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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 300x300, ark2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2384513 No.2384513 [Reply] [Original]

We're only 40,000 Ark away now. We've almost done it boys; ready the champagne. I'm proud of all of you and we're all going to make it. I made a new thread since our boy ⋐ӎ⋑ !MagnetW3NU went to sleep.

What is going on?
If you don't already know, ARK is one of the unique cryptos to use DPoS which is Delegated Proof of Stake, In the case of Ark it works like this:
>in the Ark world there are only 51 machines that create new Ark called delegates
>who these top 51 delegates are is changing all the time
>because people vote for who they want to be a delegate
>there are a bunch of delegates (anyone can register to become a delegate)
>people vote for these delegates with how much money is in their wallet
here's where it gets dank as hell
>anyone can unvote at anytime and change to another delegate
>delegates often pool their Ark earnings with the voters
>yes you can get paid with Ark by voting for delegates
>/biz/ has created their own delegate with 100% payout for the first 50 days of forging ARK
>When we hit 500K some anons shifted gear into maximum over FUD
>This how you know we're becoming powerful

PERSPECTIVE: More than $500,000 of Ark has been raised by /biz/nessmen since the night of June 6th.
/biz/ Ark PoolDelegate Discord: https://discord.gg/ZyM6FZy

if you want more information check these links
HOW 2 VOTE: https://blog.ark.io/how-to-vote-or-un-vote-an-ark-delegate-and-how-does-it-all-work-819c5439da68
biz Proposal: https://forum.ark.io/topic/341/100-payout-for-first-50-days-biz-sharepool-delegate
Delegated PoS: https://blog.ark.io/dpos-and-ark-voting-explained-68596a171ca1
Whitepaper: https://ark.io/whitepaper/
Official Ark Devs/community Slack: https://ark.io/join-ark-slack/
Current delegate rank standings: https://www.arknode.net/VoteReport.txt
First three bizarkpool threads:

Previous thread >>2381276

>> No.2384551
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Thanks anon you are doing Keks work here.

>> No.2384577

Seems like a scam.

What happens if the delegate dies in a car crash?

Too many unknown variables.

>> No.2384586

Your ark stays in your wallet, so if you stop getting payouts you can always switch your vote.

>> No.2384590

>What happens if the delegate dies in a car crash?

Then you vote for someone else and earn stakes from them. That's the best part, if you ever get fucked by a delegate you can just change your vote for 1 Ark.

>> No.2384591

Then you just vote for another one. You aren't hard locked into a vote and and revoke it for 1 ARK and revote for anyone else for another 1 ARK.

>> No.2384593

I have 200 ark.

If I add more do I get more stake?

>> No.2384597

2 arks, costs 1 ark to unvote.

>> No.2384600

We jump to a different pool. You lose 3 ark 1 from first vote for biz 1 from unvoting and 1 more for voting again...

>> No.2384609


>> No.2384614

You won't have to revote the wallet adjusts the more you add

>> No.2384615

Then you vote for another delegate. You're not giving him your ARK. Also, it takes 90 cents to vote. I don't really give a shit if the biz delegate dies.

>> No.2384617

had issues creating an account in the earlier thread. fixed by downloading v.1.2.1!

>> No.2384618

Why join the biz crew? Why not join one of the top 5?

>> No.2384624


>> No.2384627

We have 100% payout the first week, then 90% which is WAY more than the others.

>> No.2384630

Yes, each of our payouts will be proportional to the total payout, at the same ratio of our personal wallet to the total ark held by biz pool members.

>> No.2384631

You get more stakes by voting for a pool with less Ark. You'd get less than half of what you would from the biz group if you voted for the top 10 delegates.

>> No.2384634


>> No.2384638

But thats only if biz breaks into the top 51, right?

>> No.2384643
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we raised to 52 in a couple of days

>> No.2384645
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>> No.2384647

A few reasons
1.Our payout will be 100%, the best in the top 5 is only 90% and most are not even that much.
2.Payout is decided by how much of a share you have of votes voting for that node. By joining one with over a million votes your share will obviously be less.
3.All of the top 51 forge at the same rate, it cycles.
4.We are pretty fucking close to being in the top 51 right now so if you wait it'll end up costing you as you'd have to pay to unvote and revote.
5.Its just nice to have a /biz/ node as one of the top 51 in my opinion.

>> No.2384651


>> No.2384652

>not buying NGR

Enjoy your bags

>> No.2384655

>if you wait it'll end up costing you as you'd have to pay to unvote and revote.
Wow a whole 2 dollars. WGAF.

>> No.2384669

How big are the expected payouts?
Let's say I have... 100 ARKs invested.

>> No.2384670
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FUDder alert.

>> No.2384671

2 dollars is 2 dollars, I'm not the type to just take a lighter out and set money on fire even if it is only a couple bucks.

>> No.2384674
File: 18 KB, 416x231, bbcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbcucks right now

>> No.2384680

Fuck yeah this is better

>> No.2384681

more than what you would get from not staking aka voting for a top 51 delegate.

>> No.2384684

Yeah you've confirmed my suspicions.

