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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23807161 No.23807161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this /biz/?

>> No.23807219
File: 79 KB, 1280x771, 325423542345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a more accurate representation

>> No.23807240

look good sir

>> No.23807321

Most boards are mitwit boards, /biz/ is inherently the highest IQ board followed by things like /g/
/lit/ and /pol/ are full of pseuds, and coomer/vidya boards are inherently low IQ

>> No.23807339


>> No.23807345

>use both pol and biz
>just found out I’m a retarded genius

>> No.23807391

Switch /pol/ and /ck/
Switch /fit/ with /k/

>> No.23807398

>flip it horizontally

>> No.23807409

/biz/ is the only board i use and i am retarded

>> No.23807415


>> No.23807434
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Sci is fucking retarded. They banned me for posting a scientific fact

>> No.23807462

>/v/ that high

>> No.23807495

/v/ is certainly below average
/biz/ is not three standard deviations above average

>> No.23807519

/pol/ is with lit g and sci. No idea about the rest they are irrelevant. I think /biz/ is probably one SD lower.

>> No.23807537

Makes you think how much of their so called science is even true

>> No.23807539


>> No.23807551

Shift the whole thing 4 standard deviations to the left, then we're good.

>> No.23807554
File: 95 KB, 339x611, 1fhf2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is with lit g and sci.

>> No.23807567

Correct for biz. I honestly put pol as second highest iq even with it being very dumbed down and same for fit going third

>> No.23807579

Nice try, bucko.

>> No.23807594

Too much of that board is made up of IFLS redditors

>> No.23807601

Not at all accurate. First of all the the boards should all be on the left side of the curve. /lit/pseuds can fuck right off to the left. Same for /biz/tards and /x/

>> No.23807714
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fml I'm ashamed

How do you explain this then?
>inb4 college is for retards

>> No.23807739
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This chart does not represent pic related.

>> No.23808123

/fit/ should be >100IQ at the least, smart people squat and stay in shape sorry fatties ahahahhahaha

>> No.23808377
File: 99 KB, 540x540, 1602390867012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30% female
>there are girls here RIGHT NOW
Erm... hello ladies

>> No.23808398

/lit/ is easily the smartest board, no question. /biz/ is pretty squarely 100 IQ. There is no way in hell /v/ is above 100.

>> No.23808451

/diy/ should be higher

>> No.23808506

Anon, I do finance media. When we get our YouTube demographic data back, our audience is literally 99% male. Women invest socially, not financially. Women simply do not follow finance. So much so that I think their is a huge niche to be filled by a big tiddied streamer day trader. She doesn't even have to be good. I am trying to convince my gf to do this. Imagine simps pouring in cash for you to have an infinite source of risk free yolo bets.

>> No.23808608

Unironically a lot of good advice here, I'd say it's definitely above 120 IQ average no meme

>> No.23808642

/biz/ is more pajeets than not, so they represent our iq more than the rest of us do

>> No.23808655

Yeah I started on chan at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ but keep returning to biz. Best board. 134 IQ.

>> No.23808662

biz is a bunch of cave men engaged in numerology and rain dancing for the sole purpose of making a squiggly line go up or down. So I'd put our IQ as pretty low.

>> No.23808740

/pol/ is the redneck Jew hater who hates em for no reason and /biz/ is Henry Ford tier? I see I see

>> No.23808754

Are you the /int/ pajeet

>> No.23808770

>banned for racism
Is this somekind of joke?

>> No.23808789

LOE IQ W3LC0ME. YOU LOW IQ. ME BIG IQ. YOU FOLLOW ME. OOGA BOOGA. WE DO RAIN DANCE. And buy stinky linky. Midwits get lost

>> No.23808797

I hate jews in the same way teddy roosevelt hated standard oil; a cartel is bad for everyone except those who own it.

>> No.23808802

They did an iq test a few years ago and pol came out on top

>> No.23808870
File: 410 KB, 2000x2000, iq4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What test was that?

>> No.23808887

Check the archives

>> No.23808899

I did, see previous reply. Pol came out below average.

>> No.23808920

That's a shitpost. Search deeplier

>> No.23808976

>college educated
1% of college educated people have reasonable IQ. College education, especially in US, is more an indicator of stupidity.

>> No.23808983

AHHHHHHH they were right the jews were responsible for everything AHHHHH

>> No.23809311

/sci/ is number 1

lots of very knowledgeable people there.

>> No.23809316

i'd unironically say /g/ is smarter than /sci/

>> No.23809335


Could be, both boards likely rank high.

>> No.23809543

Lol cope you double digit IQ polcuck incel

>> No.23809554

Lol of course biz is full of seething kikes and poos

>> No.23809921
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justice will come one day and purge the cucks out of /sci/

>> No.23809940
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For me BIZ was always the lovechild of /pol and /x.
The extremism of /pol and the retarded mysticism ofd /x combined.
Its a wonderful place.

