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File: 497 KB, 1220x1208, INFLATION BTC vs AVAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23876217 No.23876217 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23876744
File: 55 KB, 1280x640, 14E65BA1-FDCF-4652-B89E-9A30629399A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most AVAX will be locked up in Nodes or delegated to nodes
>AVAX will be locked up in DeFi to provide liquidity
>AVAX gets burned every transaction
>AVAX mint rate can be voted on (increase it or decrease it)
>AVAX node is super low risk passive income only thing to do is to keep it online 60% of the staking period
>AVAX nodes will validate other subnets like Athereum soon and generate even more profit
Basically you are a fucking moron for not seeing the potential, Laggard.

>> No.23876756


>> No.23876839
File: 460 KB, 2196x1518, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought option B and sold at 5$ for BTC :)

never buying this again :)

enjoy getting dumped by vc on december :)

>> No.23876851
File: 245 KB, 2242x1560, AVAXBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AVAX pajeets don't even understand the concept of opportunity costs hahaha

stay poor faggot

>> No.23876946
File: 108 KB, 1125x852, 1604100179603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that vc allocation makes me want to puke everywhere

>> No.23877534

Looks like mETH heads are feeling really threatened after learning about the upcoming trustless BTC bridge with Avalanche:

AVAX is extremely undervalued at any point on the supply curve. At Ethereum's valuation and full supply (which won't be reached for decades) would be +$50. I personally expect +$200 within 2 years.

it's wrong. You can verify yourself at info.avax.network

The public sale price was same as the private. Also the public sale was 3 times bigger than the private.

>enjoy getting dumped by vc on december :)
"VCs" have same vesting schedule as the public. The foundation has 10 years vesting schedule. The team has 4 years.

Thanks for giving your coins at a big discount to people who missed the ICO but understand that Avalanche consensus is genuine breakthrough in the underlying computer science and there's nothing even close to it.

>> No.23877551

I looked at the id, it's just one desperate pajeet lmao.

Apologies to fellow AVAngers for bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.23877553

>thinks eth needs BTC

>> No.23877558

Emin btfo

>> No.23877576

AVAX is a turkroach scamcoin, thats it. Dont buy this shit and dont fall for the hired pajjet shillers. Better invest together with me in a nuke to blow up Mumbai.

>> No.23877584

> AVAX is extremely undervalued at any point on the supply curve. At Ethereum's valuation and full supply (which won't be reached for decades) would be +$50. I personally expect +$200 within 2 years.

yeah sure keep dreaming about a marketcap as big as eth

>The public sale price was same as the private. Also the public sale was 3 times bigger than the private.

i don't care, i've sold at 5$ and you cannot because you are overly attached to a hyperinflated coin with no ecosystem

> Thanks for giving your coins at a big discount to people who missed the ICO but understand that Avalanche consensus is genuine breakthrough in the underlying computer science and there's nothing even close to it.

"muh breakthrough"

we don't care about new tech, we care about price and adoption, right now avax doesn't have any.

>> No.23877600

Like it or not, Bitcoin is currently the most liquid coin with the biggest marketcap. A trustless bridge with Avalanche will allow Bitcoiners to transact at Visa speed and particpate in defi with lower risk. This is a clear advantage over Ethereum. Not only that, but fees are burned, so people using Avalanche = people buying AVAX,

>> No.23877666

>we care about price and adoption, right now avax doesn't have any.

It launched like a month ago, despite that, it currently has 600 validators that simultaneously participate in consensus every second.
As adoption, several projects and partnerships are on the pipeline. for those who want a sneak peek, check the telegram group.

>marketcap as big as eth
It's inevitable. Vitalik call Ethreum now as "unusable. Eth 2.0 is inferior to Avalanche in terms of throughput, decentralization and finality. It's also few years away (according to Vitalik)

Not even muh third generation blockchains like Polkadot have instant finality like Avalanche.

>you are overly attached to a hyperinflated coin with no ecosystem

Bitcoin was "hyperinflating" at $0.1, $1, $10, $100,....

guess what happened to people who didn't sell?

btw, Avalanche has a hard cap, unlike your precious ETH. No matter what happens, the supply is fixed and the fees are burned. That's very deflationary long term.

>> No.23877669


as if a fee burn will cover the impact of circulating supply doubling in december

you guys are absolutely braindead lmao

>> No.23877698


> it currently has 600 validators

most nodes are from avalabs and ico buyers that choose option A with locked vesting schedule, they have no other choice than to stake to try to cover the inflation retard

> It's inevitable

try harder with your paid shill hahahah

> guess what happened to people who didn't sell?

every retard shill says the same thing about a new altcoin lel "IT WILL OVERTAKE ETH OMG DONT SELL"

>> No.23877713

Imagine one guy being this salty, all the effort they are putting in for nothing.

>> No.23877725


imagine one guy making all the efforts to create pepe avax memes every day knowing that the price will drop anyway :)

>> No.23877742

Pajeets arent human anon.