>> No.2384686

around 1 ark a month

>> No.2384699

Hey if wasting money is what you're into feel free, I won't stop you.

>> No.2384702

Transferring ARK to my wallet now....... I'm coming aboard, boys!

>> No.2384710

He is just a FUDder from the bbcuckclub that we are about to pass. They dont realize they keep bumping our thread so more people read it. The whole time our votes keep going up.

>> No.2384711
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Heading off to bed. Good luck to us and nice work! WE ALMOST AT 51! I am off to beddd gotta wake up for some beach time tomorrow. LATERZ!

>> No.2384718

The formuoli is (422(<your Ark>/<total Ark in the biz pool>))

You can check the total Ark in the biz pool here:

>> No.2384719


>> No.2384725

Alright, you guys convinced me.
Putting some in.

>> No.2384733

bittrex is fucking lame. Why cant I do a market buy? This limit buy shit is taking too long.

>> No.2384737

I should also have added that that is for the daily payout.

>> No.2384751
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I saw the votes go up. Nice choice my friend.

>> No.2384772


I am trying to buy ARK on Bittrex but am very confused by this.

I will try placing a limit order at the last price, but my orders never get filled.

>> No.2384773
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>> No.2384784
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Bro I'm having the same problem >>2384733

What a joke of an exchange

>> No.2384785

We're only 100% the first 50 days.

>> No.2384789

The bots are not letting you buy at the set price just refresh and try again.

>> No.2384790

If you want to immediately buy you need to buy at the current limit sell price. You are putting in what price you will buy at but that doesn't guarantee someone will sell you at that price, particularly with bots working that will automatically outbid you.

>> No.2384795
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>tfw FUDers bump your own threads that will be their demise

>> No.2384799

I think he meant that getting another 40k ARK or more is a foregone conclusion at this point.

>> No.2384802

Yeah, I should have been more clear about that. We'd still have the highest payout rate and likely the highest payout due to having a smaller pool than the other 90% ones though.

>> No.2384807

lol its the stupid little bitch from the last thread.

Post how much you've staked, bitch

(watch, the little bitch wont. hes a broke little nothing)

>> No.2384809

How often are the payouts? And do they go directly into our ARK wallets?

>> No.2384810

the desktop application is still fucky. isn't registering deposited ark when blockchain has already confirmed it. can't add delegates either.
running windows 10
can't invest unless this issue is fixed...

>> No.2384812


wtf? I am trying to BUY ARK, do you understand that? I just want my orders filled on Bittrex but its not happening

>> No.2384817

No worries, just keeping everything on the up and up.

>> No.2384818

first one will be after the first day forging, after that weekly, yes they'll go directly into wallets.

>> No.2384819

weekly (pay less in fees) and yes

>> No.2384822

It is a percentage based on how much ark you have in your wallet you voted with. Here is a spreadsheet of the current delegates so you can get an idea.


>> No.2384823

He's really stupid.

>> No.2384826

Weekly, and yes.

>> No.2384827

>windows 10
I think this might be the problem, I remember someone in one of the early threads saying that it was working fine on a windows 7 computer he had but for some reason not on a windows 10.

>> No.2384828

Buy it at ask price instead of bidding?

>> No.2384832

That wasn't me, I actually just now did it.
It says the transaction went through, so if we get into top 51 we'll start seeing some returns?
So right now if we send in 1 ark, we'll get back 1 ark every once and awhile. Even if this coin soras, and it becomes worth $100 a coin, we'll still be getting 1 ark?

>> No.2384833

Oh and yes they go directly into your wallet.

>> No.2384835
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>> No.2384834

cancel and set a higher price.

>> No.2384836

Press the refresh circle. If that don't work click the cloud in the top right hand corner and click on the http link it should change the peer.

>> No.2384837

lol fucking idiot. a

>> No.2384840

this just makes the bot run it up higher, either buy at sell price or just leave the buy there for a few hours and hope it fills.

>> No.2384841

>if >if >if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if>if >if

>> No.2384846


>> No.2384848

Yes once we get into the top 51, which will be soon. We will see returns. You can see how close we are getting by all the people above us coming here and trying to start hate. I assume we would get less over time the more people start staking but I am not sure. If people keep in on exchanges there wont be as many people staking. Hard to say on that part.

>> No.2384849
File: 20 KB, 808x124, Screen Shot 2017-06-10 at 10.54.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok finally got my ARK. But I'm still not convinced to put in in your little club.

Convince me.

>> No.2384853

yep, your ROI is based in ARK.

>> No.2384854
File: 96 KB, 2800x799, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks guys, im in

these were just test buys, I might open a big position soon

>> No.2384856
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51 | bbclubark | 0.54 | 685,808 | 5 |
| 52 | biz | 0.51 | 651,432 | 450

>> No.2384857

You don't have to, but it's free money

>> No.2384859
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hes probably a bbcuck too

>> No.2384860

Only 12% annually, right? I mean, thats ok I guess. But I've been getting 10% gainz everyday just holding eth.

>> No.2384861

vote quarkpool, they have a decent payout rate and we could stop listening to your high maintenance ass.