>> No.23810586

People on this board are all sub 50. 99% of people here just bet their money on shitcoins. literally might as well go to a casino. Nothing intelligent about anything that goes on here.

>> No.23810628

/lit/ and /sci/ are probably the smartest boards, with /his/ having an honorable mention for having both /lit/ humanities fags and /sci/ haplo-autists.

I also think the average IQ of 4chan is over 100 for the simple reason that 4chan is not an accurate representation of society at large. For starters, you need basic competence with the internet (the internet, not the YouTube/Facebook/Instagram bubble) and you need to find your way 4chan in the first place. People grossly underestimate just how stupid a 100 IQ is. If you're smart enough to be in college, you're above 100. If you finished a master's degree, you're in the 120 range. PhD? 130. STEM PhD? 135.

>> No.23810639

/sci/ is the absolute lowest IQ of 4chan. It's basically reddit over there.

>> No.23810657

/pol/ was high iq in 2014-2016 until we memed the low iq masses into voting orange & accidentally attracted them to /pol/ as a user base

It has to be one of the lowest iq board on 4chan now

>> No.23810688

Losing /pol/ was one of the greatest loses on this site, since 2016 its only gotten worse and worse

>> No.23810731

1 in purple (/lit/)
2 in green (/biz/, /trv)
1 in red (/mu/)
0 in the rest

>> No.23810983
File: 243 KB, 2352x1082, Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 9.34.56 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only gonna get worse from here on out. We can see a clear influx of new posters that came in 2016 & never left & another wave that came this year. Whether they stay or not is unknown, but I suspect they will. It doesn't matter though, /pol/ has been unusable for years at this point.

>> No.23811016

Doesn't really matter, only a tiny percentage of those new posters will find their way to niche boards like /lit/ and /biz/. /pol/ is just the new /b/, has been since 2016.

>> No.23811021

Gullible faggots forgot where they are.
>Lel dude Trust me I scored 4
>Heh I scored 500

>> No.23811035

>135 for stem
I laugh

>> No.23811049

/biz/ is the union of really low iq and really high iq anons

>> No.23811070

You can just look up the statistics. There's research on this, you know?

>> No.23811087

>/v/ above /tv/

>> No.23811169

There are other boards besides /biz/?

>> No.23811616 [DELETED] 

Lol for pol all glowniggers watching this board around the world probably made the test and scored bad at porpose

>> No.23811678 [DELETED] 


>> No.23812147

>this fake iq chart rates /pol/ low because of a, you guessed it, conspiracy
Don't think we'll need a survey to gauge the /pol/acks desu

>> No.23812179

if only we had flags.

>> No.23812189


Not sure if /v/ is that high they're gobbling up the new demon's souls remake

>> No.23812196

poltard reporting in.

Fuck Biden and fuck jannies.

>> No.23812568
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>> No.23812659

biz used to be high, maybe behind /sci/ and /g/ since 2018 when the polfags invaded I would put it much lower

>> No.23812664

wrong, I've had more insightful discussion here
reading a book is a passive activity, anyone can do it. Literary books attract high IQs but also pseuds and lit is swarming with pseuds.
If you are a pseud on biz you lose your money.

>> No.23812751
File: 618 KB, 1050x1205, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to return

>> No.23813080
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>> No.23813173

How do they identify gender by ip? Really makes me think

>> No.23813506

pol & biz on the top spot.

>> No.23813529


>> No.23813797
File: 116 KB, 1280x887, 4chan board iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23814108

This, something special about that combination.

I've known about 4chan as early as all the Habbo hotel shenanigans but didnt start unironically using it until i discovered biz.

>> No.23814315

too much shilling on pol is filled with conspiracies. I see so many people spamming its happening, and jack shit happen. It's at least 90 IQ or lower.

>> No.23814614
File: 112 KB, 2199x413, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't browsed here for years now but have been on 4chan for 10+ years now. Started as a generic underage incel now a very strong medical student.

When I was younger I never really noticed it but with age it becomes really clear most boards are full of underage kids or genuine 30+ NEETs.

>> No.23814684


Election season /pol/ draws in a much better crowd. Outside of that it's usually just schizo conspiratards and Nazis

>> No.23814965

That's a pretty good idea imo, I probably wouldn't be interested in it myself but I could easily see you racking in attention if you give her the advice / make her the actor and you the director. Men know what other men want better than women

>> No.23815669

you need to go back

>> No.23815677
File: 147 KB, 1461x1194, 1604893776815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see men doing crazy things, new inventions, new models, new paradigms. From the programmer to the sculptor, men always creates greatness, always creates things with purpose, which pushes humanity ahead of the animal condition.
But when I look at women, they dont create anything. Its only whoring, whoring, and more whoring. If anything, they pushes humanity back to the animal condition, so they are a deterrent.
So, why are women still around? Why men still didnt create clones, or robots, or even virtual devices, to replace them?

