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File: 96 KB, 953x650, unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23812289 No.23812289 [Reply] [Original]

Should i just keep holding for pic related?
Outside of trading, is there any point to holding the uniswap governance token?

>> No.23812333

i'm struggling to resist selling for a couple of low MC shitcoins

>> No.23812549

After people realized that you need millions of UNI to vote, and there are no dividends, there is no reason to buy it.

>> No.23812589

this is the simple answer i was hoping to get. What did you sell yours for anon?

>> No.23812678

2.45 only, I didn't think it was worth much... I didn't think Keep3r was worth much either, or YFI, sold all of them low, could have bought a house by now if I just held a bit longer... but at least I have some profit.

>> No.23812695

I did my research and didn't FOMO, idiots pumped those shitcoins without doing any research, looks like my IQ is too high but not high enough to realize it is too high.

>> No.23812740

so if i keep it, i'll be rich

>> No.23812784

YFI liquidity pooling is still making bank on uniswap

>> No.23812805

In this clown world, I wouldn't doubt it. 0xBitcoin hit 5usd once, and that's even shittier, so why not

>> No.23812836

I can see that but I have a different strategy

>> No.23812862

don’t listen to retards who sold the bottom. hold for v3 and you can also vote and accumulate fees holding uni once fees get unlocked

>> No.23812899

v3 is supposted to be on L2, if they introduce fees a dozen competitors will release with lower fees on L2. If timed right, liquidity will migrate to a competitor. The only way to prevent it is for Optimism to not allow competitors on L2.

>> No.23812928

buy high sell low?

i might be smooth brained, but why would holding uni get you a cut of fees? will that mean less fees for LPs?

>> No.23812949
File: 489 KB, 500x337, 0xbtc-sunset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0xbtc will rise again as surely as the sun

>> No.23812991

Is that the ganges ranjeesh?

>> No.23813007

yes if successful lps only get 0.05% less and can still get fees if they hold uni which they probably do. read up on the site there’s a bit more info there

>> No.23813009

what you all should do is see the light and rely on ecommerce to win it over on safex

>> No.23813031

why would lower fees mean more
people would migrate away? isn’t providing fees an incentive to pool/hold uni?

>> No.23813193

What I am trying to say is that if v3 comes out, and rewards UNI holders in transaction fees, a competitor could easily fork v3 and reduce the fees. Users would move to the fork to avoid the fees, therefore your UNI won't be worth much. This is all based on the speculation that v3 will even reward UNI holders trading fees, it's not confirmed. Right now UNI is just for governance and you need an astronomical amount to vote for anything so only centralized exchanges like Binance have the supply required to vote.

>> No.23813228

i was reading some breadcrumbs and i read that v3 is going to be made where it’s harder to fork

>> No.23813262

that sounds like a job, i already have one of those and i'm here trying to get rid of it.

so potentially some passive income down the track, but will the income APY be enough for people justify holding?

>> No.23813280

i’ll be surprised to see it under $2.40

>> No.23813334

that depends on how much volume there is on uniswap and if we remember back in september or late august the volume far exceeded that of coinbase and that’s a centralised exchange. can’t remember the equation from the top of my head but info is out there for the fees

>> No.23814385

it'll be harder to convince millions to vote for a shitty proposal like gifting dharma an airdrop for "missing out".

>> No.23814796

uni token is almost dead by now because of nonstop new supply, it's better to sell it and buy inj instead, at least you will be betting on a new blue chip token with the bright future

>> No.23815227

This anon knows about good stuff INJ is the future of defi