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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 260 KB, 733x544, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23876768 No.23876768 [Reply] [Original]

>Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are distinct token types that derive their utility from being diverse and unique from other tokens. Data is suggesting that we are approaching the next wave of NFT adoption.

>NFTs can be considered to be digital collectables which are traded and secured on a blockchain infrastructure. They are commonly tied to non-fungible ERC721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Google data shows record-high search volume for the term "NFT".

Shits what DIGICOL do

>The creation of the NTFs can be done via the platform in a single click
>The tokens can be traded on a liquid marketplace and creators of highly-traded tokens are rewarded with a share of tokens
>Tokens may be offered as collateral in order to access liquidity in other cryptos such as eth
>The DigiCol marketplace is underpinned with Ethereum which ensures platform and token security
> Each holding on DigiCol is represented by a unique ERC721 token
>A pricing algorithm that helps to determine the liquid market price based on current demand and supply

>> No.23876774

Looks like another nft shit project, what it does different from raribles man?

>> No.23876785


>> No.23876798
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NFT shit is going like crazy under the hood!digicol ieo will be a blast i guess and its the acdx first ieo so i hope they will go with legit projects only,

>> No.23876904

NFTs have been putting up some hype lately.

From what i see is that DigiCol will drastically change how crypto enthusiasts interact with NFTs. Previous spikes in NFT activity have been predominantly driven by hardcore enthusiasts with the technical knowledge to create and trade. DigiCol will open the gates for a much wider user base.

Those that wish to experiment can easily create unique tokens. Those that wish to speculate on the future value of NFTs will find a vast marketplace on DigiCol. Creators who want to put their design skills to the test can launch their custom NFTs to the market and gauge demand. Those that create the most coveted NFTs will be highly rewarded.

>> No.23876923
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NFT trash again.... LMAO... another day another shitcoin

>> No.23876942
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NFT covers multi-billion industries. So I am really excited to see DigiCol succeed in their one-click NFT approach.

>> No.23876943
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I dont care wht the fck they actually do as long as i am making money until its hot and hyped!
I am going for their ieo launch on acdx and will make my 3-4x lol

>> No.23876954
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They will IEO later this month.

>> No.23876976

keep throwing money away... as soon as the market crashes NFT makret will become worthless - go for more substantial projects

>> No.23876987

DIGICOL GANGGG baby!This could be mynext "ChainLINK"

>One-click NFT creation
>Collectors also get rewards for showcasing, which creates additional motivation for creation of an ecosystem
>Native mobile application in development with messenger integration
>NFT as collateral to borrow ETH, USDT, or DGCL


>> No.23876993

But like what the fuck are NFT's, this sounds like something for people to get hyped about only to find out they are like, what...pokemon cards?

>> No.23876996

If NFT wasn't a thing, Andy Cheung would not have his business in that... and as we all know, everything he touches turns into gold.

>> No.23877022

Millions for pokemon cards ahahah - if u want to throw money away, give it to me.

>> No.23877024

Digicol still a low-cap gem for me looking at the token distribution.

>Stage: Pre-Listing (IEO)
>Initial Listing: ACDX
>IEO price: $0.1 per token
>IEO Cap: $200K USD
>Initial Market Cap: $712K USD

>> No.23877038
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DigiCol will IEO on ACDX, how this can not be trustworthy? I am all over the place while waiting for them to IEO

>> No.23877045
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DigiCol is my November pick!

>> No.23877062

This is so useless. They didn't even put effort in putting together a fucking UI. Literally ripped off rarible and slapped digicol logo on it. Good luck with the acdx thing as well. Thats another copied exchange lol.

>> No.23877063
File: 397 KB, 753x733, DGCL_drake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice try anon, rari is just another skem with price fixing allegations that will soon become its undoing.

nothing is gonna top DGCL's one-click nft minting BOIII

>> No.23877084

oh you mean one-click nft minting like RARI. stop shilling shit to people!

>> No.23877087


IDK man, I think anyone with crypto china background is suspekt, they all in cahoots with mr XJP, there's a reason that all the people in Okex went to jail, not to mention nft is all degem jpeg skems

>> No.23877114
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are you fucking retarded, this is the stupidest VC scam pitch ever, nobody in business except that Wework faggot would add ??? for future business projects

>> No.23877149
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based meme. IDK wtf these nfts are digimons are but I'll check out this dgcl shitcoin

>> No.23877316
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 2020-11-09 16.38.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NFTs are on the rise anon scrubs. Better start saving some sats and allocating to the next king of alts.

> DigiCol allows anyone to create their own NFT (non-fungible token) with just one click, with absolutely zero coding required.
> This means that anyone can use DigiCol to convert their artwork, physical goods, or IP into NFT and launch it on the DGCL marketplace and earn rewards.
>Combination of NFT and DeFi - the two hottest topic these days
>NFT as collateral to borrow ETH, USDT, or DGCL
> Collectors also get rewards for showcasing, which creates additional motivation for creation of an ecosystem

>> No.23877346
File: 391 KB, 733x1050, DGCL_LIDdMdD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


happy to take your place on the order books retard

NFTs are gonna be big, and most of the teams don't have the experience like DGCL do from OKex to Pokemon Go. One click minting and Defi Collateral is OP.

Also nice to see a legit project representing crypto in Asia, as with many things, the center of innovation is moving back here.

>> No.23877361
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shillers gunna shill, I'm just here for the takes, and I'll be dumping my bags on you when the IEO happens, either way there's definitely some money to be made with this shitcoin

>> No.23877387
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I dig the fundamentals, seems like anything like that is gonna pop this year with all these socialist biden/harris hoe bux about to shit all over everyone's bank accounts. nfts will be an easy 3-4x with projects like these

>> No.23877401

Useless garbage.