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23788327 No.23788327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel sad for him?

>> No.23788341
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mexico won't congratulate Biden

>yfw mexico goes to war for the US

>> No.23788342


>> No.23788353


>> No.23788357

No he will still be president for four more years or there will be a civil war and the south will rise again

>> No.23788363
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>> No.23788364


>> No.23788366

they fucked him over by declaring when he was on the golf course. Bad optics. Then again, he was on the golf course a LOT.

>> No.23788368
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>> No.23788377

Yeah, I like him for making the last 4 years kek-worthy.

We're now back to boring presidents. *sadface*

>> No.23788386

I just wanna see the look of total defeat on his face. Having to give up all the retarded claims and realizing for once, in his life, that he has lost.

Then, and only then, maybe, I'll feel a little bit sad for him.

>> No.23788391
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Al Gore was MSM "president" for 37 days.

>> No.23788394

kinda fitting, no?

this too

>> No.23788404

700 vote difference. not fucking 10s of thousands and 5 fucking states

>> No.23788432

Feel bad for billionaire unironic racist. No

>> No.23788439

He's a grown up, so no I don't feel sad for him.
He can cope with disappointment.
He knew four years ago this was a real possibility. He'd have to be a complete idiot not to plan for this.
Perhaps he thought he could pull a Putin and declare himself President For Life, but too many people in Washington respect our history of fair and honest elections that it would be nearly impossible for him to overthrow the Presidency. Even if he was well-liked in this country that would be difficult to do.

>> No.23788441

Yes he deserves much better but God has chosen him to fight for normal Americans against the satanic oligarchs

>> No.23788445

Cope, cuck. President Biden. Loser rapist fraudster Trump.

>> No.23788454

I don't feel for people in the government

>> No.23788457
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>unironic racist

Funny how no one thought that when he was a major celebrity and pop culture figure for decades. Almost like you are a brainwashed faggot?

>> No.23788467

it's ok they can cope

>> No.23788480
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Trump has sex and affairs with adult supermodels. Biden abuses stolen children in secret rape basements and fondles them in public

>> No.23788498

>Anyone else feel sad for him?
Not at all, he's rich af. You should feel sad for America

>> No.23788506

Most of mexi is Catholic and therefore conservative. My own dad who was an illegal is a hardcore republican

>> No.23788519 [DELETED] 
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Weird it’s not like thousands of votes magically appeared in democrat swing state cities at 4am when voting monitors had gone to bed. Obviously not strange that these ballots only had votes for Biden and not the local election stuff.

Can’t wait for you to neck yourself once he wins in the courts

>> No.23788523
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yeah, I caught that shitfest, LIVE!
Rudys 'witness' bounced on, and started with the immortal 'I am the child of Holocaust Survivors..'
it went downhill from there.
Rudy you could actually feel kinda sad for today - he could ah been a contender. He ended up the circus guy who follows the elephant, shovelling the shit out the way.

>> No.23788528

It will be nice to see him after things simmer down unwound on the Joe Rogan show in maybe a year. First outsider president and the media tried to cutt his throat out from day one.

>> No.23788539

No hes a traitor to the republic, democracy, and constitution and should guillotined.

>> No.23788550

trump won and biden lost. it only looks like biden won at the moment because there was mass voter fraud heavily in favor of biden. when this is revealed, it will be shown that trump won in an easy, EASY landslide.

>> No.23788557
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Shut the fuck up tranny faggot

>> No.23788568

The look of a man who knows how bad things really are.

>> No.23788585
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>> No.23788591
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>Shut the fuck up tranny faggot

>> No.23788621


Another 4 years of shitposts on twitter would have been fun.

>> No.23788635
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Can you imagine having 4 more years of Trump after this electoral shitshow

If he wasn’t a fascist now he soon will be once he has livestreams of NPR journalists getting executed in Minecraft

>> No.23788652

I really don't see why they can't order strictly supervised recounts in these states where its come down to 10-40k votes out of millions, when its that close it needs to be double checked.

