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2379039 No.2379039 [Reply] [Original]

This board is going to be such a blood bath when ETH gets dumped for the BTC fork. 96% of this board has no idea what ETH is for and will have a rude awakening when they realize it will never be a store of value and is unsafe. Enjoy the pump because you're going to kys in two months.

>> No.2379064

Your ass is grass, Bitcoiner. We're going to eat that market capitalization and you'll be the MySpace of crypto.

>> No.2379076

I'm putting all my ETH in Bancor, as much as I love ETH. See you from Lamboland, motherfucker.

>> No.2379079

Speaking of Eich, isn't he literally developing a coin on Ethereum?

Ethereum has a completely different use to BTC. Are you new?

>> No.2379084


>> No.2379105

The sane thing is to own both Bitcoin and ETH. Then you win no matter what happens

>> No.2379116

I'm am a noob, can someone explain this august apocalypse thing to me

>> No.2379121

This bancor?


>> No.2379128

I own ETH. What's nice about not being an idiot is that you don't have to pick a side like their teams like an idiot would do, putting their emotions in this business. You will probably fail.

>> No.2379132

I think everyone will drop BTC for ETH before the fork.

>> No.2379134

You're about to get jewed

>> No.2379139

Yeah, when BTC goes to zero you'll still have half your money left! Big win!

>> No.2379145

Well most people who have invested in ETH were mislead into believing that the EEA had something to do with it and it's the only reason why it's pumped as much as it has. A massive dump is inevitable.

>> No.2379162

This will happen. Also get ready for the 150% in 2020 AD

>> No.2379164

That's why when bitcoin has that flash crash three weeks ago ETH's price was stable huh.

>> No.2379181

Flash crash =/= Fork

You dumb fuck

Get out newfag

>> No.2379229

No you're the newfag if you think ETH is going to replace BTC. Keep dreaming fuckboy.

>> No.2379232

ETH was talked about in Congress for how useful it is. Fuck off shill. You're butthurt you didn't invest.

>> No.2379271


Which of these 3 should I buy:

I hold all 3 but I am trying to decide if I should put more money into just one over the others.

>> No.2379272

Source? Also you know there is a difference between Ethereum and Ether right?

>> No.2379282

It's like a stock split, but instead your new shares are in a separate class of company stock and are valued differently.

Just like people who had pre-DAO ETH got ETH and ETC. I'm looking forward to it. BTC will be a true global currency come September.

>> No.2379287


The ETH ship as sailed and it's would be stupid to buy it at this point desu.

>> No.2379325

>ETH was less than .01 BTC earlier this year
>already over .1
>S-Surely it can't get to 1.8 and have a higher marketcap
Its inevitable at this point.

>> No.2379326


>> No.2379338
File: 23 KB, 160x160, FUCKING RETARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was never implied you fucking retard.









>> No.2379355

What's a fork?

>> No.2379356

Predictions on fork value?

>> No.2379365


the greed is insanely strong
i cannot believe what I see

>> No.2379410


You are right in the first part. But what make you think that people will come back to ETH? This fork just a trigger to ETH become a new flagship coin. No one going back to BTC after work. What for, nigger?

>> No.2379413


Hahahahahaha if bitcoin crashes so does ETH retard.

>> No.2379418

these people don't even know what a fork is and they're probably the ones that shill shitcoins and ETH all day.
It's ridiculous that so many people cannot see what's happening.

>> No.2379434

People are high on it.

>> No.2379447


Do you remember when the DAO was hacked and Ether dropped 50% and everyone said it was over? Well look at it now. The same thing could happen with bitcoin. I would not get out of bitcoin personally, it has a nasty habit of coming back after everyone says it is dead and proving them wrong.

>> No.2379516

people are buying ETH to invest in ICO's
problem is 98% of ICO's are scams and it will get COMPLETELY wrecked sooner or later

>> No.2379539
File: 140 KB, 256x256, 1496935749528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King corn is dead. Submit to Lord Vitalik.

>> No.2379543

I remember it well, lol. I think Aug 1 will be BTC's DAO moment.

This time we have a heads up though... sell the high, buy the low -- judging from the price of ETH right now, everyone's moving into that position ahead of schedule

>> No.2379629

Can someone calmly and clearly explain this fork / ETH safehousing / moving back to BTC to me instead of just calling each other faggots?

>2.5 ETH holder

>> No.2379771

Etherium is increasing in value because Bitcoin is slow right now. That is the only reason. Bitcoin will Fork at the end of July beginning of August and when that happens eth will crash. There is zero reason for etheorem to be worth as much as it is right now as it is not a store of value it is not nearly safe enough to ever be a store of value ever. Period. Voice to text btw so it will look stupid

>> No.2379782

Applies to whole market desu

>> No.2379797

BTC isn't going to fork cleanly -- it's going to divide into two fucking coins, or not improve at all.

UASF / SegWit are too divided, it's going to be a disaster - and by the time we're halfway through July, it's going to be dethroned. ETH billionaires will short BTC until it's dead

>> No.2379812

You mean BAT? Literally Stratis 2.0?

>> No.2379845

>Bitcoin seen by normies.
Shady, scam, ponzi, terrorist coin.
>Ethereum seen by normies.
Oh yea that coin that has a lot of enterprises, don't know much, seems ok.