>> No.23877772

>will cover the impact of circulating supply doubling in december
many people have already staked all coins for a long time, and as I said, at any point of the supply curve, $3.5 is undervalued. I would love a dip to even buy more.

>fee burn
At 4500 tps, it will be very deflationary in the future.

Avalanche nodes are like 10 and were launched on day 1. The rest are by regular people. There's a delegation fee of 2%, so people are very incentivized to run their node and advertise it in the telegram group. No altruism involved like Bitcoin. Just pure economics.

> they have no other choice than to stake
No retard, many people staked BEYOND the unlocking periods. They have faith in Avalanche and also the longer period you stake the higher APY you get.

>> No.23877785

*Avalabs nodes

>> No.23877801

Are you retarded? Ava has no ecosystem whatsoever, people lock up their btc on eth to participate in defi, ava has nothing

>> No.23877825


>Avalanche nodes are like 10 and were launched on day 1. The rest are by regular people. There's a delegation fee of 2%, so people are very incentivized to run their node and advertise it in the telegram group. No altruism involved like Bitcoin. Just pure economics.

LMAO yeah just pure economics, you forgot to mention the Denali Incentivized Testnet that gave 2000 AVAX for free to run a node for participants

their AVAX are locked and once the unlock begins they will unstake and take their profits

who would't take profits free money retard ?

> the higher APY you get.

yeah ... 12% APY .. meawhile price of avax is dropping more than that in a week lmao

meawhile I can have the same APY with yield farming and more

nice try pajeet

>> No.23877878

>people lock up their btc on eth to participate in defi
People will use Avalanche's trustless BTC bridge to transact cheaply even if it has no smart contracts capability.

>Ava has no ecosystem
Because it launched like a month ago you dumb nigger. The bridges + the projects and partnerships that are on the pipeline will bootstrap the ecosystem.

>> No.23877914


>People will use Avalanche's trustless BTC bridge to transact cheaply even if it has no smart contracts capability.

you are just saying "people will use avalanche" but you don't know the future my poor little thing, what is certain however is that an altcoin with only 3.4% of circulating supply won't moon for a very long time

>> No.23877919

>Denali Incentivized Testnet that gave 2000 AVAX
Locking for 4 years, and the total amount isn't huge. Try again, pajeet.

>meawhile I can have the same APY with yield farming and more
Whatever you are baholding has no chance of growth like AVAX and not ready for global adoption either. Without near instant finality + high throughput + true decentralization, there's a 0 chance that your favorite pet rock will be able to compete long term.

>> No.23877922

cmon just buy it guy

>> No.23877949


I'm just holding Bitcoin, I can buy back more than two times the amount of AVAX I bought at the ICO now, but I won't do this and those constant pathetic avax paid shill won't change anything

>> No.23877967

>I'm just holding
Why are you not running a profitable miner?
Oh wait you CANT.

>> No.23877986
File: 122 KB, 1279x1279, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


?? what the fuck haha

>> No.23877995

> you don't know the future
Bitcoiners want fast and cheap transactions without sacrificing decentralization. Avalanche bridge will make that possible. It's that simple.

>, I can buy back more than two times the amount of AVAX I bought at the ICO now,

this year you won't be able to afford a fraction of the bag that you allegdly dumped. Many people were celebrating the "huge" gains after Ethereum's ICO, they are suicidal now.

>> No.23878014

*within a year

>> No.23878023


basically you have no more arguments and you are just saying

"you will regret this"

"it will pump trust me"

"best tech ever"

"it will moon like eth"

are you tired or what ? hahahaha

>> No.23878030

all you can do is hold and do nothing with BTC and ETH. you likely cant run profitable Ethereum or Bitcoin miners.
with AVAX you can easily run a node and its cheap and anyone can do it.

>> No.23878095


well hold and do nothing with btc has been much more profitable for me than running an avax node since 2 months

>> No.23878122

> you have no more arguments

and you haven't responded to any of them and your points were proven false, but I completely understand your desperation, I would be desperate too if I was a holding a coins that have 0 chance of global adoption.

>> No.23878148

*was bagholding coins

>> No.23878151

AVAX is a long term hold and 2 months is a very short time frame, it will be very profitable in the coming years.

>> No.23878195


yeah sure I'm wrong if you say so :)

But price is never wrong and price in satoshis is freefalling, that's all that matters :)

>> No.23878219

>unless the price always goes up your coin will fail

thanks for the insight, pajeet.

>> No.23878253


keep praying with your locked avax that stagnates or dumps while BTC is on the road to making new ATHs :)

>> No.23878339

Much more potential with AVAX, a 2x from BTC is literally nothing compared to the 100x that awaits us.
Long term planning and thinking doesnt seem to be one of your strengths, explains why your people never managed to figure out plumbing and the sewage system.

>> No.23878340

keep celebrating sing/double digit gains of a coin that has 0 chance of global adoption lmao