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File: 145 KB, 892x685, Trump 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23824118 No.23824118 [Reply] [Original]

When Trump gets re-elected, will crypto go up or down?

>> No.23824215


>> No.23824361
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, A2B9AE502DFB44B7BC6FF32EDAF74831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else noticed that if you click the links Twitter puts on Trump tweets, they almost never actually address the specific claim he's making? It's always some generic shit about how (((respected journalists))) say fraud is rare, so don't look into it goy.

>> No.23824429

yes twitter is an evil company and should recuse itself for its conflict of interest given that trump is the only person in our stupid fucking government who has even hinted that big tech shouldn’t have the power it does

>> No.23824463

Embarrassing morons, your parents probably wish you were dead so they didn't have to cringe whenever someone they know ask about you.

>> No.23824537
File: 947 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201109-135011_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this supposed to be an argument? because I'm objectively right

for example, Trump is claiming poll watchers were kept out of the counting areas – this is what Twitter links to "dispute" that claim, a completely unrelated puff piece that doesn't even mention poll watching

>> No.23824590

I just find it insane that social media companies are partisan... it's truly incomprehensible to me how that can be allowed

>> No.23824607
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>> No.23824622

anger is a natural reaction to loss, I forgive you

>> No.23824638

If you in any way take trump seriously or support him you are literally not capable of critical thinking.

>> No.23824639

Literally just seething in this post. No other contribution

>> No.23824642

>will crypto go up or down?

>> No.23824669

the opposite is true, sorry
please wake up, if you did then trump wouldn’t be necessary

>> No.23824687

turns out, facts have a liberal bias.

>> No.23824742

then why do they need to lie and obfuscate their "fact checks"? See

Click literally any link Twitter puts under one of Trump's tweets and you'll realize that it's irrelevant autogenerated garbage.

>> No.23825053

>suddenly silence
funny how that works

>> No.23825076
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>> No.23825223
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>> No.23825340
File: 58 KB, 960x603, CzVixB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true, though. There's a reason science is peer-reviewed, not random-fuck-on-the-internet-reviewed. All that shit is way over your head, youtubers aren't going to educate you to the degree that decades of professional experience in a field and a college degree will.

TL;DR: know your place, mutt.

>> No.23825373

>only priests can understand the Bible, goy, don't get any ideas
hahaha printing press go brrrr

>> No.23825405

Shitcoins down, Bitcoin up

>> No.23825438

No one can understand the bible, that's why there are 20,000 different christian sects. It contradicts itself constantly (expected, given it has multiple authors) which is why some see Jesus as a dove and others see him as a warlord.

>> No.23825504

You really are autistic huh lmao

>> No.23825597

And there's never any contradictions or inconsistencies in peer reviewed science?

Huh, "replication crisis"? What's that...

>> No.23825626


>> No.23825678

If Trump wins, it will go down.
If Biden wins, it will go down.

The vaccine is coming, and together with it, COVID21.

>> No.23825691


>> No.23825692


Most likely this. If Trump does somehow gain the presidency, the media will claim it's a right wing coup. Everyone will shit themselves and try to leave the US by stacking Bitcoin.

>> No.23826106

>And there's never any contradictions or inconsistencies in peer reviewed science?
...That's the point of peer review.

>Huh, "replication crisis"?
Due to peer review.

>> No.23826119

crypto go up

>> No.23826149

please just kys

>> No.23826171

hes just a crazy rambling boomer at this point

>> No.23826302

>meanwhile, vaccines are voluntary for nips
At this rate, the lolifuckers will just have to wait it out.
All the goyim are taking themselves out, kek

>> No.23826376
File: 21 KB, 679x452, 1551919842244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible has been translated so many times and edited by governments and individuals that it's impossible for the modern one to even be close to the original. There wasn't even a single God in the Old Testament/Torah. There's a reason why sections repeat themselves, God is referred to by different names such as Elohim, and words such as "Nephelim" are not explained properly. It's because things were lost in translation, edited out, or censored.