>> No.2384864
File: 393 KB, 945x736, FULLMOONSTENGTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also were we are at currently
Discord for more questions

>> No.2384868

Yeah I went on the discord and it's all college kids talking about getting shoved into lockers and working in fast food.

>> No.2384872

man, its not really viable with under 1000 ark. i had better get accumulating

>> No.2384884
File: 79 KB, 300x173, dontbeafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

college kids that raised 650k + ark to get money for our community...and I am not a kid fyi but I am tired so I am going to bed.

>> No.2384888

What's the number on the far right?

>> No.2384890

Tell me how many ARK I'll get per week if I stake 200

>> No.2384892

I'm in for 240 ARK!!

>> No.2384903

Number of people voting for that node so while bbclubark has 5 whales we've got 449 people

>> No.2384910
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Fine choice sir.

>> No.2384912


>> No.2384915

That's about 1 Ark a week. Better than nothing though, especially if Ark goes to ETH levels

>> No.2384922

That's what I thought. P dope.

>> No.2384923

Total members in the pool.

>> No.2384928

1 ark every 2 weeks is probably closer

>> No.2384955
File: 10 KB, 640x480, Spikethinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best bet is to keep this coin for long term guys you need continue to add to your wallet to make more. This is a long term coin not a PnD and the project is amazing!

>> No.2384956

doesn't work on windows 7 either...
clicked on cloud/peer but doesn't refresh. ark also isn't working on my backup computer. could it have something to do with my modem/network?

>> No.2384965

did you create a wallet? save the passphrase? make sure to back it up!

>> No.2384972

He's tried all that, the account won't create, I'm stumped.

>> No.2384978

I really want to, but all my coins but ETH are in the tank right now so I'm not buying more yet

I don't know how much longer Ark can stay at this low a price though

>> No.2384986

Have you tried reaching out to Ark via their slack channel?

>> No.2384988

Waste of time

>> No.2384998

If you don't think that ARK is a good longterm buy its a waste of time, if you think that it is then this is additional gains on your holdings.

>> No.2385003
File: 19 KB, 300x301, Arkbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hodl I am pretty sure almost everyone is holding bags atm stay strong

>> No.2385011

Only ETH matters now

>> No.2385015

Looks like the bbcucks just upped their vote pool a little bit. Damn they really are scared. I smell blood in the water boys.

>> No.2385027
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for more info on coin

>> No.2385058

Yepp, they're fatass whales who don't want to lose their spot.

>> No.2385095

My prediction is that they'll keep a spot in the top 51 and someone else will end up being the one kicked out.

>> No.2385112

Fine by me. That probably means they are having to buy more ARK right now to stay in. Which makes the price of ARK go up, and that is good for all of us. Either way, we are going to make it anon.

>> No.2385136

Yeah, just saying not to get discouraged if they keep buying more, odds are that someone in 40-50 will fall, they're all bunched really close together.

>> No.2385148

alright boys, just added my 140 Ark. It's not much but im a poorfag.

>> No.2385176

Nicely done anon. Here's hoping you're worth $14,000 next year.

>> No.2385180
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>> No.2385195

I'm so glad I didn't sell my 3k ARK today during the crash. I have great hope for this coin. :) I believe by the end of the year this coin will be worth at least $10.

>> No.2385249

This is a very long hold for sure. Whales will continue to try and keep the price down so they can accumulate. Keep calm and HODL on.

>> No.2385259

All this is great but you never give the delegates name, where do I point my 6k ARK?

>> No.2385265


>> No.2385269
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>> No.2385325

I got almost 4k ARK I'd like to join however ist there like a calculator like the spreadsheet or so where you can see how much you'd earn? Will we earn less because there are so many or is it irrelevant?

>> No.2385346

It is based on the percentage you carry compared to other voters in the same delegate pool. So it constantly changes. Here is a spreadsheet to give you an idea. The first 50 days we will have a 100% profit share then down to 90% aftert that so we will be making a better return than anyone else currently.


>> No.2385366

awesome we are so close.

supporting with 1600 ark

>> No.2385369

See >>2384718

>> No.2385371

how much of your portfolio you got in ark? I read a lot about other projects but I feel like I dont really want to take risks with them and lessen the amount of arks that I have. I feel like this is one of the projects that have most potential to really become a top coin in this market. On top of that it is really rewarding to just hold long with the delegate system. I think I will be holding this for atleast 2 years keeping the coins in my wallet adding interest and possibly trying to get in even more ark from paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.2385395

Alright I had ARK before our biz delegate and I just voted for one of the Spreadsheet Guys to test it out and as soon as I get my payment (hopefully today) I'll unvote and go on biz

>> No.2385448
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Sent :^)

>> No.2385460

I'm 50% ETH, 40% ARK and 10% other coins

I bought a shitton of ETH at $10 and put quite a bit of it into Ark 2 weeks ago. I have a lot of faith in the project and the devs.

>> No.2385472
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Too much tbqhwyf
I'm missing out on many short term gains. It also doesn't help that I'm poor

>> No.2385485

put 2500 more in

>> No.2385504

we are almost in identical situations.