>> No.23788693


>> No.23788706

recounts are automatic in a lot of states where the difference is <1%. A comon misconception, recounts change results. They don't, and never have done. They usually result in a few hundred change in total, which could go either way. What you need is to get piles of votes declared illegal, for [whatever bullshit reason]. Recounts as such just waste everyones time.

>> No.23788713

If this election was legitimate why were poll watchers kicked out from places or prevented from seeing what was happening

If this shoe was on the other foot democrats would be BLM rioting in every city and every news network would be running stories all day long. They aren’t it’s obvious why. They will be punished for this and it will never be forgotten

>> No.23788729

Ya got to put up all this bs he isn’t going anywhere though

>> No.23788730

Giving women the right to vote is technically also anti constitution

>> No.23788784

Mexico just doesn't want to get involved. Anyone following mexican politics knows that they have more than enough problems on their own.

>> No.23788821

Umm, sweatie, courts need evidence to prove things, not just literally "Trump"ed up allegations.

>> No.23788874

I feel sad for him because he won and they fucking cheated. He seemed genuinely let down and upset in that speech about voter fraud a few days ago. I hope the courts show he's right. He seemed like he was going to win in a landslide. I'd be sad too.

>> No.23788909

>Then, and only then, maybe, I'll feel a little bit sad for him.
>1 post by this id

Something tells me you wouldnt feel sad for him and instead were seething to the gills for 4 years rent free lol.

>> No.23788958

>Loser rapist fraudster Trump.
>1 post by this id
>seething this hard
Your not from around here and even with biden winning trump continues to live in ur head rent free beyond 4 years lmao. Yall need a life. Biden wont have that effect on me but 4 years from now yoid prpbably keep brining Trumpin conversation.

So how much mental gymnastics do you do to completely ignore all the weird stuff Biden does to children. Dont you dare tell me its normal. Say you had kids and a man who is a stranger decides to touch your children the way he does after you and him have a brief conversation in the grocery store seemingly getting along with him. Surely you'd have no issue with it, right? Not a pedo at all, after all you see no issue with bidens behavior.

Ahh whats the point. There is a point where a person is too deluded to reason with.

>> No.23788963

who's his handler in this picture?

>> No.23788974

Nah he'll be alright, man was a US president, that's more than most people can say. Plus his businesses are still thriving. Worst case scenario he can fall back on all of his real estate and doing paid appearances. Also he no longer has to deal with the stress of being a president and all that comes with that.

>> No.23788980

Can i have a list of his traitorous acts?

>> No.23788984

there is nothing immoral about racism

>> No.23788996
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>stands in Biden's way

>> No.23789158

Your dad will never be white and nor will you.

>> No.23789165

Yah, I totally feel bad for a billionaire.

>> No.23789166
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>> No.23789171


They will AUDIT, not just recount.

>> No.23789180

no because hes arrogant about it

>> No.23789184

Don't tell these zoomers. Let them be happy for a little while before their hopes are crushed harder than when mommy and daddy didn't approve of their art degrees.

>> No.23789195
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No he deserves it. Hopefully he gets kicked out of the White House, has to deal with legal problems for the rest of his life and people make fun of him until he's rotting in the dirt.

>> No.23789205

There needs to be aggressive action against the Trump Terror Organization and soon.

>> No.23789234
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>> No.23789285

End of the day you gotta pick one to have as your dad, nobodies picking Biden . There’s a reason his son smokes crack his dads a pedo .. who you pickin anons?

>> No.23789286

He lost, you don't have to hold his dick while he pees anymore, /biz/ man

>> No.23789311
File: 302 KB, 628x793, trump_israelis_immune_international_criminal_court.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else feel sad for him?

