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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23881238 No.23881238 [Reply] [Original]

who THE FUCK buys bitcoin at $16000

>> No.23881252

me. nothing personnel bobo

>> No.23881264


>> No.23881270

think how many haircomb you could claim for 16000

almost 10% of the entire supply

>> No.23881278

such as?
fuck off pajeet

>> No.23881294

As long as nobody sells, price cant go down. So it has to have a cult mentality to suceeed - everyone has to BELIEVE theyre going to the moon, this is why
is always chanted. Sadly, it will eventually go down, cause it has no actual value, only faith.

>> No.23881344
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record number of GBTC bought by accredited institutional investors in October 2020. It doesn't really matter to them if BTC is $5K or $50K. It's asset allocation and these guys have known bought the digital gold, uncorrelated diversifier meme

>> No.23881356
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imagine being a bobo poster

sad fucking life

>> No.23881363


>> No.23881417

your brain must be running on pure dogshit to believe that meme

>> No.23881438

>buying btc at 16k
You are not gonna make it you know it right?
even if it goes to 50k your profits would be shit

>> No.23881462

bears are gonna go cry again
BTC is never going under 16k
screencap this

>> No.23881475

/biz/, where 3x-ing your investment is rookie numbers

>> No.23881477


>> No.23881501

What's your liquidation price nigger?

>> No.23881508
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16k is the top

>> No.23881519

What if it goes to 250k though?

>> No.23881566
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Look for the BEEEEEAAR necessities
The simple bear necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife

>> No.23881586


>> No.23881614

250k next year, remember

>> No.23881651

>it has no actual value
It has better value than Gold I'd say since it x110000000000 it
To this add the fact that it's its digital substitute and you get that hodl is high iq at least in this pre-normie / pre-istitutionalization phase
Only mongoloids short a bull cycle.

>> No.23881654

well, smartcredit has already x3 my investment in a week, it has been so easy that it feels like rookie numbers indeed

>> No.23881668

People who DCA a little bit every paycheck. 10 years from now I doubt it will really matter whether you bought at 12k or 16k (obviously it matters, but not as much as it does today)

>> No.23881670

Get cucked bearnigger

>> No.23881687

how could you tell?

>> No.23881691

Well, bitcoin was around 6k just 7 months ago.
Why buy now and not back then?

>> No.23881858

I shilled at 30 cents around here check the archives, gave up after the third post.

At $12k people were wondering who is buying too and later square revealed they bought $50M worth, at 11k Microstrategy.
Greyscale are doing $500M AUM a day.

>> No.23881886


Six months ago there was no reason to expect the imminent destruction of the dollar.

>> No.23881904

time has come

>> No.23881915

of course you should have bought at 6k if you did not have any bitcoin at all, now it's too late, it will never ever be 4 digits again

>> No.23881921

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.23881937

Sell signal

>> No.23882060

Keep coping Bobo

>> No.23882086

Awww is wittle booboo mad he gwot wekt? Boohoo bobo

>> No.23882094

are you retarded?
if I had 1 BTC right now I could live for two years in the shitty inflated country I am in
fuck off bear

>> No.23882116
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>> No.23882180

THIS. So much Bitcoin was gobbled up by Grayscale and also Square last month. Not only that but I instituitions like Fidelity have been building the pipelines for the last 3 years. This is only getting started. Only retards are asking who's buying. The price doesn't matter at this point. Just DCA and buy every dip.

>> No.23882596

>value of the dollar has been on a decline for the past 100 years.
>six months ago there was no reason to hedge

>> No.23882999


six months ago there were other hedges available. Now metals are kiked squatter territory, the stock market is too volatile to act as an effective hedge, AND fiat is circling the drain. Bonds are dubious. Altcoins are trash so your options are either hodl bitcoin or embrace poverty in the wellfare state.

>> No.23883010

Bobros... i don't feel so good...

>> No.23883017
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i dont know

>> No.23883026

You can hold the dollar which is inflationary money or you can continue to buy BTC which will be deflationary... BTC only go up anon. It's in the code

>> No.23883045

You. In order to cover your shorts.

>> No.23883062

Shut the fuck up. Barry is going to pump this to the fucking moon and if you ducking sell he going to buy your bags ath!

>> No.23883095

If you bobos think you're priced out now.....
ATH in December
Cap this.

>> No.23883324

>Now metals are kiked squatter territory
what do you mean with this?

