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File: 366 KB, 1507x819, gnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2383706 No.2383706 [Reply] [Original]

I have 500 GNT and have made some gains, as it's growth correlates with ETH growth rates. Anyone else here have Golem? If so, do you plan on holding? It may go on Coinbase eventually, which will cause a mooning, though I see it going up up up regardless of its Coinbase.

>> No.2383716

Hodling it until it reaches its peak with brass

>> No.2383739

Same here man. ETH and GNT are my main coins, with about 99% of my assets in ETH. GNT is more of my wildcard and its been all positive thus far. I would encourage anyone interested to get in now while its still low af (58 cents rn)

>> No.2383755

i think it can reach $10 by next year's end

>> No.2383769

Everytime BTC/ETH goes down across the board, Stellar goes up.

No idea why

>> No.2383787
File: 112 KB, 634x717, 1477906633994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak with brass golem
>not holding for peak clay golem
>not holding for peak stone golem
>not holding for peak iron golem

>> No.2383790
File: 62 KB, 1196x921, gntchart61017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. It's been on a steady uptick for the past few months. Not as sporadic in its rise as ETH, though I will give it time and I think we will see a similar moon small dip stabilization moon stabilization small dip process.

I definitely plan on holding mine. If I put it into BTC my chances of doubling or tripling my assets are very slim compared to GNT.

>> No.2383859

>not selling the news

>> No.2383865

why is brass before clay?
shit makes no sense

>> No.2383879

regardless of its Coinbase status**

>> No.2383913

it's a d&d reference isn't it? is there some order in the game?

>> No.2383946
File: 87 KB, 518x636, 1496285577833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting comfy at 4900 gnt. bought that shit back when it was 7 cents a token. god damn this is the comfiest investment ive ever made.

>> No.2384008

jesus. this man is going to be fucking rich. jelly af

>> No.2384028

think i should sell at brass or just hodl till iron

>> No.2384061

Personally I would hold, but then again I would hesitate to take advice from anyone on /biz/ as a credible, good source can not be discerned from a retard shilling some flop coin. I'm definitely holding mine, as I got in on ETH when it was $16 and wish I'd gotten in when it was where GNT is now, under one dollar.

>> No.2384086

why are there such little threads about golem? its one of the steadiest rising coins for a few months now

>> No.2384132

good question. I always ctrl-f and type golem or gnt and rarely see anything. The thread that turned me on to it was the one about them potentially going on coinbase. It is still unclear whether this will take place or not, but the steady rise you mentioned is reason enough to get in, along with the fact that it is connected to ETH and ETH is a godsend coin, BTC 2.0.

>> No.2384305

bumping my own thread. how pathetic. I wish more people were interested in this.

>> No.2384324
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>> No.2384328

shhh the whales know. ;) do hype it up like they did dgb. just let gnt take its natural course with ETH.

>> No.2384343

dont hype*

>> No.2384361

Perhaps you're right and I'm shooting myself in the foot by not keeping this shit on the dl. It's hard to know what's the right move to make in this crypto-game (aside from always hodling that ETH).

The first rule of cryptocurrency:
Always hodl your ETH

>> No.2384421
File: 575 KB, 766x483, GOLEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2384456
File: 96 KB, 550x800, golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean what I think it does?

>> No.2384483

What about the market cap tho? Pretty high, if it reaches $10 it would be almost 10 billion. Which right now would put it at number 3-4 on coinmarketcap.

>> No.2384510

Can you explain this to me? I never understood how the market cap affects the coin. My apologies if this is a dumb question.

>> No.2384526

I'm not sure what people are talking about in this thread. Now, I like gnt and I've owned it for 2 months now, but it has not been a consistent gainer. It's been nice the past week maybe, but before then it's been in the dumps for about 4 weeks straight. I know because while everything else on my wallet was mooning, this coin was consistently bringing my wallet down.

>> No.2384550

I mean now it is stable, slowly moving upward. I was referring to the change since I got in around April to May. I do see it mooning after this brief stabilization though, and have already made some great gains from this coin. I'm optimistic about the Coinbase prospect as well.

>> No.2384555

There are 100 billion GNT coins available, that is quite a lot of coins. The more coins that are out there, the harder it is for a coin to moon. Compare that to btc, 21 million. Eth 92 million.

>> No.2384583

wtf? why is there such an incredibly large amount of GNT available vs. the other two? what determines this? Is it arbitrarily assigned by the creator(s) of the coin?