>> No.23789326

Zoomers are based its the retarded millennials that got us into this mess

>> No.23789332

I'm picking Alec Trebek. I don't care if he's Canadian

A president should be non partisan and a leader. Someone who inspires and motivates. Trump is a con man who Jew'd small time contractors out of money who did work for him and he never paid. Why 4chan shills this guy is beyond me. Be a fiscal conservatize, that's fine (I am too) but not a guy who got handjobs from little kids at Epstein's mansion and shits on blue collar workers

>> No.23789347


>> No.23789384

Kikes are getting desperate.

>> No.23789434

Trump with the kids? I don’t think so, Epstein never would’ve even been arrested under Biden or Hillary for obvious reasons

>> No.23789470

Okay, I'm going to declare Deez Nuts the winner because I project him to win.

>> No.23789486

>I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.

>> No.23789487

If Covid didn't happen Trump would have streamrolled this election.

>> No.23789503

What happens is recounts start to uncover massive fraud and one side just quietly concedes without ever finishing them

>> No.23789520

Overwhelming majority of mexicans hate whites and vote straight democrat. That's just the numbers.

>> No.23789526

hands down funniest president

>> No.23789545


>> No.23789551


>> No.23789554

>9.5 inch
Gtfo dicklet incel

>> No.23789563

What did I say that was false?


>> No.23789568

>fiscal conservative
Cringe ass statement

>> No.23789594

for winning? strange but no

>> No.23789628

Bullish for Algorand

>> No.23789636

Everyone is racist you dumb pickaninny.

>> No.23789673
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I'm not sad for Trump. I'm more sad for the people that saw him as a role model when he never really fit the bill. He's a manipulative guy who's forsaken the Republican party and small city folk. Hoping the Republican party can find a better candidate by 2024... godspeed.

>> No.23789707

be sad for the Iranians that’ll be getting bombed to oblivion next

>> No.23789930

>>fair and honest elections
>Dems refuse to allow for voter id or any other election reform
sure thing, bud

>> No.23789950

What's the point of that tweet? It was announced from the start that it was at a landscaping company. Why are leftards trying to act like it was a mixup?

>> No.23789982
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>> No.23790039

(You) really should watch the youtube vids of Biden and Clarence Thomas.

>> No.23790144


>> No.23790178

I do. I'm not a Trump voter, but he gave some of his last, good years for this country, he sacrificed a lot and he got treated like shit for it. If it had not been such a hyper partisan era, if these had been times when the opposition could offer just the occasional encouragement to the leader of the country, it would have felt alright to see him go on account of his insufficient of merits, but now they just piss on him and pretend like nothing he did was good. It feels unfair and petty, and it has felt that the whole time. Yet, I'm glad to see him gone. But I'm not in love with how the Democrats have behaved these last four years, that's for sure.

>> No.23790188

lol come on man. Give me one reason he choose to have a press conference at some random ass landscaping company?
It looks to be a pretty clear mistake. Ultimately meaningless mistake, but funny. If you can't enjoy a little laugh at it you have massive stick up your ass.

>> No.23790205

If it's not a mistake it's even weirder

>> No.23790243


>> No.23790408

Joe would never say something like Make America Great Again. He doesn't give a single fuck about us.

>> No.23790410

>random ass landscaping company?
they were trying to appeal to the mexican vote

>> No.23790434
File: 22 KB, 429x451, F6E3BBB0-BD70-4F2F-9EF5-BE1B95D1F91A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually over, magabros...

>> No.23790589

Purely western concept. I lived in Asia for years. Gooks have no concept of racism being a bad thing, and they aren't wildly racist, they've just learned to hate certain groups based on their behaviour.

>> No.23790659

What the fuck does this have to do with Business & Finance?
Mods! Move this to /pol/ right the fuck now.

>> No.23790676
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>> No.23790692

Based and chinkpilled

>> No.23791162

would feel better if he put some of his untold millions in the jusdefi liquidity thing

>> No.23791200
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>> No.23791246

I don’t feel bad for him no - I fee bad that people vote for the oh so virtuous Biden - SJWs about to be BTFO

>> No.23791367

No, magatard believes that. the battle is over but the war just began 2022 and 2024 will be there year.