>> No.2385511
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Keep it up \biz\nessmen we only need about 20k more or so to grab that 51 spot. As long as the bbcucks dont add anymore ARK.

>> No.2385512

do i need to revote if im adding onto the amount in wallet when initially voting

>> No.2385517


>> No.2385521

nvm i think it showed up plus some others contributions, we are 7k away now

>> No.2385556

The delegate proposal page says that the Payout will be done weekly but is there a minimum payout? Most of as are very small owners of ark compared to the other groups as our voter count is the highest and with 1k ark you are expecting to get a little more than 1 ark per week. 0.1 transaction fee of that is close to 10% of the whole payout which is kind of big. Should there be a minimum payout to get the proportion of the transaction fee/pay out smaller? This would reward people to really keep their coins in the wallets.

>> No.2385565

stupid question here, is blockfolio doing the trading or is it more like a tracker where you have to enter your trades by yourself?

>> No.2385584

It doesn't do actual trading, it's just to keep track

>> No.2385587


>> No.2385630

I havent seen the bizbro delegate say what the minimum payment would be. I know he is willing to do whatever biz wants. I think a minium for 1 ARK on a weekly payout should be ok, it can always be changed.

>> No.2385639
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>> No.2385714
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So close!

>> No.2385724


>> No.2385728

>tfw 130 ark
i will probs get like 10 sats a year

>> No.2385746

just voted with about 700.. is it too small to make any real gain

>> No.2385769

Any gain is good enough anon!

>> No.2385787

I will add 1k once my banks clears this fucking shit

>> No.2385788

although I'm awaiting returns from another one to switch to biz I voted him now with half my ARKs (roughly 2k) about 5 secs ago so we should be 51 in a few minutes

>> No.2385791
File: 48 KB, 223x298, 1494077269935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put in another 1300 now . bring a wad of hundreds and grandma's valium. its going down tonight

>> No.2385795

Lmao, I have 20 so no worries

>> No.2385800
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Wait, so if I put 1000 dollars in and we get 51, I get 2000 dollars?

>> No.2385804

Howd you come up with that?

>> No.2385808

How does it feel know you put us over into 51 territory, boys?

No, what the fuck.

>> No.2385812

>100% payout
Am I reading this wrong?

>> No.2385816

100% payout of the amount of ark the biz delegate forges (like mining)

>> No.2385822

distributed over every voter proportionally

>> No.2385824
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Can you explain this to an Ark retard newbie?

How much has he forged?

>> No.2385827

Yes. I did the math with 20 ARK. Id get 0.1 daily. So do the math how much ARK you hodl in your wallet since i dont remember the formula.

>> No.2385830

Nothing yet because we arnt in the top 51 delegates yet.



>> No.2385844

Less than 2k to go.

>> No.2385863

So I'm looking at adding 5k right now. What will that do?

>> No.2385871

Make everyone love you

>> No.2385872

we'll make it

>> No.2385877

it will deliver us to the promised land anon

>> No.2385881

5k incoming anons

>> No.2385886

You would put us in into the money making zone and we will love you forever. May Kek bless you.

>> No.2385919

You are officially /ourguy/

>> No.2385953
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Go man, go!

>> No.2385958

>tfw gonna be making .25 ark a day just by doing nothing now
frick yeah

>> No.2385962


>> No.2385980
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>arknode.net sees a spam of F5 on their votereport.txt page, thinks they're being ddosed

>> No.2385987

>tfw gonna be making .7 arc a month by doing nothing
Better than nothing. If I weren't a poorfag I'd dump a tad more into it to get that at least ~1 arc a month.

>> No.2385993

This must be how rich people feel.

>> No.2385996

Now imagine making that much ETH a day.

>> No.2386000


>> No.2386001

joined with 950 ark

>> No.2386005
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>> No.2386006
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WE'RE #51

>> No.2386008

whats the formula again?

>> No.2386018


>> No.2386021


>> No.2386028

now we just hope some whales dont jump ship too fast.. with 100% for 50 days and 90% for a long time we will be the most profitable pool by far and in a bad scenario we will get 1m+ votes in the next few hours making all our share way smaller.

>> No.2386029

Let's keep clawing more ARK into our wallets, I'd like us snugly burrowed into the 800k range with the rest of the herd.

>> No.2386038
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We made it

>> No.2386048
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THREAD THEME: https://youtu.be/JAEDQwMtf4o

I love you guys, we're all going to make it. Imagine if Ark reaches $10 a coin, or even Ethereum levels if you want to dream.

>> No.2386050


>> No.2386054

You're welcome boys. So my 20k wallet cost me just 3 ark to sign up with biz? And I can get it back?

I'm made 300k last month in cryptos. So give info. I will help.

>> No.2386062

next Mission Top 10!

>> No.2386069

Hopefully this is only the beginning. Good work everyone.

