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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23887734 No.23887734 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else overpaid and underworked?

>> No.23887754

Yes, I'm quitting and starting my own company. This shit is destroying my soul

>> No.23887766

Landlord here - can confirm, & the struggle is real

>> No.23887799
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yeah i havent worked in 3 years and have the most money i've ever had
thanks sergey

>> No.23887825

Yes. I get ridiculously high commission from a loophole in the system that almost doubles my monthly salary. Plus I’m learning tricks of the new trade for when I start my own business

>> No.23887947
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I'm underpaid and overworked.

Please give me one x100

>> No.23887997

im a wage slave

>> No.23888025
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>I'm underpaid and overworked.

>> No.23888114

i used to be and i still quit to start my own biz as soon as i had enough money. my job was a 5 min walk from home, i worked max 4 hrs/day and started at 1-3pm

meanwhile most people i know work 9 hour/day jobs, make almost minimum wage despite having a masters degree and have to drive 1 hour there + 1 hour back every day in rush hour

>> No.23888255

fuck you

>> No.23888320

Which sector?

>> No.23888423

I have done like 15 minutes of work this entire week. Before COVID my job was do-nothing but at this point I've gotten so bored and lazy idk what to do with myself anymore. The last 5 months are a haze to me. Just smoked weed and watched youtube the whole time instead of learning something new. Fuck.

>> No.23888428

I make $160k a year and I've spent every day for AT LEAST the last month shitposting on /biz/ while on the clock.

>> No.23888518

You’ll only be bombarded with rugpulls so I’ll try and spoonfeed you as best as I can.
You want a coin with
>low volume/market cap
>near ICO price
>partnered with other reliable projects
>has good news on the way
Think of research as a $100/hr wage. Because if you’re doing enough, it might even be more than that.

>> No.23888591

I’m in FYM sector, working out of Texas (Fucking Your Mom Sector)

>> No.23888791
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This lockdown has made me realize how bullshit my job is. I don't really do any work aside from making a few drives, work out some kinks and stay at home like a neet. I'm beginning to wonder just how many jobs are like this right now. Just how many jobs are considered "Essential" in a sense that not just keeps us going as society goes and even progress? I don't really see that right now since most of whom I know are either working at home or sitting at home collecting welfare at this point. We don't even produce anything anymore. We just have bullshit jobs.

>> No.23888825

Fitness. Work with and for people who are computer illiterate. Found a bank of previous members of our program who only canceled due to covid but planned on coming back. Meanwhile my coworkers call the same 50 people who haven’t answered a phone call in 6 months.

>> No.23888979

Eat my whole dick you edgy cretin>>23888825 cool man, sounds like a good niche - best of luck to you

>> No.23889032

So you are a desk attendant at a gym, or something like that?

>> No.23889181

deus.finance my fren , hope this helps

>> No.23889243

Something like that. After all is said and done we may become 50% virtual program since Covid has become such a scare here.

>> No.23889309

>work out some kinks
Lot lizards?
I get that.

>> No.23889844

quarter pounder and a beer on this statement. oh, and also GLITCH wp makes me shake

>> No.23890145
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stand up for yourself man, even this cat has more balls then you

>> No.23891045
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those "bullshit" jobs are the only thing keeping us working a coshy job with intelligent and polite people, otherwise you would work with either
a) impolite construction workers that would hassle and fuck with you out of insecurity
b) niggers
c) angry customers, karens, womens, chads ruining your day EVERY day.

Wanna work a "real" "essential" job? Go work in a factory or mcdonalds with those assholes. These are the same scum that would bully you with roadrage or hassle you on the street. They get into fights, crashes, law trouble and debt EVERY DAY. The only thing that keeps your life from being destroyed is being AWAY from them.

>> No.23891063

What kinda business?

>> No.23891147
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and you know what?
Those assholes gamble away their money every fucking day while I invest.
I work as a graphic designer for a bookie.
And im the guy that does the banners and promotions for the whole company.
My job is real, and so are programmer and QA jobs.

Did you know those idiot NPCs gamble now more than ever not only on soccer, but on casino games as well?
When they stop then my job wouldnt be essential, but i guess now during unemployment and covid the morons have decided its essential to gamble.

And those are the same idiots with nothing to lose, drugged, angry, cant satisfy their wife, drinks - that would get in a fight with you on the street over a 2 person line for a store, or some tomatoes.

So if you think they are so cool GO WORK WITH THEM. and get yelled at and insulted, and when you punch them the cops come and you get in trouble.

>> No.23891259

tell me how to get a job like that in college
all jobs for students are cancer

>> No.23891301

you mean the opposite?
how can you complain if it's OVERpaid

>> No.23891356

that was me in the air force

>> No.23891497



>> No.23891674

Yes, but it's a blessing right now with the pandemic. I work 3-4 total hours a day right now and no one can tell the difference. I spend the other time during work hours researching stocks to buy. And cooking elaborate lunches. And sometimes I just go to the gym.

Wouldn't have it any other way.