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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2382607 No.2382607 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>go to bar
>talk to bored well dressed chad guy
>says he's interning at the FTC
>ask what he does atm
>mentions "researching cryptocurrencies"
>play dumb
>him: "yeah I feel sorry for anyone with a lot of money in them, we're planning to put out some regulation this summer, it'll bankrupt any and all crypto"
>"h-heh cool.."

he was 100% serious too. how fucked are we.

>> No.2382619

How does a currency go bankrupt?

>> No.2382625


>> No.2382626

Wouldn't surprise me considering how confusing the usa government is about its taxation.

>> No.2382628


Got guns, got food, got silver. ready for total anarchy. Government can get bent.

>> No.2382633
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can you fuck off with your FUD bullshit?

its the same threads every fucking day


filthy nocoiner you're not one of us. get out

>> No.2382639

>p-pls stop using your completely anonymous decentralized currencies


>> No.2382652

omg.... not THE bored well dressed chad guy.

We're screwed, he has too much power and influence.

>> No.2382653
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any country that bans cryptos will see money moving overseas more and more every year

>> No.2382664

>On ALL coins except DGB

Damn, I guess it's time to buy again...

>> No.2382679
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how fucked are you*

>> No.2382703


Brool cory, stro.

Any country that tries to overregulate crypto will just make itself irrelevant and subject itself to massive capital flight.

At most, this is further reason not to leave coins on exchanges.

>> No.2382728

let's assume this story really happened. 100% that guy is a nocoiner posting salty coping threads on /biz/ while he calls us NEET because he is wageslaving for peanuts while his boss fucks his wife

>> No.2382729
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Couldn't give three fucks about FTC.
This shit is global.

>> No.2382734

Move to NH.

The jews will heavily fuck with this, but you don't have to pay taxes if you don't cash out.

Just crypto debit card it and say fuck it to Fiat

Jews are salty that ripple is cripple and that we are catching on to bancor

>> No.2382773


>> No.2382781

diz iz biz

>> No.2382807

>A random guy said something to me
>It must be true
Even my 10 years old nephew is less gullible than OP

>> No.2382809
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You could only regulate cashing out??

I don't understand

>> No.2382867


Not tryna be a bummer, but I'm not sure the IRS or FTC gives a fuck what the government of New Hampshire says. If there IS shitty federal regulation, New Hampshire won't be exempt.

>> No.2382944

Government hates anything that's fun

>> No.2382976

Unless they gained backdoor keys to all blockchain and exchanges, they could only catch you on the radar if you cashed out. No gain or loss technically if you don't trade the asset you are holding.

>> No.2382997

>not being a libertarian

you niggas fucked up

>> No.2383043

>Implying all crypto is in the United States or under United States sovereignty.

What the fuck, who gives a shit.

>HOPEFULLY THE u.S.A DoESn'T TaNk NiNTenDo Stock!!

>> No.2383057
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Nice larp

>> No.2383093
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Yeah, I'm sure he's real heavy hitter tapped in at the highest of levels.

>> No.2383107

hehe yeah let me just unwind my positions to fdic insured cash to actually use no way they can catch me

>> No.2383187
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>the bored well dressed chad guy
Where does all his knowledge come from ?

>> No.2383191

But if they get to BTC and ETH then the whole thing is fucked.

>> No.2383201

>who gives a shit

Maybe everyone invested in crypto that lives in the USA, aka the majority of the people on this board.

>> No.2383219

I am a U.S citizen as well but what can uncle sam really do? Come into my house and raid my btc wallet? Nothing is going to happen.

>> No.2383232

when you cash out and don't give (((them))) their cut, they'll send you to federal-pound-you-in-the-ass-prison.

>> No.2383234


HAHAHAHA, oh just like they ended online gambling right?

The fire rises brothers.

>> No.2383238

What if you ever want to trade to fiat? Say you want your lambo, how are you going to get it?

>> No.2383251
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>> No.2383258

How do I get into that as an American? Just use Bitcoin?
>inb4 government uses this as part of a reason to regulate bitcoin
Is there a safe way to do it with fiat as well?

>> No.2383276

You should've told him that you're starting a petition to tell the government to fuck off of cryptocurrencies. And then start a petition to tell the government to fuck off of cryptocurrencies.

>> No.2383284

Is trump behind this? He gonna shut down all US exchanges?

>> No.2383290

Also, USA would be a big chunk of the market removed. Good lucking looking only for the Chinese whales.

>> No.2383291

Decentralized marketplaces like SysCoin, BitBay, SwarmCity, etc will fill this void.

This is exactly why people who refer to projects such as these as "shitcoins"are absolutely retarded. They are absolutely needed if we are to ever avoid having to cash out into fiat, and they are going revolutionize crypto as well as the entire world.