>> No.2384585


>> No.2384616

Although there are 100 billion coins available, only 800 million of those are in circulation right now. That tells us that the devs are sitting on billions of coins waiting for the price to get to a reasonable price and they dump and get rich. While crashing the price, ofc they won't do this all at once no It'll happen again and again.

And yes the devs decided that when they made gnt.

>> No.2384632


There are 1 billion GNT not 100 billion

>> No.2384633

If there are 100 billion coins available, what does this mean:
Market cap is the total value of Golem. It is calculated based on the total available supply multiplied by the price of each Golem. The market cap of Golem for today is $471,301,227.94. It has a current circulating supply of 829 Million coins.

>> No.2384657

This anon >>2384632 is right:
Available/Total Supply 829 Million / 1 Billion

>> No.2384685
File: 7 KB, 251x218, 1495466870242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this means that 82.9% of the total market cap is taken up. I'm assuming it is good when it hits 100%? Why, because the chances of it mooning are larger? Fuck this is confusing.

>> No.2384776


>> No.2384852

GNT is one of those coins that I have I plan to invest in shortly. I'm just messing around with some other shorter term coins ATM trying to increase my btc. Look at it like this, Brass is going to come out and it's going to pump to a new all time high, coinbase is going to add GNT and it's gonna go 10x instantly. So I definitely want to grab some of this coin after it bounces around in price for a while longer I want to grab 10k.

>> No.2384869

wew that's a lot. I tend to strictly hold my eth and trade around the lesser coins til I hit a good one. I've been backing GNT for over a month as I think it is one that will explode, as you mentioned.

I have a question about golem brass. is this a different coin? like if you have 500 GNT when golem brass comes out that is not a separate coin right?

>> No.2384882

what the fuck are you talking about LOL

>> No.2384897

Well if you clarify which part you don't understand then I can clarify my question.

>> No.2384913

As I understand it, the different names are just different stages of the project. Brass is the basic MVP and infrastructure where as one of the later ones like iron or stone are about mass adoption growth. All GNT is GNT.

>> No.2384925

I sold all my GNT. It's a steady coin and has long term potential. I'll go back in when I get more funds.

>> No.2384963

Thanks anon. That is reassuring. I think I will just hold out for the long haul, as I know I will regret selling it when I bought for so cheap early on (that is, if it does moon like crazy once all of these developments take place).
Good plan anon. I don't know when it will moon (obviously), but I would keep a steady eye on it to catch it before it runs off on you. It could take off in a week, a month, or even next year. Time will tell.

>> No.2384990

recommended reading concerning GNT:
the golem project official white paper, released in october 2016

>> No.2385081
File: 258 KB, 839x661, golemprojectimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, you were right.
>In this section we present planned milestones for Golem development. You will find a
nontechnical description of Golem’s architecture in this post on our blog, some thoughts
about challenges ahead here and of course you can examine the code on GitHub.
>The successive versions of Golem’s software are split into milestones. This plan should be
considered preliminary, as Golem is using bleeding-edge technologies, and is itself a very
complex project. Each milestone should be preceded with research, with results described in technical whitepapers. At every stage new functionalities are added, but the scope of
deliverables at every milestone depends on the level of funding raised. In the description of
milestones presented below, these functionalities have been assigned to four indicative funding scenarios: (1) are implemented regardless of the level of funding, while with (2), (3) and (4) will be implemented if the adequate level of funding is reached.
>We have codenamed concurrent versions of Golem using descriptions from the long list of
D&D’s golems . The analogs might not be perfect, but these are e-golems after all.
Apparently it is.

>> No.2385143

its too expensive for /biz/ whales to do anything

>> No.2385156
File: 216 KB, 550x526, 1496302427436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golem is the Polish cryptocurrency. More reason to buy.

>> No.2385187

it wont ever be 100% until they have completely finished their product. they need funding for each stage so it makes sense to hold onto a certain amount and sell them off after each stage. this is assuming theyre motivated to finish their product and not just get "rich" quick

>> No.2385284

sold 6k GNT out of my 10k yesterday to buy 4k RLC. you know it's the right move.

>> No.2385463

can someone fucking tell me where the proof of this is? ive asked around but i have never seen it.

>> No.2385703
File: 1.01 MB, 634x875, 1457704712587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of what, Coinbase adding GNT? Wishful thinking, people just meme it because Golem is mentioned in the article about Ethereum that's on Coinbase's blog.
