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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2379480 No.2379480 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2379571

Why do i keep gettign scammed its not fair

>> No.2379584

only dropping, because of eths surge

>> No.2379599

All I see is the moon.

>> No.2379606


So does it mean it should bounce back once eth stabilizes or drops. I bought with ETH too so it hurts even more.

>> No.2379633

it should reverse upwards once eth stabilizes or drops down. Maybe this low price makes whales panicsell at a low price, which would be good for coindistribution

>> No.2379640
File: 37 KB, 1241x434, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking anon who was buying more bat in the other thread
>that fucking anon who told us to come back in an hour so he could laugh at us

I've sold everything and purchased more eth this morning ahahah weeew lads

>> No.2379687

Typical pump and dump daytrader who can't hold a coin longer than 30 minutes.

>> No.2379883

>implying I shouldn't have switched to ETH this morning

You do realize that if BAT goes back up I can now buy even more, right?
Stay poor.

>> No.2379895
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>> No.2379916
File: 23 KB, 600x484, tardpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is a gr8 long term investment!

>> No.2379935

Oh look. A fucking advertising token with no fucking advertisers. What could possibly go wrong.

>> No.2380075

Come in the other BAT thread where we actually discuss why your investment is shit

>> No.2380076
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>> No.2380343

Convince me to buy BAT

>> No.2380401

Creator of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla/Firefox is head of the project. Considering this coin's success relies on the success of the Brave browser, and this developer has considerable experience with one of the most successful browsers around, I think there's a lot of potential in the project.

>> No.2380464

Maybe next time don't buy a coin that's been pumped to 10x ICO price despite no real development.

>> No.2380509

Nice copy paste. You realize people have been saying this shit since before the ICO right?
Have you even used Brave? Do you know anyone who would go out of his way to enable ads?

>> No.2380528


>> No.2380653

Brave is actually a nice browser, but that's beside the point.

These things ride to the moon on hype. BAT has hype in spades even though it's crashing right now.

>> No.2380869

So sorry that BAT isn't a pnd coin like your precious dee gee bee.

>> No.2380923

please guys reassure me that i didn't just throw my money away buying 10k of these at 8k sats....please :(

>> No.2380973

I bought at 8500 sats. It's a hodl, don't be so skittish.

>> No.2381127

Instead its over inflated and the 200 people who got in the ICO are killing it.

>Reminder - BAT WAS 0.03$ @ ICO

>> No.2381793

Brave doesn't support half the embedded shit you see on modern websites. I'm not buying any bat until it gets AT THE VERY LEAST on par with all the other traditional browsers. Try running the unity engine on a brave browser, just fucking try it.

Do you have anything remotely intelligent to say ?

>> No.2381835

> Unity doesn't work
Sound the fucking alarm, all these people who make regular fucking use of unity daily must be suffering terribly

>> No.2381986
File: 29 KB, 302x290, 1494226485219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give a perfectly understandable reason as to why the brave browser is not nearly as good as its competitors
>even give an honest example
>b-but it doesn't matter because I, don't use example !!

Fine, keep your shitty child coin, I don't even care anymore.

>> No.2382036

It's not a perfectly good reason, because as he said Unity is a niche requirement.

Meanwhile, it's more aesthetic, lightweight, and private than IE and it doesn't have all the CIAnigger honeypots like Chrome. These are things normies care about, and reasons why Brave would succeed.

>> No.2382059

Literally not even supported by Chrome fuckface. http://twiik.net/articles/google-chrome-just-killed-the-unity-web-player


>> No.2382091

this post is funny and informative.

a lot of coins-- most things that aren't ether-related-- are eating shit right now. This is crypto, bitches. Shit goes up and down.

BAT still has plenty of "up" left in it.

>> No.2382145
File: 146 KB, 1026x830, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh unity web player support
what ancient browser are you using to play flash games on Kongregate?

>> No.2382157
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>April 16, 2015

Hey at least you tried

>> No.2382178
File: 2 KB, 186x173, 1488579698191s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flash games
Why am I not surprised that someone investing in Brave is absolutely tech illiterate


>> No.2382193

Its funny that Im using the unity player on Chrome right now... Also my point still stands, Brave plugin support is atrocious

>> No.2382216

Goys, I just read on bitcointalk that roadmap and some news coming next week and it's going to moon. HODL stronk goys.