>> No.2383298


>> No.2383305

How do you feel about lykke?

>> No.2383306


You know how faggots here pick a coin and say that it'll moon by next week to $100?

That guy is basically that but the opposite.

>> No.2383322

Im not familiar with it enough yet to comment. Will check it out though.

>> No.2383330

No coiner here, how long do you predict that btc will remain under 5000? i don't have a job and am going to be delayed with a transfer of currency

>> No.2383334
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I don't understand this, why do people go on the internet just to tell lies?

>> No.2383335

Please do, I'll wait here cause I don't have a life.

>> No.2383364

No hes some dumbass young intern with an overbloated ego who doesnt understand how cryptos work and how they are basically designed from their infancy to navigate through piles upon piles bureaucratic legislation and regulation.

Crypto was created from the get-go knowng full well that the government was going to hate it.

If anything, US regulations will make the price go up over time. Think of it like the War On Drugs and how outlawing drugs has done nothing except make the drugs more expensive and profit the dealers greatly.

>> No.2383365

What happens when the gov halts all of this before those coins are more widespread, and you have to go through all this paperwork and taxes once your lambo dealership or real estate owner finally accepts crypto? If by some small margin what OP said is true, then we could be very well fucked.

>> No.2383370

>my dad works and Nintendo and he... tier shitpost
I mean why would anyone come to the internet, and spread lies man?

>> No.2383387

While were on this note, Id also like to comment that now you know why we are nowhere near any sort of bubble and that all this is just in its infancy with so much more room to grow.

>> No.2383448

The whole point of crypto is that there is no paper trail whatsoever.

How the IRS plans to deal with this dilemma of their's is unknown, but one thing is for sure is that they will have very little to no control over cryptos implementation through the foreseeable future.

For once, the fate of a global commodity is not and cannot be controlled by Washington DC- not when countries like Japan, Korea and China have by far the biggest stake in crypto and are already implementing it for mainstream, everyday uses.

>> No.2383471

you just go right onto bovada.lv give them your credit card and you'll be betting in 2 seconds.

They pay out. My buddy did a $2k bet that earned him $12k. He requested a check and got one about a week later.

>> No.2383508

Looks like a great project as is any marketplace that focuses on crypto, however its far too transparent IMO and looks to compromise the anonymous core that makes up the userbase of cryptocurrencies. Its not quite decentralized, which what we'll need to stay out of the prying claws of shithead bureaucrats that like the dumbass intern in the OP.

>> No.2383532

Hard to say with the potential fork coming.

>> No.2383542

I hope you're right
Thanks m8. Does the government just not enforce it or something?

>> No.2383561

Regulations won't work. Just like how Jew York did with the Bit License. Now no one even accepts IP address from there anymore. You LITERALLY fuck your country/state if you regulate right now. The best thing to do is to let a bunch of people come in, create a bunch of wealth and value, let the industry grown, then see it crash on its own accord. THEN "regulate" whatever the fuck that means. I'll move my BTC to some Nubian BTC exchange if that happens kek.

>> No.2383576
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Hmm I see your point, saved his picture from another thread do you have any opinions on this? Sorry if I'm asking a lot I'm just trying to learn as much as I can.

>> No.2383584


>> No.2383764


I like the idea of Waves but it is poorly implemented.

BlockNet (BLOCK) appears to be so much better as a true decentralized exchange and is due for a moon mission soon.

I have a couple hundred BLOCK myself

>> No.2383835

doubt it mike mulvaney and peter thiel are close to trump

>> No.2383857

Yeah that's what I thought, I feel like a lot of shit gets shilled here. But you seem to know what you're talking about, what else are you investing in?

>> No.2383858

>Crypto was created from the get-go knowng full well that the government was going to hate it.
yep, and that's why satoshi disappeared when wikileaks started accepting them
he knew back then like a lot of us know now the potential of this technology

>> No.2383895


>> No.2383899

Good time to get into Stratis now, just had a massive dip today.

>> No.2383941
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Sometimes I love living in a thrid world country.

>> No.2383954

Indeed, bought some at 225k. Have you read anything about ANS/BTS Decentralized ledger protocols?

>> No.2384022
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Bovada is legit and offshore so the IRS can pack and up the eye of their cock.

>> No.2384081

But won't the IRS fuck you up if they find your gambling gains?

>> No.2384165

>You LITERALLY fuck your country/state

Learn to use the term 'literally' correctly.

>> No.2384189

thank you. this basically means I can expect another 200% in gains.

>> No.2384232

>Cashing out
>Not just waiting 5 years for crypto to be accepted everywhere.
>Not buying a house in the inevitable nice cryptohaven countries and retiring at 30 years old.

>> No.2384246

SHIT, I just dumped $2500 into bitcoin.