>> No.23815750
File: 150 KB, 565x425, 1600707174261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean if my ledger is full of pajeet shill coins?
asking for a friend of course.

>> No.23816048

>130 for phd
>stem phd 135

Top kek. Studies confirmed that even on ivy league top 5 unis the average IQ of stem students doesn't break 125IQ.

>> No.23816121

Let me guess you'll cite the research that used SAT conversion to IQ? SAT in itself is has less than 0.65 correlation with IQ, Could lead to full 2SD difference.

Studies who used proper IQ tests never had average IQ above 135 even among stem professors, In fact nobel laureate average IQ is around 135IQ.

>> No.23816278

all these statistics are a meme because the iq numbers are likely self reported or gathered using some online bullshit test
Getting a proper IQ reading requires a test done by someone with the proper training
t. +3 SD over the mean stanford binnet tested

>> No.23816342

Close, but /v/ is intelligent, they just waste all their potential on vidya. I also think /x/ is smart too, they're just insane. /Biz/ is dead on though, you're either 70 iq or 130+, there is no middle ground.

>> No.23816362

/biz/ tards are generally pretty retarded IMO, I'd say it's average IQ (100)

the smartest board is without a doubt /lit/

>> No.23816404

>reading a book is a passive activity, anyone can do it.

>> No.23816512
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>> No.23816853

what is chainlink?
and don't forget about the /smg/ thread

>> No.23816890
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>> No.23817668

I am /pol/ incarnate. I have seen the IQ test results. Anons are embarrassed of their midwit results as a majority are 120 plus.

>> No.23818035

while sitting on my ass eating some oatmeal sipping on some coffee grounds. Smart is relative, no?

How many of your average /lit/ fags can run a chainsaw and fall a 24" 100' tree?
When defining smart, or IQ it's all relative.
How many of your average /lit/fags can set, drill and run an oil rig?
IQ and smart is all relative to the event being scored.

>> No.23818114

This is much more accurate.

>> No.23818163

biz used to be high iq a year and a half ago but the newfag population is diluting that substantially

>> No.23818995
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you guys got the scales wrong

>> No.23819114
File: 85 KB, 540x960, 647CDEC2-D96E-49EE-94AB-C50DAC78D019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ 131 iq

>> No.23819158

/ck/ is full of geniuses and is the best board on 4chan
Having the knowledge and skill to do something /= intelligence

>> No.23819199

Someone should make one for bagholders of each (shit)coin

>> No.23819241

Where's /tg/

>> No.23819343

I’m 122 I’m just shit posting on pol and diy

>> No.23819420

Wrong /x/ is far bove this board

>> No.23819495
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, SFGY2227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/out/, /fit/, /biz/, /k/
>tfw greenman

>> No.23819820

Anything higher than 120 is diminishing returns, meaning 1 point after 120 is no longer the same value as 1 point after 70. Many Entrepreneur, IT and programmers I know never started college nor finished a degree program. I know some higher engineers that dropped out due to jobs, and startups. Though like most things take it as salt, as it's anecdotal. I feel your other observations are fair though.

>> No.23820079
File: 93 KB, 669x680, cheesed to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is simultaneously at both small ends of the bell.
easily the highest and lowest IQ board on the whole site, perhaps the entire internet.
the reason for this is simple: the horseshoe effect.
as you get to either extreme on the bell curve, they begin to resemble each other, more and more, the farther you get to the ends.

>> No.23820155

fit is unironically atleast 115 iq, sci 130 his 140 and biz is also around 115 or maybe even 100

>> No.23820190

you know that atheticism correlates with intelligence right?

>> No.23820452
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Poo in loo brainlet cope

>> No.23820782

massively underrated post

>> No.23821150
File: 93 KB, 1080x492, 20201108_120008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ck is shit

>> No.23821210

>How accurate is this /biz/?
/biz/ is full of dumbshits who get scammed constantly. The average intellect of this board varies greatly because if someone makes it they usually don't return.

>> No.23821237

lmao. /his/ is the worst board on this god forsaken site.

>> No.23821305

imagine going to any board other than biz and tv

>> No.23821359


>> No.23822447

People that obsess over cooking are objectively brainlets.
My dog could post on that board.

>> No.23822778

I'm about 135-145 iq. Went to top tier school for CS. Worked in bay area. Made bucks. Quit after seeing how people there are retarded too. Moved back to midwest where people are still retarded but at least have respectable virtues (not really, but to a higher degree). I only use biz and pol, and pol probably has more high iq posts