>> No.2386074


>> No.2386076

yes send some to my wallet

>> No.2386091

With 20k ark you'd be paying off that 3 ark in less than a day

>> No.2386095
File: 4 KB, 244x206, 423543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost my passphrase
>all ark is stuck in the wallet for forever


>> No.2386098
File: 359 KB, 160x221, go_man_go.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only. We'll see what ARK does in the future, but I'm new to this and have no expectations thereby avoiding disappointment.

Made a looping gif of Fry eating cereal off his head. Pic related.

>> No.2386108

New thread bros.


>> No.2386110

how much

>> No.2386111

You'll make that back from staking easily. The payout comes once a week though, so we can get more (less transaction fees)

You have 20k, so that means you'll be getting about 11.7 Ark a day passively at the current pool amount.

>> No.2386117

I just haven't staked before. But think I get it.

>> No.2386142

Happened to me. Twice.

>mfw when i lost nearly 4k ARK 29k and 32k sat

>> No.2386145

422*(<total Ark in your wallet>/<total Ark in the biz pool>) = your daily Ark gains

>> No.2386186
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We fucking did it Ark bros! See you guys at the top!

>> No.2386241

Keep adding as you can. We can slip out from 51 just as fast. We need to get up to at least 40.

>> No.2386245

Lol thanks jOO

>> No.2386304

2.3 ark a month..

>> No.2386338

alright arkfags i just bought in, casting my vote in a few mins. i can get behind a future like this, what we're doing

>> No.2386406

a general biz group investment thing would be a fun precedent to set.

>> No.2386991

We get 90% of 422 ARK per day, so 379.8 ARK shared between all the voters.

>> No.2387076

which retard made it 100% my gains have halved in 1 hour

>> No.2387130

thats almost as twice as much as from any other pool

>> No.2387137

about to add 2k
were still in the top 51 right??

>> No.2387147



>> No.2387209
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>> No.2387275

What do you mean?

( 20k / 900k ) * 422 = 9.37 per day
after 50 days you'll have made 464.7 Ark, but thats assuming the pool stays at 900k

>> No.2387285

If i add more ark to my wallet will it automatically update? Already voted 3 days ago.

>> No.2387583

We get 90% of 422 ARK per day so it is roughly 380 ARK shared

>> No.2387611


>> No.2387633

100% for fiddy days tho

>> No.2387661

17th now. Did a whale jump aboard?
I don't have much crypto, and I can't dump in a lot to re-up my gains. We can't stop other whales from hopping aboard and taking the lionshare of generated ark can we?

>> No.2387721

Any news about this bot whale now that we've reached top 20 ?

>> No.2387739

I added an extra 100, wish I could help with more but i'm a poorfag

>> No.2387743

There are some big boys in our pool now, and I doubt they're from /biz/

>> No.2387756

added about 3k glad to be part of this even if i'm not really from /biz/

>> No.2387792

This is why we voted biz

>> No.2387806

Who would want a centralized shitcoin?

>> No.2387824

Must have. bbcuck pool had 6 voters. They're probably salty that they're not getting payouts anymore, and we have the highest rate.

>> No.2387835

I was wondering how much I'll get back from my vote ? Well does it even depend of how much I voted for ? Or just how many I have in my wallet ?

Like I voted only one ARK just to show support, and have 24 ARK in my wallet, how much can I expect (if the coin stays at around 0.9€ / 1€) considering I'm adding 50 ARK at the end of the month ?

>> No.2387866


>> No.2387875

however much is in your wallet determines your share no matter when you cast your vote, as long as the wallet in question is the same address

>> No.2387890

Elaborate and substantiate your claims.

>> No.2387942
File: 25 KB, 150x246, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We went from 58 to 52 in less than a week. This is awesome my dudes. Glad to see we came together on this.

>> No.2387952

ARK will be the official /biz/ coin.

>> No.2387978


>> No.2388338
File: 9 KB, 300x280, DYNOMYTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2388385

>wake up
>refresh vote page
>/biz/ isn't in 52n, or 51st, or 50th, or anywhere in that range I'm looking
>wtf wtf wtf did it fall apart
>ctrl+f, we're number 20th
Damn, can't believe we pulled this shit off in less than five days.

>> No.2388473

biz is actually 99% funded by 3 whales, rest being small-time holders to make it look like it's not. The whales viciously attack anyone in the discord or in the thread who want any information about ark before putting thier money in it, and shame people who "don't buy enough". It's unlikely that anyone will see a payout past the first few except the whales.

>> No.2388519

Sounds like bollocks to me

>> No.2388555

You realize that you can look at the balances of the addresses in the block explorer so people can easily see through this bullshit right?

>> No.2388558

Read the previous thread and closely examine the voter addresses if you don't believe it.

>> No.2388674

Hello fellow ARKbros,

We have successfully got enough votes to get a node in the first week. I'm very impressed.

We now face a new problem of Whale's dominating the share of ARK in the pool. If these whale's are /biz/raeli's than that's great glad we got some bros on the team. But if it's (((whales))) we should try and duck them. We can do this as we continue to accumulate, and ARKserverbro can set up diferent nodes, that we can all vote for and the whales will be left behind, We might be able to play a cat and mouse game, but we should continue to theorize and strategize for the ways of getting the most gains for /us/

>> No.2388808


Yeah I was not expecting this. Kind of throws a wrench in our plan. Wont he be stealing all our dosh?

