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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23879648 No.23879648 [Reply] [Original]

> 4m market cap
> just touched 1c, dipped to 0.008
> press release announcement in 1 hour
> team full of members from Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Fidelity, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, IBM, Google, and The Prudential

you have 1 hour anon, remember the price was 0.008 when this was posted

>> No.23879700

This is too serious project for /biz/, let them buy other shitcoins

>> No.23879710

Ok im in, this gunna be the new lition just wanna post some chin pics

>> No.23879742

What is today's announcement about?

>> No.23879775

press release regarding an institutional investor they've acquired recently, whale insiders have said that this partnership is mind blowing.

>> No.23879792

Alright bitch Im in, contract?

>> No.23879801


though uniswap is having issues rn I think? may be better off getting it on bitthumb (no kyc)

>> No.23879822

Those who haven't bought, they CLEARLY don't know...

>> No.23879831

I got in on presale thanks to trustswap.

I shilled it on biz a few days ago when it was .002 biz always misses the boat and buys scams instead

>> No.23879837

You are right.

>> No.23879844

a note from one of the members of the team, just to show you how serious this project is -

We have had good conversations with decision makers at some large institutions that have verbally said that if we can get a track record and no problems with regulators after a few months of operation they will be looking to bring 10-20% of their holdings in various asset classes (e.g. US stock and bonds ETFs) over to the platform.

Our intention is to not allow any single holder to have more than 5% of a total product allocation and to work hard on all channels to see an approximate 50:50 split between institutional investor AUM and normal user adoption.

We are also working on various platform partnerships, some of the big trading apps and online banking platforms have more than 12 million users now, so bringing access to products on their platforms is a very exciting big jump in potential adoption and network effects too.

>> No.23879847

No need to shill this here, we are winning anyways.

>> No.23879989

Chart looking super bullish. 1c is going to get blown out the water soon enough

>> No.23880007

how do I buy this then?

>> No.23880016

Uniswap or bithumb

>> No.23880080

You got 30 minutes. https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xe0deb97487bddf4c28ab1aa169179db0da625b29

>> No.23880222


>> No.23880243

ngmi. unironically better options in e.g. Kleros etc.

>> No.23880358

Please delete this thread.

>> No.23880518

back to 1c, I will delete this thread soon

>> No.23880651

> Look, another 10 billion supply scam

>> No.23880720

You’re not a smart person

>> No.23880742

Well its been 30 mins already and look where it is

>> No.23880765

Ath? Yes it’s impressive

>> No.23880790

lol ok Graham

>> No.23880916

Dumb nigger delete this shit

>> No.23881074

Business mode has been activated.

>> No.23881367


>> No.23881473


>> No.23881498


Nice id lmao

>> No.23881534

i like me some trannies with my FWT gains

>> No.23881671

I love how biz doesn’t realize how huge this is, going to be hilarious when they complain how they missed out

>> No.23881757

So will the 80% revenue split amongst holders be airdropped in fwt's? It says the revenue split is automatic, and I dont see anytbing about a staking vault

>> No.23881793


Yeah. A small portion of biz will but you're right 99% won't.

>> No.23881867


They use the 80% to buy more of the asset that you purchased, and then this is distributed to all asset holders on the platform. So if you bought gold, they then buy more gold and distribute it to you and everyone holding gold.

If this shit takes off and you are in early there is huge gains to be made.

>> No.23881926

So it's only for people who hold the assets on the trading platform? Is this a utility token of sorts? Why is it needed?

>> No.23881952

Utility and other functions

>> No.23881988


>> No.23882036


Yeah all assets are tokenised. That is my only downside to the project, you aren't holding bitcoin you are holding 'Aubitised/tokenised' bitcoin.

The upside is the network effect of 80% of all fees going back into the network. The other benefit of this tokenisation is they can literally put anything on the platform; stocks, PM etc.

It took them 3 years to build the framework for this, it was completely unprecedented in the legal world. Saw on an AMA they went through like 30+ lawyers before they completely ironed out all the legal side.

I have been wondering if this is too good to be true for a while but this announcement shows they aren't fucking around. And clearly GreenBank believe in what they are doing.

>> No.23882150

this is good except thats like hundres of people on etherscan holder list who own over a million tokens

kek yea sorry 44k tokens for 1 ethereum

but hundreds of people own over 1 million tokens yeah this a dump fest waiting to happen

>> No.23882151

is the 80% split only between those holding a particular token, or all holders of fwt?

>> No.23882203

I’m one such person. We got in thanks to the trustswap presale. However when big financial institutions like greenbank are investing in this project, and they only invest in projects that hit atleast 1 billion dollar marketcap, then I have literally no incentive to dump my tokens right now. Not that I could because they’re locked anyways

>> No.23882207


I'm pretty sure it's only given to those holding the asset itself, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.23882208
File: 103 KB, 1556x829, aasdasdadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you guys who bought and didnt get inside info and bought before all the idiots right now

this is how much you own

less than 1%

dump fest

300k liquiidyt on ethereum half of that is actual ethereum the other half is token

1 ethereum for 44k tokens and hundreds of holders with over 1 million tokens kek

>> No.23882246


And so the FUD starts...

>> No.23882247
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1605173153712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lol im not fudding just putting up actual info and just stating numbers

looks way to off hundreds of whales with milion tokens and people buying 44k tokens for 1 ethreuem on uniswap.



>> No.23882281

These are the type of people on biz that make no money. Has done literally no research outside who’s holding what. Like I said no one is dumping anything and missing out on a guaranteed 10x or more

>> No.23882708

why the fuck are you fixating on the 44k tokens for 1 ethereum thing lol as if that matters

>> No.23882842

I mean, whether it's 50000 or 50 tokens for 1 eth, that doesn't really matter. You're just moving a decimal point over. Ok, this will obviously never be $20k/token like bitcoin, buy a marketcap is a marketcap either way you look at it. When do you ever get an opportunity to hold more than 1% of any half decent project?

This is just a weak argument, of course whales will hold the vast amount of tokens, it's like that with every token

>> No.23883052

The majority of those are contracts you dumb fuck