>> No.23883698

Who sells at 16k?

>> No.23883759

me because I bought it at 14k. ez gainz

>> No.23883826


metals are the hedge of trad reactionary elements. they are held by the same people that hoard guns. hodling gold is basically a bet against human ingenuity and resourcefulness, hodling crypto is a bet on the power of invention.

the metal hodler's dream is to be squatting in the ashes of civilization. the best you can ever hope for, your big dream, is to be a warlord in an impoverished 8th-world shithole.

>> No.23883984

You're going to get left behind.

>> No.23884014

Just put in a 125x long. If we go below 16k again im liquidated

>> No.23884158

>just go back in time dude

>> No.23884203

gonna buy the dip, im in so late i have to do it this way, will prolly dump to 10k soon

>> No.23884390

Microstrategy and others. They have correctly seen Bitcoin as SoV and won't back down on this anytime soon. It's a Liquidity reserve that also acts as commodity. It's only a matter of time until other companies follow if they haven't already. Me and others are DCAing every month. It's only gonna go upwards from here. It'll be a looooong road before Normies FOMO in and the blow off phase begins. Might be already going for 200k before any mass sales happen again

>> No.23884415

Well it's going to 250k this cycle, so it's a pretty great deal.

>> No.23884420

Nothing has actual value. This is what commies don't understand and why commies are always poor. EVERYTHING is supply vs demand

>> No.23884433


There might be scaling issues to address eventually. We might end up waiting on commercial fusion to power miners on the cheap.

>> No.23884452

Maybe metals could go high in case of btc pegged to gold currency?

>> No.23884463

Who would sell at 10k? Think the other way round. You got in at 14k. Why would anyone sell below that if there are people willing to eat up any sells at 14k?
Who would wait for 14k when it doesn't even drop below 15k and it looks rather like it's going to 17k? This is how you have to think

>> No.23884491


>> No.23884511

People who are scared of Biden's tax plan amd are doomsday prepping. We'll probably break the ATH when Trump's lawyers get him to concede in December. I think we'll break $25K. Timing the exit on this one is going to be tricky.

>> No.23884523
File: 7 KB, 271x186, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc pegged to gold currency

>> No.23884566

Maybe. But why would that happen? Imagine if that were to actually happen. That all Gold owners or enough institutional Gold owners agree that 1 Bitcoin is say 10kg of Gold. You can take your Bitcoin and always trade it for a block of Gold. Ok this would stabilized Bitcoin a lot. Nobody would fear for Bitcoin to drop any lower than it currently is. But... Bitcoin doesn't stop there. Bitcoin is not a store of value replacement for Gold. It's actually a liquidity reserve that you can use to say buy cheap real estate immediately. Who the fuck would ever trade a Bitcoin for 10kg of Gold if Gold offers no advantage? A pegging to Gold would only aid Bitcoin and eventually make Gold's value to 0. Gold owners would never agree to this because it would just show their own foot

>> No.23884625

That's a market cap of what, like over $4T?
For payment method that's slow, expensive, and big surprise, not anonymous.

Meanwhile, Paypal, the payment method that just werks, has a market cap of only $220B.

Don't get me wrong, I see the bullish case for Bitcoin, but I don't see the Bitcoin network as being worth trillions of dollars, especially when some Mongolian memelord can hack together his own shitcoin and put it on the market.

>> No.23884670

The shitcoin is not Bitcoin. That's why

>> No.23884685

> total amount of money spent on mining decreases when electricity gets cheaper
Holy shit. No wonder people on /biz/ are poor af.

>> No.23884762

>payment method

>> No.23884769

Think of it being treated like gold. A lot of people would use gold as a store of value if it was convenient to deal in, but it isn't. Bitcoin might function as a drop-in replacement for gold, but without all the disadvantages gold has.

>> No.23884824


You misunderstand

>> No.23884903

better question is who would sell

>> No.23884966
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Only retards.

>> No.23885044
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>They're still saying this shit
Intrinsic value does not, and has never, existed.

>> No.23885074
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so why arent you a USD millionaire now?

>> No.23885106

You had 10 years

>> No.23885138

>Who the fuck would ever trade a Bitcoin for 10kg of Gold if Gold offers no advantage?
gold is needed in the industry and jewllery

>> No.23885173

>Who would sell at 10k
people who want to cut their losses in case it goes down further. you autists are so detached from reality. crypto isn't gold

>> No.23885238

Im selling my alts fk this. All in btc.