>> No.2388858

There's something else quite strange in the votes: many of the voters show transactions that go like this.
- feed wallet from bittrex
- vote
- send all the ark left over to another wallet
- that wallet also votes
Including but not limited to some accounts being used to receive lots of ark just sending them to different addresses, likely to split-vote.

>> No.2388898

What exactly do you perceive the benefit of this to be? More voters is not helpful, the only thing it does is lose them ark.

>> No.2388906

Basically I think you're just a faggot that doubted and is now trying to rationalize your way out of being wrong.
t. 3600 ark holder in pool

>> No.2388935

Pay (((whales))) at a lower rate?

>> No.2388941

To make it look like there are many voters when there are actually much fewer. For example, maybe there are about 100-150 legitimate voters, but it appears there are over 500. This plays into the advertisement that this is the "anthill delegate made up of mostly small holders" even though that isn't true.
The people doing that are probably the same whales that fund the great majority of the delegate.

>> No.2388968

Can't do that. There are probably a few legit heavy-baggers who came in because they believed in the /biz/raeli cause.

>> No.2388974

There is absolutely no incentive in doing this. If three people were really the ones behind this node as you claim the most financially beneficial move for them would have been to not advertise a single bit, take their spot in the top 51, not have a public group, and receive all forgings for themselves. Not offer 100% to everyone who wants in as this shoots themselves in the foot when it comes to earnings.

>> No.2388980

>500 voters
>Isn't true

>> No.2389008

100% for first 50 days and 90% thereafter*

>> No.2389020

How is losing 0.0000001% profit going to shoot them in the foot when it can be used as an advertisement platform to provide future security against one of them leaving which would bring the whole thing down?

>> No.2389041

If they're only losing .0000001% then its rather obvious that they are getting no security from one of them leaving as they still have 99.999999% of the voting weight. Do you even think about what you're typing before you complete your post?

>> No.2389043

ark is at 0.00032683
right now.
Should I buy in?
I just jumped out of DGB

>> No.2389062

I nearly sent my ARK to the biz address lol

>> No.2389076

Only 100-150 have money in the account, and the others just passed around a pool of ark to vote and then into the next account.
Additionally, of the 100-150, many are split addresses from whales. If you remove small-time holders, you're left with a handful of addresses each whaly in their own right and most likely from the same few people.

>> No.2389093

I don't see any advantage of Ark's system over Decred.

Decred has, by far, the best voting system in any coin I have seen yet (and I've been in Bitcoin since it was below $2)

My bet is on Decred to be the successor of Bitcoin actually.

>> No.2389110

Any way we can differentiate between them?

>> No.2389135

whitelist them based on whether they put in before today, though really node owner's reputation would be shit in the ark community since he did advertise it on their forum as well because people were worried we wouldn't get enough on our own. Which is yet another hole in the retarded theory that this is all just a couple whales.

>> No.2389179

I guess our reputation is worth more than that. We shouldn't do anything too radical without discussing it with the Ark forum first and for now I think we should simply sit back and look how it develops.

What is the highest share another delegate offers? Perhaps we could establish a still quite high, but lower rate for new voters?

>> No.2389183

Should I buy ark right now or no?

>> No.2389185

You do realize you can just check the addresses and the voters, right?

>> No.2389197

wait for another dip. got pretty low yesterday

>> No.2389203

/biz/ Telegram link for discussing Ark:

>> No.2389213

Yes, do you? Because your 99% claim is quite clearly bullshit.

>> No.2389215

guys I got a watch-only address called biz, can I delete that

>> No.2389223

highest share offered by other nodes is 90%.

>> No.2389239

I see you're one of the whales. Sorry for wasting your time in trying to educate you on what you're doing with the delegate.

>> No.2389249

>3.6k is a whale
Sorry, I didn't realize you were poor.

>> No.2389250

Ours is also 90% after the first 50 days (i.e. after 4 payouts).

>> No.2389255

Sell us.

>> No.2389273


Small problem with your math, buddy.

>> No.2389283

>3.6k per address, 13 addresses isn't a whale

>> No.2389291

What do you mean? I don't see a problem here. After all we have over 500 legitimate voters and no whales.

>> No.2389297

hillary doesnt care about cryoto

>> No.2389304

Why does everyone have to fight, we are all making money, big or small.
Why can't we all be happy we are making money for doing nothing?

>> No.2389319

Because the delegate and his two cronies started attacking voters and potential voters for daring to ask what ark was and how it worked before investing money into it.

>> No.2389326

Because somebody's an asshole that's trying to take away from the accomplishment just because he doubted from the beginning.
Here's my single address you fucker. The one ark I sent out was a tip to a guy who made a cool sketch.

>> No.2389337

The fact is the delegate doesn't need to give anyone any of the money that is forged. The delegate can keep all the money or split among himself and whoever is assisting (e.g. whales) while the rest get nothing. Sure, if that happens, everyone can unvote. But the delegate can delay this by saying it's a software issue and it'll be resolved soon, and convince enough people long enough to attain his objective.

