATH by December

>> No.23890031

the order is ruled by Kleros

>> No.23890044


>> No.23890217 [DELETED] 

Ethitem is out!!
This autists keep delivering thats the truth..

>> No.23890430
File: 544 KB, 1440x2483, 20201112_210724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scamming pajeets, kek

>> No.23890439
File: 128 KB, 1230x679, 806525993_148605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yup Vitalik invited scammers to EDCON...

>> No.23890666

Ethitem is out JULIAN!



>> No.23890767

based beelzebub

>> No.23890786

Top 3 wallets hold 95%

>> No.23890845

wow that is pathetic, fuck this coin

>> No.23890883

EDCON 2020 event, August 2020:



SNX 498 M usd MC
STANI - AAVE 630m usd MC
COMPOUND ceo 403 M usd MC
Sergey Nazarov- CHAINLINK 4.8 B usd MC
LOOPRING ceo 205M usd MC
CURVE ceo= 54 m usd MC

now do the maths Julian

2+2= _ ¿?

if you had been smart enough you would have bought 50,000 BUIDL on this correction.

>> No.23890895

was genuinely interested until I saw this, fuck telegram pajeets, absolute fucking cretins

>> No.23890903

>Top 3 wallets hold 95%

Those are smart contracts you absolutely ironic retard

>> No.23890966
File: 2 KB, 378x69, 48640849098640598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gave this an honest look.....and saw this.....HUGE red flag.

>> No.23891021

How is a project that's holding a 126,000% increase and is still down from a $5 ATH a red flag?

>> No.23891023

sir do u know what the project is or are you only looking at chart?

>> No.23891050

>no presale, started at 0.00006 cents and has had organic price action since

... how is that a red flag

>> No.23891089

locked smart contracts, the inflation is just 1.8% till 2022.
From 2022 the holders will decide the future inflation. (by voting)

>> No.23891154

stay in denial fanboy

>> No.23891251

Maybe one or two people bought at that price, and they all sold.
There are only holders left who started buying from 0.40-0.60 usd onwards (June-July) I have thoroughly reviewed etherscan before buying this coin.
check it by yourself.

>> No.23891285

>thinks organic price growth from zero is a red flag

lmfao what's not then, presales where a dozen people load up cheap and then dump on Day 1?

>> No.23891443
File: 13 KB, 471x240, 2984729384729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, and I see this shit when I scope the telegram. Yeah go shill your bags on reddit or something.

>> No.23891471

So here I am.

Convince me to not dump 250'000 tokens just for the lel.

>> No.23891482


The slippage will wreck your anus forever, and I'll buy half of your bags before you can

>> No.23891502

you'll make Ale sad :(

>> No.23891510

:3 with an average of 7c and 125000$ profit already taken out I don't give to shits about slippage my poor fren >:D

>> No.23891522


oo please do then, I'd like to double my stack cheaply

>> No.23891536

send me 5 bitcoin and i won't do it

>> No.23891556



do it, and I'll use one WBTC to buy your bags

>> No.23891584

:3 but ser, i am only here to help fud. i would never sell buidl sub 5$

homie, don't you know me

>> No.23891613


;_; tease

good thing I lub you Mushroom

>> No.23891614

I know you're an insider and are manipulating the dfo markets

>> No.23891649
File: 2.30 MB, 3054x1843, DFOHUB .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders, enjoy this picture.

>> No.23891680

yes don'0t you know that I am the sole owner of all multisigs for DFOs, fren '

>> No.23891703

I knew it

>> No.23891718

Do any of you fags know what this does, or are all of you telegram larpers trying to jeet us? Because it sure looks like the latter.

>> No.23891727


all your dfo are belong to us

>> No.23891756

hey., yeah I'm just shitting on Apu and Julian. I do graps what DFO does, i'm here since day 1 moreorless.

but girls just wanna have fu-un. :3

>> No.23891792
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1554, buidl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for base protocol

also they've launched a protocol/marketplace for wrapped NFTs that lets you trade/farm them using the ERC20 standard, which is making my cock moderately hard

>> No.23891841

yeah bro how is that a red flag? this is totally going to 1000 dollars each, especially when dumb faggots like this hold 10% of the supply that they bought for 50 rupees total >>23891756

>> No.23891927

>this is totally going to 1000 dollars each

No chance, but $100 is easily possible, and I wouldn't be too surprised at $50. $50 is a total mcap of around $150m. There are absolutely stone-dead projects that haven't updated for years that have 9-figure mcaps.