>> No.2379966

It seems to me from all the discussion in this thread that the only reasonable thing I know to do is liquidate both my BTC and ETH to fiat (i.e. take my already massive profits) during the fork and then get back in afterwords once I know what's happening. It's legitimately a gamble to stay in either at that point. I could be making massive gains in BTC if it fixes scalability issues and people buy it up, or I could be taking massive losses if it creates real issues

Then again liquidating may be losing out on the opportunity to take the day-of gains on whoever the immediately apparent winner is - if BTC is fucked maybe ETH literally triples as people switch over.


>> No.2380029

i would do this, except for tax purposes im locked in

just going to hodl ETH through the storm and hope for the best

>> No.2380236



>> No.2381110


>> No.2381268

Just convert it to tether lad

>> No.2382048

i thought about transfering it to kraken, sell it there for fiat without without withdrawing it and buy back in when the situation seems clear enough. is this going to work out?

>> No.2382310

That's a taxable event.

>> No.2382359

Who cares? Taxes are like 30% max, this decision could easily be more than 30% profits or losses, plus many of us are already in short term capital gains territory.

>> No.2382405

>It's ridiculous that so many people cannot see what's happening.
What is happening? My head is spinning from all the contradictory messages. Any clarity would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.2382522

Nothing is happening right now but august is going to be an interesting month. No one knows what the possible btc fork will do to prices and anyone who acts like they do know is shilling

>> No.2382549 [DELETED] 


High risk, negative reward

>> No.2382564

Negative reward? As far as I can tell I've tripled my money you cuck

>> No.2382593

Hold 80% eth 20% btc and don't look back. You will thank me later.

>> No.2382603

I really want bitcoin to succeed. If bitcoin fails in a significant way, the MSM will be all over it and cryptocurrency adoption by normies will halt.

Disclosure: eth hodler

>> No.2382796


This. buy and hold these two-- automate the buys, if you want-- and use the time you would have squandered playing daytrader or sweating over your folio to do literally anything else.

>> No.2382847

What are the chances that both currencies will crash because the Jews and the whales want to increase their market cap?

>> No.2383152
File: 10 KB, 323x325, 1480359659726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ETH ship as sailed and it's would be stupid to buy it at this point desu.

>> No.2383203

>People have been saying this since $20

>> No.2383283


>> No.2383972

bat guy

>> No.2383996

Btc dump for eth before Aug 1 incoming

>> No.2384020

>$20 and $300 are the same thing

>> No.2384034

If BTC crashes so does ETH nitwit.

>> No.2384075

As ETH approaches BTC market cap, there will be fewer and fewer reasons to move back into BTC

>> No.2384185

i didn't say crash, i think many people will go BTC->ETH before aug 1st out of fear - i don't even want to take a guess on whats happening after, will hold onto my eth and watch whats going to happen

>> No.2384364

You're right on the money anon, cash out before the hysteria over the fork starts and buy back in after the overcorrection of the market causes the price of both coins to (at least temporarily) plummet.

>> No.2384730

August 1st there will simply be a hard Fork and Bitcoin will surge in value because it will be much faster than it is right now. Etherium forking did not do anything to it people don't use etc it's a bullshit coin. There might be people that get cold feet sell their Bitcoin or something in July leading up to August 1st but by August 1st it won't matter anymore. By September Bitcoin will be easily thousands of dollars each 3000 at a minimum. I don't know why people think there's going to be some big ass crash it doesn't make any sense that's not how it ever happens for any coin forking the price typically increases

Eth will eventually go down in value there is no reason for it to be this High. VB himself does not want the value to be this high as it fucks with the fees and scalability of ethereum. It it is not a store of value it is not nearly as safe as Bitcoin or even litecoin. People trying to use it as a currency or fucking idiots it is literally like trying to use tulips and that's why the Tulip thing keeps being brought up because that's exactly what this is there is no reason whatsoever for aetherium to be as high as it is it is not a currency it is not a store of value it's market cap has nothing to do do with storing value. People are speculating on this as if it's a currency when it's not and that's why it's a bubble and it will crash once Bitcoin Forks. These things are obvious but you'll see a bunch of morons on here that have a lot of money in eth go on and on about how Bitcoin is going to die and how it's a dinosaur and whatever either even though the fork will make it infinitely efficient.

>> No.2384746

t. Satoshi Niggamoto

>> No.2384824

Did you seriously copy paste my post from the other thread holy fucking shit you people are faggots

>> No.2384831

Did you seriously copy paste my post from the other thread holy fucking shit you people are faggots

>> No.2384873

my shitcoin is a store of value because it's limited supply! I don't care if your crypto has faster and cheaper you're not supposed to use it for transactions or storing value!

>> No.2384885

Intellectual property don't real in libertarianizt anon-land

>> No.2384886

Jokes on all of you, anyone with half a brain already shifted into NGR

>> No.2384936

>Falling for this FUD

Hold your ETH like it's your first born son

>> No.2385217

Ill never let go of my ETH. Im going to buy into Bancor and Monaco ICO too

>> No.2385233
File: 336 KB, 534x446, 1497148625966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sold 10 ETH for about 120 LTC. Fight me nigger.

>> No.2385304

holy fuck you bitcoiners are delusional

BTC is inferior to Ethereum in almost every way; when Raiden hits what the fuck is your use case? Ethereum will without a shred of doubt overtake BTC, and BTC will never catch up simply because BTC is (or will be) a subset of ETH.

>> No.2385323

>boiled in cum
>and for comparison I have also got another glass of cum