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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 269 KB, 880x994, 0498ABEA-C870-4B61-A07D-41B587D65A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23878163 No.23878163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you all make yourselves slaves to the kikes money? You realize it’s meant to control you. no matter how much you make no matter how much you multiple your jewish paper you will never have as much as (((them))) the game was rigged from the start anons. Stop playing it you’ll only lose in the end because that’s the way it was designed. Give up on their system the sooner it falls apart

>> No.23878196

Back to pol incel

>> No.23878324

I’ve had sex

>> No.23878342

>He doesnt know why cryptocurrencies will be used in the future and why it will be the fourth industrial revolution when they hit mainstream

kek low IQ /pol/tard detected

t. high IQ /pol/ tard :)

>> No.23878382

low iq faggot, if you really were a free and enlightened mind you wouldnt spend all day on that racist crabs in a bucket tier board

>> No.23878481

>all day
I spend most of my day reading books and an hour on pol to check news

>> No.23878510

How you earn your shekels you dumb nigger? still living at mama?

>> No.23878515
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Poors need to be rounded up and executed. Go back to your safe place you fucking faggot

>> No.23878522

I took an actual real in person iq test at my high school and scored a 140 I’m not trying to brag just saying your point isn’t correct and calling yourself high iq and other people low iq is an easy indicator of the type of man you are

>> No.23878539

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3l7fgvrEKM&ab_channel=DOITYOURSELF

>> No.23878549

I’m from a wealthy family

>> No.23878567


>> No.23878574

you are such a faggot lol
of course you are

>> No.23878584
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Ok then you should carry on your plan to kill yourself. Every single "person" from pol has to screetch about it like a chimp. The dumbest people on this website by far. I fucking hate you

>> No.23878586

Yeah and as someone with money I’m telling you it doesn’t mean anything

>> No.23878604

kek you better be bait

>> No.23878611

You seem to be a the one screeching here lad you try to insult me and tell me to kill myself while you don’t even know me seems quite mentally unstable to me maybe take some time off your computer bud

>> No.23878637

I am aware of that you fucking retarded fucking animal fuck what are you fucking 18? jesus christ, we are here to get rich so we can free ourselves from the chains of this kike society and live however we want, pursuing our interests without having to worry about food, money, shelter. dumb FUCK.

>> No.23878647
File: 2.30 MB, 2048x1536, 0hsIESgiJsLGZ4KgSD--tTMTd3KgkBSTZuElI7XA18JkgNRjtmEFA7RR9uKA4FQDNzFFAoSzssFyMBH25iQjs9AR5hERZcfDNyAwpgcAZDATEsYXcwQEVnB10vd19SGmNiE0VgRVx5IQIGHmI3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it doesnt mean anything why dont you give it away?

>> No.23878677

What’s your PayPal

>> No.23878685

>you will never have as much as (((them)))
At le3ast we have more than you, cope seethe and dial 8

>> No.23878694

Unlikely mate

>> No.23878723
File: 211 KB, 1200x1800, EVTWGgWUwAAf8Ku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I can have all your money?

>> No.23878736

Your mother doesnt count.

>> No.23878741
File: 410 KB, 900x900, 1605131540338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, faggot, send me some shekels

>> No.23878751

Everyone on here is so easy to offend lol you’re all a bunch of soft faggots do you seriously get this mad go outside buddy breathe in the fresh air and stop getting your panties in a bunch

>> No.23878761

Does my cousin?

>> No.23878762

youre a pampered faggot with a big ego telling others how to be in life and pretending you are enlightened. that is not enlightenment.

>> No.23878794

What is enlightenment then you tell me anon

>> No.23878830

>y-youre all o-offended not me!
Kys you attention seeking nigger.

>> No.23878852
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kek, this

>> No.23878866

yeah I’m so offended and seek attention on an anonymous website?? If I wanted attention I’d swing by your mother’s place

>> No.23878878

taking refuge in the three jewels
not browsing pol an hour a day for "news" aka your dopamine fix

>> No.23878879

Can you guys stop feeding this larp troll?

>> No.23878907

Have no idea what you just said but ok I get dopamine from reading actual books not 4chan you should try it you and everyone else here seem pretty unhappy

>> No.23878913

OP preaching to everyone about how money doesn’t mean anything when he’s been supported by a wealthy family and hasn’t had to work for any of his money in his life. Of course it doesn’t mean anything if it was just given to you you dumb faggot kid.

If you work hard to make yourself a success in this “kike” society then you can be damn pleased with yourself.

Checking out because you have a safety blanky given to you by your parents doesn’t mean shit. Stop talking to us like you’ve lived enough to advise us on ours.

>> No.23878943

You're right. We should abolish the commodity form and live in a stateless, classless, moneyless society.

>> No.23878982

With robots human labor will be unnecessary in the future we already have the capability to provide everyone with food and a house but we don’t because money gives people like me power over people like you

>> No.23879023

What books do you like

>> No.23879028

It’s not just me preaching it though it’s a tale as old as time a man constantly chasing money and wealth then ending up old full of regret and despair nearly every philosophical and religious book will tell you the same thing

>> No.23879181

Julius evola

>> No.23879190

There’s a difference between chasing wealth and being successful. You don’t need to check out from society living off of mummy and daddy to avoid greed.

Success can mean many things. Excelling in a certain field. Razing a loving family. Building a meaningful life. The thing that you fail to understand is that it is a lot easier to build these sort of successes if you have enough capitol to propel you into them in the first place. That’s why you don’t appreciate your money, because you have never lived without it and you don’t understand how much you have benefitted from it.

You shouldn’t be checking out from society. You have had a privileged life, you should devote yourself to study and provide a meaningful service to society but instead you choose to avoid all responsibility and get comfortable, you’ll never grow as a person like that and you’ll only resent your choices later in life.

>> No.23879301

do you exert your power? are you in a supervisory position? do people listen to you?

>> No.23879313

I have lived without money though I was voluntarily homeless for a year in California so I could better understand people at the lowest rung of society and i can tell you that it doesn’t make you appreciate money it makes you despise it.

>> No.23879362

what do you propose i do as opposed to actually making bank, on my own terms, increasing my sexual market value, etc etc.. all while still being a pol anon too?

>> No.23879376

fuck off you leftist tranny scum

>> No.23879400
File: 64 KB, 992x743, 51D4419E-D0EE-40BB-A129-77C98033B49B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a cabin in the woods and learn to live off your own land