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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23849693 No.23849693 [Reply] [Original]

I am so tired of this extortion level insane gas fees for DeFi transactions on Ethereum.

So looking around elsewhere I uncovered an upcoming new money protocol on TRON blockchain that is scheduled to launch after Nov 15, 2020 called Circulate Finance: https://www.circulate.finance

Users can deposit tokens to earn income and also use those assets as collateral for loans, all done via smart contract without human involvement. Bitcoin (wrapped) was recently introduced in TRON and that is a supported token.

Furthermore, by engaging in either deposits or loan activities, users are rewarded by mining the platform's native governance token CIR.

Circulate Finance is similar to established, popular money protocols in Ethereum, except TRON offers faster and much lower transaction fees in mere pennies for a superior user experience. I am excited to kick the tires on this dapp when it launches and hopefully bid farewell to highway robbery on my ETH transactions!

>> No.23849753

stopped at tron. A thread died for this

>> No.23849759
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>> No.23849777


>> No.23849793

Eth about to pump when fees go nuts

>> No.23849845

This thread smells like curry rice.

>> No.23849905

Something is wrong with society when a typical multi-instruction smart contract in Ethereum routinely charges $20 to $30 for transaction gas fees during peak network usage.

God forbid you go too cheap on the Gwei and then the transaction fails bit you still pick up the tab for that fee and have to retry again. Feels like Russian Roulette sometimes IMHO.

Sure TRON has a bad rap in the past for too many scammy casino dapps and hourglass contracts. But there has been a new wave of DeFi about to flood TRON blockchain and ERC-20 interoperability with Waves partnership along with wrapped BTC/ETH will only spark this catalyst IMHO.

>> No.23850169

their entire network got shutdown last week are you fucking retarded, its so insecure and just a shitty ETH clone.

a good ETH alternative is Fantom. L2 solutions like Loopring and xDai are viable as well. Not fucking tron.