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File: 111 KB, 700x508, gal_22354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23884284 No.23884284 [Reply] [Original]

In the future you will see big outdoors playing porn movies in the streets, with white girls sucking black cocks in the screens, while white males are enslaved with anti-fapping collars which electrifies their hands when they try to jerk off, or when they try to touch a women.
They will not have a right to conduct vehicles, so they will be transported in big containers by rail to work camps. The "work" consists in physical activities to farm cryptocurrency for Microsoft, using their new quantum dot technology. The body energy is depleted at the end of the day, and turned into crypto which goes straight to Microsoft and distributed among its stackholders.
The homes of these post-reset slaves are small cubibles, and when they sleep they will have programed dreams where they are constantly brainwashed of how evil they are, with scenes from past wars provoked by the evil white male. Every night ends with a black dude fucking a white girl in a porn movie, and then, they are suddenly awaken with a electrifying burst, then sent to a cold shower by robots. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.23884323

I know this is bait, I know you post this to "make people seethe" but just think about what you're doing? You actually took some of your precious time to post this thread.
Get medical help man

>> No.23884335

>trumptards when bill gates creates vaccine
>trumptards when trump creates "vaccine"

>> No.23884348


>> No.23884351

>why do they hate me so?

>> No.23884383

NWO id


>> No.23884401

that's why i run linux

>> No.23884410

That's because Trump's vaccine is a placebo. So we can evade your boss schemes.

>> No.23884418


>> No.23884527

Benny G might be the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. I refuse to believe he genuinely believe half of the shit he draws. Faggot makes fun of copyright fags (ownership fascism, apparently) while trying to sue /pol/ for editing his cartoon a few years ago for example.

>> No.23884880
File: 74 KB, 1002x636, ze game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what will happen to the NoLinkers
Link Marines literally wont notice anything about this dystopia because they live far away in huge mansions driving sportscars on their own racetracks while profiting off the NoLinker slaves.

>> No.23884917

I never get all these race cucks theories....if you do not let white men breed where do white girls come from if you only let black men breed we have a world of mulattoes. Weird fantasies you people have

>> No.23885102

>I can't get laid
>but Tyrone can fuck some slut
>this is genocide

>> No.23885170

Fapping will never be outlawed because that's how the electronic jew controls you

>> No.23885350

Not when you have a chip.

>> No.23885492
File: 249 KB, 541x380, doompaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long MSFT?

>> No.23886207

Thinks same thing. The amount of time this guy dedicate to create these threads. Is so sad. I honestly hopes he finds happiness. Give till new years before he necks himself

>> No.23887053

Are you kidding? OP is living his best life, fully self actualized and absolutely rock hard as he posts his favorite cock fantasies.

>> No.23887539


>> No.23887583

seriously i wonder what made them have this fetish...
if i see a white women with a black guy it doesnt make me feel like we are at the end of civilization
I think these people have literally had their brains molded by porn to be obsessed with interracial sex

>> No.23887741

Get help man, you're going to have to cut your porn consumption to keep up with the changing times.

>> No.23887781

tl;dr buy MSFT

>> No.23887792

These people are literally paid cyber terrorists. It's their actual job to do this.

>> No.23887911

Sounds like a jewish fantasy.

>> No.23888265

I know that pol actually thinks that bill gates and fauci made covid for world domination but I pray to all the holy powers that there is not a person on biz that thinks this way. Please guys please

>> No.23888469

He's definitely capitalizing on to speed up the NWO and treat us like cattle.

>The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

>> No.23888496

>Ben ((((Garrison))))

>> No.23888509

>having precious time
>spending it on 4channel
Yeah sure m8

>> No.23888557
File: 85 KB, 150x248, 1593042317483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future will be unpleasant in many ways, but you're way off of what it will be like.
also, when will I get to give Bill Gates a roman salute?

>> No.23888562

Imagine being bill gates and spending your post made-it life on philanthropic shit, and seeing the risk of airborne pandemics coming from miles away, so trying to warn people, and when you're finally proven right half the population wants to "burn the witch" for having the audacity of seeing a problem before it occurred.

>> No.23888700

>this is what incels actually believe

>> No.23888774

White people are too smart to end up enslaved lol. If anyone will own slaves in the future it will be whyte people.

>> No.23888911

those cartoons where funny when I first came here a decade ago...

>> No.23889466

Was that comic made a a twelfth grader?

>> No.23889566

I honestly dont care. hell is voluntary