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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 315x300, HAIRCOMB SCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23879845 No.23879845 [Reply] [Original]

Haircomb token is a keylogger.

"Natasha Otomoski" isn't a real person and the image is a stolen stock photo, they want you to download their wallet which has a keylogger in it- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5252297.0

Spamming /biz/ none stop - https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - https://yuki.la/search.html?boards=biz&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2020-11-02&sort=ascending&postext=HAIRCOMB#page=1

>No website
>No exchanges
>No twitter
>No discord
>No telegram
>Constant spamming of every thread, creation of a new thread every 15 minutes

They could at least put some effort into their scam.

100% pure scam, haircomb is a keylogger. Yes, I know it is obvious but they have now gone full schizo mode, they are really really desperate. Their village must be on the brink of starvation - let's keep it that way.

Fuck you and your entire village Ranjesh

>> No.23879885

I guess you got the wrong haircomb lol.

Better check out the correct thread in their official bitcointalk and their github for whitepaper and source code.

Also your links don't work on me i wonder why.

>> No.23879904

These links work retard, maybe your indian ISP is blocking them?


>> No.23879920

again those links you've posted don't work

they are not the official links either. maybe you fell for some other haircomb scam.

>> No.23879935

Keep bumping

>> No.23879978

God I hope those haircomb pajeets die in the most painful way possible. Completely shit up this board

>> No.23880063

the KLEROS courts will judge you for your heinous action haircomb key log scammer

>> No.23880151

Thanks for your service pnk chad

>> No.23880481
File: 34 KB, 1161x452, haircomb keylogger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23880650

I've already explained this unfortunate mistake

There is no way you can get away with shitting on a promising project just like this.

>> No.23880666


>> No.23880684

Thanks for the bump curry boy

>> No.23880700


>> No.23880940

Worked for me pajeet scum

>> No.23880980

Lmfaooo I don't know if you know what you are saying. Or it's only a troll? Haircomb keylogger? Are you out of your mind? Haircomb is a bitcoin token so what is the point of virus on bitcoint block chain? Jeez

>> No.23881058

Oh Ranjesh you're so silly. We don't want your keylogger!

>> No.23881064

oh god are you really this braindead?
do the needful and don't reproduce

>> No.23881067

Haircomb is the future. Claim haircombs before the bitcoin miners learn about it, once they do it'll be impossible to claim any yourself.

>> No.23881104

What's your favorite curry?

>> No.23881281

what you said about haircomb is a lie. your public key is cryptographically secured and the address is kept private, so your 'account' can't be stolen. you could write a program which displays your public key without logging your ether, and i can do the same with my friend's address. in my particular case, I even left this as a variable so I can easily get it from a cookie in my terminal

>> No.23881338

Stop being such a retard rajesh, what's your favorite curry?

>> No.23881378

my favourite haircomb feature is liquidity stack, because I have a small specialized hardware crypto-mining rig, and this is perfect for it.

faster block times, decreased fees, more transactions, shorter time to block

potential disaster for systems that do not have enough hashing power, unlike haircomb

very easy to integrate, like adding combbase to genesis.json

cuckservatives want this for crypto-gangs, to avoid scaling

great incentive to use haircomb. It’s a FOSS project, distributed, and volunteer-supported. Now you have to fork off

>> No.23881406

gib curry

>> No.23881407

Haircomb threads only link the open source github and whitepaper, never link where to buy anything at all, and yet it's a scam?

>Hey come get my scam! Where do you get it, you ask? Oh I'm not gonna tell you. Is there a discord, telegram or community discussing the scam, to further trick you? Nah, what scammer would want to double down? That doesn't make any sense, pro scammers know the best way to get people to buy their product is to both limit exposure of the project to as few people as possible, and to never actually link people to somewhere that they can purchase it. Scammer 101, duh.

Okay buddy.

>> No.23881410
File: 84 KB, 1097x673, Jonathan-Bruce-Postel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get their github closed ASAP they distribute malware.

>> No.23881440

He ranjesh, you have a cellphone too?!?!