>> No.2389340


Agreed. Doesn't seem to be a problem.
A more important issue, however - how do we go on to shill Ark to new heights?

>> No.2389348

You will have to talk to Magnet about that, he is the one who started this and i'm sure he will deal with the problem.

>> No.2389359

That's precisely the problem: magnet is the prime instigator in this. See the last thread.

>> No.2389373

This is the real issue that should be addressed.

>> No.2389402


You can unvote from your own ARK client. Magnet can't stop you.

>> No.2389408

When's the best time to buy this?

>> No.2389418

Can someone please tell me to buy in now or wait for another dip?

>> No.2389450

Last night I was thinking it'd dip below 30k again after it rebounded but hasn't so far. Noone can predict the price exactly unfortunately.

>> No.2389461

But are you truly ready to lose your payout by unvoting before the totally real software issues are resolved?

>> No.2389492

Are you a retard?

>> No.2389500

Unlike you, I'm not.

>> No.2389521

No, I'm pretty sure you are. Or somebody from another pool. You lost. Deal with it.

>> No.2389533

Someone from another pool. Definitely.

>> No.2389541

50 days is seven weeks, or seven payouts, not counting the day one payout as evidence of good faith. 7*7=49+1=50.

>> No.2389571

I'm saying that we will never see 7 payouts for the same reason biz is whale infested and there aren't anywhere near 500 legit votes.

>> No.2389597

Only the faithful need board the ARK.

>> No.2389624

So how much do you guys think Ark will be worth eventually? I bought 1770 Ark when it was 50 cents, bought an additional 1000 when it was 97 cents.

>> No.2389640

I don't understand what danger having any big "whales" is in someone's delegate pool. Can someone explain why this is a bad thing or why it matters so long as it bumped us up past 51?

>> No.2389645

>I want transparency! If you have any complaint or question, ask!
>ask question, point out ark should generally be explained before
rly mks u thk

>> No.2389658

$5 by September, $10 by January. Perood of stagnation, then out of the known universe.

>> No.2389670

dont let these faggot bots scare you when we hit $100 all you weak hands will kys

>> No.2389680

We don't get any more payments when we're no longer in the top 51, meaning if one of the whales changes pool it's over. A separate issue that is not directly related is that payments are handled completely by the delegate, thus the delegate can do whatever he wants with payment policy. This means that if the whales are running with the delegate for a kind of scam, the delegate is free to pay only the whales, for example.

>> No.2389681

When does the voting end? When is the 1st payout?

>> No.2389689

>You idiots will never see seven payouts
>"Only the faithful need board the ARK"

>> No.2389702

End of the day today, as I understand it.

>> No.2389704

>strawmanning this hard
>not even addressing any point
butthurt much, whale?

>> No.2389716
File: 24 KB, 974x402, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we about to take off???

>> No.2389718


Which? The end of voting or the 1st payout?
How many hours do I have left?

>> No.2389732

There is no end to the voting.

>> No.2389742

And if it happens once, everyone jumps ship. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.2389755

Are you a bot?

>> No.2389765

When is the 1st payout?

>> No.2389778

Jesus Christ...

>> No.2389800

Should be today. As for the specific time, I don't know.

>> No.2389814

>I've been talking to a shillbot all this time

>> No.2389822

im on est time so i will pay you all in celebration this evening. from then on every week is pay day. be aware some of the voter's wallets are so small that the script will not be able to split a measly few hundred ark in a way that will be able to pay all 500 voters, but we should have enough ark on a weekly basis to be able to pay the small voters something too. cant believe we made it up so high.

check it out we're 17!

>> No.2389846

And now we know why there are 500 voters: to give an excuse for when only the whales get paid. "it doesn't split small enough!", top kek.

>> No.2389851

... so not everyone will be paid just because their wallet is too small?
Say I want to get paid 1 Ark, what size should my wallet be?

>> No.2389879

Mags, don't fuck us on this.

>> No.2389890

Ok, that helps. Thank you. So basically the biggest risk is a whale pulls out and knocks us off the top 51, but also the owner of this delegate account could simply not pay us, which means we'll all just drop him and move to someone else anyway so there's no real incentive to do that.

>> No.2389891

>what are transfer fees?
If someone has say 20 ark in their wallet their share would be less than .1 ark which is less than the transfer fee and obviously should not be sent. If you were at all capable of basic mathematics you'd understand this already.
Around 3k or so to be paid 1 ark per day. The spreadsheet and formula has been posted over and over again in every thread.

>> No.2389898

How much Ark do you have in this?

>> No.2389904

904 and change.

>> No.2389916
File: 30 KB, 456x320, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I late to the party?
>tfw long confirmations

>> No.2389922

One other question, if your reward is smaller than the minimum payment amount, say you're earning 0.1 ARK per week, but the minimum payout is 1 ARK, do you just not get anything or does it accumulate week over week until you reach the minimum?

Like, is there a risk to be in this and just flat out not get anything for not meeting a minimum payout limit?