Polytheism was always the most sensible option. Monotheist ancient Jews were just the ones who ended up getting control and getting rid of most of the references to polytheism. It's a fairly interesting read to see just how much the Bible was edited over time by the multiple authors who wrote in it. The non-canonical books are also interesting like the one where Judas was the good guy all along (even though it's almost like fan fiction)

>> No.23826401

trump lost so badly that no recount can even begin to hope change the results

>> No.23826994

Trump 2024 sounds like a good bet.

Good thing they're doing investigations of fraudulent votes rather than recounts.

>> No.23827286

the book of judas i thought was the one that made the most sense
seeing as though jesus would have known about his coming death, and would need someone to turn him in so it wasn't him just running into it willingly, so he'd need to do that with his most trusted follower

>> No.23827309
File: 129 KB, 844x956, 1604965553832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check RCP.

>> No.23827490

Holy shit it's schizophrenia. This is the DUMBEST fucking website sometimes. I'm not even sure why I come here anymore. You need to read into the history of how the king James bible was translated, not only is it not different from the original at all it actually adds on to it linguistically, in a very poetic way. The original straight from papyrus Hebrew text I will tell you is not really altered. Don't believe me? Learn hebrew and try it for yourself. I understand you're a fucking schizo and will screech at me but to anyone with a braincell that is the truth.

>> No.23827498
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>> No.23827559

It sure as Hell is different, it’s missing 7 canon books.

>> No.23827787
File: 100 KB, 615x477, 1548659885681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely retarded and don't know what you're talking about. The Old Testament (which is basically the Torah) came about during a time of polytheism. The Nephelim were a reference to demi-gods that were popular in religion at the time. There were also mentions of other Gods, Yahweh was supposed to be the God that ruled over Israel while the other Gods were the other Gods of the seperate religions. It was weird but that's how things initially were. They were trying not to deny other Gods while still worshipping their own. This changed once monotheistic sects took power and wanted to push the "One true God" narrative. Also if you know anything about language in general you will know that things get lost in translation all the time. Biblical scholars are constantly trying to work backwards in order to find the most accurate translations because even small differences can change the meanings of things.

An example of a small detail being changed is whether Jesus is a carpenter or the son of a carpenter. In some versions he's referred to as a carpenter while other versions of the Bible he's the son of one. Why would this be different? It's because it's an example of the Bible being changed on purpose. The carpenter we know today isn't the same thing that's being referred to in the Bible. The Bible is referring to something more akin to a day laborer which could be anything from construction to cleaning out stables and such. People didn't want their savior to be a janitor so that's why you have a change in the story. How about instead of making accusations you actually learn about the history of the Bible? I'm not even a Christian and I don't believe in most of the shit. I just find it interesting from a historical sense. There are multiple authors, many books that are no longer considered canon that once were, and multiple retellings of the same sections albeit with slightly different details.

>> No.23827847

>generic aggressive insulting response with no substance

>> No.23827889

>if you're against the side that all of the MSN and corporations are pushing, YOU lack critical thinking
Holy shit anon, please, I beg you to rethink your position. Think about this critically, if that word means anything to you.

>> No.23827893

thank god for this pic it's a concept ive been thinking about for months

>> No.23828026
File: 89 KB, 702x572, 1604970160196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could anyone vote for pedo joe?

>> No.23828233

Shill crypto as a safe haven from Trumps 2nd term wrath.

>> No.23828346
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>> No.23828363
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>> No.23828526
File: 149 KB, 500x779, donald-ivanka-harley2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Epstein photoshopped into the picture
>"underage girl"

That's his daughter you fucking retard. How desperate are the democrats when they have to fake pictures like this?

Most dishonest cockroaches on earth. Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>> No.23828548
File: 636 KB, 2153x2109, 1604467518753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23828594

Cope harder

>> No.23828658

Notice how this massive faggot >>23827490 doesn't reply? Either a cucked CTR shill or a double nigger with a lot to ponder.

>> No.23828746

realclear hasn't updated since election night, they never called it?

>> No.23828785


>> No.23828816