>> No.23881494

>Oh boy my point is retarded so Imma just call people names!

You really are a smart boy, aren't you?

>> No.23881502

Keep bumping ranjesh

>> No.23881530

I'm more than happy to bump a thread in which a bunch of shiny headed baldy make 0 arguments as to why a project is a scam. Responses like yours are exactly why I even bothered to learn about haircomb in the first place, so I really do have to thank you for your service!

>> No.23881559

wow you sure do look like an organic user

>> No.23881595

>Oh boy I'll just double down, that'll definitely work!

>> No.23881632

We can all see through your bullshit

>> No.23881710

>Guy has a position counter to mine
>Must be bullshit, must be fake, must be scam, must be astroturf, etc.

Claim haircombs.

>> No.23881718

you're caught again lying to the public. There was no proof supplied whatsoever that there's any kind of malware. Github refused to censor the wallet for the very reason. How will nocombers ever recover from this?

>> No.23881726

The malware-ridden github must break some TOS

>> No.23881755

Maybe if there actually was malware. See for yourself: https://github.com/natasha-otomoski/combfullui

>> No.23881806

No it's easier to email the github admins and let them sort it out.

>> No.23881820

Holy fuck you are so desperate

>> No.23881847

Yea just spam people with 0 proof (other than somebody on 4chan told me), rather than actually look into it yourself.

>> No.23881866

Desperate for what exactly? People to claim haircombs before the miners start claiming? For that yes, I am desperate.

>> No.23881887

Imagine not investing in the only thing left after quantum computers destroy crypto

>> No.23881892

You are stupid, no sane person is looking at some opaque binary.

>> No.23881931

>He thinks Golang is binary

This is the quality of FUD? Claim haircombs

>> No.23881940

if you must resort to name calling you better shut up sir

>> No.23881962
File: 59 KB, 1132x486, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is wallet software? The go project is just fluff.

>> No.23881971
File: 49 KB, 640x480, Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute state of this samefag pajeetery

All you need to do is look at these links and never worry about this keylogger ever again


>> No.23882005

> look at this anecdotal evidence

your links don't even open

>> No.23882020

How is it ancedotal evidence if the links "don't open"
Out brained ya there ranjesh

>> No.23882042

Absolute state of the shiny-headed baldyness.

All you need to do is read the whitepaper and source code for yourself, and never worry about this FUD again.


>> No.23882050

Bitcointalk opened well for me. Are you buying time with this stupidity?

>> No.23882071

You're delusional if you think you're convincing anyone hahaha

>> No.23882087

The exe has some extra in it, you can't refute it. The repo is unnatural and inorganic for FOSS project.

>> No.23882126

The FUD is what'd doing the convincing, not me, silly baldy.

Then compile it yourself if you doubt it. Run it on a VM if you really want to be safe.


>> No.23882138


>> No.23882139


Natasha seething in comments.

>> No.23882149

based, should i get a bag of kleros

>> No.23882178

> Then compile it yourself if you doubt it.

You inserted the malware after the compilation. Compiling some other repo does not prove anything.

>> No.23882221


It's almost as if false positives exist. Like I said before, go read the code for yourself, go compile it yourself if you're still worried, and if you're REALLY worried then run it on a VM.

>> No.23882249

COPE. No one is downloading your KEYLOGGER RETARD

>> No.23882253

Lolwat. I'm saying if you want to use the wallet software you can build it yourself and use it without risk by taking the proper precautions. That's what I did until I was confident enough in the project to run it like a normal piece of software.

>> No.23882254

That does not produce the malware-ridden exe.

>> No.23882274

> Uh oh, a project I support is getting free publicity, that really sucks for me, I really gotta cope with that.

>> No.23882296

So then use the compiled version if you're worried?

>> No.23882319

>p-please enter your bitcoin private key into my program, you can even compile it yourself

>> No.23882323

No one is worried because no one is downloading it

>> No.23882325

Why would anybody buy into a facade of a scam project?

>> No.23882342

This is like saying that in order to run a bitcoin node, you need to give if your bank account info..