>> No.23885318
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>market pumps
>bitcoin pumps
>altcoins pump
>market dumps
>bitcoin pumps
>altcoins dump

how will we ever crack this code?

>> No.23885335
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This is a meme
New materials will replace gold's utility as a corrosion proof conductor. These alloys already exist. What idiot company is going to put gold in their product when they can get something cheaper that gets the job done. That limits gold's utility to mission critical applications where money is no object.
The JEWelry market is dying, only mental midgets buy gold watches and the atomization of individuals against relationships is suppressing demand.
get with the times gramps, we're accelerating.

>> No.23885362


>> No.23885385

>hodling crypto is a bet on the power of invention

I get what you mean, but let's be honest, it isn't. It's a bet on the future availability of retards to dump your bags on, and those retards are making the same bet as you. You cannot deny this.

Human invention involves productivity, resourcefulness, efficiency, improved quality of life, streamlined processes, you get the idea. Bitcoin offers none of that. There is probably some crypto-blockchain tech that offers those things, but as a whole, crypto hodlers have the same speculative cynicism that gold boomers have.

>> No.23885401
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After breaking billions in marketcap there is no Alt that has had anywhere the returns of BTC though. And most of the smaller caps are dead.
> https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20170615/

>> No.23885473

>freezes your account and takes your assets
heh, nothing personal kid
>it just werks

>> No.23885480

At what price is it too late to buy BTC? Like could I buy it on Monday, or am I just SOL at this point?

>> No.23885513

I’m a Satoshi giga-millionaire, with 3.56 Bitcoin I have 356,000,000 Satoshi. Fuck the USD

>> No.23885539

you realize BTC will be 100K at some point?
What's the difference between 16K and 20K?

>> No.23885560

The Chinese, after yet another yuan devaluation

>> No.23885561

One thing you’ll learn is that it’s never too late, at any price point. Coca Cola has existed for over 100 years and this doesn’t seem to stop people from buying KO, same with Bitcoin, same with Gold. Just buy, hold, and forget about it

>> No.23885597

I’m pretty sure 100k is what it will crash to after hitting $1,000,000. Best part of Bitcoin is that it always drops 80-90% allowing new market entrants. God bless this technology

>> No.23885642
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>productivity, resourcefulness, efficiency
The overhead brought on by banks is an inefficiency that crypto does away with. Trustless systems of monetary exchange and smart contracts can take over the roles of many useless people and companies. It lowers the required work for setting up trusted systems, It is more efficient.
>improved quality of life
Inflation sucks for the average pleb, not having my savings dwindle from fuck-you monetary policy would improve my life.
Also being able to send money without an intermediary is a pretty nice feature.
>streamlined processes
arguably the entire purpose of crypto. Most evident in smart contract tech.

>> No.23885648

>shit profits
choose one

>> No.23885779


Some expect it to go up to $17-20k by January 2021 but it will than crash down to $10-12k most likely. I wouldn't buy Bitcoin until it's around $10k personally which it will most likely be by Marsh-April 2021 before it shoots up to 35k by the end of the 2021.

>> No.23885786

There will be a final bull run when people will realize that Bitcoin is the most valuable asset in the world and never fucking sell unless there is good reason to. Watch out for that one or you're chucking your children and grandchildren forever

>> No.23885842

Absolutely retarded. You're gonna buy at 25k

>> No.23885894

it'll probably go lower than 10k

>> No.23885921
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I hope so, I want some more cheapies
I wouldn't bet on it though, at least not in the very short term.

>> No.23885978


>> No.23886066

Crash why? You can’t even formulate a proper sentence. What merit do you have for btc to crash to 10? The truth is you don’t have btc and don’t understand what this is. The train left the station months ago. There’s so few btc left yet you think there’s enough to crash to 10? Kiddo, when recess is over, please pay attention in class, you will need it.

>> No.23886107

Me. Because i was in Tether waiting for it to drop below $15k.

>> No.23886117

Because more btc will flood the market from people hanging on to their precious 1.0? You are an idiot. There’s like 300k on exchanges left. There’s very few left to sell. But you are right, less of something With an elevated demand will cause the price to drop. You are smart.

>> No.23886450

>There’s like 300k on exchanges left.
is there a place to track that
not trying to be a dick just curious

>> No.23886568
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