>> No.23891942

they already sold. They sold everything even before 0.20 usd (May-June). Check etherscan

>> No.23891995

ser don't hate me for being early. >:*

>> No.23892024

Mushroombuilder paid me 100 DAI to help fud this

>> No.23892038

not difficult to know that I sold, because I said I did. but I also bought more back in then I had before :3 don't hate people who makes money, it's what you wish for anyway

>> No.23892085

dfohub is fully retarded. Devs working on too many fucking projects and are all over the place. And their proposed standard has a dumbass fucking name. ETHITEM HURR DURR

>> No.23892111

they work on 3 projects at the same time and they deliver something with all of them. building an ecosystem.

while your shitcoins vegetate away and collect dust. fren. get over it. we're gonna rape you.

>> No.23892114

Are you willing to tell everyone that you're funneling money to and from the yakuza to buy buidl?

>> No.23892139

no, i'm a full-time druglord selling drugs to buy buidl

>> No.23892175

So people should be aware that when they buy buidl they're supporting an underground drug market?

>> No.23892179


Buidl did dump hard but you're an absolute mong. Those are smart contracts

>> No.23892198

unironically this.

>> No.23892200

yes! ever heard of bitcoin, ethereum, united states dollar?

maybe you're able to pay for drugs with your mothers pussyjuice, but most people can't,

bring sugar to your life, saltman.

>> No.23892282

why fud this when it goes to almost zero by itself anyway?

>> No.23892390

I actually don't know what those are and no one buys drugs with the dollar anymore. My dealer uses a chip reader for cards

>> No.23892430

Also I'm literally a slug so that's dangerous

>> No.23892434

Yes, this is the way rugpullers like to do it. Look at Andre’s ~ecosystem~
Get rekt mushroom-boy.

>> No.23892461

xD I love it! I'm actually hoping these fud will be succssesful so I can stup more of the circulating supply. 40c is the bottom.

>> No.23892527

dude seriously you need to calm down. I'm going to call the SEC on you

>> No.23892591

you better stop the fud or I call the cosa nostra who got the sec by the balls anyway.

>> No.23892596

stop saying bullshit

Ethitem is out


>> No.23892654

There were rumors that the devs wanted to create an improved and more decentralized clone of uniswap.

Does anyone know anything about this ?

>> No.23892795

>defi nfts
unironically huge

>> No.23892864


Read the fucking documentation. it's a huge effort of work. you gotta be a real shitteater to belive this ia pre-rug xDD

>> No.23892921

Alright alright. The jig is up. I'm sorry for fudding. I was never like this before dfohub but I saw this coming...

When I was a young boy I lived right outside of Venice in a small village named Cannoliti. My papa would always take me on bike rides into town on Sundays. I remember looking up at him and seeing the wrinkles on his face and the snow white beard that hid a mischievous smile. It was almost like he knew what the future had in store from me.

Before we left on this specific Sunday, I remember being entranced by a specific drawing I was making. I was only about seven years old but I took pride in my work. As the crayons touched the paper I could almost feel my hand drawing by itself. A wonderful land was created! There were penguins, unicorns, dragons, and ghosts co-existing as one on this vast landscape. Each creature had a certain job and they did it well. They lived in perfect harmony on that sheet of paper.

Well, I was so proud of my work that I asked my papa if, when we were to go to the store later, I could bring my drawing along to show Geppetto, the middle-aged man who tended the Cannoli shop we frequented. Papa, to my excitement, said yes! So, we embarked on our journey. I was so excited the whole ride over. I can still feel the wind brushing up against my cheeks and Papa singing italian songs from the old country.

At the store, I saw Ale and Marco. They were around my age and were some of the local boys that hung around town. They were smart but were always getting into trouble playing pranks on the townspeople. I heard once that they put two whole meatballs in Mr. Mainero's tailpipe. It nearly killed him when he started the car in the morning! Nevertheless, they were my friends and I was excited to show them my artwork.

They came over to me and I put the picture up in the air for them to see. Both of their eyes locked. It was like they were communicating telepathically.

>> No.23893002

I could see that they both liked my work and that's all that mattered in the moment.

Ale: "Hey, Pinocchio! I a love-a your drawing!"

