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23847278 No.23847278 [Reply] [Original]

White people are better in every way i fucking hate being the only black person among my white frens here in austria, with every moment i see that they are better people in every fucking way, how to profit from this?

>> No.23847303


If you were white you'd complain about being a dicklet, if you had a big dick you'd complain about your height, after that you'd complain about your strength and after that you'd complain about money, after that you'd complain about all women being whores or something.

Long story short, I know it's hard, but don't fixate on your problems, that's what kills ya kid.


>> No.23847312
File: 6 KB, 200x188, 193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do a michael jackson i guess

>> No.23847349

sorry bro thats just how it do sometimes, but the way you profit is by exploiting lefties. they'll bend over backwards because muh oppression or some shit like that

>> No.23847378

do porn and fuck white girls left and right

>> No.23847470

Just buy as much link as possible fren, if you can get fuck you money, then you can just tell everyone to go fuck themselves.
>t. loser social-outcast loner hoping to do just that

>> No.23847524

>White people are better in every way
but if you feel that way you can just act fucking white and HAVE IT. The knowledge and wisdom of western civilization is out there. How to treat people, how to treat money, how to treat your home, how to treat your family/wife, it's all there, the fucking super duper secret white cheat code for stability and cozy success, waiting for any and all individuals to pluck like a perfectly ripe fruit. People say I'm a racist because I don't tow the line but the racists say I'm a retard for believing in the obvious fact that the record of white behavior, the instruction manual for the life non-whites are jealous of, is right there free for everybody from colonist tier farmers with wood houses and no electricity to modern day metro degens, the cure is staring everybody in the face and instead of using it they hate it. Don't feel like shit for being non-white OP, the way to profit is to pretend white standards are everybody's standards and ignore that you aren't white. If you really buy in youll be as ok as any random white person by and large. Which isn't always great, but APPARENTLY is highly coveted and a source of fucking constant jealousy and derision, oh you eeeeevil whites!

>> No.23847983
File: 59 KB, 800x266, Boring_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BoringDAO doesn't care what color you are, it only cares that you "know".

>Know about what?

How unbelievably useful it is.

>> No.23848064
File: 3 KB, 120x125, 1582712007645s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join an anti refugee chapter and they will prop you up on a pedestal as the colored spokesman

>> No.23848076

this mostly. there's nothing you can do about your iq tho. hopefully OP is on the far right of his bellcurve.

>> No.23848083

G'day mate, how're them wallaby's treatin' ya?

>> No.23848099

He said austria not australia, retard

>> No.23848127

Crickey, I don't know how you can read that quickly upside down.

>> No.23848131

brainlet ngmi

>> No.23848162

Move to the US. They got BLM or some sandwhich like that.

>> No.23848165
File: 21 KB, 515x497, 5C8D630D-C750-4768-BD93-2E670EA93F16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being white feels so fucking good. Is this what the elves feel like in lotr?

>> No.23848209

What's it like not being white bros?

>> No.23849202

become a rapper

>> No.23849850

there's no cotton to pick in crypto

>> No.23850557


Just add that you have to be conscious of your surroundings.

>> No.23850700

Social engineering false flag thread

Execute all social engineering shills at knifepoint

>> No.23850887

Its ok fren, at least you have realized your disability. Do you at least have a big dick and are athletic? My advice is to assimilate yourself into western white culture as much as possible and revolt and work against your own culture. Most whites don't mind sophisticated black people that are not... uuuhuuummm, "niggers". Be as Austrian as you can be and stay away from typically black professions.

You profit off affirmative action and diversity hires as an undercover "black man", but are actually very Austrian and apart of western culture the best you can. You may not ever be "white", but your coworkers will have more respect for you if you try. Good luck anon, this can work out well if you assimilate correctly.

>> No.23852013

Just talk to Jesus bud, I love you.

>> No.23852029

Ok doja

>> No.23852031

just stop being a nigger

>> No.23852047

based retard

>> No.23852066
File: 1.96 MB, 1536x2087, 1604879236097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really good post actually. OP print this out and read it every morning. Become a based black man and you can ascend to heights and break barriers otherwise thought impossible.

>> No.23852070

An actual based alpha male answer. No bs, no nigger spamming, no libtard shit, no incel shit. Just the solid truth.

>> No.23852081

Go back to Africa
Steal the money from people who want to cross the Mediterranean

>> No.23852118

Be more like Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell and stop being a self-hating fucking loser.

>> No.23852144

this likely doubles as a datamining thread

>> No.23852211

Better be asian atleast your not cucked by blacks and children raped by arab and black immigrants lol

Fuck ugly mayos theyre pathetic

>> No.23852231

>i see that they are better people in every fucking way
not necessarily. stop torturing yourself with silly ideas. Be glad you dont live in the zoo of the US and enjoy life, dont take all that metapolitical nonsense too seriously. An individuals morals are better grounded than a societies leaders so dont worry too much about how it all fits

>> No.23852238

play the cards you're delt.
imagine bitching to the dealer because you don't like your hand

>> No.23852256
File: 356 KB, 2316x979, Screenshot_20201110-215123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be a nigger and embrace western civilization and you'll be ok.

>> No.23852314
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, td3t7ikm3m851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm asian

>> No.23852329

>Fuck ugly mayos
why do u hate mayo's?

>> No.23852346

Be a good slave to them and don't procreate.

>> No.23852541

this pretty much

>> No.23852910
File: 274 KB, 946x992, Fuselberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleach your skin and then praise Fuse for turning God against the normies. Scream about the Jewish empire while riding their coat-tails, yelling THEY CONTROL THE FUSE in the streets.

>> No.23853684

I hate that you're black too

>> No.23854404

black man > Nigger

>> No.23854478

Sell passes to say the n-word

>> No.23855774

go fuck white girls

>> No.23855822

youre right apart from the strength part, im at the last step, but i think i found a girl whos not a whore and love her

>> No.23855844

Stop being racist towards yourself.

>> No.23855848

its all about class bro, theres respectable black people and ur hating being black because deep inside u know ur not quite there yet

acquire money and be humble