>> No.2389924

I don't know if I can completely trust a formula if the delegate may not pay people with 'a few hundred Arks' since 'it doesn't split small enough'

>> No.2389931

Let me ammend: I'm not worried about my stake. I know I'll get mine. This was billed as a delegate of the people. To not be able to pay the people who helped build the ARK is an outcome that is pretty distasteful to me.

>> No.2389941

That's not a bad idea, but how do you track it?

>> No.2389943

Pretty much, yes. As for no incentive to pay, the delegate is still making lots of money (at least a week's worth) which he gets to keep to himself. In the very long term (50 days + 10 weeks I guess) he would break even on scamming us for just a week.

>> No.2389955

I have no skin in the lower end but if it was me I would want a 1 ark minimum payout because even at that rate the transfer fee is eating 10% of your profit.

>> No.2389965

I don't have that much Ark at all, around 300 so I don't think I'll get 1 Ark per week.
Do you have a link to the spreadsheet/formula?

>> No.2389983

I think this should be put to a vote and have those with balances over 3k not participate but I have no idea how the vote would be conducted outside of a good faith system.
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FGo3FkC3uSWXGHatPQyny2brMWjAIJsHFCR-Lhkl_m0/edit
formula:422*sharerate(100%) in our case*(your weight/pool weight)

With 300 ark you would be looking at slightly less than 1 ark per week.

>> No.2389997



>> No.2390015
File: 163 KB, 445x465, the_office meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up and see Biz is at 17th already

that was fast

>> No.2390025

I don't think we can - or should - do that. There may be some /biz/realis who legitimately have that much and wanted to contribute.

>> No.2390029

>delegate up until today
Every little be helps! Even 2 ark votes! Thanks everyone!
>delegate today
lmao I'm not paying you unless you have spent $3000 on this coin lol

>> No.2390072

You misunderstand, what I am advocating is not to screw them out of their profits. I am saying that they should have a cumulative balance that when their share totals to 1(or whatever is agreed upon) ark it sends out during the regular payout.

This is to their benefit as it makes the transfer fee not cut as deeply into their profit but it does not effect those with higher balances in any way which is why I said that those with over 3k(including myself) should not be able to have any say in this other than explaining the effect.

>> No.2390076

3k ark is not exactly nothing, I agree

>> No.2390096

I put 50 ARK into the delegate and every week I will get 0.16 ARK but minus the transaction fees I will get 0.06 ARK per week lol

>> No.2390098

Where is this figure?
Shouldn't it be 935,164.56

>> No.2390107

Isn't it 1 Ark minimum?

>> No.2390130

I don't think there's a minimum right now other than to cover transaction fee at least, his scenario is precisely why I said that if I did have a low amount of ark I would want a minimum.

>> No.2390156

I'm talking about outing the whales being undemocratic.

>> No.2390169

My bad. I was going from memory, since I'm phoneposting.

>> No.2390181

People should not be able to vote on things that do not effect them.

>> No.2390184

In the first place magnet should have been straight with us instead of lying about every little bit helping and how everyone is going to win etc. I'ts not exactly hard to use the same scheme many classic pow pools use as >>2390072
outlines. Coming out literally last second telling people they're not getting paid after having viciously attacked people who wanted answers to very simple questions (how much does it cost to vote - magnet's explanation suggested it cost the entire balance, when can someone vote, how many times can someone vote/unvote, etc.) that have been asked in every thread but magnet still can't be arsed to copy-paste someone else's answer in the op and would rather publicly and noisily announce that that person is totally a troll isn't exactly inspiring confidence either.

That's not even mentioning yet that his advert says he wants transparency and to give feedback if he fucks up, but then when he does get feedback (you should explain better and not think everyone is a troll for wanting to know what they're buying) he attacks them, claiming that they're from other pools and trying to divide "us" and "prevent us from getting in the top 51".

>> No.2390211

>coming out last second
I've been mentioning transaction fees in every thread but the first two(as I joined in the third) and being ignored, not my fault that people are just now grasping their effect.

>> No.2390214

Yeah, I totally forgot about the transaction fees. I feel like if you have more than 250 ARK you get weekly payout and less than 250 ARK you get monthly payout or something along those lines, would make it better because I am sure we have a lot of small donors in our delegate and the gains would be minuscule.

>> No.2390237

The links in the OP explain the voting process you goddamn troglodyte.

And we weren't aiming for the top spot. Dividing the ARK in our wallets by 935k is a hell of a lot worse than the 700 to 800 we were planning on. Of course that skews things.

No shit you're being treated like /b/tard cancer.

>> No.2390461

Hello delegate anon,
in regards to the problem of small-ark holders having a problem of getting a share due to transaction fees and splitting I was wondering if it was possible to have a sort of "dynamic payout interval".

With this I mean that people with smaller ARK possession do get their payouts, but not weekly, but say, bi-weekly (or whatever is necessary). This way it would be possible to send more ARK per transaction and the fees would be a lot lower.

>> No.2390792

They don't explain any of the meaningful questions and give extremely vague instructions for voting proper. But hey, keep shilling. Now that the cat's out of the bag I'm sure you're worth your weight in ark.