Marco: "Magnicimo! Me-a too!

I just about blushed. I never felt so good before.

Ale: "Pinocchio! This is-a so good! I might-a have to-a buy it from you!"

Wow! Someone wanted to buy my artwork! Well, we ended up working out a price. They both bought me a cannoli and I parted with that paper. Little did I know that it would lead to the creation of dfohub and the new ethereum order.

This is why I FUD

>> No.23893038

How do they solve the issue that people never fucking vote and thus give whales all the power?

>> No.23893047
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.23893067


wow amazing, and just +-2Millions usd M.Cap

>> No.23893241

Genuinely not trying to fud but is that pic describing a proxy contract? It is also the case that just because a contract is modular, doesn't mean there isn't a trust relationship between the sub-contracts meaning a bug can wreck the entire thing just as if there was a monolithic replaceable contract - minimizing such issues with state is literally just good coding practice. I don't see what's different from a proxy + voting to redirect the proxy + keeping the ERC20 a separate contract (standard practice). None of this is new or inventive, it's just emphasized.

>> No.23893428


>> No.23893584

They've created Itemswap which is a modified fork of uniswap

>> No.23893887


One of the key difference is that all governance is done on-chain and transparently, as opposed to having separate governance. Theoretically, that means a properly set up project is unruggable

>> No.23893917

>smells fishy in here
u must be late to the p-party fren

>> No.23893981

>Theoretically, that means a properly set up project is unruggable
How? The dfo supposedly has complete control no? Anything properly set up is unruggable. To me DFO sounds like marketing speak for a proxy contract where holders vote where the function pointers go to.

>> No.23894284



>> No.23894820

>To me DFO sounds like marketing speak for a proxy contract where holders vote where the function pointers go to.

There's a big long article in Italianglish here, with a description of DAOs and how DFOs differ from them. It would take forever to do it here


If we're going into a new bull run, the sky really is the limit

>> No.23894910

I'll read it. Thanks.

>> No.23895457
File: 58 KB, 700x406, 1604570409985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To me DFO sounds like marketing speak for a proxy contract where holders vote where the function pointers go to.
Not gonna lie, that was horrible. The entire piece can be summarized as "muh modularity" and "a DAO proxy contract changes everything".
>This idea of multiple Smart Contracts connected to a Smart Contract as a Proxy is a hidden disruptive innovation
kek this spaghettinigger is scamming people wheter he intends to or not
>This Microservices kind of developing is fascinating because can introduce a new wave of Decentralized Application where if a single Smart Contract is broken, don’t block the entire application security...
This has nothing to do with the fact that the application is deployed by the DFO, this is just a design philosophy and in fact how distinct dapps already operate when they interact.
>files on chain by putting them in NFTs

Maybe it'll pump but it won't be because it's somehow novel or good.

>> No.23895503

Because you dont have 250k Buidl. I know all the top wallets and you’re not one of them; and you aren’t several of them.

>> No.23895639

so you know the contracts personally?

>> No.23895654

Agree. Huge potential.

>> No.23895678

Oh god you larpers are back. I’m guessing you’re telegram faggots since I know you’re not in the discord with the devs

>> No.23895768

Biggest nothingburger I have ever seen. Buy they say big lies are more believable, so.

>> No.23895773

Thanks anon

>> No.23895838

Keep "wasting" your time here and fudding.
Fud = bullish Julian.

Come on keep fudding

>> No.23895869

I bumped this right before it fell off, you're welcome. wagmi either way because it's that early

>> No.23895890
File: 1.95 MB, 3054x1843, DFOHUB EDCON 2020 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy Fudder
good night

>> No.23895927


>> No.23896010

If it gets adopted projects won't need forks no more to fix their problems anon

>> No.23896193

Surface level understanding that makes the DAO/modularity hand waving seem more believable. This thing is exactly like any other DAO, its nothing like
>If it gets adopted projects won't need forks no more to fix their problems
What the pastas speak of as a DFO is really multiple dapps owned by a DAO and nothing more. They're exactly the same thing. This is also what they mean when they say "general purpose" (it does whatever eth can do, yay?) on their site. A DAO owning having the ability to deploy more than one child contract.

>> No.23896598

nigga they are public domain, literally on etherscan. any competent person will keep up with the biggest wallets of something they are invested in. i know which are early whales that don't even touch their stack, or people who swing trade or accumulate