>> No.23882359

it's not ranjeet but keep seething and bumping the thread that exposes you

>> No.23882372

>No website
>No exchanges
>No twitter
>No discord
>No telegram
>Constant spamming of every thread, creation of a new thread every 15 minutes


It's over for you

>> No.23882373

It's exactly like that. Haircomb doesn't need any information about a bitcoin wallet to work,

Read the whitepaper.


>> No.23882435

What does the whitepaper prove? Other that you are full of shit shiteesh.

>> No.23882660

stop the name calling and get back on topic sir

>> No.23882875


>> No.23883137

And just like that, the 3 x ID pajeet samefag dies with a whimper

>> No.23883167

>there are people out there who unironically bought an obvious scam shit token

>> No.23883190

great thread

>> No.23883198

There's no token, it's just a keylogger lol

>> No.23883237

I mean I don't think the amitabs village would die of starvation but maybe it's better to starve than to eat with illegal money.

Essentially, haircomb is a keylogger and we'll see tons of threads crying when the "devs" pull the rug

>> No.23883746

I hope they starve, i'm sick of their spam

>> No.23883948

greatest thread

>> No.23883969

you guys really are brain geniuses

>> No.23883986


>> No.23884019



>> No.23884135

Although yeah this, they'd rather worship beef instead of feed the nation with it.
Hey we should make it an insult on /biz/, all the Indians I know irl get really, really triggered if you talk shit about cows

>> No.23884227

Nice quotes, Baljeet

>> No.23884281

great stuff, hicks
real educated western men they got here

>> No.23884306


>> No.23884391

what's it like trying to so hard to "make it"?

>> No.23884427

Keep bumping ranjesh i was going to let this thread die

>> No.23884436

i like to laugh

>> No.23884480

And scam apparently

>> No.23884506

do you really think that or is this a meme?

>> No.23884549

what's a meme?

>> No.23884570

What's life?

>> No.23884578

umm where is the scam? the code is open source. i had my cousin ranjesh check it and he said there is nothing malicious. it just looks like someone that recently learned go

but nothing really malicious in the open code. you can compile it urself and run in vm if you want.

i dont understand why ppl care? 330 sat claim, if its gonna be something cool, if its not big deal you just lost 330 sats plus tx fee.

its an asymetrical bet. the upside is huge, the downside nothing really since 330 sats plus fee isnt much.

>> No.23884617

>calls haircomb a scam
>buys lottery ticket
>bets on candidate with historically poor polling in presidential race

>> No.23884709

lol samefaggery continue
>just download the keylogger man ITS NEXT BITCOIN!!

i'm not american

>> No.23884890

It's okay মাজেদুর, we aren't american either.

Claim haircombs.

>> No.23884957


>> No.23885020


>> No.23885030

how am i same fag? im american just woke up had my coffee went to buy some formula for my baby, came back home and let you know that you are retarded.
i dont understand the point of your thread even. why do you even care so much?
your retarded because anyone that does the research will see you are stupid.
so basically you just shilling comb with a psyop way.
im convinced you are just shilling but in the most retarded way. keep it up natasha

>> No.23885079

ok ranjesh

>> No.23885116


joke's over. there isn't any pleasure in seeing someone look so foolish

>> No.23885134

i'm doing nothing else apart from looking at shitcoin charts and ruining your scam. I'm here all day every day

>> No.23885222

and you do it for free I suppose?

>> No.23885235

if I were you I'd go outside and have a stroll before I embarrassed myself any further

go get some air
don't forget to wear a mask

>> No.23885275

I trade crypto. I make a decent amount just from USDC interest so i'm basically getting paid to be on biz.


>> No.23885334

Admit you're wrong and get used to appreciate other people's opinions.

>> No.23885389

I'm never wrong. I will only keep replying bumping this thread when you do kek

>> No.23885393

ty for shilling comb and combpilling many new ppl on biz. your work will not be forgotten. keylogger coin is good meme now

>> No.23885486

More like haircope

>> No.23885502

I would get more If It was easy and not timewasting

>> No.23885517

Please log my keys with quantums, anon.